Статья: Synchronization and effect of Zommerfelda as typical resonant samples
Название: Synchronization and effect of Zommerfelda as typical resonant samples Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: статья |
Synchronization and Sommerfeld as Typical Resonant Patterns Part I. Single Driver Example Kovriguine D.A. Abstract We analyze a classical problem of oscillations arising in an elastic base caused by rotor vibrations of an asynchronous driver near the critical angular velocity. The nonlinear coupling between oscillations of the elastic base and rotor takes place naturally due to unbalanced masses. This provides typical frequency-amplitude patterns, even let the elastic properties of the beam be linear one. As the measure of energy dissipation increases the effect of bifurcated oscillations can disappear. The latter circumstance indicates the efficiency of using vibration absorbers to eliminate or stabilize the dynamics of the electromechanical system. Key Words Sommerfeld effect, asynchronous device; Lyapunov criterion, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, stability. stationary oscillation resonance synchronization Introduction The phenomenon of bifurcated oscillations of an elastic base, while scanning the angular velocity of an asynchronous driver, is referred to the well-known Sommerfeld effect [1-9]. Nowadays, this plays the role of one of classical representative examples of unstable oscillations in electromechanical systems, even being the subject of student laboratory work in many mechanical faculties. This effect is manifested in the fact that the descending branch of resonant curve can not be experienced in practice. A physical interpretation is quite simple. The driver of limited power cannot maintain given amplitude of stationary vibrations of the elastic base. Any detailed measurements can reveal that the oscillation frequency of the base is always somewhat higher than that predicted by linear theory. This implies a very reasonable physical argument. With an increase of base vibrations, for example, the geometric nonlinearity of the elastic base should brightly manifest itself, so that this assuredly may lead to the so-called phenomenon of “pulling” oscillations. However, a more detailed mathematical study can demonstrate that the dynamic phenomena associated with the Sommerfeld effect are of more subtle nature. If one interprets this effect as a typical case of resonance in nonlinear systems, then one should come to a very transparent conclusion. The appearance of the frequency-amplitude characteristic naturally encountered in nonlinear systems, say, when regarding the Düffing-type equations, does not necessarily have place due to the geometric nonlinearity of the elastic base. This dependence appears as a result of nonlinear resonant coupling between oscillations of the elastic base and rotor vibrations, even when the elastic properties being absolutely linear one. The latter circumstance may attract an interest in such a remarkable phenomenon, as the effect of Sommerfeld, which is focused in the present paper. The equations of motion The equations describing a rotor rolling on an elastic base read [1-6]
where After introducing the dimensionless variables the basic equations hold true: where The set (3) is now normalized at the linear part approaching a standard form. First, the equations can be written as a system of four first-order equations Then we introduce the polar coordinates, Now the set (5) experiences the transform on the angular variable Here Resonance We study the resonance phenomenon in the dynamical system (6). Let where
Now the average The equations of slow motions In the case when the system is far from resonance, i.e. where Stationary oscillations in the absence of energy dissipation Now the usual condition of a steady motion, i.e. This solution describes a typical resonant curve at The next stage of the study is to test the stability properties of stationary solutions. To solve this problem, one should obtain the equations in perturbations. The procedure for deriving these equations is that, firstly, one performs the following change of variables where To solve the stability problem evoking the Lyapunov criterion we formulate the eigenvalue problem defined by the following cubic polynomial, implicitly presented by determinant of the third order Now we can apply one of the most widely known criteria, for example, the Hurwitz criterion, for the study the stability properties in the space of system parameters. The result is that the descending branch of the resonant curve, when Formally, there are stable stationary regains, when Damped stationary oscillations A small surprise is that the response of the electromechanical system (2) has a significant change in the presence of even very small energy dissipation. Depending on the parameters of the set (2) the small damping can lead to typical hysteretic oscillatory patterns when scanning the detuning parameter From the stationary condition, one looks for the stationary oscillation regimes
For a small damping the solution of these equations describes a typical non-unique dependence between the frequency and amplitude, i.e. Fig. 1. The frequency-amplitude dependence Fig. 2. The angular velocity To study the stability problem of stationary solutions to the perturbed equations we should formulate the eigenvalue problem. This leads to the following characteristic cubic polynomial with the coefficients[1]
Now one traces the stability properties by finding the areas of system parameters by applying the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, which states the necessary and sufficient conditions of positivity of the following numbers However, with the growth of the dissipation the instability zone shrinks. Then the frequency-amplitude curve becomes unambiguous, and the instability zone is completely degenerated. In this case the Sommerfeld effect also disappears. Conclusions Near the resonance the rotor is substantially influenced by the pair of forces acting from the vibrating base. The average value of this moment is a definite value proportional to quadrate of the amplitude of vibrations of the base. Therefore, near the resonance some increase in the angular velocity of the engine is experienced. This leads to the phenomenon of ‘pulling’ hesitation, despite the fact that the elastic properties of the base are linear. Together with the growth of dissipation the zone of the Sommerfeld instability narrows down to its complete disappearance. This leads to the idea of efficiency of utilizing vibration absorbers to stabilize the motion of electromechanical systems. Acknowledgments The work was supported in part by the RFBR grant (project 09-02-97053-р поволжье). References [1]Vibrations in Engineering, v. 2, Moscow. Mechanical Engineering, 1979: 351 (in Russian). [2]Frolov K.V. Vibrations of machines with limited capacity power source and the variable parameters (Proc. K.V. Frolov ed.), Nonlinear oscillations and transient processes in machines, Moscow: Nauka, 1972: 5-16 (in Russian). [3]Kononenko V.O. Nonlinear vibrations of mechanical systems. Kiev: Nauk. Dumka, 1980: 382 (in Russian). [4]Nagaev R.F. Quasiconservative systems. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996: 252 (in Russian). [5]Blekhman I.I. Synchronization in Nature and Technology. Moscow: Nauka, 1977: 345 (in Russian). [6]Blekhman I.I., Landa P.S., Rosenblum M.G. Synchronization and chaotization in interacting dynamical systems (J) Appl. Mech. Rev., 1995, 11(1): 733-752. [7]Samantaray A.K., Dasguptaa S.S.and R. Bhattacharyyaa. Sommerfeld effect in rotationally symmetric planar dynamical systems (J), Int. J. Eng. Sci., 2010, 48(1): 21-36. [8]Masayoshi Tsuchidaa, Karen de Lolo Guilhermeb and Jose Manoel Balthazarb. On chaotic vibrations of a non-ideal system with two degrees of freedom: Resonance and Sommerfeld effect (J), J. Sound and Vibration, 2005, 282(3-5): 1201-1207. [9]Leonov G.A., Ponomarenko D.V. and Smirnova V.B. Frequency-domain methods for nonlinear analysis. Theory and applications. Singapore: World Sci., 1996: 498. [10] Zhuravlev V.F., Klimov D.M. Applied methods in oscillation theory, Moscow: Nauka, 1988: 328 (in Russian). [1] It should be noted that the characteristic polynomial coefficients are calculated with a somewhat inflated for the first-order approximation accuracy. In fact, it is easy to prove by series expansion in the small parameter. However, the coefficients in the truncated form are such that again lead to a transcendental equation. Therefore, the value of such asymptotics is small. |