Away from Homework

 Children caught in middle by parental moves

By Arnold Rutkin

Americans live in an increasingly mobile society, a trend that is making it more difficult for families to develop and maintain close ties with relatives, friends and community institutions.

The problem is magnified when, in the context of the divorce, one of the parents proposes to take their child and relocate to a new community, leaving the other parent behind. At the point, the child faces not just the breaking of the family unit into two households, but a father drastic change in the nature of contact with one of the parents.

The possible legal responses and remedies to such a situation very widely, depending on such factors as the motivation for move, whether the propose comes at the time of the dissolution or post judgment and/or state law imposes conditions or restrictions on the right to relocate.

(The winter 1989 issue of Family Advocate, published by the ABA Section of Family Law, is devoted to this topic)

The legal systems view of the situation may depend as much on the labels attached to the relationships between the parents and the child as on the actual nature of parental involvement in the child’s life. For example, a custodial parent who has sole legal and physical custody may have far greater discretions to relocate than a parent who has joint legal and/or physical custody.

In the past, parents seeking to relocate, their attorneys and many judges commonly assumed that somewhat expanded visitations during summer and school vacations would be a satisfactory alternative for parents and children who formerly had enjoyed contact on a regular, more frequent basis.

One can hardly imagine that such an alternative was ever palatable to a caring and involved parent whose child was about to be moved to a distant locality.

Mental health professionals also now suggest that the emotional developmental and other needs of the children of divorced parents are best satisfied by regular and frequent contact with both parents.

Thus, there is clinical validation for the “gut” feelings of many divorced parents that one or two long visits per year will never be as good as the regular and frequent contact that is possible when the parents live near each other.

Nevertheless, , job opportunities, economic conditions, the needs of a new spouse or other factors may make it possible for many parents to remain indefinitely in the localities in which they had resided before their divorces.

The heart of the matter

In general, courts will scrutinize the motivations of both parents concerning a proposal by one of them to relocate with the child.

The parent opposing the move will frequently be driven by the obvious desire to perverse and promote his or her relationship with the child. That parent also will usually emphasize the advantages to the child of stability and continuity in schools, familiarity with friends and family.

The response is often that the “real” motive of the parent seeking to prevent a move is a desire to continue to control or interfere with the life of the other parent.

Similarly, the parent proposing the move is frequently accused of trying to dispute or cut of the relationship between the child and the parent remaining behind. The parent seeking to move may counter with claims that the new locality offers better educational opportunities, a better or more affordable standard of living, or other improvements in living conditions.

Courts considering proposal by parents to relocate are generally required to consider the best interest of the children, but it is common or the interest of the parent and the child to diverge in relocating cases.

A parent may wish to return to a community in which he or she has roots predating the marriage.

While such a move will satisfier the parents desire for proximity to relatives, friends or familiar surroundings, it might uproot the child from the only community he or she has known and remove the child from the relatives, friends and surroundings with which he or she is comfortable.

Similarly, a parent is often motivated to relocate based on the career needs or the economic goals of a new spouse. Yet, the parent’s interests in promoting the new relationship may be at odds with the child’s interests in maintain promoting relationship with the other parent.

Courts disagree on the significance of promoting the interests of the custodial parent. In some cases, a move benefiting the parent has been presumed to benefit the child on the general theory that anything making the parent happier improves the child life.

By contrast, other courts have required a more direct showing of benefit to the child, rejecting the presumption that an improvement in the parent’s life automatically benefits the child.

Unfortunately, too few courts have focused on the child’s rights to maintain frequent contact and close involvement with the non-custodial parent. Few litigants or judges are able to keep the focus on when, or if, a “better” school, house or job is more beneficial to the child than continued close contact with a parent.                                                                                                                                                                              

Вдали от дома

Дети на распутье в связи с расходом родителей

Арнольд Руткин

Американцы живут в постоянно расширяющемся мобильном обществе, и эта тенденция является проблемой для семей развивать и поддерживать тесную связь с родственниками, друзьями и социальными институтами.

Эта проблема усиливается, когда  в связи с разводом, один из родителей предлагает ребенку переехать в новое общество, оставив другого родителя. В этом случае ребенок не просто становится свидетелем разрыва семьи на две части, но и круто меняет  природу общения с одним из родителей.

Возможные юридические последствия, зависящие от таких факторов как побуждение переехать, в таких ситуациях очень широки и зависят от того, исходит ли это предложение при расторжении брака от суда и/или налагается условиями законодательства или ограничением прав на переезд.

(Зимний выпуск «Семейного адвоката», 1989, опубликованного АВА Отделом семейного законодательства, используется в данном тексте).

Взгляды на эту ситуацию юридической системы могут зависеть не столько от распоряжений, связанных с взаимоотношениями между родителями и детьми, сколько от действительного участия родителей в жизни детей. Например, родитель-опекун, являющийся единственным законодательно и физически имеет гораздо больше свободы действий в отношении переезда, нежели чем родитель совместно с законодательной и/или физической опекой.

В прошлом, если родители стремились разъехаться, судьи обычно допускали, что увеличение встреч во время летних и школьных каникул будут некой альтернативой и удовлетворят как родителей, так и  детей, которые, как и прежде, радовались более частому общению.

Вряд ли можно было представить, что такая альтернатива была ба приятна заботящемуся и заинтересованному родителю, чей ребенок переехал и живет вдали от него.

Психиатры также говорят о том, что эмоциональные потребности, потребности, связанные с развитием и другие потребности ребенка, у которого разведены родители, в наибольшей мере будут удовлетворены при регулярном и близком контакте с обоими родителями.

Таким образом, существует утверждение при «опустошенных» чувствах многих разведенных родителей, что одна или две встречи в год не сравнятся с регулярными и частыми отношениями, которые возможны, если родители живут близко друг к другу.

Тем не менее, ситуация с работой, экономическое положение, потребность в новом супруге и другие факторы могут сделать невозможным для многих родителей оставаться в тех же отношениях, в которых они были до развода.

Существо дела

Обычно, в суде тщательно рассматривается желание обоих родителей, касающееся предложения одного из них переехать с ребенком.

Родитель, отказавшийся переехать, будет часто приезжать из-за очевидного желания сохранить и поддерживать отношения с ребенком. Этот родитель также обычно  подчеркивает  преимущества для ребенка в плане продолжения учебы в той же школе, отношений с друзьями и семьей.

Ответом часто служит то, что «действительный мотив» того из родителей, который стремится предотвратить переезд – это желание продолжить контролировать или вмешиваться в жизнь другого родителя.

Подобным образом, тот из родителей, который предложил переезд, часто обвиняется в попытке разрушить или разорвать любую связь между ребенком и другим родителем. Родитель, стремящийся к переезду,  может обратиться с иском о том, что новое общество предлагает лучшие возможности для образования, лучший или более доступный уровень жизни и другие доказательства условий жизни.

Суды, рассматривающие предложение родителей разъехаться, обычно требуют учитывать интересы ребенка, но общие интересы родителей и детей  отклоняются в случае разъезда.

Родитель может пожелать вернуться в общество, где он или она имеет корни от предыдущего брака.

Пока такой переезд будет удовлетворять потребности родителя в близости с родственниками, друзьями и близким окружением, можно отдалить ребенка от общества, которое он или она знали, и перевезти ребенка к тем родственникам, друзьям и окружению, с которыми ей или ему комфортнее.

Подобным образом, родитель часто мотивирует переезд потребностями в карьере, экономической причиной или потребностью в новом супруге. Еще, интересы родителя в поддержании новых отношений могут расходиться с интересами ребенка  сохранять и поддерживать отношения с другим родителем.

Суды не согласны с важностью поддержания интересов родителей-опекунов. В некоторых случаях, переезд, выгодный родителю, считается выгодным и для ребенка по той лишь причине, что, если родитель счастлив, то это является доказательством счастливой жизни ребенка.

В сравнении, некоторые суды  требуют  более прямых доказательств пользы ребенку, отвергая утверждение, что доказательства счастливой жизни родителя автоматически являются выгодой для ребенка.

К сожалению, лишь немногие суды принимают во внимание права ребенка поддерживать частый контакт и непосредственные отношения с тем родителем, который не является опекуном. Лишь немногие судьи останавливают свое внимание  на том, действительно ли «более лучшая» школа, дом или работа приносят больше пользы ребенку, нежели чем продолжение отношений с родителем.

A learned profession

Law students need grounding in values

By Robert C. Cambow

Much of today’s law turns its back to the concern there by seriously devaluing public esteem for the legal profession and the judicial process. Yet, in the words of abolitionist Wendell Phillips, law is nothing unless close behind it stands warm, living public opinion.

Law today is merely a process for achieving desired ends. The successful litigant does not win because he is right: He is right because he wins. Industrialist J. P. Morgan view is more typical today then when he uttered a century ago:” I do not want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do: I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do”

Contrast this with social philosopher Edmund Burke a century before Morgan: “It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do, but what humanity, reason and justice tell me I ought to do”

Many lawyers accept the bromide that law is not about justice or truth but about resolving disputes. Thos is disingenuous. Lawyers do not use the law to achieve ends: they make law every time one position is upheld at the expense of another

But law is made only in the context of a value system. It is at its best discovering how to apply an existing ethos, not creating a new one. Law pushes society well: when it tries to pull society it falls on its fase. Measures like “lost pays” might restore to the law a modicum of respect. The only real way to change how lawyers make laws, however, is to change how lawyers are made.

Law education Faltering

Lawyers should be trained more like doctors. They, too, are caregivers, entrusted with society’s moral health. In fact, lawyers should not be trained but educated. Students should learn to consider not what behavior the law should reinforce, but what values it embodies.

Modern law schools promote intellectual adventure to the exclusion of both the human dimensions of the law and the underlying values that give it meaning. Like a ladder with its and rungs missing, the middle is fine, but there is no foundation at the bottom and no step-off at the top.

Starting up the ladder, student get little sense of the foundation of our legal system of its English common law model, and no sense of Mosaic, Hammurabic, Islamic, Ecclesiastical or Napoleonic law. They get no notion of the philosophical and theological underpinnings of our conception of law and justice.

They do nod know what to make natural law, if they ever hear of it. They read cases less than century old: they do not read Job, Sophocies, Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, Thoreau.

“A lawyer without history or literature”, wrote sir Walter Scott, “ is a mechanic, a mere working person: if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect” . The law of today’s students does not embody the ethos of a society: it is a tool to achieve desired ends.

At the ladder top, the graduate enters practice with no idea of how to work with clients, other attorneys or support stuff. No one wants a doctor to begin practice upon receiving an M. D., yet many law school graduates hang out shingles with less grounding in the fundamental values and practical realities of their profession than the average medical graduate.

Law involves protecting people, advising people, resolving people’s disputes: yet law students see no people. Unlike medical schools, when the students learn to deal sensitively with patients, law schools foster isolationism, elitism and limited contact with the nonlaw world.

The bottom rung may be supplied by adding first year course works to ground students in the responsibility they are undertaking. Thai world differ from and be a prerequisite to “professional responsibility” courses. First-run courses would require reading and discussing formative works of Judeo Christian, Islamic and other bellef systems on the nature and application of law. Thus enabling beginning students to from a framework for testing and applying principles and techniques encountered in later studies.

Top rung course works means post-degree requirements beyond CLSe and community service. It is more akin to medical internship systemically learning to deal with clients as human beings, to recognize and serve they needs and to accept the responsibility of guiding their choices with in social ethos.

Top rung work must give new lawyers the skills and the courage to advise clients against courage of action inconsistent with the values that the lawyer, as exemplar of the social order and officer of the court, is empowered and obligate to protect.

It is now time for law schools to teach professional and social responsibility – at both ends of the ladder.

Изучаемая профессия

Студенты юридического направления должны основываться на  ценностях и ответственности закона

Роберт Камбоу

            Законодательство сегодня является причиной беспокойства общественности из-за серьезного обесценения публичного уважения к профессии юриста и юридическому процессу. Еще, по словам Вендела Филлипса, закон – есть ничто, пока он является лишь воодушевлением, живущим в общественном мнении.

Закон сегодня – это просто процесс, оставляющий желать много лучшего. Успешная сторона не выиграет дело, только потому, что,  она права: она права, потому что она выигрывает. Взгляды промышленника Моргана сегодня более типичны, нежели, чем он изложил их век назад: «Я не хочу, чтобы адвокат говорил мне, чего я не могу делать, я его нанимаю для того, чтобы он говорил мне, как сделать то, что я хочу сделать».

В сравнении можно привести слова социолога Эдмунда Бурке, сказанные за один век до Моргана: «Я могу делать не то, что говорит мне адвокат, а то, что говорит человечество, причины и правосудие говорят мне, что мне следует делать».

Многие адвокаты придерживаются избитого мнения, что закон – есть не просо правосудие и правда, он есть решение споров. Это нечестно. Адвокаты не используют закон просто для записи какого-то результата, они вершат закон каждый раз, когда одна позиция поддерживается за счет другой.

Но закон вершится только в рамках системы ценностей.  Закон является наилучшим тогда, когда он открывает, как применить существующие преобладающие черты, не создавая новых. Закон является хорошим общественным толчком, когда он пытается подтолкнуть общество, он становится правильным. Такие меры как «потеря выплат», могут возвратить закону немного  уважения.  Единственный реальный путь изменить то, как адвокаты вершат закон – изменить то, как создаются сами адвокаты.

Нерешительность законодательного образования

·         Адвокаты должны иметь большую практику, как и доктора. Они тоже являются защитниками и на них возложена забота о моральном здоровье общества. Фактически, адвокаты должны быть не «натренированы», а образованы. Студенты должны научиться не только считать, что поведение адвоката должно быть подкреплено, но и то, какие ценности он собой  воплощает.

Современные школы сохраняют умственные мероприятия, за исключением как человеческого измерения закона, так и ценностей, лежащих в их основе. Это как на лестнице с множеством ступенек – золотая середина, но у начала лестницы нет основания и некуда ступить на вершине.

