Реферат: The Properties Of Nitric Acid Essay Research
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The Properties Of Nitric Acid Essay, Research Paper catchword Page No.??????????????? . .Introduction?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1. Plan under this investigation was concerned with the acid base and redox reactions of Nitrous acid. Nitrous acid is a weak acid of ka 4.7 x 10-4 formed from the reaction:NaNo2(aq)? + HCl(aq) ® HNO2(aq)? +NaCl(aq). ????????????????? ??????????????????????(nitrous acid) ??????????? Related studies have shown that a pale blue solution is formed from this reactions a result of an unstable oxide N2O3 and that HNO2 is an unstable compound because it decomposes very fast at room temperature. It was hence used up immediately after being made from its constituent?s reactants, Sodium nitrite and Hydrochloric acid. The instability of the compound means that it disproportionates at standard room temperature .HNO2(aq)? —– HNO3(aq)? +NO (g) ???????????? ??????(nitric acid)?????? (nitrogen monoxide)??????????? Disproportionation occurs when one of the reactant molecule in a reaction forms two products, one product which is obtained by the oxidation of the reactant molecule and the other by reduction. To limit this effect, Le Chatelier?s principle applied that cooling the system will shift the equilibrium to the exothermic direction of the equation to minimise the temperature decrease. In this case an ice bath was used to drive the reaction towards the left-hand side. This inevitably limits the dispropornation reactions.To demonstrate the acidic properties of Nitrous acid, the three standard tests were set.Acid? +? base/alkali??? ®??? Salt + waterAcid? +? Metal??? ®????? Metal Salt?? + HydrogenAcid? + Carbonate???? ®???? Salt? +? Carbondioxide? +? WaterThe redox reactions involve reductions and oxidations. To question the view that HNO2 behaved as either a reductant, oxidant or both, scientific theories and experiments were applied based on the fact that it displays the characteristics set by the following standards As a reducing agent it reduces another specie by donating electrons to it. As an oxidising agent it oxidises another specie by removing electrons from it. To practically demonstrate the acid base, redox reactions of HNO2 the following reagents were used based on factors concerned with cost, availability and the nature of their reactions.1Reagents: Acidic reactions Magnesium solid Sodium hydroxide solution Sodium Carbonate solidReduction reactions Bromine water Pottasuim manganate (VII) solution Sodium dichromate (VI) solutionOxidation reactions Pottasium iodide solution Iron (II) sulphate solution Sulphur dioxide solutionIn all the cases, the anticlockwise rule was applied to make predictions on whether a reaction took place and possible outcomes of the products. Appropriate tests were carried out in some of the reactions to distinguish formation of products if any from that of a mixture of the reactants. Prior to making an aqueous solution of HNO2, consideration were given to the small scale laboratory procedure and the following safety precautions: · Use standard laboratory concentrations of 2M. · Wear laboratory coats and goggles. · Avoid inhaling toxic nitrogen monoxide gas (use fume cupboard)2 Plan : Preparation of Nitrous acid ?An aqueous solution of 2M HNO2 was made from cold acidified aqueous solution of sodium nitrite from the equation.NaNo2(aq)? + HCl(aq)?? ®? HNO2(aq)? +? NaCl(aq)Calculations:Moles of NaNo2 and HCL, ratio 1:1 Amount needed = 100cm3 of 2M HNO2 Amount of HCl = 50cm3 of 2M HCl????? ????? 