Учебное пособие: Методические указания по дисциплине иностранный язык (английский) к развитию речевых навыков по теме
Название: Методические указания по дисциплине иностранный язык (английский) к развитию речевых навыков по теме Раздел: Остальные рефераты Тип: учебное пособие | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Министерство образования Российской Федерации Санкт-Петербургский государственный инженерно-экономический университет Кафедра делового иностранного языка «HUNTING A JOB» Методические указания по дисциплине иностранный язык (английский) к развитию речевых навыков по теме «Поиск работы» для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей и форм обучения факультета общего менеджмента Санкт-Петербург 2003 Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом СПбГИЭУ Hunting a Job: Методические указания для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей факультета «Общий менеджмент» по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык». /Авторы-сост. Б.Л. Иванова, Т.В. Ружицкая. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГИЭУ, 2003 - с. (СПбГИЭУ) Составители: ст. преп. Б.Л. Иванова ст. преп. Т.В. Ружицкая Рецензент: канд. фил. наук, доц. Л.Т. Микулина Подготовлено на кафедре делового иностранного языка Отпечатано в авторской редакции с оригинал-макета, представленного составителями. © СПбГИЭУ. 2003 Введение Данный учебно-методический материал продолжает серию тем для обсуждения со студентами 1-4 курсов всех специальностей факультета «Общий менеджмент» и ориентировано на развитие речевых навыков по теме «Поиск работы». В соответствии со структурой методической разработки серии “Successful Employment” издание состоит из 7 разделов: · Starting up · Scanning · Reading · Language Focus · Follow up · Reference File · Appendices (Supplementary Reading, Scripts, Tests). Дополнительные тексты могут быть использованы для подготовки рефератов и докладов. *** *** *** ( Если где-либо в разработке встречается знак * , это означает, что нужное слово или необходимую информацию можно найти в соответственном подразделе (Sections Vocabulary, Reference Information etc.) справочного отдела (Reference File). ‘ The person who looks for millions finds them quite rare, but the person who doesn’t look for them – finds never. .’ Onore de Balzaque * А . Starting up.Discuss the questions below. • What job are you eager to get in future and why? When did you make such a decision? • There are some individuals that "know" what they want to be from the time they are children. Have you ever met anybody like this? • By what age (18? younger? older?) should a person “know" what he or she wants to do? Discuss your idea. • Do you think that choosing an occupation is more difficult today than it used to be for young people 30 or 40 years ago? • What should you do to get a job? Find a logical sequence of steps you should take. a) get an invitation for an interview; b) make an appointment with an employment agency counselor; c) read the classified ads; d) think what kind of job you want; e) analyse your skills, personality traits and accomplishments; f) get ready for the interview; g) find out what employment agency you can use; h) find out as much as you can about the company. Compare your answers with those given below to be sure that you are right:
So, you have decided to get a particular job. Here are the options open to most people hunting a job: • Reading newspapers and professional publications; • Listening for word-of-mouth leads; • Looking at bulletin boards; • Distributing letters and resumes; • Contracting executive recruiters to market you; • Making cold calls; • Self-advertising; • Using an outplacement firm; • Using an "expanded resume service" • Using the Internet. Discuss in pairs or microgroups how you understand the options above.
B. Scanning.Scan the short texts below and find out whether you are right. Newspapers and Professional Publications. Go to the library and look through every current and recent publication that would logically advertise for people with your qualifications. Make notes on everything that interests you or looks as though it might be close enough to get you noticed for something more appropriate. Note the names and addresses of points of contact -even if the job isn't what you are looking for at the moment. Set priorities and concentrate on current openings first. Get the big picture of which companies are hiring, and use that knowledge in your interview preparation. This kind of information helps you tap the "hidden" job market[1] - positions that are not currently advertised but that are ready to be filled. Executive recruiters rely heavily on such finds as they market promising candidates. Success often comes for them (and for you) when the right resume is presented at the right time - which is not necessary limited to when everyone else is responding to an advertised vacancy. Bulletin Boards. Depending on your speciality you can sometimes walk through buildings housing companies in your field and find jobs posted. You can also take advantage of in-house postings by having your friends looking where they work. Government agencies and public employers have bulletin boards full of advertised positions - many require that you already be in the civil service system, but look and inquire. Doing so can generate other leads[2] . Office buildings have lobby bulletin boards posted with index cards seeking everything from clerical help to managers - sometimes to fill short-term, grant-generated positions that can lead to a permanent job. Electronic online services. Computer online services are the electronic equivalent of posting jobs and broadcasting resumes. Free services are sponsored by specialized professional groups - inquire with organizations and publications that represent your field. Commercial services are also available; with these you pay a fee to post your resume and examine job listings[3] . Word of Mouth. Networking[4] is one of your richest sources of current vacancy information. Talk to people who work where you would like to become employed. Let them know that you are interested in hearing about opportunities[5] for which you might apply. Give them an information sketch of your professional background[6] if they are not already aware of it and ask them to serve as a listening post for you - give them a resume. As a rule, people are complimented and welcome the chance to help. Executive Recruiters. If you have a highly marketable skill, take advantage of an executive recruiter to comb the marketplace for you. The first test of a reputable recruiter is that you pay the recruiter nothing - the company that hires you pays the fee. You can bet that the recruiter will not waste valuable time on you unless there is a good chance of collecting that fee. A recruiter's interest is one of the most honest appraisals of your market value. Don't confuse executive recruiters with placement firms[7] who charge to find you a job - this is an entirely different business. Pick a good recruiter, give him or her an exclusive for a reasonable period of time, and see what he or she can do. Ask whether you will be actively marketed or become part of a database for vacancies as they occur. Cold Calls[8] . If you are willing to take an active role on your own behalf, use the directories of your profession and call people who would have a potential interest in hiring you. • Let them know that you are available. • Tell them what your qualifications are. • Ask if they have any vacancies. • If they don't have any vacancies, inquire as to who might need your services now. In effect, you become your own executive recruiter. If you can do it, you will greatly increase your chances of finding a good job. Comprehension/interpretation. Check if you still remember the meaning of the terms below: The “hidden” job market, bulletin boards, lead (n), electronic online services, job listing, word of mouth, networking, professional background, job opportunities, professional background, executive recruiters, cold calls. C. Reading.Before reading the text below make sure that you know the words in the box. If not, use the notes after the text. Read the text and translate the underlined sentences into Russian.
