Топик: Aids + СПИД
Название: Aids + СПИД Раздел: Топики по английскому языку Тип: топик |
Ladies & Gentleman.I`am very glad to see you all here, and I see many new faces at our assemblage,This makes me happy and grateful to our teacher Elena U., who made this all possible, To our begetter (mastermind). Burst of applause to Elena U., so take the curtain Elena U., stand up, thank you, sit down please. O.k., I begin. Think about the future.This project was called so, because we must always think about our future, our children, to be careful. My speech is about the AIDS , the plague of the 21 century. Our union of maecenas, oil magnates, famous musicians and film stars, all the great ones of the earth, is going to fight this disease. Being the president of International Union of Help, I would like to speak about a very serious problem - AIDS and kids. Our organization have massive programs of lending medical and psychological assistance to the patients, and especially to the incurable patients and , it's a pity to talk about, incurable kids. Many hospitals in Africa, Mexico and other countries with light healthcare systems, International Union of Help provides with one piece syringes and a good quality medical equipment, because many people, mothers and their children were infected with the AIDS thru the syringes. But now I would like to attract your attention to the other way of getting infection - SEX. In the period of life from 12 to 20, teens are very light-minded and careless to themselves, And we, our organization, lend a helping hand to them, to prevent them from making a mistake. The easiest way to be safe from the AIDS is to use condoms. We have based our new program on engrafting the correct form of the sexual relations to the teenagers. We remind them always think about their partner, think about themselves, ad think about their children, who can be infected with the nonchalance of their parents. By placing condom machines in schools and free distribution condoms on the streets we want to save children out of the game, in which they bet their lives. You can see our posters and, in project we have video clips on TV. (Beavis & Butt-head) By buying this card, you can enter our International Union of Help association, and make sure that you and your children would be safe from being infected with the AIDS thru syringe. And by showing this card at the pharmacy you can receive a free pack of condoms every week. International Union of Help have departments all over the world and you can contact us easily. International Union of Help is relief fund organization only. Consolidating together we can save lives.D
prevent it.
Next time it would be too Late… |