
-          Good morning. Table for two, please.

-          Good morning, sir. This way please. This table is vacant. What would you like?

-          I'd like to start with porridge.

-          Very good, sir. And what for your lady?

-          I think I take corn flakes with milk.

-          Anything else?

-          Yes. Bring us an onion omelet and scrambled eggs, two cups of black coffee and toasts please.

-          OK, sir. Your breakfast will be in a minute.

-          Доброе утро. Столик на двоих, пожалуйста.

-          Доброе утро, сэр. Сюда, пожалуйста. Этот столик свободен. Что желаете?

-          Я бы хотел начать с каши

-          Очень хорошо, сэр. А что для дамы?

-          Я думаю, я закажу кукурузные хлопья с молоком

-          Что-нибудь еще?

-          Да. Принесите нам, пожалуйста, омлет с луком и яичницу-болтунью, две чашки черного кофе и тосты.

-          Хорошо, сэр. Ваш завтрак будет через минуту.


  1. The guests (to make) the order four times while they (to sit) here
  2. I'd like (to occupy) the table near the orchestra
  3. Tomorrow morning I (to cook) the new sauce
  4. He (to go) to drop in this café
  5. This waiter (to serve) the most quickly
  6. Your order (to be brought) in no-time
  7. Do not call Jane from 5 till 6. She (to have) her launch this time
  8. They (to recommend) red wine with meat-course dishes

  1. The guests made the order four times while they were sitting here
  2. I'd like to occupy the table near the orchestra
  3. Tomorrow morning I will cook the new sauce
  4. He is going to drop in this café
  5. This waiter is serving the most quickly
  6. Your order will be brought in no-time
  7. Do not call Jane from 5 till 6. She will be having her launch this time
  8. They recommend red wine with meat-course dishes


  1. Cruet-set – бутылочка для масла или уксуса
  2. Decanter - графин
  3. Fish fork – вилка для рыбы
  4. Coffee cup – кофейная чашка
  5. Brandy glass - стакан бренди
  6. Soup plate – суповая тарелка
  7. Tea spoon – чайная ложка
  8. Wine bucket – винная чаша


  1. Last Sunday she had very good time
  2. We are having our classes of English now
  3. She gives a party at the “Astoria” hotel restaurant
  4. Yesterday I had my breakfast late
  5. This waiter will be working from 5 till 10 o’clock past midnight

  1. She had not a very good time last Sunday
  2. We are not having our classes of English now
  3. She does not give a party at the “Astoria” hotel restaurant
  4. I had not my breakfast late yesterday
  5. This waiter will not be working from 5 till 10 o’clock past midnight


  1. We often go to … restaurant or to … café

a) the     b)a    c) an    d) -

  1. … me the salt please

a) to pass   b) pass    c) passed

  1. I … get up early on Mondays

a) am able    b) have to    c) must     d) may

  1. It … very expensive dish

a) does a    b) is not    c) did not   d) are

  1. We often go to the restaurant or to the café
  2. Pass me the salt please
  3. I have to get up early on Mondays
  4. It is not very expensive dish


  1. I'd like my chop medium

a)      Would I like my chop medium?

b)      What would I like medium?

  1. Salad “Kievsky” is a wonderful starter

a)      Is salad “Kievsky” a wonderful starter?

b)      What salad is a wonderful starter?

  1. They serve Beef Stroganoff at this restaurant

a)      Is Beef Stroganoff served at this restaurant?

b)      Where do they serve Beef Stroganoff?

  1. I always finish my dinner with coffee with milk

a)      Do I finish my dinner with coffee with milk?

b)      How I always finish my dinner?


  1. Между вторыми блюдами и кофе подают мороженое
  2. Рядом с салфеткой лежит нож
  3. На десерт я беру мороженое
  4. На столе стоит чайная чашка
  5. Салат делаю с оливковым маслом
  6. Суп варят без сметаны
  7. Под бокалом стоит блюдце.

  1. They serve an ice-cream between coffee and second course
  2.  There is a knife near the handkerchief
  3. I take an ice-cream on the desert
  4. There is a cup on the table
  5. The salad is done with olive oil
  6. The soup is boiled without sour-cream
  7. There is a saucer under the glass