SO, YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB. WHAT MUST YOU BEGIN WITH? (abridged from "Moscow News " ) There are several traditional ways of looking for a job. A civilized and active means of looking for a Job is studying the market of the vacancies offered to get an idea of necessary demands and assess and size up your own chances. The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to independently study the ads of job opportunities being published. Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But which of them is worth reacting to? Don't put much trust in ads in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive publications with a firm reputation. Your main task is to understand whether the position being offered is consistent with the levels of your skills, education, and experience in work. The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of the candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits. Ads are often published by employment agencies on behalf of their clients. The address of the office is usually not given — it is suggested that the resume should be sent to a P.O. box or faxed. Having carefully studied the demands and duties being offered, an experienced reader may extract information on the activities of the company and the prospects of its development. The phrases often used to emphasize “successful work over many years in the Russian market", "New missions being opened" etc., really testify to the company's dependability, serious prospects for its growth, and the durability of its stay in Russia. First, one must pay attention to the position. To grasp what lurks behind the position's English name, there is a need to visualize at least in general outline the personnel structure at Western companies. For instance one may be misled by the incorrect interpretation of the word "Assistant". There is a need to understand that this word does not at all imply secretarial functions. A more exact meaning of this word is: mate, aid, apprentice manager, high-class specialist capable of independently tackling the tasks set to him. Therefore using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about this position to prepare yourself as well as possible for a meeting with the employer. Carefully read the demands made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important. In most cases there is a need for free command of the language — Fluent English. Free command implies an ability to freely deal with a foreign manager, to competently compile documents and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important. Quite often the ads do not decipher other demands in detail. For example, the ability to type in Russian/Latin. According to international standards, an adequate level of typewriting is a speed of 60 words per minute. Therefore, when claiming the given position, you need to check your speed or bring it up to the required level. Besides, a secretary is usually required to be able to work on a personal computer. In general, if the ads meticulously enumerate the software products, systems, languages. etc., which the candidate must necessarily know, remember that these demands have a strictly binding force. Such special demands set the level of the candidate's indispensable qualifications. (by Natalya Gremitskaya, Manager for Marketing and Advertising at Ancor Employment Agency) Notes: 1. assess — оценивать 2. consistent (with) — совместимый, согласующийся; 3. emphasize (v) — подчеркнуть, ocoбo выделить/отметить; 4. list — перечислить; список, перечень; 6. testify to – свидетельствовать о чем-то; 7. outline – обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах; 8. mislead – вводить в заблуждение; 9. imply – подразумевать, предполагать; значить; 10. command – владение; 11. claim a position – претендовать на должность; 12. meticulously – тщательно, скрупулезно, дотошно; 13. binding force – связующая (сдерживающая) сила; 14. relevant — существенный, уместный, относящийся к делу; 15. spell out — расшифровать, разобрать; 16. take advantage of smth. — продуктивно использовать; 17. indispensable – необходимый, незаменимый; обязательный, не допускающий исключений. Comprehension/interpretation . · Answer whether the statements below are true or false. 1. Announcements of job opportunities can't be published in newspapers and magazines. 2. Ads in the yellow press are the most trustable. 3. The structure of job opportunities ads is practically always the same. 4. Employment agencies never publish ads on behalf of their clients. 5. The word assistant implies simple secretarial functions. 6. To prepare yourself for the meeting with the employer try to find out as much as possible about the position offered and the company itself. 7. One must carefully read about the demands made of the given position. · Give a summary of the text above. D. Language Study.1) Choose at least 5 of the words/word pairs beneath to make up sentences on the topic. To hunt a job, to look for (to seek) a job, employment agency, an employment agency counselor, to assess smth. (skills, personality traits), accomplishments, to take personal initiatives, to locate a job, word-of-mouth leads, bulletin boards, executive recruiters, current and recent publications, set priorities, job market, concentrate on current openings, vacancy, job opportunity, to tap the market, to search vacancies ads, the "hidden" job market, position (post), to fill positions, recruiters, resume, CV, to present resume, to post a job, in-house postings, permanent job, short-term job, grant-generated job, career prospects, to tackle the problem, to claim a position, (professional) background. 2) Match the idioms in column A with the definitions in column B.