В самом начале лестницы, студент получает навыки основ законодательной системы или английской законодательной модели, но не получает навыки Моисеева, Римского, Исламского, Духовного или Наполеоновского законодательства. Они не имеют представления о философских и богословских чертах в концепции законодательства и справедливости.

Они не знают, что составляет саму сущность закона, если они вообще слышали об этом. Они изучают дела, которым, в большинстве случаев, около века, они не читают  Job, Sophocies, Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, Thoreau.

«Адвокат без истории и литературы - », - писал сэр Вальтер Скотт, «это механик, добровольный каменотес; если он постигнет некоторые из этих знаний, он может с риском называть себя творцом.» Законодательство сегодняшних студентов не воплощает в себе нравы общества; это лишь средство для получения какого-то результата.

На вершине лестницы выпускники приступают к практике, не имея представления о том, как работать с клиентами, другими адвокатами или сторонниками дела. Никто не хочет, чтобы доктор начинал практиковать до того, как он получит докторскую степень; еще, многие выпускники юридических школ менее приближены к фундаментальным ценностям и практическим особенностям своей профессии, нежели чем средний выпускник медицинского Вуза.

Закон вовлекает людей, советует, решает их трудности; но к тому же студенты – юристы не видят людей. В отличие от медицинских школ, где студенты занимаются с пациентами, школы юристов воспитаны на  изолировании, отборе и строго установленном размере контакта с миром, не связанным с законом.

Нижняя ступень может пополняться путем сведения первокурсников с выпускниками, берущими на себя ответственность за тех, кого они взяли под надзор. Этот  мир отличается ото всех и является предпосылкой «профессиональной ответственности» курсов. Первая ступень курса включает в себя чтение и обсуждение работ Джодео Кристиана, мусульманскую и других расширенных систем на тему самой природы и применения закона, хотя это дает возможность начинающим студентам благодаря такой основе проверять и касаться принципов и техники, накопленной за предыдущие года обучения

Наивысшая ступень курсов предполагает послеобразовательные требования вдали от CLE и общественной службы. Это больше близко к медицинскому принципу образования, основанном на взаимодействии с клиентами, как с людьми, для того, чтобы узнать и помочь в их нуждах, а также принятие ответственности за выбор людей в соответствии с их нравами.

Работа на высшей ступени должна давать новым адвокатам умение и смелость давать советы клиентам взамен неустойчивых ценностей, которые адвокаты, как пример социального порядка и представителей суда, обязаны и в силах защищать.

Сейчас пришло время для юридических школ изучать профессиональную и социальную ответственность – на обоих концах лестницы.

Конспект грамматического материала

I.                   Present Tense Passive

Если глагол стоит в настоящем времени, страдательный залог образуется при помощи формы настоящего времени глагола to be и причастия прошедшего времени глагола.


Tom collects the tickets – active

            The tickets are collected by Tom – passive

            Past Tense Passive

Если глагол стоит в простом прошедшем времени, страдательный залог образуется при помощи формы прошедшего времени глагола to be и причастия прошедшего времени глагола.


            Ton collected the tickets – active

            The tickets were collected by Tom – passive

            Future Tense Passive

            Если глагол стоит в простом будущем времени, страдательный залог образуется при помощи формы будущего времени глагола to be и причастия прошедшего времени.


            Tom will collect the tickets – active

            The tickets will be collected by Tom – passive

Правила образования числительных

2. Числительные с 13 до 19 образуются путем прибавления окончания –teen.(fifteen, seventeen) Числительные 40, 50, ……., 90 образуются путем прибавления окончания –ty.(sixty, eighty) Порядковые числительные образуются прибавлением окончания –th к количественному числительному и употребляются с определенным артиклем the – the fifth (исключения the first, the second, the third). В порядковых числительных после 20 изменяется только вторая часть (The twenty-first, the fifty-second)

Числительные 100 ( one hundred) и 1000 (one thousand) не имеют множественного числа.

304 – three hundred and four

Правило образования дробей

3. Дроби отвечают на вопрос, какая часть целого?


½ - one half

1/3 – one third

¾ - three quarters and so on

Пять вопросов к тексту “Learning profession”, раскрывающие его суть

1.      What is “law” means today?

2.      What kinds of subjects do the law students studies nowadays?

3.      What are the main values for the law?

4.      When is law the best for people?

5.      What differences between “train” and “educate” for lawyers?

6.      What should lawyers do?

7.      What are justice and troth for the law?

8.      Are there any changes in law system at present days

9.      Should lawyers be trained like doctors?

10.  Why is law can be compared with the ladder?

11.  What is the best part of the “law ladder”?

12.  Do the students know about “natural ” law?

13.  Can law be without history?

14.  What kinds of knowledge are on the all parts of the ladder – bottom, middle and top?

15.  What is responsibility means for law?

Пять вопросов л выбранному предложению из текста “learning profession”

It is now time for law schools to teach professionals and social responsibility – at both ends of the ladder

1.      Is it now time for law schools to teach professionals and social responsibility – at both ends of the ladder?

2.      What time is for law schools today?

3.      What are law schools should do today?

4.      What kind of values law schools should teach today?

5.      It is now time for law schools to teach professionals and social responsibility – at both ends of the ladder, is not it?


1.      “I do not want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do: I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do” – J. P. Morgan

«Я не хочу, чтобы адвокат говорил мне, чего я не могу делать, я его нанимаю для того, чтобы он говорил мне, как сделать то, что я хочу сделать».

2.      “It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do, but what humanity, reason and justice tell me I ought to do” – Edmund Burcke

«Я могу делать не то, что говорит мне адвокат, а то, что говорит человечество, причины и правосудие говорят мне, что мне следует делать».

3.      “A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working person: if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect” – Sir Walter Scott

«Адвокат без истории и литературы - это механик, добровольный каменотес; если он постигнет некоторые из этих знаний, он может с риском называть себя творцом.»

4. Wendell Phillips, law is nothing unless close behind it stands warm, living public opinion - закон – есть ничто, пока он является лишь воодушевлением, живущим в общественном мнении.

IV. Каким является право в наше время

1.                           In modern society people always have close connection with law system.  Of course, most part of people don¢t need to collide with law and justice every day, except very difficult life problems.  But there is no any day or even hour without connection with law in wide meaning or people, whose work is controlled by law. Law today is everywhere, thou sometimes we don¢t see it.

Предложения в страдательном наклонении из текста “a learning profession”

2.                           Lawyers should be trained more like doctors – Адвокаты должны быть натренированы лучше, как доктора

But law is made only in the context of a value system- Но закон делается только в рамках системы ценностей

… they make law every time one position is upheld at the expense of another - они вершат закон каждый раз, когда одна позиция поддерживается за счет другой.

In fact, lawyers should not be trained, but educated – Фактически, адвокаты должны быть не натренированы, а образованы

The bottom rung may be supplied by adding first-year course-work to ground students in the responsibility they are undertaking -         Нижняя ступень может пополняться путем сведения первокурсников с выпускниками, берущими на себя ответственность за тех, кого они взяли под надзор.


                                   Студенческий взгляд на состояние права сегодня

            Law students today are not so well educated as they used to be. They have no practice with people, with they needs. They only read cases that are about a centaury old. They should read such works as     Job, Sophocies, and Aquinas and so on and have more practice. No one wants a doctor to start his work without practice.   That is true for lawyers too.                 

            4.  Сказуемые

1.      Investigating

2.      Preparing

3.      Will be making

4.      Is being investigated

5.      Are being trained

6.      Was being prepared, was given

7.      Is being examined

8.      Is being considered

9.      Are sitting

10.  Was preparing, was given

11.  Will be working

12.  Were being assisted, was being investigated

13.  Will be considering

14.  Was being cross-examined, received

15.  Were being waited, came

16.  Was being discussed, came

17.  Is still being discussed

18.  Is still being collected

5.      Написать словами: 3 13 30 4 14 40 5 15 50 8 18 80 12 100 226 703 4532 6004 42571 328615 1306527

Three, thirteen, thirty, four, forting, forty, five, fifteen, fifty, eight, eighteen, eighty, twelve, one hundred, two hundred and twenty six, seven hundred and three, four thousand five hundred and thirty two, six thousand and four, forty two thousand five hundred and seventy one, three hundred and twenty eight thousand six hundred and fifteen, one million three hundred and six thousand five hundred and twenty seven

6.      Перевести на английский язык: сотни студентов, триста автомобилей, тридцать два судебных дела, тысячи книг, двести восемьдесят один доллар, тридцать тысяч рублей

Hundreds of students, three hundred cars, thirty two cases, thousands of books, two hundred and eighty one dollars, thirty thousand rubles

Подготовить а рассказать тему “London”


            London is the capital of England, it¢s political, economic and cultural center it is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It¢s population is about 8 million people.

London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, The west end and The East end.

The heart of London is the City, it¢s financial and business center. Numerous banks, officers and firms are situated there, including the Bank of England. Only few people live here but over a million come there for a work. There are some ancient buildings within the City. The most striking of them is St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches.  It was built in 17th centaury by sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison but now it is a museum.

            Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Across the road of Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, or The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament.

The west end is the richest and most beautiful part of London; it is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, clubs and theatres are situated there. There are splendid houses and lovely gardens there.

            Trafalgar Square is geographical center of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Not far away is British museum, that contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures and is famous for it¢s library.

1.) Translate

1. Some students are in the classroom

2. The young men and women are students of English college

3. The college is in London

4. The students have their lectures in the morning and sometimes in the evening

5. They have three lessons today

6. The first is a lecture on physics and the third is class in English

7. The first lecture was the most interesting

1.      Некоторые студенты в классе

2.      Молодые юноши и девушки – студенты английского колледжа

3.      Колледж находится в Лондоне

4.      Лекции у студентов бывают утром и иногда вечером

5.      Сегодня у них три урока

6.      Первый – лекция по физике, а третий – занятия по английскому

7.      Первая лекция была самой интересной

2.) Do like this


This is a note-book. It is thick and black

1.      This is a pen. It is long and yellow

2.      This is a desk. It is big and old

3.      This is an apple. It is big and red and so on

1.      The pen is long and yellow

2.      The desk is big and old

3.      The apple is big and red

4.      The armchairs are small and cosy

5.      The magazines are old and interesting

6.      The flat is big and light

7.      The pencils are long and sharp



1.He is father already

2.They are orphans

3.                           This man is a distant relative of mine

4.                           This women is a widow

5.                           They are husband and wife

6.                           They are brother and sister

7.                           Is your mother at home, Alex? No, my mother is not at home

8.                           Where is your uncle, Peter? My uncle is at the factory

9.                           My mother is an employer and my father is a doctor

10.                       Aunt, what is the short for Richard? It is Dick.

11.                       The Petrovs, our neighbors are very nice people

12.                       There are six in the family: granddad, granny, mother, father, son and daughter

13.                       What is your cousin’s profession? My cousin is surgeon by profession

14.                       Are the Smirnovs in the Far East now? Yes. They are in Khabarovsk


1.      I am going to explain a new rule to you. Look at the blackboard here are the examples

2.      What is the English for «город»? The English is city. If this word is new to you take a dictionary, look up this word in the dictionary and put down the pronunciation and the spelling of the word. Write down the word in a singular and in a plural

3.      We are studying English. It is not easy to learn a foreign language

4.      Grammar is the art of speaking? Reading? Writing English language correctly


1.      Open the book at the page 20, please

2.      The pupils are doing an exercise

3.      Will you read paragraph 3, please

4.      Will you write sentence two, please

5.      They are un the room


1.      In summer we have … very simple dinner at home

2.      … Dinner is already cold, we must warm it up

3.      I have … supper with my friends three times … week

4.      It is pleasant to play …chess in … evening after …good supper

5.      The dinner is over

6.      … supper is ready

1.      I usually have breakfast at 8 o¢clock

2.      I like to have a hot breakfast in the morning

3.      What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have eggs, bread, butter and tea for breakfast. It is very substantial breakfast, is not it?

4.      My breakfast today is very good

5.      I like to have dinner at home

6.      In summer we have a very simple dinner at home

7.      The Dinner is already cold, we must warm it up

8.      I have a supper with my friends three times a week

9.      It is pleasant to play chess in the evening after a good supper

10.  The dinner is over

11.  The supper is ready

4.) Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary


1.      My watch is right. I set it by … radio-signal. Your watch is correct too. It is telling… right time. … clock in … living room is not right. It three minuets slow


2.      My watch is right. I set it by the radio-signal. Your watch is correct too. It is telling right time. The clock in the living room is not right. It three minuets slow


Twelve o¢clock in … day time is …noon, twelve o’clock at … night is …midnight. When it is noon in … Hague, it is …midnight in the region of … Chukotsk sea. When it is 4 o¢clock in … morning in… Vladivistok, it is nine o¢clock in … morning in… Moscow. When it is 5 o¢clock in … afternoon in …London, it is… noon in… New York. When it is… day in the European part of… Russia, it is …night in … USA.


Twelve o¢clock in a day time is noon, twelve o’clock at the night is midnight. When it is noon in the Hague, it is midnight in the region of the Chukotsk sea. When it is 4 o¢clock in the morning in Vladivistok, it is nine o¢clock in the morning in Moscow. When it is 5 o¢clock in the afternoon in London, it is noon in New York. When it is day in the European part of Russia, it is night in the USA.


There are sixty minutes in … hour. There are sixty seconds in … minute. You must return this book in … week. It is… quarter past eight. You may take my magazines for … month.  Will you give me … hundred postcards, please?


