1. Переведите на русский язык названия следующих продуктов и блюд:

Allspice – душистый перец

Turnip - Репа

Horse a radish - редиска

Olive - оливка

Apricot - абрикос

Raspberry - малина

Raisins - изюм

Nutmeg – мускатный орех

Lamb - ягненок

Pike-perch - щука-окунь

Caviar - икра

Butter - масло

Bacon and eggs – бекон и яйца

Semolina – манная крупа

Carrot in milk sauce – морковь в молочном соусе

Kidney pie - почечный пирог

Roast goose and sauerkraut – жареный гусь с квашеной капустой

Marinated herring – маринованная сельдь

Pancakes with red caviar – блинчики с красной икрой

Tomato juice  - томатный сок

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

To dice – нарезать кубиками

To pound - толочь

To braise - тушить

To mix - смешивать

To place - размещать

To melt - таять

Tasteless - безвкусный

Tender - мягкий

Dry - сухой

Scalded – ошпаренный, кипяченый

Mince – накрошенный, фарш 

Cook – готовить, повар

3. Переведите на русский язык кулинарный рецепт супа “Cheese soup”

-          2 tablespoons butter

-          1 onion finely chopped

-          2 tablespoons flour

-          ¾ cup chicken broth

-          4 cups milk scalded

-          ¾ pound finely grated sharp Cheddar cheese

-          1/8 teaspoon dry mustard

-          ½ teaspoon celery salt

-          ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

-          1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1)      Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan and sauté the onion in it until tender. Sprinkle the flour over all and cook 2 minutes.

2)      Gradually stir in the broth and milk. Bring to a boil.

3)      Add the cheese, mustard, celery salt, Worcestershire and pepper and stir until cheese is melted. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.

Yield: Six serving

«Сырный суп»

-          2 столовые ложки масла

-          1 нарезанная луковица

-          2 столовые ложки муки

-          ¾ чашки куриного бульона

-          4 чашки кипяченого молока

-          ¾ фунта тертого острого сыра «Чеддер»

-          1/8 чайной ложки сухой горчицы

-          ½ чайной ложки соли

-          ½ чайной ложки соуса «Вустершир»

-          1/8 чайной ложки свежего черного перца

1)      Растопите масло в тяжелой кастрюле и помешивайте в ней лук до его размягчения. Засыпьте муку поверх всего и готовьте 2 минуты.

2)      Постепенно введите молоко и бульон. Доведите до кипения.

3)      Добавьте сыр, горчицу, соль, «Вустершир» и перец и помешивайте, пока сыр не расплавится. Уберите все с огня и подавайте сразу же.

Количество порций: Шесть

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

1.      I… recommend you white Bordeaux

2.      … I pay in cash?

3.      You … smoke in the kitchen

4.      How … you like your coffee?

5.      You … work overtime this weekend

1.    I'd like to recommend you white Bordeaux

2.    Can I pay in cash?

3.    You may smoke in the kitchen

4.    How would you like your coffee?

5.      You have to work overtime this weekend

5. Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. … you thirsty?

a) are     b) is     c) do

  1. He … work on Sundays

a) isn’t   b) doesn’t  c) don’t

  1. We … meat in the morning

a) by   b) bought

  1. Will you take a seat … that table?

a) by    b) at

  1. What can you recommend … coffee?

a) to    b) for

  1. Are you thirsty?
  2. He doesn't work on Sundays
  3. We bought meat in the morning
  4. Will you take a seat at that table?
  5. What can you recommend to coffee?

6. Переведите содержание следующей ситуации на английский язык

-          Добрый день, мадам.

-          Этот столик вас устроит?

-          Садитесь, пожалуйста.

-          Я могу порекомендовать вам паровые биточки с пюре

-          Хорошо, мадам.

-          Одну минуточку, я принесу вам бутылку минеральной воды

-          Good afternoon, madam

-          Would you like that table?

-          Take a seat, please

-          I can recommend you steam chops with mashed potatoes

-          Very good, madam

-          One minute, please, I'll bring you a bottle of mineral water

7. Напишите не менее 10 предложений на тему «Моя квартира», используя данные вопросы:

  1. Do you live in a block of flats?
  2. Witch floor is your flat on?
  3. How many rooms are there in your flat?
  4. Is your flat comfortable?
  5. Are there all modern conveniences in your flat?
  6. Is there a lift in your house?
  7. Where do you usually have your meals?
  8. What is your kitchen like?

I live in a block of flats in a very picturesque place not very far from the center of our city. Our block of flats is made of bricks, where I live on the fifth floor, so it is not very cold in winter and not very hot in summer in my flat. I have only one room in my flat, but it is quite enough for me because I live only with my cat. I can say that my flat is very comfortable with all modern conveniences, such as: cold and hot running water, telephone, garbage chute, electricity and so on. Our block of flats has 10 floors, so of course we have a lift. The problem is that our lift is often broken, so I have to go home without using it.

As I told, my flat consists of only one room, a corridor and a kitchen, which is quite large, so I usually have my meals there. My kitchen is very nice, because there are a lot of beautiful flowers there. The view from the window there is also very nice, so it is a big pleasure to have a meal there or to have a chat with my friends.

I am very lucky, because I have such wonderful neighbors. They are very friendly and we always help each other if it is necessary. So, I can say, that I like my flat very much and I don’t want to move anywhere else in the nearest future.