3) Complete now the blanks in words "spider" with job in the center using the words from vocabulary section* and memorise them. Work in pairs. Compare your versions with those of your partner. Attributes3) Make up word pairs of the words given below in two columns: 1. bulletin a. recruiters 2. to assess b. personal traits 3. word-of-mouth c. resume 4. to tap d. postings 5. to present e. board 6. to hunt f. leads 7. to search g. a job 8. executive h. prospects 9. to fill i. the market 10. to present j. vacancies ads 11. employment k. job 12. career 1. a position 13. permanent m. agency 4) Translate the words given in brackets. 1) There are several ways of (поиска работы). 2) First you should (оценить) your own chances 3) He studied the ads of (o вакансиях) being published. 4) Solid companies (помещают объявления) in prestigious expensive publications. 5) Your main task is to understand whether the position (согласуется) your skills and education. 6) Such special demands (устанавливают уровень) of the candidate's qualification. 7) Remember that the demands enumerated in the ads (обязательны). 8) Carefully read (требования) made of the given position. 4) There is a need to understand that the word does not (подразумевает) secretarial functions 10) (Предварительный отбор) is carried out on the basis of resume 11) Reading the ads you may (выделить/получить) information on (деятельности) of the company. 12) There is a need (представить ce6e) at least in general outline the personnel structure of Western companies. 5) Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from the table below. Translate them into Russian.
1) The group of executives working below the top managers are generally called... 2) Valerie is an important person in our company. She is a member of the Board of ... . 3) Peter, a recent university graduate, has been with the firm for a year. He is at present a.... and is being trained for a managerial position. 4) Their ... is expanding rapidly. They now have over 5.000 employees. 5) At least 50% of our ... have been with the company over ten years. 6) ... in an organization generally have more fringe benefits than lower-level managers. 7) We are a Small group in the Research and Development Department. Fortunately, I get on well with all my ... 8) 9) I work under Mr. Brown. He is my ..... 10) Shelia and Tom work under my authority. 1 am their boss and they are my.... . 11) I am responsible for .... training and development. 12) A .... is a person of high rank in an organization, usually next in importance to the Chairman. 6) Rearrange the mixed- up letters to make the name of each job. ocnacntuat Accountant realwy L______ nirdeegs D______ rarteyces S______ enegrine E________ pitersnotice R________ retrucle L________ hicretcat A________ 7) Match the following jobs given to the left with their definitions to the right. Check yourself looking up in the section “Glossary”.*
8) Match the following adjectives to describe jobs with their definitions. 1. tiring a. making you feel very sad 2. stressful b. making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important. 3. challenging c. making you feel that you want to sleep or rest. 4. varied d. producing or using new or imaginative ideas, results, etc. 5. creative e. involving different kinds of things or people. 6. depressing f. making you worry a lot. 7. rewarding g. difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way 10) Read the text and discuss it in English. Как найти работу студенту. Опыт сотрудничества вузов с участниками Ярмарок вакансий (Vacancy Fair) и Дней карьеры (Career Day) показывает, что есть три основных варианта набора студентов и выпускников: Прямой подбор персонала ( recruiting ). Соискатель отсылает резюме в отдел по работе с персоналом. Затем HR (Human Resources)-менеджер, если его заинтересует резюме, позвонит кандидату. Пожалуй, для выпускников это не самый результативный (effective) путь поиска, поскольку человеку без опыта в данных условиях довольно сложно конкурировать с опытным специалистом. Подбор на позицию стажера ( trainee ). Стажировка (trainee period) – хороший способ познакомиться поближе с будущим работодателем – и опыта набраться, и друг к другу приглядеться (to look closely at, to get used/accustomed to). Работает стажер чаще всего под присмотром (under) опытного специалиста. Такой вид стажировки называется интернатурой (internship). Программы набора молодых специалистов GRP ( Graduate Recruitment Program ). Это самый передовой метод привлечения молодых специалистов. Нацелен (aimed/targeted at) на отбор лучших из лучших. Коэффициент (coefficient) отбора может достигать нескольких десятков человек на одно место. Выдержать такой конкурс (to stand the competition) сложнее, чем поступить в самый престижный столичный вуз. Однако и награда (reward) достойная (worthy). Победителю будет предложен индивидуальный план развития с перспективой (individual plan giving a perspective on) занять позицию менеджера высшего звена управления (Top Manager) компанией. У каждой компании своя программа GRP. Однако, несмотря на разнообразие подходов можно выделить(single out) сходные этапы (similar stages): · Конкурс анкет (application forms). Такая анкета – не простая формальность, повторяющая разделы резюме (CV/resume sections). Вопросы анкеты построены на выявлении (exposure) компетенций молодого специалиста: мотивации и инициативы, энтузиазма и увлеченности (keenness), навыки коммуникации и межличностного общения (interpersonal communication skills), умение преодолевать трудности, работать в команде, лидировать, желание развиваться в профессиональном, личностном плане (as a professional and an individual) и др. · Прохождение интервью (being interviewed) . · Ассессмент-центр. Содержание этого этапа различается в зависимости от (depending on) проводящей его компании, но суть (essence) одна: используются тесты, деловые игры, «кейс»-технологии. · Завершающий этап. Собеседование (interview) с представителем топ менеджмента компании. От результатов этого собеседования в конечном итоге (in the end) зависит решение о приеме на работу (hiring decision) и условия контракта (the terms of the contract). Выдержать конкурс по программе GRP трудно, но возможно. Удачи Вам! (Валерий Карезин, зам. проректора МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова)
1. “ What's the job?”In this exercise you will read extracts from job advertisements. You must decide which job is being referred to in each case. Choose the job from the following box. Each job is referred to only once. Be careful because some of the jobs require similar qualities from applicants.
