Реферат: The Golden Apples Of The Sun Essay
Название: The Golden Apples Of The Sun Essay Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: реферат |
, Research Paper Twenty two stories, each as enchanting as the last. From tales of small towns, spaceships, and even sea serpents, Bradbury conjures up a wealth of images with which to astound us. Some tales have a twist, some don’t, but each and every one has charm. From the opening story the reader is hooked, drawn into Ray Bradbury’s universe. The most invigorating thing about this work, like so many of his others, is that there are no limits. Bradbury never concerned himself with mundane, vanilla flavoured reality, he much preffered to take his readers on fantastic journeys through time and space. This particular collection was originally released in 1953, but doesn’t suffer anything by it. It is as fresh today as ever it was. That s the wonder of this book, it was never about places and things, it was always about people and feelings, and as such will be as readable in 2053 as it is today. Wherever you are however you feel, you will always be able to pick up The Golden Apples Of The Sun and just start reading. On the train, at home in the bath, it doesn’t matter where you are this book will take you a miilion miles away, and possibly never bring you back! Twenty two stories, each as enchanting as the last. From tales of small towns, spaceships, and even sea serpents, Bradbury conjures up a wealth of images with which to astound us. Some tales have a twist, some don’t, but each and every one has charm. From the opening story the reader is hooked, drawn into Ray Bradbury’s universe. The most invigorating thing about this work, like so many of his others, is that there are no limits. Bradbury never concerned himself with mundane, vanilla flavoured reality, he much preffered to take his readers on fantastic journeys through time and space. This particular collection was originally released in 1953, but doesn’t suffer anything by it. It is as fresh today as ever it was. That s the wonder of this book, it was never about places and things, it was always about people and feelings, and as such will be as readable in 2053 as it is today. Wherever you are however you feel, you will always be able to pick up The Golden Apples Of The Sun and just start reading. On the train, at home in the bath, it doesn’t matter where you are this book will take you a miilion miles away, and possibly never bring you back! |