There are sixty minutes in an hour. There are sixty seconds in a minute. You must return this book in a week. It is quarter past eight. You may take my magazines for a month.  Will you give me a hundred postcards, please?

d) …Moscow is … capital of …Russia. …New York is … largest city of … USA. … Hague is not … capital of Holland. … Smith live in … center of London. … water in … Black sea is very warm in summer. I buy … Morning Star four times … month. … Volga flows through …Tver. … St. Petersburg University is on … Neva Embankment. …Paris is … capital of… France. …French live in… France. Big Ben is … biggest clock in …England. …English are proud of Big Ben.

            d) Moscow is the capital of Russia. New York is the largest city of the USA. The Hague is not the capital of Holland. The Smith live in the center of London. The water in the Black sea is very warm in summer. I buy the Morning Star four times a month. The Volga flows through Tver. The St. Petersburg University is on the Neva Embankment. Paris is the capital of France. French live in France. Big Ben is the biggest clock in England. English are proud of Big Ben.

5.) Translate the sentences paying attention to the pronounce

We have our English class here. She likes her new dress very much. Paul keeps his books in the bookcase. I usually go to see my friends in the evening. They often take their children to the park. Do you help your parents? The film is interesting but I do not remember it¢s title. Mary does her work well. Mr. Wilson is in his office.

Наши занятия по английскому проходят здесь. Ей очень нравится ее новое платье. Пол хранит свои книги в кейсе. Я обычно вижусь с друзьями вечером. Они часто берут своих детей в этот парк. Ты помогаешь своим родителям? Фильм интересный, но я не помню его названия. Мэри делает свою работу хорошо. Мистер Уилсон в своем офисе.

6.) Replace the underlined words by personal pronounce

1.      John gives the book to Henry

2.      Tell the students the answer

3.      My sister  and I have got a room of our own

4.      Ally and Mary are engineers by profession

5.      Jane buy a magazine for Granny

6.      Kate reads this story to Mary and me

7.      Tom has got no nephews or nieces

8.      His wife is not in Leningrad now

9.      Peter brings Hewers for your mother

10.  Send the letter to your parents

1.      He gives the book to Henry

2.      Tell them the answer

3.      She and have got a room of our own

4.      They are engineers by profession

5.      She buy a magazine for Granny

6.      She reads this story to Mary and me

7.      He has got no nephews or nieces

8.      She is not in Leningrad now

9.      He brings Hewers for your mother

10.  Send the letter to them


7.) Fill to the blanks with possessive pronounce

1.      I am a worker. … name is Ivanov

2.      Ted is a schoolboy. … marks are good

3.      Ann and Jane are engineers. … sons are schoolboys

4.      Mary is very talented. … work is really excellent.

5.      We are engineers. …friends are engineers too

6.      What are … names? … name is Nick and … is Jane

7.      Journalists were upset. … time was over

8.      Peter gave me … book because I lost … one

1.      I am a worker. My name is Ivanov

2.      Ted is a schoolboy. His marks are good

3.      Ann and Jane are engineers. Their sons are schoolboys

4.      Mary is very talented. Her work is really excellent.

5.      We are engineers. Our friends are engineers too

6.      What are their names? My name is Nick and mine is Jane

7.      Journalists were upset. Their time was over

8.      Peter gave me his book because I lost mine one

8.) Insert the missing pronounce

1.      Tell me, is not it … girl friend over there? Oh now, she is not … friend, she is …

2.      Do not take this book. It is not … book, it is …

3.      My sister is at home. And where is … sister? … is at the office

4.      Tell him not to forget … tickets, ask Helen not to forget … cither

5.      Take … English magazines and give me …

6.      Look at the cat. … cat is so thick!

7.      Is not that … composition? Yes, it is …

8.      Do not come, … sister is ill

9.      Do not touch … face

10.  … answers are good

1.      Tell me, is not it your girl friend over there? Oh now, she is not your friend, she is mine

2.      Do not take this book. It is not your book, it is mine

3.      My sister is at home. And where is your sister? Mine is at the office

4.      Tell him not to forget our tickets, ask Helen not to forget her cither

5.      Take your English magazines and give me mine

6.      Look at the cat. Your cat is so thick!

7.      Is not that your composition? Yes, it is mine

8.      Do not come, my sister is ill

9.      Do not touch my face

10.  Your answers are good

9.) Put the pronounce in the brackets in the form of the objective case

1.My friend sends (I) many letters

2.His brother knows (you) well

3. I often see (they) in the park

4. Do not ask (he) about it

5. Do you know Latin? No, I do not know I(t) at all!

6. Sometimes we meet (she) at the Browns

7.The teacher greets (we) every morning

9.      Your son studies together with (she), does not he?

10.  I have a wonderful family. I love (they) vary much, and they love (I)

1.My friend sends me many letters

2.His brother knows you well

3. I often see them in the park

4. Do not ask him about it

5. Do you know Latin? No, I do not know it at all!

6. Sometimes we meet her at the Browns

7.The teacher greets us every morning

11.  Your son studies together with her, does not he?

12.  I have a wonderful family. I love them vary much, and they love me

10.) Change the following statements according to the pattern: I like to cook dinner - I¢ll cook it myself

1.      Kate is his distant relative

2.      Her uncle is in the Far East now

3.      Let me introduce my cousin to you

4.      Their grate friend is a doctor

5.      Our grandson is the first year student at the University

6.      Is Helen your niece?

7.      It is my habit to get up early

8.      It is his favorite expression

9.      He is our college

10.  It is her idea

1.      She is a relative of his

2.      He is an uncle of hers

3.      She is a cousin of mine

4.      Doctor is a great friend of theirs

5.      A first-year student is a grandson of ours

6.      Is Helen a niece of yours?

7.      Is it habit of yours?

8.      This expression is favorite of his

9.      He is a colleague of ours

10.  It is the idea of hers

11.) Fill the blank spaces with self-forms

1.      Let me introduce …

2.      Helen! Do this exercise by … and let Peter and Bob do it by … too

3.      Let us translate this article by …, it is nit difficult at all

4.      Do no go out today. It is very cold. Let Kate buy a present for her friend by …

5.      Children, dress by ….

6.      Mother, let me take the books to the library by …

7.      Go there by …

8.      They know it by …

9.      Let me speak to the child by …

10.  Let her do her work by …

1.      Let me introduce myself.

2.      Helen! Do this exercise by yourself and let Peter and Bob do it by themselves too

3.      Let us translate this article by ourselves, it is nit difficult at all

4.      Do no go out today. It is very cold. Let Kate buy a present for her friend by herself

5.      Children, dress by yourself.

6.      Mother, let me take the books to the library by myself

7.      Go there by yourself

8.      They know it by themselves

9.      Let me speak to the child by myself

10.  Let her do her work by herself

12.) Insert demonstrative pronounce

1…. article is easy and … one is difficult

3.      Pass me …. magazines

4.      … boy is fond of music and his dream is to become a pianist

5.      Who is … little girl at the window?

6.      … books are mine and … are yours

7.      Are ….men over there your friends?

8.      … flowers are beautiful, are not they?

9.      Leave …. two dictionaries on my table and take … books on the table over there to the library

10.  … picture is framed and … one is not

11.  …roof is red and … one is green

1.This article is easy and that one is difficult

2.      Pass me these magazines

3.      This boy is fond of music and his dream is to become a pianist

4.      Who is this little girl at the window?

5.      These books are mine and those are yours

6.      Are these men over there your friends?

7.      These flowers are beautiful, are not they?

8.      Leave these two dictionaries on my table and take those books on the table over there to the library

9.      This picture is framed and that one is not

10.  This roof is red and that one is green

13.) Fill in the mixing relative pronounce

1.      The magazine … you have lent me is very interesting

2.      The old man … lives next door has gone to Moscow

3.      The garden … is at the back of our house has a tennis court

4.      Can you remember a person … you have borrowed the newspaper from?

5.      The shop … we buy cakes at is shut

6.      The girl … works in the kiosk is me sister

7.      The man … is sitting at the desk is the secretary

8.      Where is the shop … sells picture-postcards?

9.      Shakespeare, … is the worlds greatest dramatist, was born in 1564

1.      The magazine that you have lent me is very interesting

2.      The old man who lives next door has gone to Moscow

3.      The garden that is at the back of our house has a tennis court

4.      Can you remember a person whom you have borrowed the newspaper from?

5.      The shop where we buy cakes at is shut

6.      The girl who works in the kiosk is me sister

7.      The man who is sitting at the desk is the secretary

8.      Where is the shop that sells picture-postcards?

9.      Shakespeare, who is the worlds greatest dramatist, was born in 1564

14) Translate the following sentences into Russian

1.      Some children do not like to play

2.      Please give me some chalk

3.      Have you got any friends here?

4.      I have not got any questions

5.      I do not think we have got any time

6.      Please take any magazine you like

7.      I have not got any cakes, but I have got some biscuits

1.      Некоторые дети не любят играть

2.      Дай мне немного мела, пожалуйста

3.      У тебя есть здесь друзья?

4.      У меня нет вопросов

5.      Я не думаю, что у нас осталось время

6.      Пожалуйста, бери любой понравившийся журнал

7.      У меня нет пирожных, но у меня есть немного печенья

15.) Choose the necessary pronounce

1.      Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages?

2.      Has your friend got (some, any) English magazines?

3.      I did not get (some, any) letters yesterday

4.      Please take (some, any) German book you like

5.      I do no think that we have got (some, any) time today to discuss this question

6.      I do not see (some, any) mistakes in this text

7.      I have not (some, any) questions to you

8.      (Some, any) students prepare their classes here

1.      Do you learn any foreign languages?

2.      Has your friend got some English magazines?

3.      I did not get any letters yesterday

4.      Please take any German book you like

5.      I do no think that we have got some time today to discuss this question

6.      I do not see any mistakes in this text

7.      I have not any questions to you

8.      Some students prepare their classes here

16.) Translate into English

1.      Я прочитал эту статью на прошлой неделе

2.      Погода была хорошая и дети попросили отвести их в парк

3.      Мой ребенок очень резвый. А ваш? Мой тоже

4.      Это задание по химии, а то по математике

5.      Эти книги мы читали, а те нет

6.      Наш отец работает на заводе, а их в институте

7.      Дети сами убрали в квартире

8.      Мы сами не хотим беспокоить его

9.      Я не вижу никаких ошибок в этом предложении

10.  Сейчас слишком поздно что–нибудь сделать

11.  Этот человек никогда ничего не боится

1.      I have read this article last week

2.      The weather was fine and children asked to bring them to the park

3.      My child is very playful. And yours? Mine too.

4.      This exercise is on chemistry and that is on math

5.      We have read these books, but those we have not

6.      Our father works at the factory, and theirs in the institute

7.      The children cleaned the flat by themselves

8.      We do not want to disturb him by ourselves

9.      I do not see any mistakes at this sentence

10.  It is too late to do something

11.  This man is never afraid of anything

17.) Do the exercise according to the pattern


I am a doctor (my brother)

My brother is not a doctor

1.      Peter is a student (his younger sister)

2.      Mother is an engineer (father)

3.      My uncle is a teacher (his wife)

4.      We are students (our friends)

5.      Paul’s sister is a surgeon (his cousin)

6.      Mary’s mother is a housewife (her aunt)

7.      My grandfather is an architect (my uncle)

8.      Kitty’s sister is an actress (her mother)

9.      We are First-year students (Helen and Jon)

1.      Peters younger sister is nit a student

2.      My father is not an engineer

3.      My uncles wife is not a teacher

4.      Our friends are not students

5.      Paul’s cousin is not a surgeon

6.      Mary’s aunt is not a housewife

7.      My uncle is not an architect

8.      Kitty’s mother is not an actress

9.      Helen and Jon are not First-year students

18.) Give negative answerers


Is your brother a student (an engineer)?

No, he is not. He is an engineer

1.      Is Mary an actress? (Secretary)

2.      Are you an architect? (An artist)

3.      Are Paul and John students? (schoolboys)

4.      Is your father a singer? (a teacher)

5.      Is your aunt a librarian? ( a nurse)

6.      Is your uncle a teacher? (an actor)

7.      Are your sisters dancers? (singers)

1.      No, she is not. She is a secretary

2.      No, I am not. I am an artist

3.      No, they are not. They are students

4.      No, he is not. He is a teacher

5.      No, she is not. She is a nurse

6.      No, he is not. He is an actor

7.      No, they are not. They are singers

19.) Do this exercise according to the pattern


The children play in a large garden – The children have got a large garden to play

1.      She drinks from a nice little cup

2.      John keeps his books on a big shelve

3.      Granny sits in a very comfortable armchair

4.      They write letters on beautiful paper

5.      I cook meals on a gas range

6.      We listen to very good records

7.      He sleeps in a comfortable bad

1.      She has got a nice little cup to drink

2.      He has got a big shelve to keep his books

3.      Granny has got a very comfortable armchair to sit

4.      They have got beautiful paper to write letters

5.      I have got a gas range to cook meal

6.      We have got a vary good records to listen

7.      He has got a comfortable bad to sleep

20.) Give short answers

1.      Have they got many English books in the original? Do they have any difficulty in reading them?

2.      Have you got a large family? Do you always have breakfast together?

3.      Have you got a water heater in your flat? Do you have a shower every morning?

4.      Has he got a good collection of books? Does he have time to read them?

5.      Have you got many flowers in your garden? Do you often have walk round in the evening?

6.      Has Bill got a car? Does he sometimes have trouble with it?

7.      Has your Institute got a camp at the seaside? Do the students have a good time there in summer?

1.      Yes, they have. No, they do not

2.      Yes, I have. Yes, we do

3.      Yes, I have. Yes, I do

4.      Yes, he has. No, he does not

5.      No, I have not.  Yes, I do

6.      Yes, he has. No, he does not

7.      Yes, it has.  Yes, they do

21.) Do this exercise according to the pattern


I study at the University

He/She studies at the University

1.      I pass exams successfully

2.      I study at the University

3.      I do English

4.      I do grammar exercise every day

5.      I speak English well

6.      I understand you

7.      I watch TV every evening

8.      I cook well

1.      He/she passes exams successfully

2.      He/she studies at the University

3.      He/she does English

4.      He/she does grammar exercise every day

5.      He/she speaks English well

6.      He/she understands you

7.      He/she watches TV every evening

8.      He/she cooks well

22.) Answer with “Yes”


