




1. Переведите на английский язык следующий диалог 3

2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы по образцу. 3

3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами или словосочетаниями  4

4. Что бы вы хотели взять на завтрак. 4


1. Переведите на английский язык следующий диалог

-         Добрый вечер. Стол на двоих, пожалуйста.

-         Добрый вечер. Этот стол свободен. Садитесь, пожалуйста. Что вы желаете на обед?

-         Сельдь, суп с лапшой, утку с яблоками и фруктовое мороженное.

-             Извините, у нас нет фруктового мороженого сегодня. Возьмите салат из фруктов.

-         Принесите салат из фруктов и бутылку сладкого вина.

-         Пожалуйста, ваше вино.

-         Спасибо.

-         Спасибо.


-         Good evening. A table for twice, please.

-         Good evening. This table is vacant. Set dawn, please. Would you like to dinner?

-         I’d like to have herring, noodle soup, duck with apples, a fruit ice-cream.

-         Sorry, but we haven’t an ice-cream today. Take a fruit salad.

-         Bring me fruit salad and bottle sweet wine.

-         Your wine, please.

-         Thanks

-             Thanks.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы по образцу

Образец: The dishes are on the table. Are the dishes are on the table? Yes, they are.

1. Andrew is a good cook. Is  Andrew a good cook? Yes, he is. 2. The waiters are quick. Are waiters are quick? Yes, they are. 3.The tables are in the restaurant – hall. Are the tables in the restaurant – hall? Yes they are. 4. The pear is juicy.  Is pear  juicy? Yes, it is. 5. The restaurant – hall is large. Is restaurant – hall large? Yes, it is. 6. The cooks are in the canteen. Are cooks in the canteen? Yes, they are. 7. Our supper is very good. Is our supper very good? Yes, it is.

3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами или словосочетаниями

1. Dear Mr. Smith! We are happy to receive you. 2. Thank you, Mr. Blake! 3. Dear guests! Welcome to our city!  4. The old man to the young girls: “Pardon, Misses, show me the way to the station, please!” 5. The head waiter to the guests: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” 6. The waiter to the lady guest: ”Pleased to see you in our restaurant, ma’am.” 7. The waiter to the man: “I’m at your service, sir.” 8. Dear friends! Happy to see you! 9. How do you do, Mr. Green? – That’s all right, Mr. White. 10. Oh, excuse my coming late. – sad young Indies.

4. Что бы вы хотели взять на завтрак

Образец: … I’d like to have

I’d like to have the yoghurt. I’d like to have the semolina. I’d like to have the buckwheat. I’d like to have the rice cereal porridge. I’d like to have the tea. I’d like to have the pancakes. I’d like to have the pudding. I’d like to have the syrniki. I’d like to have the cottage cheese. I’d like to have the sausage. I’d like to have the butter. I’d like to have the omelets. I’d like to have the fried eggs. I’d like to have the boiled eggs. I’d like to have the bacon and eggs. I’d like to have the fancy – cake. I’d like to have the jam.