50 x 2??? = 0.1 moles ??????????? 1000Moles of NaNo2 = 0.1 moles Mass = 0.1? x? (RMM? 69g) ??????????? ??????????? =6.9g??????????? 6.9g of NaNo2 makes up 50cm3 of 2M solution.Outline of method:· Set up a conical flask placed into an ice bath. · Weigh 6.9g of solid NaNo2 and dissolve in 50cm3 of distilled water. · Pour solution into conical flask inside ice bath. · Cool down to a temperature range of (0 ? 5)0C in ice bath. · Add 50cm3 of 2M HCl to conical flask · Place apparatus in fume cupboard · Carry out tests with the conical flask placed in ice bath.Procedure: 3cm3 of Nitrous acid was used to react in all cases to 3cm3 and small portions of reactant solutions and solids . A table of results was set up to summarise observations of colour changes, fumes and result of tests.3 Reactions: Acid ? base??????????? Magnesium ??????????????????????????????? ?A metal plus an acid will result in the formation of a metal salt and hydrogen gas as shown in the equation.2HNO2(aq)?? +??? Mg(s)?? ®?Mg(NO2)2 (aq)? +? H2 (g) ??????????????????????????? ??????? ??????(magnesium nitrite)Prediction:? An exothermic reaction will occur as there will be effervescence of hydrogen. Magnesium solid dissolves.??????????? Sodium hydroxide ??????????????????????? This acid ?base reaction should produce salt and water as a result of neutralization.HNO2(aq)? +? NaOH(aq)? ®? NaNo2 (aq)? +?? H2O (l) ?????????????? ???????????????????? (sodium nitrite)Prediction : A neutralization reaction should occur producing a salt. A neutral pH should indicate a green colour using a universal indicator.??????????? Sodium Carbonate ??????????????????????? A reaction involving carbonates produces a metal salt, water and carbondioxide gas.HNO2(aq) + NaCO3(s)? ® NaNo2(aq) +CO2(g) + H2O(l) ??????????????????????????????????? ??? (sodium nitrite)Prediction: The chemical equation suggests effervescence of the carbondioxide gas and a neutral pH for the metal salt formation of a green colour using the universal indicator. Solution should turn cloudy with limewater (CaOH2) producing white precipitates of CaCO3(s) ??????????? CO2(g) + CaOH2 (aq) ® CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????? (calcium carbonate)4 Oxidation Pottasuim Iodide ??????????????????????? The anticlockwise rule applies that I -(aq) will be oxidised to I2(s) according to the equation: ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? E I2(s)? +2e —-? 2I-(aq)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? + 0.54V 2HNO2(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e —–?? 2NO(g) + H2O(l)????? ?????? ??+0.99VFull equation 2HNO2(aq) + 2H+(aq) +2I-(aq)? ® I2(s) + 2NO(g) + 2H2O(l)Prediction: Iodine will be formed and its presence detected by a blueblack colour from a starch indicator. Brown fumes given off, due to NO2 gas formation from ?2NO(g) + O2(g)? ® 2NO2(g) ????? ????? ????(air)?????? (brown fumes)Iron (II) sulphate ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? E Fe3+(aq)? + e —- Fe2+(aq)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? +0.76V HNO2(aq) + H+(aq) + e —- NO(g) + H2O (l)?????????????????????? ??????????? +0.99VFull equation HNO2(aq) + H+ (aq) + Fe2+(aq) ® Fe3+(aq) + NO(g) + H2O(l)Prediction:? Fe3+ will be produced as brown precipitates of Fe(OH)3(s) ,when the solution mixture is reacted with sodium hydroxide. Fe3+(aq) + OH-(aq) ® Fe(OH)3(s) ?????????? ???????????????????????? (brown ppt)??????????? Sulphur dioxide ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? E SO42-(aq) + 4H+(aq) +2e —-? SO2(aq) +2H2O(l)?????? ????????? +0.17V 2HNO2(aq) + 2H+(aq) +2e —– 2NO(g) +2H2O(l)?? ????????? +0.99V ? Full equation 2HNO2(aq) + SO2(aq) +2H+ (aq) + 2H2O(l) ® SO42-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2NO(g) + 2H2O(l)Prediction: SO42-(aq) will be produced as white precipitates of BaSO4(s), when the solution mixture is reacted with Barium Chloride. ??????????????????????? Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ® BaSO4(s) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?(white ppt)5 Reduction??????????????? ?Bromine water ???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? E NO3-(aq) + 3H+(aq) +2e —-?? HNO2(aq) + H2O(l)???????????? +0.94V Br2(l)? +? 2e —–? 2Br-(aq)?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? +1.07VFull equation HNO2(aq) +Br2(l) + H2O(l) ® NO3-(aq) + 3H+(aq)? +2Br-(aq)Prediction: Bromine water should be reduced to bromide ions and the positive test of creamy precipitates of silver bromide should be observed after adding a portion of AgNO3(aq) to the solution. Br-(aq) +? Ag+(aq) ® AgBr(s) ????????? ????????????????????????? (creamy ppt).??????????? Pottasuim manganate(VII) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? E 5NO3-(aq) +15H+(aq) +10e —– 5HNO2(aq) + 5H2O(l)???????? +0.94V 2MnO42-(aq) + 16H+ (aq) +10e — 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l)???????? +1.52VFull equation 5HNO2(aq) + 2MnO42-(aq) + 16H+(aq) +10e —5NO3-(aq) +2Mn2+(aq) +15H+(aq) +8H2O(l).Prediction: Purple Mn7+(aq) according to the equation will be reduced to colourless Mn2+(aq) ??????????? Sodium dichromate(VI) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? E NO3-(aq) + 3H+(aq) + e —- HNO2(aq) + H2O(l)?? ?????????????? +0.94V Cr2O72-(aq) + 14H+(aq) + e — 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l)?? ?????????? ????????????+1.33VFull equation HNO2(aq) +Cr2O7 2- (aq) +14H+(aq) + H2O(l)® 2Cr3+(aq) +NO3-(aq) +3H+(aq) + 7H2O(l)Prediction: The anticlockwise rule applies that Nitrous acid in this case will reduce orange Cr6+(aq) to green Cr3+(aq). 6Results demonstrating properties of Nitrous Acid. Acidic properties ?Reagents Predictions Observations Magnesium Solid Exothermic reaction should occur as hydrogen gas is given off. Magnesium solid dissolves. Vigorous reaction. Effervescence of H2 (g) leaves test tube warm. Brown gas produced. Sodium hydroxide solution A neutralization reaction in this case should result to a neutral pH. Colour should turn green with a universal indicator. Colourless +indicator(purple)+ HNO2(green) Sodium carbonate solid The metal salt NaNo2 will be formed with a neutral ph. Carbon dioxide and water produced. CO2 presence detected using limewater to produce white CaCO3(s) Colourless+ indicator(blue) + HNO2 (green) Effervescence of CO2(g) With limewater white ppt produced. Carbonate dissolves. Conclusions : The reactions occurred as anticipated producing conclusive sets of results. With the magnesium, a’ pop’ test was carried out to confirm H2 gas produced. Brown fumes given off by the system was unexplained in the predictions, but a qualitative reason was looked on further in the discussion. A change in pH during the NaOH(aq) test clearly indicated the formation of a salt, which had a neutral pH. The Carbonate reaction and test demonstrated that the metal salt NaNo2 was formed and carbon dioxide evolved.Oxidising properties ?Reagents Predictions Observations Pottasuim Iodide I2 will be formed and the presence demonstrated by a blueblack colour with starch. Probable brown fumes of NO oxidation. ?Fizzing. Colourless +HNO2(black ppt) + starch (bluishblack) brown fumes IronIISulphate Fe3+(aq) produces as brown ppt of