1. You will be in charge of a team of highly creative individuals delivering new quality products and enhancing our existing range. With particular responsibilities for recruitment and selection. Communication skills and a pragmatic approach to problem solving essential. 2. With mechanical design experience to work as a member of a team producing designs and drawings for production. Experience of our product range is not essential. 3. Duties include filing, mailing, relief reception and other general office work. 4. Needed for night shift. Clean modem factory. Varied work. Good eyesight essential 5. Successful applicant will be articulate and presentable. Remuneration includes retainer and car allowance plus commission structure. 6. Reporting directly to Managing Director. You will take over financial control for all aspects of daily operation. 7. Sober habits, clean driving licence, able to be on call 7 days per week at times. Uniform supplied. 8. Must be experienced in the repair and maintenance of heavy duty vehicles. References must be provided from previous employers. 9. You are the first person our clients will meet so you need to be friendly, stylish and efficient. 10. Some experience in the above-mentioned software is essential but training will be given to the successful applicant. 11. You will be an essential member of an agency responsible for some of the country's top accounts. You will be responsible for the administration of local and national promotions. · Look through the advertisements again and find word partnerships such as financial control and communication skills to complete each of the sentences below with a suitable one. 1 We're looking for new products to add to our........ . 2. She's an ........ of this team. We can't do without her. 3. You get more money if you work on the ........ but it ruins your social life. 4. He had a very........ to solving problems. 5. 1 didn't get the job as a driver as I didn't have a ........ . 6. My........ are health and safety but I'm also concerned with the general welfare of employees. 2. What are the important things for you in work?Arrange these aspects in order of importance and add some more things you think are important (Work in pairs): • job satisfaction. • earning plenty of money. • having pleasant co- -workers /colleagues. • good administration and good labor relations. • good working conditions: enough space, light, heat and time, not too much noise and so on. • meeting people. • earning enough money. • security. • a challenging interesting and creative job. • responsibility. • opportunities to travel. • holidays.
3. Read the following proverbs and sayings.Discuss them in pairs. Which of them, do you think, are closest to the Russian equivalents? Then compare your variants with the translation*. · No pain, no gain. · Business before pleasure. · If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. · To take up everything is to accomplish nothing. · Well begun is half done. · To work with the left hand. · To be busy as a bee. · To know something like the palm on one hand. · By fits and starts. · You never know what you can do till you try. · The labourer is worthy of his hire. · Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. · Where there is a will, there is a way. · Jack of all trades, master of none. · Twelve trades – fourteen misfortunes. · A man who knows seven trades is a man without a trade. · The man who knows many trades will finally become a beggar. 4. Read some advertisements about job opportunities.Which of them do you find interesting and why?
seeks Assistant / Translator R E Q U I R E M E N T S: • higher education; • fluent English and German; • relevant work experience; • experience with Western companies; • basic PC skills; • translating/interpreting experience. Resumes in English fax: 925-6223; e-mail: secretary»@www. euroshop. ru
A multinational company is looking for a part time
willing to work out of his / her home to assist with marketing research. A perfect candidate will be 20-30, computer literate with some office experience, must own a computer and have an e-mail address. Working knowledge of English is helpful.
makemymedia@radio. fin or fax it to:, 234-5282 attn Victoria Khamarito.
NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORfor the brands Kiwi, Ambi Pur, Radox, Arcancil is seeking to fill the following positions:
Russian, good command of English or French with experience in distribution and recommendations • Chief of Sales Department household goods/makeup at least 2 years of successful experience • Sales Managers/Reps (Moscow/regions) with experience • Brand Managers household goods/ make up, marketing and sales skills
• Sales Assistants available for traveling inside Russia 1-2 weeks per month • Warehouse Coordinator with experience • Receptionist
is looking for Deputy Director of Food & Beverage • Male, up to 55 years old; • University degree; • Over 5 years experience in F&B; • Fluent English; • Excellent organizational and management skills; • Initiative and self-motivative. Please fax your CV to 258-7111 or e-mail to personnel@national.ru
NEW ESTABLISHED COMPANY seeks Corporate Lawyer REQUIREMENTS: •Age 35-40 (male) • University degree in law (state Russian universities) • Practical experience with both a Western company based in Russia and a Russian company • Good knowledge and practical experience in current legislation and legal documents of the Russian Federation, relating to the company activity as a whole, corporate law, commercial law, currency regulations, taxation, etc. • Perfect English (written and spoken) • PC (advanced skills) • Ability to overwork References are essential Contact us at number: (812) 297 85 41 Our e-mail is: corplaw @ yandex. ru
5. Study the case and make a decision.Discuss the matter in pairs (one being Karen and the other Kathleen) to make the final decision and then present it to the group. Karen Mitchell is 19 years old and has worked in the Administration section of Taylor Electronics for the past six months. She is employed as a wages clerk[9] . Two other women also work in the same section – Betty, the section supervisor and Kathleen, the second wages clerk. Kathleen is 26, has two young children and has worked in the wages office for nearly a year. Taylor Electronics have just introduced a computerized payroll system. All the employees are now paid directly via their bank accounts at the end of each month. Last Monday the Chief Accountant interviewed all the wages staff and informed them that, as of the beginning of next month the payroll system was going to be widely used only Betty would be able to remain a member of the full-time staff. He pointed out that neither Karen nor Kathleen had employment protection as they have worked for the company for less than two years. However, in good faith, the company is ready to offer them the following options: · They could each work part-time independently · They could job-share · They could offer their services freelance and charge their own fees to the company (and use their spare hours to hire their services to other organizations). Kathleen prefers the idea of job sharing but Karen doesn’t agree. She likes the idea of freelance [10] as this will give her more flexibility and possibly enable her to earn more money. The two of them have until Monday morning to make a decision. Section VOCABULARY
Section GLOSSARYmanager [ ] – someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization; manageress [ ] – oldfashioned a woman who is in charge of a business, especially a shop or restaurant; director [ ] – 1. one of the committee of top managers who control a company; 2. someone who is in charge of a particular activity or organisation; executive [ ] – someone who has an important job as a manager in a company or business; managing director /executive officer – someone who is in charge of a large company or organization; non-executive director – one of the directors of a company who gives advice, but doesn’t have any responsibility for how the company is managed; financial director/finance manager – someone who is in charge of the financial department; sales director/manager – someone who is in charge of the sales department; personnel director/manager – someone who is in charge of personnel department; treasurer – [ ] – someone who is in charge of the money for an organization; accountant [ ] - someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts; lawyer [ ] - someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court; solicitor [ ] – a type of lawyer in Britain who gives advice, does the necessary work when property is sold and bought, works mainly from the office but may also appear in courts, defending people and businesses, especially in the lower courts of law; barrister [ ] – a lawyer in Britain who can argue cases in the higher law courts; designer [ ] – someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture, equipment etc: a dress designer; secretary [ ] – someone who works in an office typing letters, keeping records, arranging meetings etc.; chartered [ ] secretary /principal secretary – a secretary who has successfully completed special examinations to be in charge of some special business affairs of a company or other organization; engineer [ ] – someone who designs the way roads, bridges, machines etc.; receptionist [ ] – someone whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving at a hotel or office, visiting a doctor etc. lecturer [ ] – someone who gives a lecture: a brilliant lecturer. Section PROVERBS AND SAYINGS· No pain, no gain. – Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. · Business before pleasure. – Делу время , потехе час . · If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. – Хочешь , чтоб дело было сделано хорошо – делай его сам . Свой глаз – алмаз. · To take up everything is to accomplish nothing. - За все браться – ничего не сделать . · Well begun is half done. – Хорошо начатое наполовину сделано. · To work with the left hand. – Работать спустя рукава . · To be busy as a bee. – Крутиться как белка в колесе . · To know something like the palm on one hand. – Знать как свои пять пальцев . · By fits and starts. – Рывками, судорожно, нерегулярно. · You never know what you can do till you try. –Никогда не знаешь, что умеешь, пока не приступишь к делу. · The labourer is worthy of his hire. – Работающий стоит своей платы . · Where there is a will, there is a way. – Где есть желание , там и путь ( способ ). Где хотенье, там и уменье. · Jack of all trades, master of none. – Джек – на все руки мастер, а ни одним ремеслом не владеет. · Twelve trades – fourteen misfortunes. – Двенадцать профессий – четырнадцать несчастий. · A man who knows seven trades is a man without a trade. – Человек с семью профессиями – человек без профессий . · The man who knows many trades will finally become a beggar. – Кто знает много ремесел . Станет, в конце концов, попрошайкой. Section SUPPLEMENTARY READINGIn this section you will find helpful information that might be of use for you in your future career. Text 1. Rules for Being Your Own Executive Recruiter.