Реферат: Vocab Essay Research Paper Pride being
Название: Vocab Essay Research Paper Pride being Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: реферат |
Vocab Essay, Research Paper Pride ? being proud, inordinate self-esteem; and unreasonable conceit of one?s own superiority over others. Insufficient ? not sufficient, inadequate to any need, use or purpose. Consequence ? that which follows from any act, cause, principles or series of actions. Pliancy ? quality of being pliant; easiness to be vent; readiness to be influenced. Ductility ? a yielding disposition of mind; ready compliance. Commendation ? praise, favorable representation of words, declaration of esteem; respects; greeting; message of love. Synonymously ? to express by words of the same meaning (words that have the same meaning (synonym) Endeavor ? to try to do; an effort; an essay; an attempt. Defy ? to provoke to combat or strife, to challenge; to dare, to despise. Engross ? to enlarge; to take up the whole of (engross one?s time). Accost ? to speak first to; to address before oneself is addressed. Felicity ? happy; bliss. Tete a tete ? (tete-a-tete) a private interview with no one but the parties concerned. Complexion ? The temperament, habitude or natural disposition of the body or mind, the color or hue of the skin particularly of the face. Symptoms ? Any sign or token; what serves as evidence not seen. Abominable ? detestable, loathsome; odious in the utmost degree. Eminent ? Standing out above other things, lofty, exalted in rank. Countenance ? demeanor, way of acting or holding one?s self; appearance or expression of the face. Odious ? offensive, hateful, horrible. Discretion ? quality of being discreet, caution, prudence, sound judgement. Reprehensible ? deserve to be reprehended; blameworthy; censurable; deserving reproof. Prosperity ? good progress in any business or enterprise; success, good fortune. Amiable ? possessing agreeable moral qualities, having an excellent or attractive disposition; lovable. Bestow ? possessing agreeable moral qualities, having an excellent or attractive disposition; lovable. Extinguish ? to put out; to quench; to stifle; to put and end to; to suppress, to destroy; the crush to eclipse. Elopement ? the running away of a woman, married or unmarried, with a lover. Perusal ? Peruse is to read through, to observe, to examine with careful survey, the act of perusing or reading. Preference ? the preferring of one thing or another; the object of choice; higher place in esteem. Melancholy ? sad, distraught. Forbearance ? long suffering; indulgence towards those who injure us (patience). Approbation ? approval. Insolent ? naughty, rude, defiant, overbearing, saucy. Prejudice ? to be biased against. Hypocrite ? the act of simulating or feigning to be what one is not; especially a false appearance of piety and virtue, insincerity. Cordial ? sincere, warm, affectionate. Unassailed ? not to be moved or shaken from a purpose. Haughty ? proud and disdainful; having a high opinion of ones self, with some content for others; lofty arrogant; disdainful; supercilious. Disposed ? to put away or get rid of. It has been thrown away. Superciliousness ? having a haughty error or manor; acting as if others were inferiors; arrogant. Tolerable ? capable of being borne or endured; moderately good or agreeable. Entreat ? to ask earnestly. Gallant ? to wait on or be very attentive to a lady. Composure ? a settled state of mind, calmness; tranquillity. Sentiment ? a thought prompted by feeling; tendency to be swayed by feeling; emotion. Chaise ? a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one or more horses, and generally furnished with a hood of top that me be let down. Feverish ? having fever. Impertinence ? irrelevantly; in a rude, saucy, manor. Indulge ? to give free course to gratify by compliance. Solace ? to console; to comfort; what relieves in distress. Witticism ? wit is a quality or faculty akin to humor. Witticism is a witty sentence phrase, or remark; and observation characterized by wit. Rapture ? a transport of delight; ecstasy; extreme joy or pleasure; enthusiasm. Precipitance ? rash haste; rushing headlong. Subsisting ?.existing, to be maintained with food and clothing. Premeditated ? to contrive (scheme) and design previously. Verdure ? green vegetation. Exertion ? a putting forth of power; and effort. Scrutiny ? close investigation or examination. Inducement ? that which induces or leads one to act; a motive; a consideration that leads to action. Pecuniary ? relating to or connected with money; consisting of money. Incumbent ? lying or resting upon; a person in possession of an ecclesiastical benefice or other office. Duplicity ? doubleness; different or contrary conduct; deceit. Esteem ? to set a high value on; respect; great regard. Diminution ? the state of becoming or appearing less; making smaller; discredit; loss of dignity; degradation. Render ? to give in return; to give or pay