Fe(OH)3(s) when the mixture is reacted with NaOH(aq) Probable brown fumes of NO oxidation. Brown fumes Clear solution +HNO2 (darkgreen ppt) + NaOH(brown ppt) Sulphur dioxide Mixture of acid and SO2 reacts to give White precipitates of BaSO4(s) with a??? mixture of BaCl2 Mixture +BaCl2® white ppt. Conclusions: HNO2 has the tendency to act as an oxidant and oxidised the above reactants, approved by the observation and standard tests carried out. A detailed explanation of the mechanisms observed was given in the discussion.Reducing properties ?Reagents Predictions Observations ?Bromine water Br2(l) reduces to Br-(aq) Br-(aq) + Ag+(aq)® AgBr(s) creamy ppt Brown +HNO2(clear) + AgNo3(aq) creamy ppt. ?Pottasuim maganate(VII) Purple Mn7+ reduces to colourless Mn2+ Colour change Purple +HNO2(colourless) Sodium dichromate (VI) ?Anticlockwise rule applies that Orange Cr6+(aq) reduces to greenCr3+ Orange+HNO2(green) Conclusion: Conclusive evidence from the above tests suggests that HNO2(aq) has the tendency to behave as a reducing specie.8 Discussion??????????????? Using the anticlockwise rule had clearly with in effect suggested the mechanism in which the reactions occurred. A much negative E value increases the tendency for HNO2 to act as a reducing agent, and a more positive E value allows the tendency to act as an oxidising agent. The reason to which why these chemical reactions occur will be discussed in relation to Gibbs energy. The following data summarises the findings of the HNO2 reactions. As an Acid ,? the results were obtained as predicted. Effervescence produced by the reaction with magnesium, warmed the test tube as it was an exothermic reaction. Brown fumes were however produced from this reaction without being predicted. The exothermic nature of this reaction could account for the oxidation of NO(g). A high confidence level in results was confirmed with the ?pop? test for hydrogen gas and with limewater in the carbonate reaction to check for CO2(g). Significantly the carbonate reaction had outlined HNO2 to be a stronger acid compared to carbonic acid as it had protonated the carbonate ion to release carbondioxide. As an Oxidising agent, the E chart illustrates as to why the observations of the reactions fit into the prediction pattern. In this case HNO2 has more tendency to accept elactrons so has a more positive E than that of the reactants.Pottasuim iodide, ironIIsulphate and sulphur dioxide were oxidised by HNO2 which itself was reduced by release of NO2 fumes.When pottasuim iodide was used, the initial black precipitates seen was a result of iodine formation which was confirmed with starch to give the typical blueblack colour. HNO2(aq) + H+(aq) + 2I-(aq) ® I2(s) + NO(g) + H2O(l) ??????????????????????????????????? (bluishblack???? ? (oxidised to brown fumes of NO2 ) ?with starch)Nitrous acid reduced to nitrogen monoxide Iodide oxidised to Iodine. (oxidation no.increase +1) The reaction with ironIIsulphate produced a lime green coloured solution. After the addition of NaoH, the brown ppt. Produced was a positive test for the presence of Fe3+(aq). HNO2(aq) +H+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)® Fe3+(aq) + NO(g) +H2O(l) ??????????????????????????????????? (green)?? (brown with NaOH)Nitrous acid reduced to nitrogen monoxide Fe2+ oxidised to Fe3+(oxidation no. increase +1) The Sulphur dioxide reaction shows the formation of white ppt. of sulphate ions after the addition of barium chloride solution. 2HNO2(aq) +2H+(aq) + SO2(aq)+2H2O(l)® SO42-(aq) +4H+(aq) +2NO(g) +2H2O(l) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?