Реферат: Cellphone Cloning Essay Research Paper blackbox
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Cellphone Cloning Essay, Research Paper black.box – cell1.txtBox network: [Black box] [Linux box] [NewOrder] [Astalavista] [Mp3 box] [DVD] [Eye] [Gameguru] [Thrax] discussions Message boards – post your questions and comments here! Contact information. Read more about blackbox zine. Most informational hacking site. Links to other underground zines on the net. 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THE USEUAL WARNINGS!: For Authorized Dealers only otherwise for Educational Use Only!! ON TO CLONING CELL PHONES IN THIS CHAPTER OF CPO’S PHREAKING GUIDE WE WILL LEARN HOW TO CLONE PHONES. (PERHAPS YOU HAVE BOUGHT A PHONE AND WANT TO CLONE IT WITH ANOTHER PHONE THAT YOU HAVE IN USE THAT IS OLDER OR SOMTHING) WHAT YOU NEED TO CLONE A CELL PHONE: 1) SYSTEM ID 2) AREA CODE 3) CELL PHONE NUMBER 1) SYSTEM ID To first start off you must find out the system id for the area that you are in. you can do this in a couple of simple ways: 1)Phone your local cell phone suppyer and say you are programming your cell phone to another number because you are selling it or somthing like that and they will give you a system id number it will consist of a five didget number eg: 16425 which is for the lower mainland for British Columbia. Another way of finding the sysid is to go through the programming of a phone that is already on a network. (remember each company will have a a different system id for that area. so it is easier to clone phones from large companys like BCTEL, TELUS, AT&T, CANTEL, NORTEL etc. 2) AREA CODE If you dont know the area code that you are in you shouldnt be useing a phone in the first place. but ill give an example anyways. The area code will be a three didgit number eg: 604 3) CELL PHONE NUMBER this is the number of the cell phone that you want to clone. I am shure that everyone knows what a phone number looks like but i will give an example anyways eg: 438-0000 438=exchang 0000=subscribers number ok now we get to the good stuff! after you have found all this info you are ready to clone a cell phone. We will go over cloning instructions for popular phones such as: 1)NOKIA 2)MOTOROLLA 3)ERICSSON *NOTE1: MODELS SUCH AS SONY,PANASONIC,AT&T,AUDIOVOX AND UNIDEN WILL NOT BE COVERED IN THIS ISSUE BUT WILL BE COVERED IN AN UPDATED ISSUE FOR CELL PHONE CLONING WHEN I HAVE MORE TIME. IF YOU WILL NEED A SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR A PERTICULARE CELL PHONE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT THE ADRESS BELOW. *NOTE2:MOST DIDGITAL PHONES ARE HARD TO CLONE BUT ANALOG PHONES ARE MUCH EASIER TO CLONE WITH THIS METHOD. 1)Programming the NOKIA phone. since Nokia is one of the most popular phones on the market today (atleast in Canada) we will go over it first. FOR:NOKIA 21XX,51XX,61XX,636,639,918 Step 1)Power phone on 2)Press *#639# 3)Enter 10 didgit cellure number, press ok 4)Enter sys id (eg:16425), press ok 5)Phone will automatically turn off than back on *NOTE-if programmed incorectly display will read “Activation Failed” FOR:NOKIA P1000/100/PT101/PT128/PT228/PT232 Step 1)Power phone on 2)Press *3001#12345 3)display reads 00 4)Hold CLR down for few seconds -than enter ten didgit phone number, press store,02,store,CLR (hold for few seconds) 5)Enter sys id 6)Press *1*10333*05*05, press store 7)press 03, press store 8)press CLR 9)Power phone off to exit and save programming FOR:NOKIA 232/239/515 Step 1)ENter *3001#12345 , press STO 00 2)Press and hold CLR (you will hear 2 