· Know what you want to do and why you are hunting for a job. (Have a positive, professional and career-oriented reason ready if asked.) · Begin with a simple script that can guide you until it becomes automatic: “Good morning, Ms. Jones, my name is Penny Moss. I’m a commercial loan officer with four years of experience successfully developing new business with midmarket companies. I am looking for a professsional growth opportunity, and I thought you’d be interested in talking with me.” Then let the other person speak, but be ready to react and keep the conversation going as interest develops. · Engage your contact’s interest by a compliment about his/her company (if you have the basis for a valid one from your research) and a brief convincing line or two about what you can do for the company. · Respond to signs of interest (What’s your major? Have you ever..? How much are you making? [Stall this particular one by saying something like “I am sure you could be competitive!” but recognize it as a “buy signal” and keep the conversation going.]) · Lock in the next step by setting up an interview, or at least another call. Never settle for “send me a resume” unless the request is linked to a more valid expression of interest, such as those just mentioned. Otherwise it is usually a brush-off and not worth your time and postage. Explain that you are only interested in current positions and a sensitive about circulating your resume without a specific job objective – then push for the particulars about what she/he has in mind. If nothing, forget it and make your next call. · Gain “market knowledge” – find out what is going on in your industry, where the next opportunities are going to be in this contact’s opinion. · Identify another good lead somewhere else if she/he doesn’t need you just now – don’t be bashful about asking questions such as: - Whom do you know who could use someone with my preparation? - Who is expanding their operation and might be staffing? - Is there someone elsewhere in your company who might have an interest in someone like me? - May I say that you suggested I call? Text 2. Self-advertising.The “Positions Wanted” columns of the classified sections are small because jobseekers read these pages more than employers do. While some people may find work by advertising their own talents, a more active approach will get more leads in a shorter time. Outplacement firms. Outplacement firms are a passive sort of executive recruitment organization at which you are assisted in identifying your potential and finding a place to use it. The firms are less worried about having a highly marketable candidate because they get paid for helping candidates, not placing them. A good outplacement organization has helpful knowledge of the job market and can assist, but it is not a service to purchase on your own. If your company provides it, use it and hope for the best; some are very good, others are little more than “feel good” oasis for executives on the rebound. Using the Internet. Internet job listings are heavily slanted toward high technology and other hand-to-fill job vacancies – much like executive recruiting. With that said, it is still a vast resource for shopping the job market that should not be overlooked. Check the advertised job posting sites, but don’t ignore such less obvious possibilities as your college’s placement service page. Specific companies also list employment opportunities on their web pages, as do government agencies and other kinds of institutional employers.
Text 3. Knowing the Hiring Situation.The more you know about the background of the hiring, the better able you are to appreciate it and respond appropriately at the interview. For example, you would know why it’s important to be sensitive to a division head who fought to eliminate the position, or a manager who wanted a person with more experience than you have for the job. Learning such things from research and networking help you to have a successful interview. This is not information you find printed in position announcements – it is more apt to reach you via personal contacts on the inside. Sometimes your challenge comes from the outside. You can encounter a sophisticated interviewing situation created by a consultant brought in especially to shape up internal hiring practices. Writing in Industry Week, James Braham quoted an Apple Computer executive who described how his company worked with a consultant to develop “success models” and “behavior profiles” that illustrate “the skills and mechanisms people use to get things done [at Apple]”. The consultant stayed on to assist them in structuring their interview questions to get the right information. Some of the information would have come out anyway in the course of routine interview conversations., but the hiring team made sure that the important things were targeted – and that can make for a demanding interview. While many hirings are still spontaneous, more companies are going to great lengths to define employee qualifications and determine if you possess them during your interview. If you expect that and prepare for it, you will have a leg up on your competition. You will improve your chances of remaining a contender after equally qualified but poorly prepared candidates slip to the background during the important preliminary selection process. Here is a step-by-step look at how a typical hiring develops. Some of organisations have a policy of advertising all vacancies first to existing staff, so that people who want to apply for a promotion are given the first opportunity to apply. If there are sufficient applications the company may not advertise outside at all. Other companies advertise all vacancies both in- and outside the company so that existing employees who want promotion have to take their chances alongside outsiders who apply. Text 1. What is “for life” job?At one time it was standard practice for many people to leave school, find a full-time job – starting at trainee level – and then, once fully skilled, stay in the same type of job until they retired. Today the pattern of employment is far more varied and unemployment is far more widespread. There are no longer jobs “for life” – many people have two or more careers during their working life. No longer are all jobs full-time. No longer is it the case that once you find a job you will be secure forever – or required by your employer to do only the specific job for which you are trained. The number of people working part-time has increased dramatically over the past 10 years, not just in Britain but also throughout the European Union. This is one of the consequences of the growth in the service industries. In retailing, catering, hotel work, health care, banking and education many jobs are now part-time. The main difference between working part-time and full-time is in the number of hours worked. A part-time employee will work fewer than the standard operating hours of the company. In some cases, two part employees might job-share one full-time job, and do the work between them. Typical shares are: · One partner working mornings and the other afternoons · Alternate day working · Shares of two and a half days each · One partner working a three-day week and the other a two-day week and then alternating. Text 2. Why do employers and employees prefer part-time staff?Employers may prefer part-time staff for several reasons. 1. The company wage bill is reduced. If part-time staff are employed for evening or weekend work they are not eligible for the over time rates which would be paid to full-time staff. The employer also saves on National Insurance payments if part-time staff earn less than the lower earnings limit. 2. Part-time staff are more flexible – they can be used to cover for absent staff and work extra hours when the company is busy or wants to open longer hours. 3. There may be more people willing to work part-time in the areas where there is a skills shortage. Therefore a company prepared to offer part-time jobs can recruit the people it needs. One argument in favour of part-time workers used to be that employers could pay them less per hour and refuse to offer them fringe benefits such as profit sharing or subsidized mortgages. They also had less job security as they had fewer legal rights. The situation has now changed and the European Court has ruled that most part-time workers have the same rights as full-time workers. Employees may prefer to work part-time for several reasons. 1. They can have a greater say in the days and hours they work. This is often important for mothers of school children for example. 2. Part-time work enables a person to earn some money and still have time for leisure. 3. It’s better than being unemployed. 4. It is a useful way of earning some money, for those who cannot work full time, e.g.[11] students, those who are disabled or ill, or pensioners who want supplement their pension. Text 3 . What is the difference between employed and self-employed status?It is easy to think that you are employed if you work for somebody else and you are self-employed if you work for yourself! But life is not so simple. For example, what would be your status if you applied for and accepted the job advertised below?
