Реферат: Urban Sprawl Essay Research Paper Urban SprawlWhat
Название: Urban Sprawl Essay Research Paper Urban SprawlWhat Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: реферат |
Urban Sprawl Essay, Research Paper Urban Sprawl What do abandoned buildings, clogged highways, and new mega-malls in farm fields have in common? According to a growing list of national experts, all of these seemingly unrelated phenomenon are the direct result of urban sprawl. Webster s Dictionary says that to sprawl is to spread out in an awkward or uneven way, especially so as to take up more space than is necessary. Although a clear meaning of sprawl remains elusive, public debate over sprawl is driven primarily by general concerns that low-density residential development threatens farmland and open space, increases public service costs, encourages people and wealth to leave central cities and degrades the environment.(NCPA) One must understand that urban sprawl can not be completely eliminated, but only contained in a manner that will help the United States to function better as a country. Sprawl is inevitable. We can t have a strong economy unless we grow and allow new development (Beaumont 9). Each morning, millions of Americans start their engines and grind their way to work. They leave quiet settings for the hustle and bustle of the nearby cities. When evening approaches, these same people make their way back home. Home, however, is no longer just across town. Many of these people will commute miles and miles to their country homes. Americans drive more than two trillion miles and consume more than 150 billion gallons of motor fuel every year (Beaumont 25). They are not alone in their commute though, the entire rest of the subdivision is doing the exact same thing, day in and day out. They endure the traffic, lost time, and general inconvenience to be surrounded by farmland and open space and a hundred or so homes exactly identical to theirs. Urban sprawl has always been a problem in a sense; however not until the automobile was sprawl a serious issue. With the arrival of the automobile, people could live farther a way from work and not have to live in the city. So the issue became a bigger issue with faster and better cars. Many people were now able to live the American Dream , rural life. A house of their own, out of town enough to be quiet, but not too far from civilization. Then something happened, the open space that they fell in love with was slowly devoured by housing, shopping malls, and believe it or not other people. Since 1970, 20 million acres of farms and open spaces have been paved over and developed (26). The rolling fields that once marked freedom are now browning and dotted with homes. This makes the original homeowner unhappy. It is within our power to stop the blight of ever more sprawl on the American landscape (Moe 35). They write editorials asking questions and demanding answers. Both silently and aloud they fume: How dare the farmer sell out his heritage, the land is more valuable as farmland, right? How dare the developer exploit the land, don t they care about our earth? How dare the politician allow this activity, aren t we paying them to represent us? And how dare the home buyer have the audacity to move there? So sure are they in their quest for justice that they never stop to consider one simple fact: they once were newcomers too. And before them, the land was open space or farmland. The developer exploited the land that they fell in love with, the politician allowed the homes to be built, and they were audacious enough to inhabit it. So the circle begins. We as a country are facing an epidemic of unknown proportions: age-old expansionist attitudes. Urban sprawl has made a definite impact on environment, agriculture, and economy. So, what exactly is Urban Sprawl? The terms urban sprawl, and suburbanization are often used to describe the continuous outmigration of the American economic and population base from its central cities and major cities to the seas of low density residential development highlighted by edge cities or suburban megacenters, where commercial, retail, office, and entertainment development has occurred.(Bartlett 21) This description describes the trend overtaking rural America. The land that once fed the populace is being used to house the masses. This phenomenon is being me with a variety of opinions. One of the strongest positions regarding urban sprawl belongs to that of those concerned with the environment. Growth has greatly affected the environment and quality of life. Urban sprawl s environmental consequences often have been overlooked by environmentalists amid concerns about other problems. Yet conditions in metropolitan areas in the United States may be the best indicator of the environmental quality of our lives. Many U.S. residents believe that those conditions are deteriorating in important respects, including loss of green spaces, added runoff of pollutants into water ways, increased traffic that causes congestion and air pollution, and a less pleasing landscape. Wildlife habitat is lost or fragmented to the point that additional species are becoming imperiled, as in southern California, where 90 percent of the coastal sage ecosystem has disappeared.(Beaumont 22) As a result, there has been a surge of actions aimed at limiting sprawl. Congestion and extra driving necessitated by sprawling development contribute to air pollution. Vehicles are the main source of air pollution, and vehicle exhaust remains a serious problem. The biggest threat is from surface-level ozone, the main ingredient of urban smog. Many U.S. citizens are at high risk for adverse health effects such as pneumonia and asthma attacks due to high levels of ozone. Even healthy residents have been advised to jog in the early morning on bad air days. Wildlife habitat has also been eliminated or degraded. Sprawl threatens our rural legacy, too. The American Farmland Trust reports that we are losing 1 million acres of farmland per year to sprawl. Since 1976, farmland preservation laws have protected nearly 444,000 acres of farmland. But we lose at least 16 acres of prime farmland to urban development for every acre saved (Beaumont 15). If acres upon acres of farmland is being devoured by developers, how and where are we going to grow our food. The AFT stated that agriculture is in too bad of a state already, both economically and socially, to be biting the hand that feeds us. Another not so obvious point is that urban sprawl has large economic effects on all Americans. More streets, water lines, sewage services, schools, expanded police and fire protections are all paid for by the American taxpayer. So in other words, higher taxes. Another major issue being created by this social problem is the breaking of the traditional community structure. Our cities are not working well. Issues such as these deserve our attention and thought. However, there are more sides to this complex story. Not everyone shares this same view. For most Americans another example of the American Dream , would be the perfect suburban life. Taking an evening stroll through the neighborhood, children playing, chatting with neighbors, it is safe to say that many Americans aspire to these kinds of neighborhoods and living conditions. However, policymakers and citizens need to look beyond the architecture and into the soul of the suburb. These people only enjoy how wonderful living in the suburbs can be, but they fail to ever address any economic, environmental, or agriculture issues. When presented, proposals to reduce sprawl inevitably run into political opposition. Customary opponents are development interests and those who believe in the right to do whatever one chooses with one s property. Developers have deep pockets and can be politically influential. Urban sprawl is an issue that affects every single American, from the taxes we pay to where we live. As the world population expands, the demand for housing increases. Because of institutions such as the Federal Housing Administration, Americans are finding it easier every day to buy their own homes. We collectively have more money to spend, and wish it on the living conditions we truly desire. However, these aspects are offset by the fact that we decrease our food supply and degrade our earth with every foundation poured, nail pounded, and real estate deal closed. We cannot know what our actions today will do to our lives tomorrow. Unfortunately, only time will give us a definitive answer. |