back. Equipage ? materials with which a person or thing is equipped. Conscience ? private or inward thoughts or real sentiments; the faculty, power, or principle within us, which decides on the rightness or wrongness of our own actions and affections. Michaelmas ? the feast of saint Michael, the archangel, which falls on the 29th of September. Disposition ? state of being disposed; temper or natural constitution of the mind. Conceit ? an ill?grounded opinion of one?s own importance. Reliance ? dependence; confidence; trust. Impertinent ? Unbecoming in speech or actions; petulant and rude. Converse ? mutual communication of thoughts and opinions; to chat. Pedantic ? a person who makes a vain display of his learning, or who prides himself on his book learning that is devoid of taste; one devoted to a system of rules. Complacent ? gratified; satisfied; a sense of quite enjoyment. Ample ? of great size; bulk; wide; abundant; plentiful. Coincide ? to happen at the same point of time. Motive ? that which incites to action. Solicitude ? an uneasiness of mind occasioned by fear of evil or desire for good; concern; anxiety. Vulgar ? pertaining to the lower or less refined class of people; hints, somewhat coarse; rude; boorish; low. Profuse ? extravagant; lavish; liberal to excess. Perpetual ? continuing forever; uninterrupted. Compliment ? to flatter; expression of commendation or admiration or praise. Gratify ? to please; to give pleasure to; to indulge, delight, humor, satisfy. Comparative ? comparison of different things belonging to same science or study. Affront ? to confront; to offend by an open manifestation of disrespect; to insult. Magnitude ? greatness; importance. Impartial ? not favoring one party more than another; unprejudiced; equitable; just. Propriety ? belonging to ownership. Remonstrance ? a strong statement of reasons against something. Comply ? to consent; to agree; to yield. Assertion ? an affirmation (positively), to join, connect, bind, support. Predominance ? superiority empower, influence, or authority. Incomprehensible ? incapable of being comprehended or understood. Rally ? a mass meeting to arouse group enthusiasm. To reunite. Presume ? to suppose or believe without examination. Conjecture ? to throw together; a guess; a presumption. Scandalous ? causing scandal or offense; shameful, libelous; slanderous. Scrupulous ? full of scruples; careful; precise; exact in regarding facts. Ascertain ? to make certain. Vex ? to irritate; fret, pelage, annoy; to make sorrowful; to grieve. Tenant ? one who occupies lands or houses for which he pays rent. Fastidious ? hard or difficult to please ( as in Mr. Tawa Ha), difficult to suit. Intimate ? to hint, indicate, or suggest; to announce. (OR) close in friendship; on very familiar terms. Provoke ? to challenge; to excite or arouse; to instigate; to excite to anger or passion; to irritate; to enrage. Indignation ? a feeling of displeasure at what is unworthy or base; anger, mingled with content, disguised or abhorrence. Mediate ? to interpose between parties as the equal friends of each; to negotiate between persons at variance with a view to reconciliation. Contrive ? to invent; to devise; to plan. To form schemes or designs. Regiment ? to assign soldiers to battalions, squadrons, or batteries, in branches of the army. Benevolence ? the disposition to do good; the love of mankind; kindness; and charitable. Draughts ? the act of drawing; or being drawn by a cart or plow or the drawing of liquor into the mouth and throat; a sweeping of the water for fish with a net; a currant of air moving through a enclosed or confined space, as through a room or up a chimney. Nonsensical ? having no sense; unmeaning; absurd. Exquisite ? of great excellence or fineness; perfect; refined; delicate, pleasurable or painful in the highest degree. Civility ? good greeting; politeness; courtesy. Commendations ? declarations of esteem. Reproof ? blame expressed to the face; rebuke; and reprimand. Obstinacy ? the state or quality of being obstinate (stubborn) or not easily subdued or removed. Deference ? respect; courteous consideration obedience; a yielding of opinion. Picturesque ? vivid and striking imagery; a pleasing picture. Wantonly ? unrestrained, reckless, to sport in lewdness. Repugnance ? feeling of dislike for some action. Censure ? finding fault, blaming, condemning as wrong. Condescend ? to lower ones self to the level of and inferior. Imprudence ? indiscreet; injudicious; rash; heedless. Perturb ? (Pissed-off as in your dad) to disturb; to agitate; to disorder; to confuse. Mediocre ? of moderate degree or quality; of middle rate; middling. Merited ? to earn or deserved. Negligent ? careless; heedless; neglectful. Eccentric ? given to act in a way peculiar to one?s self and different from other people; odd. Hermitage ? a person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a recluse or a kind-of French wine. Disdain ? to deem or regard as worthless. |