In this case you would actually be classified as self-employed – and your rights, responsibilities and obligations, so far as tax and National Insurance are concerned, would be different from those of someone with employee status. Being self-employed is not a status restricted to people who run their own business in the sense of owning property and stock and perhaps employing their own staff. Millions of people work from home in a wide range of occupations, and many of them are classed as self-employed, e.g. the hairdresser who has set up shop in one room of the house (or visits clients in their own homes), the freelance bookkeeper who does the accounts for other small businesses, the woman who holds clothing and the artist who takes on freelance work from various publishing companies. People who work on a freelance basis hire out their skills to anyone who will pay them – a freelance photographer, for instance, might be contracted to do a specific job for a newspaper, or may take photographs of events on the chance that he can sell them.
Text 4. What are the factors contributing to the number of people employed?Your job opportunities depend on a number of different factors. They can depend on you – your skills, your qualifications, your experience. However, they can also depend upon the area in which you live or want to live, or the type of industry in which you want to work. Factors which can influence employment opportunities include: · Historical considerations, i.e. events that have happened in the past to lead a particular industry to become established in one particular area; · Geographical considerations, e.g. industries being set up in regions near the port, near the canals, in an area with a lot of natural resources etc. · Cultural considerations, e.g. in some areas there is a tradition of family-run businesses, and it may be difficult for an outsider to obtain employment in one of them. In addition there are certain factors that affect employment opportunities no matter where you live. · Industry-wide changes (such as the overall decline of the manufacturing industries and growth of the service industries and/or the introduction of new technology) have taken place throughout the UK. · The political and economic policies of whichever government is in power also have the power to affect the availability of jobs. If the Government tries to stimulate the economy by giving financial incentives to small businesses, then jobs in that area will grow. If, on the other hand, it encourages growth in the public sector, employment opportunities will increase in areas such health, education and social work. Text 5. What working conditions should you take into account while hunting a job and why?Nowadays a very common seventeenth birthday present is a course of driving lessons. Although 40 years ago it was unusual for anyone who wasn’t very well off (and normally middle aged!) to have a car, today a ‘set of wheels’ is of great importance to almost everyone over seventeen. Not only is it important for social reasons, it canals have a big effect on your job opportunities. If you live in a city you should have access to a number of jobs which might all be within your reach by means of public transport (although you might not like the thought of travelling on a crowded tube during rush hour). If you live in a small town or in the country your job opportunities might be limited by the transport available to you, although your quality of life might be better. If you have your own car job opportunities may improve although you still have to take into account the cost of the petrol, depreciation and maintenance of the vehicle. Many Training Enterprise Councils (TECs) and colleges now take into account the ‘travel to work’ area when setting up new training provision, as people who are unemployed cannot be expected to travel great distances to undertake a course of study. One alternative is for them to arrange for classes to be held at out-centres away from the main campus. One reason why colleges may set up out-centres is because people cannot afford the time to travel far. Mothers with young children, for example, often have to take them to school and collect them. Therefore they need to be working – or studying – close to home. Time may influence your choice of transport. Rather than spend hours in a traffic jam you may prefer to travel by public transport and go from one city centre to another relatively quickly by train. Until, of course, there is a breakdown or a strike! Your domestic commitments are likely to influence the time you are prepared to allow for travelling. An hour travelling to and from work every day adds up to ten extra hours in a week. You may think that it is worth this, however, if you have a super job with great prospects. The cost of travel must be considered in relation to your proposed salary. If you had a job at home which paid $8000 a year (within walking distance or a short bus journey) or one which paid $10 000 but was 30 kilometres away you should consider your options carefully. If transport links are good and relatively cheap – and prospect excellent – you may decide to take the more distant job. If the expenditure on travel would be more than the difference in take-home pay and prospects were dubious you may decide nit to bother. The term working conditions is sometimes used to describe physical conditions. Different places of employment have really different physical conditions. There is a vast difference between the physical conditions experienced by a bank clerk and a farmer. However the term also refers to the description of the particular benefits of certain jobs, e.g. rates of pay, hours, holydays, eligibility to sick pay, pension schemes and redundancy pay. Text 6. What are the terms used to mean payment and extra payments and how do they differ from each other?The terms wages and salaries are sometimes used to mean the same thing. The most common way of distinguishing between them used to be as follows. · Wage is the term used for the money paid to manual workers who are paid every week normally on Friday. Wages can vary from week to week since manual workers can be paid according to how hard or long they work. Manual workers can also be asked to work on Saturdays and/or Sundays and be paid overtime. Wages consist of a basic rate with additions for overtime or bonus payments. · Salary is the term used for the money to be paid to clerical and managerial staff who are paid once a month. Some