( white ppt with BaSO4 )Nitrous acid reduced to Nitrogen monoxide S4+ oxidised to S6+(oxidation no. increase +2)??????????? In all the equations the oxidation number of nitrogen inHNO2 ( +3) had been reduced to (+2) in NO and so therefore HNO2? is an oxidising agent. 9 As a Reducing agent the E charts illustrates that from the anticlockwise rule that Nitrous acid is oxidised to nitrate and the corresponding reactants reduced as it has a more negative E value and more tendency to donate electrons. The brown bromine water was reduced to colourless Br- in solution. Br- reacted with Ag+ to form AgBr(s). HNO2(aq) + Br2(l) + H2O(l) ® NO3-(aq) + 2Br-(aq) + 3H+(aq). ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (creamy ppt with AgNO3) HNO2 oxidised? to NO3- Br2 reduced to Br- (oxidation no. decrease ?1)When KMnO4(aq) was reacted. A colour change from purple to colourless? was shown the colour change showed that Mn2+ was formed. 5HNO2(aq) + 2MnO42-(aq) +16H+(aq)® 5NO3-(aq) + 15H+(aq) +2Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O(l) ??????????????????????? (purple)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (colourless)HNO2 oxidised to NO3- Mn7+ reduced to Mn2+ (oxidation no. decrease ?5)The Na2Cr2O7 reaction showed that Cr3+ was formed, the colour change from orange to green was observed. HNO2(aq) +Cr2O72-(aq) +14H+(aq) +H2O(l)® 2Cr3+(aq) +NO3-(aq) +3H+(aq)+7H2O(l) ??????????? ?????? (orange)??????????????????????????????????????? (green)HNO2 oxidised to NO3- Cr6+ reduced to Cr3+ (oxidation no.decrease ?3)??????????? In all the above equations, Nitrous acid was oxidised to nitrate ion. The oxidation number of nitrogen in HNO2 (+3) increased to (+5) in NO3-. HNO2? is a reducing agent.??????????? Related studies as to why the redox reactions of Nitrous acid occur could be viewed by the entropy changes in the reactions. The study by the American scientist Willard Gibbs reviews that the relationship between the total entropy of a chemical reaction and the electromotive force of the corresponding cell is??????????????????????? ∆S total = -zFEcell ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????? T As chemists are only concerned with the reaction inside the test tube excluding the surroundings the Gibbs free energy? ∆G was used and expressed as??????????????????????? ?∆G = -T∆S total10For a change, in a reaction to have taken place of its own accord, For a spontaneous change ?∆S must be positive. It therefore follows that for a spontaneous change? ∆Gmust be negative. A reaction is usually described as going to completion if kc =1010 or greater ; this corresponds to a value of ∆G of about ? 60kJmol-1 or a greater negative value.? ∆G = ∆G products? – ∆G reactantsIn the Reduction reaction Bromine water HNO2(aq) +Br2(l) +H2O(l) ® NO3-(aq) +3H+(aq) +2Br-(aq) (-37.2)????????? 0.0?? (-237.2)???? ? (111.3)?????????? 0.0?????? ? (-104.0)?∆G = [ 2(-104.0) ? (113.0)] ? [(-237.2)-(37.2)] ? ? = -44.9 kJmol-1?∆S total =-44.9 x 1000? = +150Jmol-1k-1? , thus the reaction is feasible. ??????????? ???? -298Pottasuim maganate(VII) 5HNO2(aq) + 2MnO42-(aq) + 16H+(aq) + 5H2O(l)® 5NO3-(aq) + 2Mn2+(aq) +15H+(aq)+8H2O(l) (-37.2)???????????? (-447.2)?????????????????????? ? 0.0???? ? (-237.2)???????? (-111.3)??????? (-228.0)? ????? 0.0??????? (-237.2)? ∆G? = [5(-111.3) +2(-228.0) +8(-237.2)] ? [5(-37.2) + 2(-447.2) + 8(-237.2)]?? = -643.6 kJmol-1?? ∆S total = -643.6 x 1000 = +2159 Jmol-1k-1 , thus the reaction is feasible. ??????????????????????? -298Sodium dichromate(VI) HNO2(aq) + Cr2O72- (aq) +14H+(aq) +H2O(l) ®2Cr3+(aq) +NO3-(aq) +3H+(aq) +7H2O(l) (-37.2)???? (-1301.2)??? ????? 