Homonyms in English and their specific features

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24. Bloomsbury Dictionary of New Words. M. 1996 стр.276-278

25. Hornby The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Lnd. 1974 стр.92-93, 111

26 . Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English. Longman. 1981pp.23-25

27. Трофимова З.C. Dictionary of New Words and New Meanings. Изд. 'Павлин' ,1993. стрю48 28. World Book Encyclopedia NY Vol 8 1993 p.321

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1 Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979 pp.72-82

2 O. Jespersen. Linguistics. London, 1983, pp. 395-412

3.Smirnitsky A.I. Homonyms in English M.1977 pp.57-59,89-90

4 Dubenets E.M. Modern English Lexicology (Course of Lectures) M., Moscow State Teacher Training University Publishers 2004 pp.17-31

5 Canon G. Historical Changes and English Wordformation: New Vocabulary items. N.Y., 1986. p.284

6 Howard Ph. New words for Old. Lnd., 1980. p.311

7 Halliday M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotics. Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. Lnd., 1979.p.53,112

8 Maurer D.W. , High F.C. New Words - Where do they come from and where do they go. American Speech., 1982.p.171

9 Canon G. Historical Changes and English Word formation: New Vocabulary items. N.Y., 1986. p.284

10 Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English. Longman. 1981pp.23

11 Buranov, Muminov Readings on Modern English Lexicology

T. O’qituvchi 1985 pp. 34-47