Реферат: Atlantis Fact Or Fiction Essay Research Paper

Название: Atlantis Fact Or Fiction Essay Research Paper
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Atlantis: Fact Or Fiction Essay, Research Paper

Atlantis: Fact or Fiction?

Lee Kirkpatrick

February 5,1999


Thesis Statement: Many world renowned historical philosophers, explorers, and

premonitionists have made many credible theories about the lost continent which have

historical documentation to make them believable.


II.Discoveries World Wide

III.Plato?s Account

IV.Atlantis and the Earth?s Shifting Crust

V.Edgar Cayce

VI.Mount Krakatoa

VII.Crystal Powers

A.Atlantean Culture

B.Crystal and its Destruction

VIII.Atlantis in Religion


Lee Kirkpatrick

English 4

Mrs. Ferguson

February 5, 1999

Atlantis: Fact or Fiction?

Do you believe in the lost continent of Atlantis? Or do you believe that it is merely

a ?fairy tale? for a misrepresentation in history? Many of these ?glitches? in history have

been exploited as absurd accounts of a lost continent once destroyed. However, many

world renowned historical philosophers, explorers, and premonitionists have made many

credible theories about the lost continent which have historical documentation to make

them believable.

Discoveries World Wide

?This is probably the greatest discovery in World History? was stated by Maxine

Asher, the co-director of a scientific expedition that found a city on the bottom of the

Atlantic Ocean off Spain (Oman). Many other scientists and explorers have found

evidence of a former continent that once existed, but today can not be accounted for.

A huge eleven room pyramid found 10,000 feet under water in the mid Atlantic Ocean

with a huge crystal top was reported by Tony Benik. A sunken city about 400 miles off

Portugal was found by Soviet expeditions led by Boris Asturua, with buildings made of

extremely strong concrete and plastics. Strangely enough Boris said the ?the remains of

streets suggests the use of monorails for transportation.? Hundreds more of strange

discoveries of objects on the ocean floors have been reported, but most historians still

conclude that Atlantis is just a myth (Oman).

Plato?s Accounts

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote two works, the Timelaus and Critias

referring to the lost continent of Atlantis (Santos). Plato acquired the record of Atlantis

form his ancestor Solon. Plato describes Atlantis as, ? larger than Libya and Asia

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combined; from it there was passage for the sea-farers of those trying to reach other

islands, and from them the whole opposite continent which surrounds what can truly be

called the ocean. For these regions lie within the strait……..seem to be but a bay having a

narrow entrance; but the other ocean is the real ocean and the land which entirely

surrounds it may with fullest truth and fitness be named continent.? The Libya and Asia

Plato refers to is roughly about the size of the contiguous United States. Plato therefore

thought that Atlantis was even larger than Asia and Libya. He also refers to Atlantis being

near the ?bay having a narrow entrance.? Today this is known as the Strait of Gibraltar,

the opening to the Mediterranean Sea. Plato thought that the lost continent was

somewhere just west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Plato also described the continent of

Atlantis as being a very mountainous continent, high above the sea level, and being very

green and plentiful to its inhabitants (Flem-Ath).

Because Plato was a Greek philosopher, he believed in the Gods of Olympus. The

most important god of the Greeks was Zeus. Apparently, according to Plato, the

inhabitants angered Zeus in some manner. Possibly due to the corruption that the

Atlantean society had acquired. Plato wrote that the waters of the sea rose up and

?swallowed? the mass whole. Plato estimated the destruction of Atlantis around 9600 b.c.


Atlantis and the Earth?s Shifting Crust

Rand Flem-Ath highly believes in Plato?s Critias and Timaleus. Flem-Ath

however, feels Plato?s view of Atlantis is only a ?sliver of the truth.? Rand Flem-Ath

believes that the lost continent of Atlantis is actually the frozen continent of Antarctica.