0.0????? (-237.2)???? ?? (-204.9)?????? (-111.3)?????? 0.0??????????? ????????? (-237.2)? ∆G = [7(-237.2) ? 111.3 + 2(-204.9)] ? [-37.2 ? 1301.2 ? 237.2]?= -605.5 kJmol-1? ∆S total = -605.5 x 1000 = +2031.9 Jmol-1k-1 , thus the reaction is feasible. ??????????????????????? -29811 In the Oxidation reactionPottasuim iodide HNO2(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2I-(aq)®I2(s) + 2NO(g) +2H2O(l) (-37.2)??????????? 0.0?????? (-51.6)????? 0.0?????? (86.6)?????? (-237.2)?∆G = [2(-237.2) =2(86.6)] ? [2(-51.6) + 2(-37.2)]?= -123.6 kJmol-1?∆S total = -123.6 x 1000 = +414.7 Jmol-1K-1, thus the reaction is feasible. ??????????????????????? -298Iron (II)sulphate HNO2(aq) + Fe2+(aq) + H+(aq) ® Fe3+(aq) +NO(g) +H2O(l) (-37.2)???????????? (-78.9)???? 0.0?????????????? (-4.6)?? ??? (86.6)???? (-237.2)?∆G = [86.6 ? 4.6 ? 237.2] ? [-78.9 ? 37.2]= -39.1 kJmol-1? ∆S total = -39.1 x 1000 = +131.2 Jmol-1k-1 , thus the reaction is feasible. ??????????????????????? -298?The Sulphur dioxide data was unavailable.The pH of 2M Nitrous acidKa = [H+(aq)]eq[NO2-(aq)]eq???????????? Ka value = 4.7 x10-4 ??????????? ??? [HNO2(aq)]eqSince very little HNO2? dissociates [HNO2(aq)]aq = [HNO2(aq)]initialKc = ????????????????? [ H+(aq)]eq x [H+(aq)]?? ??????????? ???????? ??{HNO2(aq)]eq??????? 4.7 x10-4 = [H+(aq)]2 ??????????????????????? ??? 2.0 ?????????? Ö9.4 x10-4 = [H+(aq)], ??????????? 3.0 x 10-2 = [H+(aq)]. pH = -log10[3.0 x 10-2] ??? = 1.5 12 Nitrous acid is a weak acid and will only ionize little in water. The Kc value is therefore small due to incomplete ionization. The? ∆G, E and ∆S total values have demonstrated that the reactions were feasible.EVALUATION: ?The technique and procedures applied to the test was of good measures, as most of the predictions were observed. To raise the confidence levels in the results if this investigation was to be repeated a larger range of reactants would be used. As with the acidic properties, a buffer solution of Nitrous acid and sodium nitrite could be set up to observe the buffering effect of the acid, and its reactions with oxides to look for a pattern. In the redox reactions, vanadium compounds could be used as the variable oxidation numbers of vanadium are easily distinguished in simple reactions by the colours produced by its ions.13 Bibliography ??????????? ??????????? Relevant references were obtained from the following sources.Nuffield Advanced Science Chemistry student book (third edition)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (longman publishers)Chemistry in context (third edition)????????????????????????? P.W. Atkins ??????????????????????????????????????????????? M.J. Glugston ??????????????????????????????????????????????? M.J. Fazer ??????????????????????????????????????????????? RAY Jones. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Advanced Chemistry (first edition) ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Michael Clugston ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Rosalind Flemming. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Oxford Publishers)14Chemical Equipment?s and lists. Equipments?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Conical Flask Spatula Ice bath Thermometer Mass balance PipetteSolutions and Materials Distilled water Iron(II)sulphate Pottasuim iodide Pottasuim manganate Sodium dichromate Magnesium Solid Hydrochloric acid Sodium nitrite Sodium hydroxide Sodium carbonate Sulphur dioxide Bromine water? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Indicators ?Universal indicator Starch Silver nitrite Barium Chloride. 15 |