1.      Do the students play tennis well?

2.      Do the sisters dress so beautifully?

3.      Do you often go to the theater?

4.      Do you ask John to dance?

5.      Do you leave hospital in a fortnight?

6.      Do you discuss this problem today?

7.      Do they explain everything to us?

1.      Yes, they do.

2.      Yes, they do

3.      Yes, I do

4.      Yes, I do

5.      Yes, I do

6.      Yes, we do

7.      Yes, they do


1.      Does a pianist play the piano?

2.      Does a painter paint pictures?

3.      Does a singer sing songs?

4.      Does a driver drive cars?

5.      Does a reader read books?

6.      Does a butcher sell meat?

7.      Does a skier ski?

1.      Yes, he does

2.      Yes, he does

3.      Yes, he does

4.      Yes, he does

5.      Yes, he does

6.      Yes, he does

7.      Yes, he does

23.) Ask alternative questions

1.      Do you watch the play on TV (at the theatre)?

2.      Does Nick leave for Moscow (for London)?

3.      Does she play the piano  (the violin)?

4.      Do you prefer coffee (tea)?

5.      Does my watch is 5 minutes fast (slow)?

6.      Is your hobby music (painting)?

7.      Is it warm at noon (cold)?

8.      Are you a first year student (an undergraduate)?

1.      Do you watch the play on TV or at the theatre?

2.      Does Nick leave for Moscow or for London?

3.      Does she play the piano or the violin?

4.      Do you prefer coffee or tea?

5.      Does my watch is 5 minutes fast or slow?

6.      Is your hobby music or painting?

7.      Is it warm or cold at noon?

8.      Are you a first year student or an undergraduate?

24.) Form special questions

1.      They watch TV every evening (Who….?)

2.      Students make mistakes in grammar (who…?)

3.      We listen to the news in the evening (Who….?)

4.      Mother cooks dinner in the evening (Who….?)

5.      They writes letters on beautiful paper (Who….?)

6.      She drinks from a little cup (Who….?)

7.      The books are on the shelve (What…?)

8.      The loiter lies in his pocket (What…?)

9.      The Browns have dinner at five (Who…?)

1.      Who watches TV every evening?

2.      Who makes mistakes in grammar?

3.      Who listens to the news in the evening?

4.      Who cooks dinner in the evening?

5.      Who writes letters on beautiful paper?

6.      Who drinks from a little cup?

7.      What books are on the shelve?

8.      What lies in his pocket?

9.      Who have dinner at five?

25.) Answer the following questions


What do singers do?

They sing

1.      What do the pianists do?

2.      What does a painter do?

3.      What do the drivers do?

4.      What does a singer do?

5.      What does a butcher do?

6.      What does a skier do?

7.      What does a reader do?

1.      He plays

2.      He paints

3.      They drive

4.      He singers

5.      He sells meat

6.      He skies

7.      He reads

26.) Form special questions


They prefer to go to the pictures

Where do they prefer to go?

1.      These men go to town every day  (How often…?)

2.       Birds fly to the south in autumn (When…?)

3.      Mary does her work quickly (How…?)

4.      He usually spend his holidays on the Black sea coast (Where…?)

5.      She travels a lot in summer (What…?)

6.      We want to catch a 6 o’clock train (What train…?)

7.      Mother wakes up at 7 o’clock in the morning (When…?)

8.      We usually do History on Monday (on what day…?)

9.      I tat green hat like that green hat best (Which…?)

10.  This book costs 20 $ (How much…?)

1.      How often does these men go to town?

2.       When does birds fly to the south?

3.      How quickly Mary does her work?

4.      Where does he usually spend his holidays?

5.      What she does in summer?

6.      What train do we want to catch?

7.      When does my mother wake up?

8.      On what days do we usually do History?

9.      Which of the hats I like best of all?

10.  How much does this book cost?

27.) Make disjunctive questions

1.      Lucy write neatly

2.      Your brother plays the piano wonderfully

3.      I play tennis badly

4.      They like to get up early

5.      I translate into English slowly

6.      The sun does not shine brightly

7.      Mary does not know English history well

8.      She has got a sister in Moscow

9.      There are a lot of people at the stadium

10.  There is not any sugar in the sugar-basin

1.      Lucy write neatly, does not she?

2.      Your brother plays the piano wonderfully, does not he?

3.      I play tennis badly, do not I?

4.      They like to get up early, do not they?

5.      I translate into English slowly, do not I?

6.      The sun does not shine brightly, does it?

7.      Mary does not know English history well, does she?

8.      She has got a sister in Moscow, does not she?

9.      There are a lot of people at the stadium, do not they?

10.  There is not any sugar in the sugar-basin, is it?

28.) Use the words in their proper position

1.      He reads aloud (often)

2.      My friends stay at school after classes (always)

3.      He sleep in the open air (never)

4.      My friend work here (usually)

5.      This girl play the piano in the garden (seldom)

6.      She read in the room (sometimes)

7.      I go to the library sometimes to work (sometimes)

8.      They hardly rest in the garden (hardly)

9.      I understand my English teacher (always)

10.  She help me with math (never)

1.      He often reads aloud

2.      My friends always stay at school after classes

3.      He never sleep in the open air

4.      My friend usually work here

5.      This girl play the piano in the garden seldom

6.      She read sometimes in the room

7.      I go to the library sometimes to work

8.      They hardly rest in the garden

9.      I always understand my English teacher

10.  She never help me with math

29.) Put the questions to the underlined words

1.      Our teacher always speak English in class

2.      We sometimes English in the evening

3.      My friend works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade

4.      We often have dictations in class

5.      They do a lot of exercises at home

6.      He discusses a lot of questions at the office

7.      His sister work at a new factory

8.      Our English lesson usually lasts two hours

9.      He never sleeps in the open air

10.  My mother is seldom at home

1.      How often does the teacher speak English in class?

2.      Who have English in the evening?

3.      What does my friend do at the Ministry of Foreign Trade?

4.      How often do we have dictations?

5.      What are they doing at home?

6.      What does he do at the office?

7.      What does she do at a new factory?

8.      What kind of lesson does usually last two hours?

9.      Does he like to sleep in the open air?

10.  How often does my mother at home?

30.) Give negative Transforms

1.      He lives here

2.      They play the piano

3.      He knows tills word

4.      He refuses to help us

5.      The girl works in this room

6.      John knows us

7.      She works with me

8.       He comes to sea us

1.      He does not live here

2.      They does not play the piano

3.      He does not know tills word

4.      He does not refuse to help us

5.      The girl does not work in this room

6.      John does not know us

7.      She does not work with me

8.       He does not come to sea us

1.      The books arrive this week

2.      The students spend many hours in the library

3.      We explain grammar to him

4.      I like this detective

5.      My sister work much

6.      They play football in the yard

7. My parents work at the factory

1.      The books do not arrive this week

2.      The students do not spend many hours in the library

3.      We do not explain grammar to him

4.      I do not like this detective

5.      My sister does not work much

6.      They do not play football in the yard

7.      My parents do not work at the factory

            31.)Open the brackets

1.            He usually (to walk) home after work

2.      He (not to work) hard at his German

3.      You often (to speak) in class?

4.      Your sister often (to stay) at the office after work?

5.      Who often (to discuss) plans with these engineers?

6.      How well they (to know) English?

7.      The students (to revise) the words at home or in class? They do it home

8.      My parents (to be glad) to see you

1.      He usually walks home after work

2.      He does not work hard at his German

3.      Do you often speak in class?

4.      Does your sister often stay at the office after work?

5.      Who does often discuss plans with these engineers?

6.      How well do they know English?

7.      Do the students revise the words at home or in class? They do it home

8.      My parents are glad to see you

            32.) Translate into English

1.      Мы всегда рады видеть вас здесь

2.      По вторникам он обычно опаздывает

3.      Он иногда объясняет мне грамматику

4.      Студенты нашей группы часто обсуждают фильмы

5.      Он редко навещает нас

6.      я всегда жду его здесь

7.      Она редко бывает в библиотеке, она обычно работает дома

8.      Ее оценки всегда хорошие

9.      Он иногда читает немецкие журналы

10.  Я обычно вечером дома, но иногда иду заниматься в библиотеку


1.      We always glad to see you there

2.      He usually late on Tuesday

3.      He explains grammar to me sometimes

4.      The students of our class often have discussions about films

5.      He is seldom at our home

6.      I always wait for him there

7.      She works in the library seldom, she usually works at home

8.      Her marks are always good

9.      He reads German magazines sometimes

10.  In the evening I usually stay at home, but sometimes I go to the library to work

33.) Read the joke and reproduce it using the Present Indefinite Tense

A barking dog does not bite

“Sam”, says his father, “put on your cap and coat and let us go for a walk”. Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says “ Father, I an ready”. Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says “ Do not be afraid, Sam. Do not you know the proverb. “A barking dog does not bite?” “Oh, yes”, says Sam, “I know the proverb, you know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb?”

Sam is happy, because his father says to take his cap and coat and go for a work.  Likes to go out with his father. He puts on his clothes and says that he is ready. Sam and his father go out to the street. There they see a big black dog that begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog, but his father says that this dog only barks but does not bite. It is a very known proverb. But the child asks if the dog knows this proverb.

34.) Transform into the Past Indefinite Tense


1.      It often snows here

2.      It seems quite easy

3.      He often listens to records

4.      He always lives in Paris

5.      He enjoys our vacations in Florida

6.      The teacher explains grammar in class

7.      The girl likes her dog very much

8.      I plays the piano rather well


1.      It often snowed here

2.      It seemed quite easy

3.      He often listened to records

4.      He always lived in Paris

5.      He enjoyed our vacations in Florida

6.      The teacher explained grammar in class

7.      The girl liked her dog very much

8.      I played the piano rather well


1.      I understand the text quite well

2.      He is in my room

3.      I find many good stories in this magazine

4.      The students spend many hours in the library

5.      He make many mistakes in dictations

6.      I am glad to meet my friends

7.      We read a lot of books

8.      We have got many magazines


1.      I understood the text quite well

2.      He was in my room

3.      I found many good stories in this magazine

4.      The students spent many hours in the library

5.      He made many mistakes in dictations

6.      I was glad to meet my friends

7.      We read a lot of books

8.      We had got many magazines

35.) Put general questions

1.      He dried his hands carefully?

2.      The students went to the club yesterday?

3.      They understood the text very well?

4.      She enjoyed the performance?

5.      I wanted to be a sailor?

6.      I met my friend at the theatre?

7.      I told my friends the news?

8. She made a mistake?

1.      Did he dry his hands carefully?

2.      Did the students go to the club yesterday?

3.      Did they understand the text very well?

4.      Did she enjoy the performance?

5.      Did I want to be a sailor?

6.      Did I meet my friend at the theatre?

7.      Did I tell my friends the news?

8.      Did she make a mistake?

36.) Make the sentences negative

1.      I saw Peter at the meeting

2.      The children stayed at home in the evening

3.      They spent the summer vacation in the Crimea

4.      I read this newspaper yesterday

5.      They had time to do it

6.      She sent her mother a telegram

7.      They watched TV last night

8.      Peter wanted to wait a few minutes

9.      You left umbrella here

10.  Mr. Cook wrote newspaper reports

1.      I did not see Peter at the meeting

2.      The children did not stay at home in the evening

3.      They did not spend the summer vacation in the Crimea

4.      I did not read this newspaper yesterday

5.      They did not have time to do it

6.      She did not send her mother a telegram

7.      They did not watch TV last night

8.      Peter did not want to wait a few minutes

9.      You did not leave umbrella here

10.  Mr. Cook did not write newspaper reports

37.) Put the questions to the underlined words

1.      He was in Kiev last week

2.      My friend wrote to me very often last year

3.      They were at they office yesterday morning

4.      Our students read a lot of books last year

5.      He took his son out on Monday evening

6.      Mr. Brown spoke to us about the plan yesterday

7.      The students usually go home after classes

1.      Where did he go last week?

2.      How often did my friend right to me last year?

3.      Where were they yesterday morning?

4.      How many books did they read last year?

5.      When did he take his son?

6.      What did Mr. Brown speak to us yesterday about?

7.      What do the students usually do after classes?

38.) Make special questions

1.      It rained heavily during the night (When…?)

2.      Ann spent her winter holidays in Kiev (Where…?)

3.      We had supper at 8 (When…?)

4.      He wrote three letters last night (How many…?)

5.      My sister read an interesting book yesterday (What…?)

6.      They took a plane, because it was faster than a tram (Why…?)

7.      I used Kate’s book (Whose…?)

8.       They stayed in Moscow only for 2 days (How long…?)

9.      They traveled by sea (How…?)

10.  She understood the last question (Who…?)

1.      When did it rain heavily?

2.      Where did she spend her winter holidays?

3.      What time did we have supper?

4.      How many letters did he write last night?

5.      What did she do yesterday?

6.      Why did they take a plane?

7.      Whose book did I use?

8.      How long did they stay in Moscow?

9.      How did they travel?

10.  Who did understand the last question?

39.) Open the brackets

1.Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (to wake up) early on my day off, but yesterday I (to get up) at 10 o¢clock

2. When you (to have) breakfast yesterday? I (to have) breakfast at 9 in the morning

3.      When you last (to go) to the theatre? Two weeks ago

4.      I usually (to go) to bad at 11 o¢clock. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me and I (to go) to bad at 1

5.      He (to live) in Paris for a long time and (to know) a lot about the city

6.      I got a package in the mail. When I (to open) it I (to find) a surprise

7.      I (to call) Roger at 9 last night, but he (to be not) at home. He (to study) at the library

8.      Last January a child (to see) snow for the firs time in his life

1.Yesterday was my day off. I usually wake up early on my day off, but yesterday I got up at 10 o¢clock

