Реферат: Solving Problems
Название: Solving Problems Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: реферат |
– Group Work Essay, Research Paper I. Define the problem A. Why don’t students use study groups? B. Key Terms – study group: a group of people working together on a common problem II. Analyze the problem A. What is the history of the problem? 1. Students don’t know each other a. Students are intimidated by each other b. Schedules conflict c. Internal friction between students d. Time conflictions e. Lack of motivation f. Students think they don’t need help g. Students prefer to work alone h. Lack of transportation i. Extracirricular activities j. Lack of interest k. Lack of knowledge on subject (might feel stupid) l. Don’t know how to work in groups m. Don’t they could contribute very well in a group 2. The problem has been in existance all during the group’s college experience B. What are the effects of the problem? 1. Who is affected by the problem? a. Students b. Teachers c. Administrators d. Businesses e. Families 2. To what degree are people affected by the problem? a. Students don’t learn to work well with other people and don’t learn the material as well b. Teachers spend more time covering less material c. Students don’t receive the benefit of other students’ knowledge and experiences d. Students don’t learn as much e. Schools may lose a student over frustration f. Businesses have fewer well-qualified people for jobs III. Determine possible solutions A. Meet other students 1. invite people out 2. introduce yourself 3. e-mail fellow students 4. have activities where students can meet B. Reward students who work in group C. Show students the benefits of working in groups D. Set up times that most, if not all, people can meet E. Provide transportation for those who don’t have vehicles or rides F. Teach students how to work in groups effectively IV. Establish criteria for evaluation of solutions A. Must work of all students in the group B. Accessible to most students C. Don’t put pressure on a single student D. Must be beneficial to most students V. Select the best solution A. Criteria agreed upon 1. Must work for all students in group 2. Accessible for most students 3. Beneficial to most students 4. Doesn’t pressure one student B. List each solution and evaluate it 1. Meet other students a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. works for all students in group 2. Invite people out a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students 3. E-mail fellow students a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. Works for students in group 4. Have activities where students can meet a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. Works for students in group 5. Reward students who work in groups a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. Works for students in group d. Doesn’t pressure just one student 6. Show students the benefits of working in groups a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. Works for students in group d. Doesn’t pressure just one student 7. Set up times that most people can meet a. Accessible to most students b. Beneficial to most students c. Doesn’t pressure just one student 8. Provide transportation a. Accessible to most students b. Doesn’t pressure just one student c. Works for students in group d. Beneficial to most students 9. Teach students how to work in groups efficiently a. Doesn’t pressure just one student b. Works for students in group c. Beneficial to most students VI. List the steps to implement the solution A. Training 1. Make sure students have prior experience with computers 2. Set up program to train students for group roles B. Management – Does not apply C. Personnel – Does not apply D. Finance – Transportation E. Communication 1. Phones 2. E-mail F. Potential Problem Management 1. Scheduling when the groups will meet 2. Scheduling transportation 3. Scheduling activities VII. Plan to evaluate results A. Determine how to evaluate the problem 1. Check if grades improve 2. Input from students B. Steps to take if solution does not solve the problem as anticipated 1. Reschedule meeting to fix others 2. Meet during lunch |