Реферат: Racsim Essay Research Paper Racism is a

Название: Racsim Essay Research Paper Racism is a
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат

Racsim Essay, Research Paper

Racism is a very big issue. I think most people say things without realising

they are being racist. This doesn t excuse their behaviour but most people

don t think before they say things. One line in Oodgeroo s poems says

Black tribe, yellow tribe, red, white or brown this means that there are

so many races in Australia and people are going to keep on being racist

because there are always going to be different races in Australia and

no-one can change it; so why don t people just live their own life and stop

trying to make someone else s miserable because someone s skin is darker

than theirs. Another line in one of Oodgeroos poems says All one family,

so why family rows and I believe that we are all related in some way or

another. I don t believe that humans started by the millions I believe we

started by one thing only. When people are racist towards others they are

calling themselves this as well. I think Oodgeroo is a bit of a hypocrite

because most of her poems are about whit people being racist towards

Aborigines and in one of her poems called Let us not be bitter she

wrote away with bitterness my own dark people in this poem she is

saying that they should forget about the past and get on with the future.

Then most of her other poems she is going on about how the white people

gave allot of discrimination and racism towards the black people.

Oodgeroo takes racism very seriously as most people should she has

expressed how she feels in her poetry. Oodgeroo has a one way mind

about racism though. To me it seems that she thinks its just the white

people racist towards the Aborigines and that s it but its not white people

are towards everyone even other white people and every other race is

racist towards the white people it just goes on. Oodgeroo is expressing her

feeling about racism but the way she is doing it she is being a bit racist

herself. Another poems says This site was ours, you may recall, ages

before you cam at all here she is saying that white people took all the

land and there was allot of discrimination. White people thought they

where higher than the aborigines and better than them and could take what

they wanted cause aborigines had no authority. Racism is a very touchy

subject for most people. Most people would have been racist once in their

life or someone has been racist towards them. There is allot of racism

going on in Australia and Oodgeroo has wrote allot of poems showing how

bad it is. White people where very racist towards Aborigines when they

first came to Australia and there was allot of discrimination going on swell.

I am not saying the problem is better now or Aborigines are lucky to be

living in today s world but it isn t as bad today as it was back when the

white people first came to Australia and the Aborigine people where

getting killed, mistreated and dieing from diseases.