2. When did you have breakfast yesterday? I had breakfast at 9 in the morning

3.      When did you last go to the theatre? Two weeks ago

4.      I usually go to bad at 11 o¢clock. Yesterday my friends came to see me and I went to bad at 1

5.      He lived in Paris for a long time and know a lot about the city

6.      I got a package in the mail. When I opened it I found a surprise

7.      I called Roger at 9 last night, but he was not at home. He studied at the library

8.      Last January a child saw snow for the firs time in his life

40.) Translate into Russian

1.      Когда ваш адвокат вернулся в Нью-Йорк? Он вернулся в Нью-Йорк три дня тому назад

2.      Кто уехал в Нью-Йорк на прошлой неделе? Мистер Смит

3.      Джон пошел к доске, написал предложение, прочитал его и вернулся к своему столу

4.      Какое упражнение вы делали дома вчера? Упражнение 20

5.      поговорите об этом с Мистером Смитом. Он вчера приехал из Лондона

6.      Что вы делали на уроке вчера? Мы читали тексты и делали упражнения, говорили по-английски с нашим преподавателем и переводили предложения с русского языка на английский

7.      Когда вы получили это письмо? Вчера утром

1.      When did the lawyer come back to New York? He came back three days ago

2.      Who went to New York last week? Mr. Smith

3.      John went to the blackboard, wrote the sentence, read it and came to the desk

4.      What exercise did you do yesterday? Exercise number 20

5.      Talk to Mr. Smith about it. He came from London yesterday.

6.      When did you do on the lesson yesterday? We read texts, Spoke English with our teacher and translated texts from Russian into English

7.      When did you get the letter? Yesterday in the morning.

41.) Translate into the Future Indefinite Tense

1.      He reads a lot

2.      She works hard

3.      I am never late

4.      I have tea in the morning

5.      Mary thought about the play

6.      It rained in the evening

7.      You are again on holiday

8.      They brought they friends home

9.      He will read a lot

10.  She will work hard

11.  I will never late

12.  I will have tea in the morning

13.  Mary will think about the play

14.  It will be rain in the evening

15.  You will be again on holiday

16.  They will bring they friends home

42.) Make sentences negative and interrogative


Will not - won¢t

1.      It will snow in the morning

2.      He will become a good engineer

3.      She will translate this article tomorrow

4.      The manager will answer your questions next Sunday

5.      We shall review this rules in some days

6.      This medicine will do her good

7.      We shall return home the day after tomorrow

8. They will  move to a new flat next week

1.      It won¢t snow in the morning

2.      He will not become a good engineer

3.      She won¢t translate this article tomorrow

4.      The manager will not answer your questions next Sunday

5.      We shall not review this rules in some days

6.      This medicine will not do her good

7.      We shall not return home the day after tomorrow

8.      They will not move to a new flat next week

43.) Substitute “to be going to” for “shall” or “will”

1.      I shall learn the poem tomorrow

2.      They will grow apples in their garden

3.      You will open the box

4.      Her father will buy her a bicycle  for her birthday

5.      She will play the piano for us

6.      I shall solve this problem tomorrow

7.      It will happen soon

1.      I am going to learn the poem tomorrow

2.      They are going to grow apples in their garden

3.      You are going to open the box

4.      Her father is going to buy her a bicycle for her birthday

5.      She is going to play the piano for us

6.      I am going to solve this problem tomorrow

7.      It is going to happen soon

44.) Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the use of the Present Indefinite Tense in the subordinate clauses of time and condition.

1.      What will you do if you pass your exam? (to go to the cinema)

2.      What will she do when she finishes reading her text? (to translate it)

3.      What will you do if it does not rain? (to go to the country)

4.      What will you do if he feels bad? (to send for a doctor)

5.      What will you do if you receive a letter? (to answer it)

6.      What will they do when summer comes? (to go to the seaside)

7.      What will the teacher do if you ask him a question? (to answer it)

1.      If I pass my exam, I¢ll go to the cinema

2.      When she finishes reading the text, she will translate it

3.      If it does not rain, I¢ll go to the country

4.      If he feels bad, I¢ll send for a doctor

5.      If I receive a latter, I¢ll answer it

6.      When summer comes, I¢ll go to the seaside

7.      If I ask him a question, he will answer it

45.) Translate the following sentences

1.      Эта сумка тяжелая. Я помогу тебе принести ее

2.      Мне нужны деньги. Не беспокойся, я займу тебе

3.      Что вы будете делать, если он придет?

4.      Он сделает это, когда вернется

5.      Холодно. Я закрою окно

6.      мы пойдем в кино, когда закончим работу

7.      Я голодна. Я съем чего-нибудь

8.      Если я увижу его снова, я узнаю его

1.      This bag is heavy. I can not bring it to you

2.      I need money. Do not worry, I will borrow you some

3.      What would you do if he will not come?

4.      He will do that when he come back

5.      It is cold. I will close the window

6.      We will go to the cinema when I finfish my work

7.      I am hungry. I will eat something

8.      If I will see him again, I recognize him

46.) Transform into the Present Continuous Tense

1.      She often sits here (now)

2.      My father works here (now)

3.      My mother cooks dinner every day (now)

4.      It often rains in autumn (now)

5.      The teacher answers his students questions (at this moment)

6.      He always prepares his exercise (at present)

1.      She is sitting here now

2.      My father is working here now

3.      My mother is cooking dinner now

4.      It is raining now

5.      The teacher is answering his students questions at this moment

6.      He is preparing his exercise at present

47.) Make the sentences interrogative


1.      You are staying at the hotel

2.      She is looking at the picture

3.      My father is reading the newspaper

4.      They are reviewing their homework

5.      The boys are playing football

6.      The teacher is explaining the Passive Voice

7.      We are listening to music


1.      Are you staying at the hotel?

2.      Is she looking at the picture?

3.      Is my father reading a newspaper?

4.      Are they reviewing their homework?

5.      Are the boys playing football?

6.      Is the teacher explaining the Passive Voice?

7.      Are we listening to music?


1.      I am looking at the car (What?)

2.      She is listening to the bird (What?)

3.      The bus is going to Yalta (Where?)

4.      We are talking about the holidays (Who?)

5.      The boy is laughing at the dog’s tricks (What?)

6.      The man is running after the train (Where?)

7.      He is pointing at the picture (What?)


1.      What are you looking at?

2.      What is she listening to?

3.      Where is the bus going?

4.      Who is thinking about the holidays?

5.      What is the boy laughing at?

6.      Where is the man running after?

7.      What is he pointing at?


1.      The teacher is explaining the new rule now

2.      The students are taking exam

3.      The doctor is consulting in this room

4.      They are still working in the garden

5.      We are planning to do it

6.      Sam is writing a report


1.      The teacher is explaining the new rule now, is not he?

2.      The students are taking exam, are not¢ they?

3.      The doctor is consulting in this room, is not he?

4.      They are still working in the garden, are not they?

5.      We are planning to do it, are not we?

6.      Sam is writing a report, is not he?

48.) Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous Tense


He never speaks, когда он работает

He never speaks while he is working

1.      My younger brother always move his leaps, когда читает

2.      We always consult a dictionary, когда переводит с английского

3.      My sister always smiles, когда танцует

4.      He is always silent, когда он обедает

5.      The students always listen, когда я объясняю новый материал

6.      Never interrupt other people, когда они разговаривают

7.      My mother never disturbs me, когда я работаю

8.      My younger sister likes to laugh, когда я играю с ней

1.      My younger brother always move his leaps while he is reading

2.      We always consult a dictionary while we are translating from English

3.      My sister always smiles while she is dancing

4.      He is always silent while he is eating

5.      The students always listen while I an explaining them new material

6.      Never interrupt other people while they are talking

7.       My mother never disturbs me while I am working

8.      My younger sister likes to laugh while I am playing with her

49.) Translate into English

Что сейчас делают ваши родственники? А который сейчас час? Семь часов. Мой папа сейчас ведет урок в вечерней школе, он учитель. Мама дома. Она готовит ужин и ждет меня. Моя сестра помогает ей. Бабушка шьет сестре маскарадное платье. Дедушка гуляет в саду с моей маленькой племянницей. Мой младший брат готовит уроки. Тетя с дядей в университете. У них сейчас урок английского языка. Вот и все, что я могу рассказать.

What are your relatives doing now? What time is it? 7 o¢clock. My father is having a lesson at the evening school now, he is a teacher. My mother is at home. She is cooking dinner and wait for me. My sister is helping her. My Granny is sewing a fancy dress for my sister. My granddad is walking in the garden with my little niece. My little brother is doing his Homework. My aunt and uncle are at the University.  They are having English lesson now. That is all I can say.

50.) Use the correct tense

1.      Who usually (to do) his homework in this room? This student (to do)

2.      Who (to do) his homework there now? I (not to know)

3.      I (to live) near my office last year. I always (to walk) there

4.      How well your friend (to speak) English? He (to speak) English badly

5.      What language (to learn) 5 years ago? I (to learn) French

6.      What language (to learn) now? He (to learn) German

7.      How long your classes usually (to last)? It usually (to last) 2 hours

8.      How long your classes (to last) on Wednesday morning? It (to last) only an hour

9.      Whom you (to discuss) this question with last night? I (to discuss) id with my friends

10.  Whom you usually (to go) home with? I (to go) home with my friends

11.  How well he usually (to know) his lessons?

12.  I not (to work) at this office three years ago

13.  You (to work) there now?

14.  How long you (to stay) in Kiev last year? I (to stay) there a month. How long (to be going) to stay here this year? I (to be going) to stay there a month too.

1.      Who usually do his homework in this room? This student does

2.      Who is doing his homework there now? I do not know

3.      I lived near my office last year. I always walked there

4.      How well does your friend speak English? He speaks English badly

5.      What language did you learn 5 years ago? I learned French

6.      What language is he learning now? He is learning German

7.      How long does your classes usually last? It usually last 2 hours

8.      How long will your classes last on Wednesday morning? It will last only an hour

9.      Whom did you discuss this question with last night? I discussed id with my friends

10.  Whom do you usually go home with? I go home with my friends

11.  How well does he usually know his lessons?

12.  I did not work at this office three years ago

13.  Are you working there now?

14.  How long did you stay in Kiev last year? I stayed there a month. How long are you going to stay here this year? I am going to stay there a month too.

51.) Make the following sentences interrogative

1.      They were having dinner at half past two yesterday?

2.      She was burring to the theatre when I met her yesterday?

3.      His was daughter washing her dress when the doorbell rang?

4.      They were discussing their plans at 4 p. m. yesterday?

5.      Her son was painting a picture when she came home?

6.      He was looking through the newspaper when he saw this advertisement?

1.      Were they having dinner at half past two yesterday?

2.      Was she burring to the theatre when I met her yesterday?

3.      Was his daughter washing her dress when the doorbell rang?

4.      Were they discussing their plans at 4 p. m. yesterday?

5.      Was her son painting a picture when she came home?

6.      Was he looking through the newspaper when he saw this advertisement?

52.) Put the questions to the underlined words

1.      My son having breakfast at this time yesterday?

2.      He was painting this picture at 3 p. m. yesterday?

3.      The boys were playing chess when he came in?

4.      She was speaking about Russian customs when they knocked at the door?

5.      My father was smoking when I entered the room?

1.      Who was having breakfast at this time yesterday?

2.      What was he doing at 3 p. m. yesterday?

3.      What were the boys doing when he cane in?

4.      What was she doing when they knocked at the door?

5.      What was my father doing when I entered the room?

53.) Make disjunctive questions

1.      You were going to tell him about it

2.      He was writing a novel during this summer

3.      We were reviewing grammar all day yesterday

4.      They were not waiting for the manager

5.      The teacher was explaining the rule

6.      Mother was cocking dinner

7.      Your parents were not speaking to you

1.      You were going to tell him about it, were not you?

2.      He was writing a novel during this summer, was not he?

3.      We were reviewing grammar all day yesterday? Were not we?

4.      They were not waiting for the manager, were they?

5.      The teacher was explaining the rule, was not he?

6.      Mother was cocking dinner, was not she?

7.      Your parents were not speaking to you, were they?

54.) Translate into English

1.      несколько студентов опоздали, так как играли в футбол во дворе

2.      С 4 до 5 утра вчера шел дождь

3.      Он читал книгу, когда я пришел

4.      Я читал эту книгу в прошлом году

5.      Я звонила ему вчера, но его не оказалось дома

6.      Он смотрел телевизор, когда зазвонил телефон

7.      Когда она играла детьми, ее брат поливал цветы

8.      Она писала, когда кто-то постучал в дверь

9.      Я ждал своего друга. Когда зазвонил звонок

10.  Мы повторяли грамматику, когда зашел декан

11.  Мы обедали, когда зазвонил телефон

12.  Мой брат переводил доклад целый день

1.      Some students were late because they were playing football in the yard

2.      It was raining since 4 till 5 yesterday

3.      He was reading this book when I came

4.      I¢ve read this book last year

5.      I was ringing him yesterday but hi was not at home

6.      He was watching TV when the telephone range

7.      When she played with children her brother was watering the flowers

8.      She was writing when someone knocked the door

9.      I was waiting for my friend when the bell rang

10.  We were repeating grammar when dean came

11.  We were having dinner when the phone rang

12.  My brother was translating his report the whole evening

55.) Read the following text and retell it, using the Continuous

He was practicing to

A hunter was going back to his camp when lion suddenly appeared not thirty steps away.  The hunter waited until the lion was ready to jump, fired and missed. He thought that he was lost but then a miracle happened. The lion jumped too far and landed behind the hunter, who quickly ran into the camp. The next afternoon the hunter went into the yard for practice shooting. Suddenly hr heard a strange noise behind the fence. He looked over and saw the lion practicing short jumps.

 A hunter was going back to his camp when lion suddenly appeared. The hunter was waiting until the lion was ready to lump, fired but missed. He thought that he was lost but then lion jumped and landed behind the hunter, who was quickly running into the camp. The next afternoon the hunter went into the yard for practice shooting. Then he heard a noise and when he looked outside the fence he saw the lion practicing short jumps.