beeps) 3)Enter 911#5551212#0 * 12345, STO, 01, STO 4)press and hold CLR (you will hear 2 beeps) 5)Enter local area code plus the cell phone number, press STO, 02, STO -enter sys id 6)press and hold CLR (you will hear 2 beeps) 7)Press *1*1 *333*15*05# 0111 * 1 ,STO, 03, STO 8)press and hold CLR (you will hear 2 beeps) 9)turn phone off than on ADVANCED NAM PROGRAMMING MODES AND TEST MODES FOR:NOKIA 51XX, 61XX -AT SCREEN PRESS IN *3001#12345# -THIS WILL BRING YOU TO THE ADVANCED PROGRAMMING MODE WHERE YOU CAN DO TEST AND CHANGE VITAL SETTINGS OF YOUR CELLULAR PHONE. -TO EXIT ADVANCED MODE TURN OFF THE PHONE AT THE MAIN SCREEN 2)Programming MOTOROLA phones Motorola phones can all programm the same way Step 1)press FCN, press 0000000000000 (13 zeros) 2)Press RCL -phone displays “01″ 3)Enter sys ID press ** 4)Enter Area COde press ** 5)enter cell number press ** 6)enter station class mark 05 press ** 7)enter acsess overload class (0+2nd lass didgit of cellnumber) Press ** 8)enter group id mark 05 press ** 9)enter 6 didgit security code 000000 press ** 10)enter 3 didgit unlock code 123 press ** 11)enter paging channel 0333 press ** 12)press* 13)press* *NOTE: display should read “01″ if it dose press “SEND” *NOTE: Press RCL than # to confirm that you have programmed the phone correctly cellure number should appear. Programm complete! MOTOROLA STARTAC 60** – 30** – 70 – 90 – DIDGITAL Steps -Enter 7,4,6,6,3 -Enter entire phone number (###) ###-#### -press STO -Enter SYSID -press STO Programming completed 3)ERICSSON cell phones FOR:ERICSSON 318/368/388/618/688 Step: 1)press 923885, press MENUE key 2)select NAM 1 (push 1) 3)ESN displayed (Press RCL) 4)enter cellur phone number 000-0000, press RCL 5)A-key shows # (press RCL) 6)SID 1 (enter sys id) press RCL 7)ALPHA TAG 1 (leave as is) Press RCL 8)LOCK code 0000, press RCL 9)GO to level 2, press NO 10)EXIT (save)(Press YES) 11)Press MENUE 12)Press 3 13)Press 2 *NOTE:if the ERICSSON phone that you want to programm is not in the list e-mail CPO at the adress given at the end of this text. **NOTE: in a case of sim lock you must either resort to unlocking the phone with a cable link to your computer with the proper software or you must get a dealer to unlock it for you and this might cost alot of cash. Some programming programms are available at our website along with instructions on building cables to connect to your cellular phone. CPO FOUNDERS ARE: LYSERGIC DISCRENTALED WALRUS SKARY SPIFF **WE NOW HAVE A WEBSITE WITH UPDATED CELLPHONE INFORMATION PLEASE DROP BYE AND TAKE A LOOK: http://www.cpobc.cjb.net IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PHREAKING OR HACKING TEXT E-MAIL IT TO CPO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE CPO E-MAIL US WITH CREDENTIALS EMAIL: CPOBC@HOTMAIL.COM FOR THE LAMERS THAT WANT TO FLAME US PLEASE SEND MAIL TO ADMIN@HOTMAIL.COM THANKS!! *********************************************************************** * * * CCCCCCPPPPPPPPPP OOOOOOOOOO * *CCCC CCCCPPP PPPPP OOOOOOOOOOOO * * CCCC CCCCPPP PPPPP OOOO OOOO * * CCCC PPPPPPPPPP OOOO OOOO * * CCCC PPPP OOOO OOOO * * CCCC CCCC PPPP OOOO OOOO * * CCCC CCCC *** PPPP *** OOOOOOOOOOOO * * CCCCCC *** PPPP *** OOOOOOOOOO * * * *********************************************************************** MANUFACTURER HOTLINES AUDIOVOX1-905-712-9299 1-800-465-9672 ERICSSON1-905-206-6566 1-905-629-6802 1-800-661-4201 ext:6566/6802 MITSUBISHI1-905-475-7728 1-800-268-9828 MOTOROLA1-800-461-4575 1-905-890-2355 ext:201 NOKIA1-888-226-6542 1-905-427-6654 PANASONIC1-800-334-6926 1-905-238-2132 JRC1-800-881-5722 |