Реферат: Orson Scott Card
Название: Orson Scott Card Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: реферат |
’s : Ender’s Game Essay, Research Paper The book starts off with Ender getting his monitor off. A monitor is something that they but on the back of these peoples necks to see if they are a good candidate to be a general to fight the buggers. The buggers are aliens. Well, since he is not monitored anymore people who have always wanted to fight him can now fight them. He ends up winning all of the fights and he goes home. As it turns out taking off his monitor was a test to see how he would handle people that fight him. A general then explains that he want to send Ender to battle school so he can learn how to fight in space. Ender decides to go. When he gets there he finds out that it is very tough. He ends up killing 2 kids and breaking count less numbers of bones in the 4 years that he is there. While he is there he plays a virtual reality game. When he beats the game the computer makes up a place called the end of the world. There are some very disturbing things here. Eventually Ender graduates battle school (2 years earlier that anybody has ever graduated, he’s a genius.) He then goes to command school were he learns how to control fleets of star ships. They put him in a simulator and he is given many missions to fly. Then one day his inspectors say that today is his final mission before they grade him. He up agents a whole planet and a vast number of ships. He ends up winning by using a secret weapon on the planet that blows it up. When he finishes the battle he realizes that everyone is cheering behind him. When he asks why they tell him that all of his missions were real ones against the buggers and that he had just destroyed all of the buggers. My favorite character in this book is Ender. He is my favorite character for many reasons. One reason is that he is really smart. He has a photographic memory and he has a 200 IQ. He also could out smart adults when he was 5. Another reason why I like him is because he likes to play video games. He says that they make him even smarter. Another reasons why I like Ender is because he doesn’t let people take advantage of him. My least favorite character in this book would have to be Peter Wiggin. I despise him for a few reasons. First off because he is a jerk. He always beats up Ender and Valentine. He does this because he always needs to be in control. Another reason why I don’t like peter is because he is just as smart as Ender but he uses his smarts for evil purposes. He once skinned a squirrel with out killing it so he could watch it die. Another reason why I don’t like him is because even after Ender saves the world he still doesn’t give Ender any respect. My favorite part in this book is when Ender defeats the buggers. This is my favorite part for 3 reasons. One, because the buggers have been destroying mankind since the year 2034. Two, Because they are ruthless killers. Finally because they have been abducting humans since 1940. They would freeze them in tubs or cut them open. My least favorite part in this book is when they take the monitor off Ender. I dislike this part for a few reasons. First off is because it is a very painful process. It has been in the back of kids necks since they were 4 and they are taking it out when they are 6. They end up having to knock him out in order to remove it. Another reasons is because after he gets the monitor taken off he gets beat up. Another reasons is because everyone hates Ender because when they take off your monitor that means you didn’t make it to the battle school when infact he did make it. We’ll, I loved this book! I read the whole thing in less than a week.Sorry this was written in a hurry so it does sound really scrappy, but it can save you on that last minute book report! Sincerely, Paul |