He is helping

A master of a ship called down into the hold. “Who is there?”

“William, sir”, was the answer

“What are you doing?”, -“Nothing, sir”

“Is Tom there?”, - “Yes”, was the answer

“What is he doing?”

“He is helping me, sir”

A master of a ship called down into the hold and asked who was there. It was William. A master asked him what he was doing and William answered that he was doing nothing. He asked if Tom was there. The answer was affirmative. A master asked what was Tom doing. The answer was that Tom was helping William.

56.) Give interrogative transforms

1.       I will be working at my French at 12 o¢clock tomorrow?

2.      She will be making a report at this time tomorrow?

3.      We will be watching TV tonight?

4.      You will be waiting for me at 3 p. m. tomorrow?

5.      My sister will be explaining this rule to me when you come?

6.      She will be playing the piano at 9 p. m. tomorrow?

7.      He will be working in the lab at the usual time tomorrow?

8.      I shall be seen her tomorrow?

9.      She will be leaving for Kiev soon?

1.      Will I be working at my French at 12 o¢clock tomorrow?

2.      Will she be making a report at this time tomorrow?

3.      Will we be watching TV tonight?

4.      Will you be waiting for me at 3 p. m. tomorrow?

5.      Will my sister be explaining this rule to me when you come?

6.      Will she be playing the piano at 9 p. m. tomorrow?

7.      Will he be working in the lab at the usual time tomorrow?

8.      Shall I be seen her tomorrow?

9.      Will she be leaving for Kiev soon?

57.) Give negative transforms

1.      They will be learning next week

2.      We will be watching TV when you come

3.      I shall be playing the piano at this time tomorrow

4.      They will be playing hockey at 5 o¢clock tomorrow

5.      You will be writing a dictation at 2 o¢clock tomorrow

6.      I shall be speaking over the phone when you come to me

1.      They will not be learning next week

2.      We shall not be watching TV when you come

3.      I shall not be playing the piano at this time tomorrow

4.      They will not be playing hockey at 5 o¢clock tomorrow

5.      You will not be writing a dictation at 2 o¢clock tomorrow

6.      I shall not be speaking over the phone when you come to me

58.) Translate into English

1.      Что вы будете делать, когда он придет?

2.      Он все еще будет читать, когда вы придете

3.      Я буду играть на пианино весь вечер

4.      Как долго вы пробудете у вашей тети?

5.      вы будете делать доклад в это время завтра

6.      Завтра в это время мы будем провожать его на вокзал

7.      Вы все еще будете смотреть телевизор, когда я вам позвоню?

8.       Мы не будем смотреть телевизор завтра

9.      Завтра мы будем работать в лаборатории как обычно

1.      What will you do when he come?

2.      They will be still reading when you come

3.      I will be playing the piano the whole evening

4.      How long will you be staying at your aunt

5.      Will you be doing a report at this time tomorrow?

6.      We will be accompanying him to the station at this time tomorrow

7.      Will you be still watching TV when I call you?

8.      We will not be watching TV tomorrow

9.      We will be working at the lab as usual tomorrow.

59.) Transform into the Present Perfect Tense

1.      I saw this film

2.      She wrote a new book

3.      He answered my question

4.      Mr. Smith spoke to me about it

5.      I heard about the play

6.      She made two mistakes in her dictation

7.      They went to the theatre tonight

8.      We read a play by Shakespeare

9.      You left your book at home

10.  Jon have us the tickets

1.      I have seen this film

2.      She has written a new book

3.      He has answered my question

4.      Mr. Smith has spoken to me about it

5.      I have heard about the play

6.      She has made two mistakes in her dictation

7.      They have gone to the theatre tonight

8.      We have read a play by Shakespeare

9.      You have left your book at home

10.  Jon has had us the tickets

60.) Transform into general questions

1.      Mother has told me to answer the letter

2.      I have enjoyed the performance

3.      This painter has lived in Paris for a long time

4.      Granny has prepared the dinner

5.      He has written a letter to his parents

6.      They have seen this film

7.      You have written this exercise

8.      She has finished her work

9.      You have received some letters from him this week

1.      Has mother told me to answer the letter?

2.      Have I enjoyed the performance?

3.      Has this painter lived in Paris for a long time?

4.      Has Granny prepared the dinner?

5.      Has he written a letter to his parents?

6.      Have they seen this film?

7.      Have you written this exercise?

8.      Has she finished her work?

9.      Have you received some letters from him this week?

61.) Give short negative answers

1.      Have you enjoyed the performance?

2.      Has this painter lived in Paris for a long time?

3.      Has Granny prepared the dinner?

4.      Has he written a letter to his parents?

5.      Have they seen this film?

6.      Has the manager sighed thus document?

7.      Have you written the exercise?

1.      Yes, I have

2.      No, he has not

3.      Yes, she has

4.      Yes, he has

5.      No, they have not

6.      Yes, he has

7.      Yes, I have

62.) Put questions to the underlined words

1.      They have never been to any foreign countries

2.      We have already seen this new film

3.      His friends has translated two English books into Russian

4.      They have never lived there

5.      They have sent us several telegrams

1.      Have they ever been to any foreign countries?

2.      Have we already seen this new film?

3.      Has his friends translated two English books into Russian?

4.      Have they ever lived there?

5.      How many telegrams have they sent?

63.) Use the Present Perfect and the Past Simple

1.      You (to see) the new picture by Picasso? Yes, I have. How you (to like) it? I like it very much

2.      You ever (to be) to Leningrad? Yes, I (to go) there last winter.

3.      Is father at home? No, he (not to come) yet

4.      I just (to finish) my work and I (to read) now

5.      Where is your son? He (not to come) home from school yet. I think he still (to play) football

6.      When your children (to come) back to town? They (not to come) yet.

7.      You (to do) the translation already? You only (to begin) it 20 minutes ago

8.      You (to finish) the work yet? Can I have a look at it? Certainly! I (to finish) it an hour ago

9.      I just (to have) breakfast and I (to read) the paper. I answered. “you (to get) up so late?” – he (to say) and (to ask) me to come to his place at once.

10.  When you (to come) to Moscow? A week ago

1.      Have you seen the new picture by Picasso? Yes, I have. How did you like it? I liked it very much

2.      Have you ever been to Leningrad? Yes, I went there last winter.

3.      Is father at home? No, he has not come yet

4.      I have just finished my work and I am reading now

5.      Where is your son? He has not come home from school yet. I think he has still played football

6.      When did your children come back to town? They have not come yet.

7.      Have you done the translation already? You have only begun it 20 minutes ago

8.      Have you finished the work yet? Can I have a look at it? Certainly! I finished it an hour ago

9.      I have just had breakfast and I read the paper. I answered. “Did you get up so late?” – he said and asked me to come to his place at once.

10.  When did you come to Moscow? A week ago

64.) Translate into English

1.      Вы написали письмо своему другу?

2.      Отдыхали ли вы когда-нибудь весной?

3.      Мы нигде не видели картин этого художника

4.      Я уже видела этот фильм

5.      Что-то случилось с этим мальчиком?

6.      Что вы приготовили на сегодня?

7.      на какие вопросы вы уже ответили?

8.      Они решили много важных проблем

9.      У нас было много трудностей, но мы преодолели их

10.  мы уже перевели этот текст

1.      Have you written a letter to your friend?

2.      Have you ever vacated in spring?

3.      We have nowhere seen the pictures of this painter

4.      I have already seen this film

5.      What has happened with this boy?

6.      What have you cooked for today?

7.      What questions have you answered?

8.      They have solved a lot of important problems

9.      We had a lot of difficulties, but we have passed them

10.  We have already translated this text

65.) Translate the sentences according to the time signal

1.      Я написал письмо (today, yesterday)

2.      Я видел его (last month, just)

3.      Вы проделали большую работу (this week, last week)

4.      Ваш друг был в Лондоне (this year, last year)

5.      Были ли вы в Ленинграде? (this month, last month)

1.      I have written a letter today. I wrote a letter yesterday

2.      I saw him last month. I have just seen him

3.      You have done a big work this week. You did a big work last week

4.      Your friend has been in London this year. Your friend was in London last year

5.      Have you been to Leningrad this month? Did you go to Leningrad last month?

66.) Translate the sentences into English

1.      He had already consulted the doctor by that time

2.      You had called on my people before I asked you

3.      By that time you had already written the letter

4.      We had repeated everything by the first of May

5.      A big crowd had gathered by that time

1.      К этому времени он уже проконсультировал доктора

2.      Тебя позовут мои люди, прежде чем я попрошу тебя.

3.      К этому времени ты уже написал письмо

4.      К 1 мая мы все повторили

5.      К этому времени собралась большая толпа

67.) Do like this


Mary learned French. She came to France. - Mary had learned French before she came to France

1.      She studied Spanish. She came to Madrid

2.      We got to the theatre. The performance began

3.      We got home. It began to rain

4.      We finished our homework .We switched on the TV

5.      We discussed the film. My brother came home

6.      I translated the article. There came a knock at the door

7.      I finished my work. You asked me about it

1.      She had studied Spanish before she came to Madrid

2.      We had got to the theatre before the performance began

3.      We had got home before it began to rain

4.      We had finished our homework before we switched on the TV

5.      We had discussed the film before my brother came home

6.      I had translated the article before there came a knock at the door

7.      I had finished my work before you asked me about it

68.) Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect

1.      I (to translate) two pages yesterday

2.      By the end of the week they (to translate) the first part of the book

3.      When they (to enter) the theater the play (to begin)

4.      Though he (to learn) the language only for a year he (to show) good knowledge

5.      When had you (to receive) a latter from her last?

6.      When I (to phone) them they had not been ready yet

7.      We (not to find) anybody in the house when we (to come) but we (to have) a feeling that somebody )to be) there before.

8.      When John (to come) home the family (to have) dinner so he (to go) to the kitchen and (to make) himself a cup of tea

9.      The lady (to open) the door only after I (to tell) her who I (to be) and what I (to want)

10.  He (to live) in Paris for a long time and (to know) a lot about the city

1.      I translated two pages yesterday

2.      By the end of the week they had translated the first part of the book

3.      When they entered the theater the play had begun

4.      Though he had learned the language only for a year he showed good knowledge

5.      When had you received a latter from her last?

6.      When I phoned them they had not been ready yet

7.      We did not find anybody in the house when we had come but we had a feeling that somebody had been there before.

8.      When John came home the family had had dinner so he went to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea

9.      The lady opened the door only after I had told her who I was and what I wanted

10.  He had lived in Paris for a long time and knew a lot about the city

69.) Use the Present Perfect or the Past Perfect

1.      She (to learn) English for 5 years before entering the Institute

2.      You (to learn) English before?

3.      I (not to read) any books by this author

4.      What a pleasure it was to see him again. We (not to meet) since childhood

5.      What (to happen)? You look pale

6.      How long they (to be) engaged before they married?

7.      We (to write) two compositions this month

8.      Try not to be absent from class. You (to miss) too many classes

9.      The police to look) for the criminal for two years before they caught them

1.      She had learned English for 5 years before entering the Institute

2.      Have you learned English before?

3.      I have not read any books by this author

4.      What a pleasure it was to see him again. We have not met since childhood

5.      What had happened? You look pale

6.      How long had they been engaged before they married?

7.      We have written two compositions this month

8.      Try not to be absent from class. You had missed too many classes

9.      The police had looked for the criminal for two years before they caught them

70.) Translate into English

1.      Мы уже закончили свою работу, когда пришел мой отец

2.      Так как я пропустил эту лекцию, я попросил его объяснить мне это правило

3.      Она выучила стихотворение к трем часам

4.      мы не перевели статью к пяти часам

5.      Дети еще не легли спать, когда пришли родители

6.      не успел он приехать, как получил телеграмму

7.      Я вспомнил номер телефона, когда вышел из дома

1.      We have done our work, when my father came

2.      I asked him to explain that rule to me because I have left this lecture

3.      She has learned the poem by 3 o¢clock

4.      We have not translated the article by 5 o¢clock

5.      The children have not gone to bad when their parents came

6.      He has not come yet but received the telegram

7.      I remembered the number of the phone when I have left the house


Ex. 71 Explain the usage of the Future Perfect Tense. Translate into Russian.

  1. I’ll have read the book by this time tomorrow.
  2. She’ll have given the final answer before he returns.
  3. We shall have left Moscow by 5 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. I shell have returned the book to the library by 2 p.m. tomorrow.
  5. By the end of this term we shall have leant many new words.
  6. If you come at 3 o’clock I shall have copied this articles.
  7. You’ll have translated by 5 o’clock/

1.      Завтра к этому времени я прочитаю эту книгу

2.      Ей дадут последний ответ, перед тем как он придет

3.      Завтра к пяти часам мы уедем из Москвы

4.      Я верну книгу в библиотеку завтра к двум часам

5.      К концу этого семестра мы выучим много новых слов

6.      Если ты придешь к трем часам, я откопирую эту статью

7.      Ты переведешь эту статью к пяти часам

72.) Translate the following sentences.

  1. Диана не может подойти к телефону, потому, что она моет голову.
  2. Я не хочу идти в зоопарк сегодня, потому, что идет дождь. То же было вчера. Я не хотел идти в зоопарк, потому что шел дождь.
  3. Сколько занятий вы пропустили с начала семестра?
  4. Я позвоню вам после того, как получу письмо.
  5. Я почувствовала себя лучше после того, как я приняла лекарство.
  6. Вы переведете все предложения, прежде чем прозвонит звонок.
  7. К тому времени, когда вы приедете, она даст окончательный ответ.
  8. Джек вдруг осознал, что учитель задает ему вопрос. Но он не мог ответить, потому что не слушал.
  9. Я еще не написал ей письмо, но я напишу до его прихода.

