Реферат: The North And South . Many People

Название: The North And South . Many People
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат

Think Of The Essay, Research Paper

Civil wars as just another war. Where somebody was

trying to settle some kind of argument . Well it was not,

it was to free men and it proves that no matter what we

are all-equal in some way or another. Many people to

date still question the power of slavery towards the

black race. Many in fact still hold that thought

of being owned but know one deserves to be treated

that way. The North and the south. Who was

considered good and who was ignorant?

The North . The North was known as the Union

against slavery . The North was was known as the

rebels. Abraham Lincoln was the President for the

Northern states (Union). Lincoln came up with some

thing of his own power , his Inaugural address. Thecatchword were “Apprehension seems to exist among the

people of the Southern States , that by the accession of

A Republican Administration, their property, and their

peace, and their personal security, are to be endangered.

There is no reasonable cause for such apprehension.”( Civil War Years pg.34 Lincoln’s Inaugural address)

The South. Their the ones who made the

Confederacy and who wanted to continue to run slavery

as far into the ground as possible. Many believe in the

words of all who say “Ignorance is bliss, so come

knock the smile off my face” (Zack De Loroacha Rage

Against The Machine.”) Those are the much anticipated

Words of hate from which one person thinks when they

hear Civil war. That is pretty bad when still to date the

practices of wrong are still brought up in the 1990’s

society. To get back on track with topic the Southstood as the Yankees. ( Civil War Years pg.100)

Jefferson Davis of Mississippi became the President of

the Confederate States of America. Jefferson had served

the Mexican wars.(Civil War ,pg30).

War comes. In the last days of 1860 the majority of

the people of the North refused to believe that the Union

was headed for complete dissolution.(Correspondents of

war, pg28). With in the first Month of the new year

1861 many Southern States followed the lead of South

Carolina. Mississippi naturally by supreme ordinance

of secession declared its self out of the Union on 1-9-

1861. Florida along with the following and proceeding

in the order by date from the ninth of January was

Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas all broke from the

Union. (Civil War pg29) These states along with othersnot mentioned formed the Confederate States of

America. On February 9, 1861 the well now known

Confederate Congress choose Jefferson Davis as the

new President for the Confederacy as mentioned earlier

in the report. (Civil Correspondents)

The Northern Generals. Lieutenant General

Windfield Scott was a long time veteran of the war of

1812 and he was also a hero of the Mexican war, at

this of the war Windfield was 75 years old. Next is

General Irvin McDowell who’s forces behind him

consisted of 36,000 men with the reserve of 10,000.

The Generals first battle at Bull Run was a run of bad

Luck. Major General McClellan born eighteen-twenty

Six (1826) and died in eighteen-eighty-five (1885). In

July eighteen-sixty-one (1861) he had Command of the

Army of the Potomac, and later that year was given the

Supreme command. His hesitation in taking on the

Offensive and his failure to take Richmond lead to his

dismissal. McClellan was reinstated and failed to follow

his success at the Battle of Antietam and was dismissed

again in eighteen-sixty-two (1862). In eighteen-sixty-

four (1864) he ran for Presidency against Abraham

Lincoln and was unsuccessful. (Webster’s International

Encyclopedia ,pg.689).

The Southern General’s. General Thomas Jonathan

Jackson better known as “Stonewall Jackson”. General

Jackson was born eighteen-twenty-four (1824) and died

Eighteen-sixty-three (1863). He was an Confederate

general in the American Civil War. He earned his

nickname for his stand against the Union forces at the

first battle of Bull Run in eighteen-sixty-one (1861).

In May-June 1862 in the Shenandoah Valley

campaign he fought brilliantly at the battles of

Richmond, the Seven Days Battle, Cedar Mountain,

the second battle of Bull Run, Antietam, and

Fredericksburg. General Stonewall was fatally

wounded at Chancellorsville from an accidental

fire from his own troops. (Webster’s International

Encyclopedia, pg.563).Fourth ranking Officer Joseph Eggleston

Johnston was born in Eighteen-seven (1807)

and died in Eighteen-ninety-one (1891). He

was considered the Confederate general with the victory

at Bull Run in 1861. While he was at Fair Oaks he was

wounded and relieved of his command in 1864 after a

feud with Jefferson Davis. He returned to his command

in 1865 but surrendered to General Sherman only after

two months. He was a member of the United States

House of Representatives in 1879 through 1881.

(Webster’s Encyclopedia, pg. 579).

The Bloody Daze. McClellan for the first time as a

commander revealed a weakness, he had overestimated

the strength of his opponents. At the end of October

1861 he reported to the Secretary of War that Joseph E.

Johnston, commanding the Confederate armies before

him, had 150,000 men and that a army of 240,000

would be required to attack him. At that time Johnston

commanded 41,000 effectives. Six weeks later

McClellan estimated that Johnston could meet

with him with “equal forces nearly”. The

Confederate commander had 47,000 men, less than

one-third of the number of men in McClellan’s army

in the late summer early fall of 1861 the daily report

of “all is quiet on the Potomac”. By the end of the year

it had become a taunt. McClellan became seriously ill

in late December with a typhoid fever . Lincoln could

do nothing. In January 1862 the President was at the

end of his patience. In a conference with ranking Union

generals he commented that if McClellan did not

want to use the army of the Potomac but would like

to borrow it the (army). McClellan unexpectedly

appeared a few days later at a second conference.

When asked about his plans he refused to answer.

But he did say that in his own mind he had set a

time for advancement. (Civil War Years, pg. 68)

Lincoln revealed a few days later what he

intended to do was to transport the troops to the

peninsula between the James and York rivers

and move overland upon Richmond. Lincoln

preferred an overland advance from Washington

following the route that McDowell had taken

nine months earlier which had been taken only to

be balked at Bull Run. The President grasped the factneither McClellan nor the Confederate Army was the

true objective. McClellan nor Lincoln would yield

so an impasse kept the army in it’s camps. ( Civil War

Years, pg.68).

Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Lee fought

in the United States Civil war July 1-3, 1863.

Confederate General Robert E. Lee struck deep into

Union territory, reaching Pennsylvania in June 1863

on July 1 and 2 there were many inconclusive attacks

and counterattacks on July third suicidal Confederate

attacks broke the Union line at Cemetery Ridge but

were driven back in disorder. The Union losses were

over 23,000, around 25%; Confederate losses were

around 25,000, a similar percentage. The costly

battle marked a reversal in fortunes of theConfederacy, paving the way for the Union victory.

The weapons used at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863

were the Springfield rifle musket , Bayonet, Sharps

carbine, Spencer carbine, Cavalry sabre, Colt third

model Dragoon, Remington new model revolver,

Whitney revolver, Lefaucheux pinfire revolver,

3-inch rifled “Ordnance Gun”, and Napoleon smooth-

bore gun-howitzer. (Webster’s International

Encyclopedia, pg.232 and 433).

In Conclusion , The North and the South. Who

Were considered good and who were considered

Ignorant? Well you pretty much can tell which one’s

were ignorant and which one’s were good. In my

opinion the North was the better of the two. In the

end slavery was done away with and the bloodiest warof that time period was now over with. Even today the

subject of racism whether or not it’s towards black, white

or Jews there is always someone there to treat someone

with disrespect. So in the end it will come back on them,

that goes with the old saying “What goes around comes

around” whether it be the South or Adolph Hitler with the

Jews it will come back around.