While this theory may appear to be absurd, Flem-Ath?s knowledge of history creates avid

proof that this could be true. Plato described Atlantis as a continent high above sea level,

and this is true about the continent of Antarctica. In fact, Antarctica has an average

elevation of six thousand, five hundred feet. This is well over twice as high as any other

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continent. Flem-Ath discovered a map from an ancient Egyptian which was republished in

1665 by Athanasius Kircher. The map included a continent located in the Atlantic Ocean

directly between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Americas. The continent was labeled

Atlantis, and the map was inscribed with a Latin message. The message translates: ?Site

of Atlantis, now beneath the sea, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians and the

description of Plato.? Rand Flem-Ath was the first researcher to compare the appearance

of this Atlantis to the appearance of Antarctica. Atlantis in this map represents

Antarctica?s size, shape, scale and position of an ice-free Antarctica (Flem-Ath).

In 1976 encyclopedias claimed that Antarctica had been covered with ice for at

least fifty to sixty million years. With this being true, Flem-Ath?s theory could not

possibly be accurate. However in 1991, two geologists discovered a frozen forest on the

continent of Antarctica. These scientists proved that the forest could not be more than

two to three million years old. Flem-Ath believes that if scientists can be wrong by fifty

million years, his theory could be true. Rand Flem-Ath also believes that the world slowly

began to enter the Ice Age before its destruction. As the continental drift carried

Antarctica further towards the southern axis, the combination of the Ice Age and

continent?s movement slowly made the Atlantis inhabitable for its people, the Atlanteans.

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce was a famous premonitionist of the twentieth century. He made

many famous predictions about the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce estimated the size of

Atlantis to the size of what is now Russia and Europe. He believed that the eastern

seaboard was the coastal region of Atlantis (Starbuck).

Edgar Cayce made a prophecy of the corruption of the Atlantean society. Cayce

said that the Atlanteans tried to rule the world. They were constantly at war with the

Rama Empire. Edgar Cayce saw the continent of Atlantis destroyed by the excessive use

of explosives. He also saw that the continent of Atlantis was split into five separate

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islands by immense earthquakes. Overall though Cayce felt that the destruction of Atlantis

was due to the cultural mishappenings of a greedy, power hungry society. In order that

the Atlantean society would not be completely lost along with the continent, the

Atlanteans attempted to leave the continent in order to teach other civilizations what they

had learned and about their culture (Starbuck).

Mount Krakatoa

Arysio Nunes dos Santos has a different theory than the others. Santos places the

continent of Atlantis in the Indies, India and Indonesia. So far this is the only place where

there have been virtually no sightings of Atlantis. He believes that the remains of Atlantis

lie at the bottom of the of the South China Sea. He also agrees with Plato on how Atlantis

was destroyed and also when Atlantis was destroyed. With the location that Santos places

this continent, it could explain why so many civilizations have made references to this

mysterious island. He believes that people migrated to the island because Atlantis was a

?Paradise? with ideal living conditions. When Santos reviewed a predicted map of the last

ice age in the Indonesian area, he found that a continent had to exist. The depths in this

region are less than one hundred meters deep (Santos).

Santos believed that the end of Atlantis was due to the most destructive volcano to

ever erupt. Mount Krakatoa exploded and caused a giant tsunami, which ravaged the

lowlands of Atlantis. It also triggered the end of the Ice Age by covering many glaciers

with a layer of black volcanic glass. This increased the glaciers ability to gather sunlight

which sped up their melting process. As the glaciers quickly melted, water poured into the

ocean raising the sea level one hundred to one hundred and fifty meters higher. This new

high elevation put too much pressure on the earth?s crust and weak areas cracked creating

more volcanoes and earthquakes. This completely put an end to the ice age and caused

the extinction of many species of animal. With the rise of the oceans, Atlantis was

completely submerged underwater, similar to how Plato described Atlantis?s fate. It is

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believed by Santos that some of the islands in this area are the tops of ancient mountains

that existed on the continent of Atlantis (Santos).