1.Diana cannot get the phone because she is washing her head

2. I do not want to go to the ZOO today because it is raining. Yesterday it was the same. I did not want to go to the ZOO because it was raining

3. How many classes have you missed from the beginning of the term?

5.      I will call you after receiving the letter

6.      I felt myself better after drinking the drug

7.      You will translate all the sentences before the bell ringing

8.      Jack has realized that the teacher asked him a question. But he could not answer it because he did not listened

9.      I have not written the letter yet but I will write it until his coming

73.) Make the following sentences interrogative

He can finish the work today

Pattern: Can finish the work today?

  1. My brother can speak English.
  2. She can do everything you do.
  3. We can hear singing in the next room.
  4. The travelers can see the house behind the trees.
  5. Mary can wear her mother’s shoes.
  6. You can reach the station in half an hour.
  7. The teacher can show us how to do it.
  8. We can get this book at the library.
  9. Nobody can help us.

1.      Can my brother speak English?

2.      Can she do everything you do?

3.      Can we here her singing in the next room?

4.      Can the travelers see the house behind the trees?

5.      Can Mary wear her mother’s shoes?

6.      Can you reach the station in half an hour?

7.      Can the teacher show us how to do it?

8.      Can we get this book at the library?

9.      Can anybody help us?

74.) Make the following sentences negative.

He  can translate it himself.

Pattern: He  can’t translate it himself

  1. We can understand German.
  2. I can imagine her teaching children.
  3. The students can be there by five.
  4. Helen can hear the speaker.
  5. He can do me a favour.
  6. He can write to me/

1.      We cannot understand German

2.      I cannot imagine her teaching children

3.      The students cannot be here by five

4.      Helen cannot here the speaker

5.      He cannot do me a favour

6.      He cannot write to me

75.) Use the sentences in the past

Pattern: Can – could

Can’t – couldn’t

1. She can translate these English texts.

2. I can’t finish the work in time/

3. The teacher can’t give you this book.

4. Can you see this picture at the exhibition?

5. Nobody can do it better.

6.I can’t believe my eyes.

  1. They can easily get to the University in half an hour.
  2. We can watch them playing football.
  3. I cannot understand what it means.

1.      She could translate this English text

2.      I could not finish the work in time

3.      The teacher could not give you this book

4.      Could you see this picture at the exhibition?

5.      Nobody could do it better

6.      I could not believe my eyes

7.      They could easily get to the University in half an hour

8.      We could watch them playing football

9.      I could not understand what it means

76.) Refer the sentences to the future.

I can play the piano very well.

Pattern: I shall be able to play the piano very well (I’ll be able).

  1. Everybody can this work.
  2. He can write to me.
  3. We can see the performance to-night.
  4. I can’t buy this book. I haven’t got enough money about me.
  5. Who of your students can take part in the concert?
  6. Can you go to the South in the summer?
  7. I am sure he can make a good report.
  8. When can they go somewhere for a holiday?

1.      Everybody will be able to do this work

2.      He will be able to write to me

3.      He will be able to see the performance tonight

4.      I will not be able to buy this book. I have not got enough money about me

5.      Who of your students will be able to take part in the concert?

6.      Will you be able to go to the South in the summer?

7.      I am sure he will be able to make a good report

8.      When will they be able to go somewhere for a holiday?

77.) Add question-tags to the following sentences.

  1. I can help you.
  2. She can read French.
  3. If necessary, my brother could speak English.
  4. She could play tennis in her youth.
  5. Now they can hear us.
  6. S couldn’t see this picture last year.
  7. Your sister can’t speak English.
  8. Your couldn’t change the time of the meeting.

1.I can help you, cannot I?

2. She can read French, cannot she?

3. If necessary, my brother could speak English, could not he?

4. She could play tennis in her youth, could not she?

6.      Now they can hear us, cannot they?

7.      She could not see this picture last year, could she?

8.      Your sister cannot speak English, can she?

9.      You could not change the time of the meeting, could you?

78.) Translate into Russian.

Pattern: a) Can it be true?

                   Неужели это правда?

              b) I can’t have lost the ticket.

                  Не может быть, чтобы я потерял билет.

  1. Can it be Peter?
  2. Can he know English well?
  3. He can’t have read this book in two days.
  4. They can’t have arrived. I received the telegram only yesterday.
  5. Can she have deceived me? I can’t believe it.
  6. Can she still be speaking to the dean?
  7. She can’t have left the letter unanswered.

1.      Неужели это Петя?

2.      Неужели он знает английский хорошо?

3.      Не может быть, чтобы он прочитал эту книгу за два дня

4.      Не может быть, чтобы они приехали. Я получил телеграмму только вчера

5.      Неужели она меня обманула, я не могу в это поверить

6.      Неужели она все еще разговаривает с деканом?

7.      Не может этого быть, чтобы она оставила письмо не отвеченным

79.) Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Вы можете помочь мне?
  2. Чем я могу быть вам полезен?
  3. Вы сможете принять участие в предстоящих соревнованиях?
  4. Я знал, что он сможет сделать эту работу.
  5. Я не смог пойти домой, т.к. шел дождь.
  6. Кто из ваших студентов сможет работать переводчиком?
  7. Он не смог пригласить так много людей.
  8. Один из моих друзей может играть в шахматы.
  9. Моя сестра умела говорить по-английски еще когда была ребенком.
  10.  Они ничего не могут обещать.

1.      Can you help me?

2.      What can I do for you?

3.      Can you take part in the competition?

4.      I knew, that he could do this work

5.      I could not go home, because it was rain

6.      Who of yours students can work as a translator?

7.      He could not invite so many people

8.      One of my friends can play chess

9.      My sister could speak English even when she was a child

10.  They can not promise anything

80.) Make sentences asking permission.

                           (to go out?)

             Pattern: May I go out?

1. To come in.

2. To pour out the tea.

3. To go with us.

4. To have a cigarette.

5. To have another helping.

6. To ask you to do me a favor.

1.      May I come in?

2.      May I pour out the tea?

3.      May I go with you?

4.      May I have a cigarette?

5.      May I have another helping?

6.      May I ask you to do me a favour?

81.) Change the following sentences so as to deny permission.

                       You may go out now.

             Pattern: You mustn’t go out now.

  1. You may smoke here.
  2. He may see his sister now.
  3. She may switch on the radio.
  4. He may look through his composition.
  5. Children may see the film.
  6. He may come in.

1.      You must not smoke here

2.      He must not see his sister now

3.      She must not switch on the radio

4.      He must not look through his composition

5.      Children must not see the film

6.      He must not come in

82.) Use “to be allowed to “instead of  “may”

                      He may be present at the lesson.

            Pattern: He is allowed to be present at the lesson.

  1. He may be present at lesson.
  2. We may have our meeting in this room.
  3. I may see a sister.
  4. He may leave the office half an hour earlier today.
  5. We may pick the fruit off that tree.
  6. I may point out the finest pictures to you.
  7. They may stay here.

1.      He is allowed to be present at the lesson

2.      We are allowed to have meeting in this room

3.      I am allowed to the a sister

4.      He is allowed to leave office half an hour earlier today

5.      We are allowed to pick the fruit off that tree

6.      I am allowed to point out the finest pictures to you

7.      They are allowed to stay here

83.) Translate the second part of each sentence.

He said что мы можем идти.

Pattern: He said that  we might go.

  1. The teacher said что мы можем перевести этот текст завтра.
  2.  My father said что мне можно читать эту книгу.
  3.  He  said  что мальчик может поговорить с ними.
  4.  Helen asked можно ли ей повидать их сегодня.
  5.  I asked the teacher можно ли мне войти.

 He knew что ему можно принять участие в экскурсии.

1.      The teacher said that we might translate this text tomorrow

2.      My father said that I might to read this book

3.      He said that a boy might speak to him

4.      Helen asked if she might to see them today

5.      I asked the teacher if I might come in

6.      He knew that he might take part in the trip

84.) . Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. He must go there at once.
  2. You must wait for them.
  3. You must read this book.
  4. They must prepare their lessons now.
  5. We must let him know about it.
  6. I must help them.

1.      He must not go there at once. May he go there at once?

2.      You must not wait for them. May I wait for them?

3.      You must not read this book. May I read this book?

4.      They mast not prepare their lessons now. May they pre pare they lessons now?

5.      We must not let him know about it. May we let him to know about it?

6.      I must not help them. May I help them?

85.) Refer the following sentences to the past, using the verb “to have to”

                                  He must do it today.

                                  Pattern: He had to do it yesterday.

  1. He must learn all the new words from the text.
  2. They must translate the article.
  3. Must he spend the summer here?
  4. Must you speak to him?
  5. He mustn’t go anywhere.
  6. Must they visit him?
  7. We mustn’t break the news to Eliza.

1.      He have to learn all the new words from the text

2.      They have to translate the article

3.      Have he spend the summer here to?

4.      Have you speak to him to?

5.      He have not to go anywhere

6.      Have they visit him to?

7.      Have we break the news to Eliza to?

86.) Refer the sentences to the past? Using the verb “to be to”

  1. You must learn the poem by Monday.
  2. He must wait for me near the metro station.
  3. They must visit him. He is ill.
  4. The students must come to the meeting.
  5. We must take the children to the station.
  6. Must we show the place to her?
  7. Who must make the report?
  8. Now look here. I must be off.

1.      You was to be learn the poem by Monday

2.      He was to be wait for me near the metro station

3.      They were to be visit him

4.      The students were to become to the meeting

5.      We were to be take the children to the station

6.      Were we to be show the place to her?

7.      Who were to be make the report?

8.      Now look here. I was to be off

87.) Refer the following sentences to the future.

  1. He must send them a telegram.
  2. I must go shopping.
  3. It looks like rain. He must put on a raincoat.
  4. I don’t think they must leave the question open.
  5. Must we leave it to him?
  6. I am sorry but I must get rid of it.

1.      He will be must send them a telegram

2.      I will be must go shopping

3.      It looks like rain. He will be must put on his rain coat

4.      I do not think they will be must leave this question open

5.      Will we be must leave it to him?

6.      I am sorry but I will be must get rid of it

88.) Translate into English.

  1. Вы должны пойти в библиотеку сейчас.
  2. В этом семестре студенты должны прочесть 300 страниц в оригинале.
  3. Вы должны поторопиться.
  4. Шел дождь, и ей пришлось взять зонтик.
  5. Секретарь сказала, что группа должна быть в зале в 2 часа.
  6. Доклад должен быть тщательно подготовлен.
  7. Ребенок не должен никуда идти.
  8. Я думаю, что они должны оставить вопрос открытым.

1.      You must go to the library now

2.      The students must read 300 pages in original this term

3.      You must hurry

4.      It was rain so she had to take her umbrella

5.      Secretary told, that group must be in the hall at 2 o¢clock

6.      The report must be done well

7.      The child must not go anywhere

8.      I think, they must leave this question open

89.) Exсhange the sentences into the Present Indefinite Passive.

Pattern: People always admire such pictures

              Such pictures are always admired.

  1. Mary helps mother.
  2. The teacher answers questions.
  3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese.
  4. One praises a student when he works hard.
  5. Tom opens the door.
  6. We translate the text into English.

The students write the dictation.

Pattern: The dictation is written by the students.

  1. People speak English all over the word.
  2. They make progress every day in the word of science.
  3. They sell apples by the kilo.
  4. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day.
  5. They speak English in Great Britain.
  6. The grocer sells eggs.
  7. The students lake no mistakes in their dictations.

1.      Mother is helped by Mary

2.      The questions are answered by the teacher

3.      Milk is used for making butter and cheese

4.      A student is praised when he work hard

5.      The door is opened by Tom

6.      The text is translated into English

1.      English is spoken all over the world

2.      The progress is made every day by scientists

3.      The apples are sold by the kilo

4.      Her daughter is taken to the kindergarten every day

5.      English is spoken in GB

6.      The eggs are sold by the grocer

7.      Mistakes are not made in the students dictations

90.) Answer the questions using the words suggested.

Pattern: Where are all these magazines sent to? (abroad)

                        They are sent abroad.

  1. Where’s English spoken, (all over the world).
  2. When is radio news listened to in your family? (every night).
  3. Where are Oriental languages taught? (at the University).
  4. Where are meals cooked? (in the kitchen).
  5. When are exams taken? (at the end of each).
  6. When is television watched by children? (during the children’s hour).
  7. Where is milk kept cool in summer (in the fridge).
  8. Where are books sold? (at the bookstalls).

1.      It is spoken all over the world

2.       It is listened every night

3.      It is taught at the University

4.      They are cooked in the kitchen

5.      They are taken at the end of each term

6.      It is watched during the children’s hour

7.      It is kept in the fridge

8.      They are sold at the bookstalls

91.) Answer the questions using a passive construction

Pattern: They built this bridge last year.

This bridge was built test year.

  1. He hurt his leg in an accident.
  2. I left the spade in the garden.
  3. They gave a party in his honour.
  4. Somebody left the light for the whole night.
  5. She washed the floor only tills morning.
  6. They sent letters of thanks to all their friends.
  7. We ate up all the cakes yesterday.
  8. People formerly used the Tower of London as a prison.

1.      Yes, this ring is made of gold

2.      Yes, these spoons are made of silver

3.      Yes, this belt is made of leather

4.      Yes, these ties are made of silk

5.      Yes, these shirts are made of nylon

6.      Yes, this vase is made of crystal

7.      Yes, these caps are made of fur


1.      His leg was hurt in an accident

2.      The spade was left in the garden

3.      The party was given in his honor

4.      The light was left for the whole night

5.      The floor was washed only in the morning

6.      The letters of thanks were sent to all their friends

7.      All cakes were ate up yesterday

8.      The Tower of London was used as a prison

93.) Answer the questions according to the given pattern.

Pattern: Did you send for the doctor yesterday?

              Yes, he was sent for.

  1. Did they look into the matter?
  2. Did they lose sight of the boat?
  3. Did he turn down your offer?
  4. Did they lake care of little Tom?
  5. Did he speak about the trip last night?.
  6. Did they make fun other?
  7. Did they arrive at a definite conclusion?
  8. Did he rely on this information?
  9. Did she laugh at him?