Crystal Powers

In order to understand Geoffrey Keyte?s theory about the lost continent of

Atlantis, it is important to understand the Atlanteans. According to Keyte the Atlanteans

were of extra-terrestrial origin who came to Earth over fifty thousand years ago. The

Atlanteans were over eight to twelve feet tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. These

people were very fair skinned with life spans of over eight hundred years. These seven to

twelve foot humaniods were thought to be a myth until a burial sight with eight to twelve

foot skeletons was excavated. The Spanish conquistadors left diaries of wild,

blonde-haired, blue eyed eight to twelve foot tall men running around in the Andes during

the conquest of the Incas (Keyte). The Nazi?s also believed in the race of Atlanteans.

World War II was fought because Adolph Hitler, the Nazi leader, was trying to recreate

the so called ?supermen? who had come and gone with the lost continent. In order to do

so though, Hitler believed that they must first exterminate all ?inferior races? (Omar).

Keyte believed that the Atlantean?s technology was far more advanced than

modern technology. The Atlanteans used crystals such as quartz to store and transfer

energy. Keyte said that the Atlanteans stored solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric, and Earth

energies tuned at high frequencies. The energy was used for various purposes. Currents

of energy were used for various purposes. The crystals also powered vehicles through

land, sea, and air at the speed of sound. As Atlantean society progressed, their need for

more energy also arose. They began to tune the crystals at such dangerously high

frequencies, that the Atlanteans destroyed themselves. Keyte says that finally the crystals

were tuned to high that the Atlanteans lost control of the crystals. The energy triggered

volcanoes, earthquakes, melting mountains, and tsunamis that ultimately lead to the

submergence of Atlantis and possibly even the axis shift of the Earth. In the Bermuda

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triangle, near the ancient continent of Atlantis, highly charged crystals periodically

discharge and cause dematerializations of anything near them (Keyte).

Atlantis in Religion

The ancient continent of Atlantis is also considered by many scientists to be the

origin of all religion (Santos). The writings of Plato, Geoffrey Keyte?s theory, and Arysio

Nunes dos Santos theory also coincide with Biblical Scriptures. Geoffrey Keyte?s theory

describes an Atlantean race that lived as many as eight hundred years. In the Bible

description of Adam, the first inhabitant of Earth, it says that he was a near perfect being

that lived for as many as nine hundred thirty years of age before he died. Keyte also

believed that the Atlanteans were virtual giants, and in the Bible it mentions that there

were ?giants of the Earth in those days? (Genesis 6). The Bible also makes references that

God flooded Earth when the first inhabitants became to corrupt (Genesis 6). This

coincides with Santos and Plato?s views of the destruction of the lost continent of Atlantis.

If the lost continent of Atlantis did exist, this would account for Biblical references to the

Garden of Eden which can not be found today.

Could so many philosophers be wrong about the lost continent of Atlantis? Entire

cities have been discovered on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and many other

unexplainable reports cannot be accounted for by skeptics. Although they may have

differing views of Atlantis?s location or how it was destroyed, historical evidence and

discoveries point towards the ancient existence of a lost continent.

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Works Cited

Cayce, Edgar . ?Atlantis. ? Atlantis: The Great Lost Civilization. Online.

Internet.26Jan.1999. Available http://thor.prohosting.com/~starbuck/atlantis.htm

dos Santos, Arysio Nunes. ?The True History of Atlantis.? The Scientific Evidence.

Online. Internet. 26Jan. 1999. Available http://www.atlan.org/articles/atlantis

Flem, Randy . ?Atlantis and the Earth?s Shifting Crust.? Source Symposium. Online.

Internet. 26 Jan. 1999. Available http://www.flem-ath.com/dell.htm

Moses. Genesis 1. United States of America: World Bible Publishers, Inc. 1989

Oman, Steve . ?History of the Golden Ages.?. Online. Internet. 26 Jan. 1999.

Available http://www.newage.com.au/library/atlantis1.html