1.      Yes. it was looked into

2.      Yes, it was lost of

3.      Yes, it was turned down

4.      Yes, he was taken care of

5.      Yes, it was spoken about

6.      Yeas, it was made other

7.      Yes, they were arrived at

8.      Yes, it was relied

9.      Yes, he was laughed at

94.) Change into the Passive Voice. Use “by” where appropriate.

                      Beethoven composed this piece.

                      Pattern: This piece was composed by Beethoven

  1. Keats wrote this poem.
  2. A car ran over their dog.
  3. They did nothing until he came.
  4. The orchestra played piece beautifully.
  5. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings.
  6. Lions attacked the travelers.
  7.  Did the noise frighten you?
  8. Her beauty struck me deeply.

1.      This poem was written by Kate

2.      The dog was run over by car

3.      Nothing was done by them

4.      That piece was played beautifully by the orchestra

5.      Many valuable paintings were destroyed by the fire

6.      Travelers were attacked by lions

7.      Were you frightened by the noise?

8.      I was deeply strucked by her beauty

95.) Put the sentences into the Future Indefinite Passive.

Pattern: Tins news will hurt him badly.

              He will be badly hurt by this news.

  1. Ben will look after the dog well.
  2. They will hold a dance in the village.
  3. Ann will teach Richard to dance.
  4. We shall make the room comfortable for you.
  5. I shall serve both tea and coffee.
  6. People will enjoy this film all over the world.
  7. Someone will meet the visitors at the station.

1.      The dog will be looked after by Ben

2.      A dance will be held in the village

3.      Richard will be taught to dance by Ann

4.      The room will be made comfortable for you

5.      Both tea and coffee will be served

6.      This film will be enjoyed all over the world

7.      The visitors will be met at the station

96.) Answer the questions using the given suggestions.

Pattern: When will the new play be staged? (next month)

              I will be staged next month.

  1. When will the lecture on Byron be read? (next Monday)
  2. When will the birthday cake be baked? (tomorrow)
  3. When will the dinner be cooked? (in the morning)
  4. When will the mail be brought? (soon)
  5. Where will he be sent to? (to Moscow)
  6. Where will the parcel be brought? (to the office)

1.      It will be read next Monday

2.      It will be baked tomorrow

3.      It will be cooked in the morning

4.      It will be brought soon

5.      It will be sent to Moscow

6.      It will be brought to the office

97.) Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs.

  1. What is done cannot be undone.
  2. A tree is known by its fruit.
  3. Rome was not built in a day.

1. Что написано пером, то не вырубишь топором

2. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает

3. Терпение и труд все перетрут; Поспешишь – людей насмешишь

98.) Give passive transforms of the following sentences using the tense according to the time signal.

  1. They sent for the doctor in the evening (tomorrow morning)
  2. The teacher will explain this rule tomorrow (yesterday)
  3. They publish many books in Moscow annually (next year)
  4. They will build the bridge next year (two years ago)
  5. We translated many similar articles last term (next term)
  6. They published very interesting articles in this magazine (regularly)
  7. The president of the committee will sign the agreement (yesterday)
  8. The student makes many mistakes in his answers (at the last lesson)

1.The doctor will be sent for tomorrow in the morning

2. The rule was explained yesterday

3. Many books will be published next year

4. The bridge was built two years ago

6.      Many similar articles will be translated next term

7.      Very interesting articles are published regularly

8.      The agreement was sighed yesterday

9.      Many mistakes were done at the last lesson

99.) Translate the following questions into English.

  1. Когда ответят на письмо?
  2. Кто послал за доктором?
  3. Что ей обещали?
  4. Ведь ее приглашали в театр?
  5. Когда за ними пошлют?
  6. Эта книга продается только здесь или везде?
  7. Когда будет достигнуто соглашение?

1.      When will be the letter answered?

2.      Who sent for the doctor?

3.      What was promised to her?

4.      Was she invited to the theatre?

5.      When he will be sent for?

6.      Is this book sent only there or everywhere?

7.      When will agreement be done?

100.) Translate the following sentences. Use the proper tense and voice.

  1. В санаториях дети окружены заботой.
  2. Мне больше ничего не сказали, мне только показали эту статью.
  3. Если не пошлют за такси, мы опоздаем на поезд.
  4. Через месяц ему предложат какую-нибудь интересную работу.
  5. Студентам нашей группы предложили читать английские книги в оригинале.
  6. На митинге будут присутствовать многие делегации.
  7. Это событие комментируется в сегодняшних газетах.

1.      Children are taken with care in the sanatoria

2.      I was not told anything else, I was only shown this article

3.      If the taxi will not be sent for, we will be late

4.      He will be offered an interesting job next month

5.      The students of our class offered to read English books in the original

6.      There will be a lot of delegations on the meeting

7.      This event is commented in the newspapers

101.) Listen to the following story. Retell it, using the proper tense and voice.

                                      The Sympathetic Landlord

     A big fat man called at the rectory, and when the door was opened, asked to sec the rector’s wife, a woman well known for her charity.

     “Madam”, he said in a sad voice. ”I wish to draw your attention to a poor family in our street. The father is dead, the mother is. OO ill to work, and the nine children are starving. They will be turned into the street unless somebody , pays their rent for them. It’s about ten or twelve pounds.”

     “How terrible” exclaimed the woman.“ “May I ask who your are ?” The sympathetic visitor  put his handkerchief to his eyes. ”I’m the landlord”, he sobbed.

1.                           A big fat man called at the rectory and after opening the door he asked the rectors wife, who was well known because of her charity. A big fat man said to her that he knew a very poor family on their street. Father died, mother is ill and nine children were starving. Also he said that someone should pay rent for them, something about 10 or 12 pounds. The women exclaimed that it was terrible and asked the man who he was. And the man sobbed that he was the landlord

102.) Translate the following sentences. Transform them into general and disjunctive questions.

Pattern: A new library is being built in our district.

                         Is a new library being built in our district?

                         A new library is being built in our district, isn’t it?

  1. Tom is being examined now.
  2. The letter was being written, when she entered the room.
  3. This article is being translated now.
  4. The doctor was being sent for when our mother returned.
  5. They are being shown a new film now.
  6. An interesting report is being made now.
  7. Your friend was being asked by the teacher when the bell rang.

1.      У Тома сейчас идет экзамен. Is Tom being examined now? Tom is being examined now, is not he?

2.       Письмо было написано, когда она вошла в комнату. Was the letter being written when she entered the room? The letter was being written, when she entered the room, was not it?

3.      Эту статью переводят сейчас. Is this article being translated now? This article is being translated now, is not it?

4.      За доктором послали, когда вернулась наша мама. The doctor was being sent for when our mother returned, was not he? Was the doctor being sent for when our mother returned?

5.      Им показывают новый фильм сейчас. Are they being shown a new film now? They are being shown a new film now, are not they?

6.      Интересный доклад делается сейчас. Is an interesting report being made now? An interesting report is being made now, is not it?

7.      Твоего друга спрашивал учитель, когда прозвенел звонок. Your friend was being asked by the teacher when the bell rang, was not he? Was your friend being asked by the teacher when the bell rang?

103.) Transform the following sentences  into the Passive Voice.

 Pattern: She is Teaching my daughter French now.

                  My daughter is being taught French now.

  1. She is typing the letter at the moment.
  2. Father is repairing the TV – set.
  3. The professor is examining my friend now.
  4. My mother is cooking dinner now.
  5. We are discussing these questions now.

1.      The letter is being typed at the moment

2.      The TV-set is being repaired now

3.      My friend is being examined now

4.      Dinner is being cooking now

5.      These questions are being discussed now

104.) Translate into English the Passive Voice.

  1. Не входите в аудиторию. Там экзаменуют студента.
  2. Завтра в это время вас спросят.
  3. Когда я зашел в зал, моим одноклассникам показывали новый фильм.
  4. Эти статьи переписывают сейчас.
  5. Эти вопросы сейчас обсуждаются на собрании.
  6. Завтра на первом уроке нам будут объяснять новое правило.

1.      Do not enter the class. A student is being examined there

2.      You will be asked tomorrow at this time

3.      When I entered the hall, a new film was showed by my classmates

4.      These articles are being typed now

5.      These questions are being discussed now

6.      A new rule will be cleared for us tomorrow

105.) Listen to the dialogue Reproduce it with your fellow – student.

A college freshman was being severely criticized by his professor. “Your  last paper was very difficult to read” said professor. “Your work should be So written that even the most ignorant will be able to understand it”.

“Yes, sir, - said the student”. What part didn’t you get?”

1.Professor: Your last paper was very difficult to read. Your work should be written that even the most ignorant will be able to understand it

2.                           Student: Yes, sir. What part did not you get?

106.) Change the sentences into the Present Perfect Passive.

Pattern: Someone has broken my pen.

My pen has been broken.

  1. Your friends have invited you to dinner tomorrow.
  2. Someone has spilt some wine on the table – cloth.
  3. Somebody  has already boiled water.
  4. Have you done all the washing?
  5. Someone has already paid the typist for her work.
  6. They have my nephew the captain of the team.
  7. Somebody has fried the meat very well.
  8. Nobody has made any mistakes that work.
  9. They have brought up their children very well.
  10. Somebody has left the window open.

1.      I have been invited to the dinner

2.      Some wine has been spilt on the table

3.      Water has been already boiled

4.      Has all the washing been done?

5.      The typist has been paid for her work

6.      My nephew has been made the captain of the team

7.      The meat has been fried

8.      Mistakes has not been done at this work

9.      The children have been brought up

10.  The window has been left opened


1.Yes, it has been repaired

2.No, they have been tided

3.                           No, they have been switched off

4.                           No, they have been put to bad

5.                           No, they have been closed

6.                           No, it has been announced

7.                           No, they have been eaten up

8.                           No, it has been locked


1.      The end of the term had been teamed by the students

2.      I had been promised to give a book

3.      The lawyer had been asked just before you came here

4.      The bad had been empty

5.      The plays had been staged by the end of the last year

6.      All the photos had been lost


1.      My brother will have been sent for the doctor by that time

2.       My mother will have been cooked dinner by the time you return

3.      I shall have been written the letter by the time you ring me up

4.      She will have been translated this article by tomorrow morning

5.      I shall have been rewritten this text by the noon tomorrow


1.      The sky is covered with clouds

2.      The children were covered with a blanket by their mother

3.      This note is written with a very bad pen that is why you cannot read it

4.      Can you open the door of your flat with this kea?

5.      A lot of damage was done by the storm

6.      The dog was killed by the car

7.      The new school building will be surrounded with a garden

8.      This room is heated by a stove

Ex. 111 Translate into English

1.      Роман Толстого «Война и мир» переведен на многие языки.

2.      Этот памятник будет сооружен к Новому году.

3.      Меня никогда не спрашивали об этом.

4.      За доктором послали?

5.      Письмо только что прочитано.

6.      План обсуждается уже два часа

7.      Будет ли статья уже переведена к трем часам?

8.      На страницах журнала обсуждается много интересных вопросов.

9.      Разве газеты и журналы еще не доставлены?

10.  Кофе принесут через несколько минут.

11.  Работа была сделана в срок.

12.  Где идет экзамен (to hold an examination) по истории англии?

1.      The novel “War and peace” was translated into many languages

2.      This monument will be built be the new year

3.      We have never asked about that

4.      Was the doctor sent for?

5.      The letter has been just read

6.      The plan is being discussed for two hours

7.      Will the article have been translated by 3 p. m.?

8.      A lot interesting questions are discussed on the pages of this magazine

9.      Have the newspapers and magazines sent arrived?

10.  Coffee will be brought in couple of minutes

11.  The work have been done in time

12.  Where is the exam of history of England held?



Глагол условного придаточного предложения стоит в простом настоящем времени, глагол главного предложения в простом будущем времени.

Есть условные предложения открытого типа

If John works hard, he will learn grammar

He will do the work if he has time

Есть же условные придаточные в сослагательном наклонении

If John worked hard he would learn grammar

I would help him if he asked me

If I was offered the job I think I think I would take it

I am sure Tom will lend me some money. I would be surprised if he refuses

Many people would be out of work if that factory  closed down


Все глаголы, стоящие в прямой речи в настоящем времени, в косвенную речь переводятся в прошедшем. Соответственно, если в прямой речи предложение указано в Present Continuous, то при переводе в косвенную речь время преобразуется в Peas Continuous. Следует также отметить, что при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную, местоимения также изменяются. Например:

Pedro said: I want to go to Harvard”

Pedro said that he wanted to go to Harvard

I said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada

I said that my father was in hospital

I said that they were getting married next month

I said that I had not seen Bill for a while

Jean said that she had had a baby

I said that I did not know what Fred was doing

I said that I could hardly go out these days

I said that I worked 14 hours a day

I said that I told Jim about you

I said that you could come and stay in London with me


Тип А

Если тебе нужен словарь, иди в библиотеку. Я приду сразу же, если ты  захочешь меня подождать. Подождем здесь, если ты не возражаешь. Если он болел, почему он не лежал в постели? Я могу вести наблюдение с твоей помощью. Если я найду письмо, я покажу его тебе. Если я его встречу, я приглашу его. Если дети играют тихо, не беспокой их.

Тип Б

Если я встречу его снова, я могу спросить его об этом. Ты думаешь, он разозлится, если я попрошу его  помочь мне? Они придут, если мы их пригласим? Если это необходимо, мы могли бы сделать другой тест. Если он спросит, скажи ему, что никаких свежих новостей нет.

Тип В

Если бы он был старше, он бы мог получить эту работу. Если бы я был тобой, я бы сделал другой эксперимент. Он не мог перевести этот рассказ, хотя и старался. Если бы они знали ответ, учитель был бы счастлив. Если бы Джон был здесь,  бы немедленно пошел к нему. Если бы я знал его родной язык, я бы спросил его.