companies pay every four weeks (thirteen times a year); others pay every calendar month (Twelve times a year) Salaried staff may be expected to work late without being paid overtime. Additional payment which can be paid to employees include: · Commission, which may be paid on top of a basic salary (the method often used to pay sales staff, so that the more they sell the higher their commission); or at high rate instead of a wage or salary; so that in a bad week nothing will be earned; · Bonus payments paid to staff as a reward for higher productivity or extra-effort at a busy time of a year; · Profit-sharing schemes, organized by some companies, in which employees receive a share in any profits made and announced at the end of the year; · Expenses – strictly speaking these are not really an additional payment as the employee might only be being reimbursed for money he or she has really spent (e.g. for petrol or entertaining). The total amount an employee earns from all the sources is known as gross pay. Unfortunately for the employee however the total wage or salary has to have various amounts taken out. These are known as deductions. The pay which is then taken home (i.e. gross pay minus deductions) is known as net pay. Text 7. What kind of career and training opportunities are there in organisations?Employees may move within an organisation. When they first start work most people begin at the bottom of the career ladder, work hard and carry on to gain additional qualifications. As they gain qualifications and experience they apply for more senior jobs either in the same organisation or in a different one. Slowly they move up usually one level at a time undertaking progressively more senior job roles. Needless to say that some people are more ambitious that others and try to get to the very top whilst others are content to stay in an easier job lower down in the organisation. In some organisations there may be a range of career opportunities open to you if you work hard. This is likely to be the case if you work for a large organisation with the hierarchical structure. This means that you can aim on your boss’s job – and after that for his or her boss’s job and so on! If the organisation has a flat structure – or is very small – the opportunities may not be as great to move ‘onwards and upwards’. You are also likely to be stuck if your immediate supervisor is not much older than you and likely to be in the job for several years yet! In this case you may have to look outside your organization for progression, assuming or course that you are suitably qualified to move on! The type of qualifications required obviously varies tremendously from one job to another. Therefore when you start work it is likely that you will be offered training to: · Learn specific aspects of the job,· Understand health and safety practices related to your job,· Obtain higher-level qualifications. Some of large organizations encourage their staff to continue to study on a day-release basis at college. They may pay for them to study for a part-time degree or a professional qualification, such as the qualification for management accountants. Sometimes these courses are available only in the evening, which can mean being fairly dedicated when you are tired from the full day at work and have to go on to study at night! This sort of training is known as off-the-job training – employees study away from work. An alternative is on-the-job training. In this case the employee learns at the workplace. This is often related to a skill aspect of the job, e.g. learning how to operate a switchboard or a particular type of equipment, learning a software package or how to use fire-extinguishers. You may also be given the opportunity to attend short courses – to keep you up to date or to learn new skills. If ever you can take advantage of training – paid by your employer – to develop your skills then you should seize the chance with both hands! Generally the range of opportunities is greater if you work for a large organisation than for a small one, because they will have a training budget especially for this purpose. However, there is nothing to stop you talking to the bosses of a small firm and persuading them that it will benefit both you and the company if you continue to study! You may be interested in knowing typical job titles for this or that organisational department. Here they are: Human Resources Department.Some organizations and some books refer to the human resources under the title personnel. Therefore if you see someone with the job title of “Personnel Manager” then this means the same thing as “Human Resources Manager”. Your first contact with an organization is likely to be with the Personnel or Human Resources department as, among other things they are involved with recruitment and selection. Therefore if you apply for a job you will be in contact with this department. However this is only one part of their work. The importance of the HR department varies from one organisation to another. In some companies it may be a large department with highly qualified staff. In others it may be much smaller. This often shows the importance the company attaches to its staff.
Production.Production departments are found in manufacturing industries rather than in those industries, which are engaged in providing services.
Research and Development.The Research and Development is more commonly known as R&D’ (or: ‘R and D’). The aim of ‘R&D’ is to stay one step ahead of the competitors in devising new products and systems and redesigning old ones.
Deputy and Assistant.A deputy is higher than an assistant, and therefore has a different position in the organisation chart:
The deputy is directly below the manager, that means that if the manager leaves the deputy could move ‘up the line’ and take his place. He or she would certainly be eligible to apply for the job. The assistant, on the other hand, is to one side. This means he/she is literally ‘not in line for the job’. Marketing, Sales and Public Relations.The scale and range of jobs carried out by the Marketing and Sales department vary greatly from one organization to another, but they normally include selling, promoting, advertising and public relations. The difference between sales and marketing is that sales is just one small part of the marketing operation. Traditionally, people first made a product and then someone had to try to sell it! Henry Ford was a prime example of this. When he made the model T Ford he said that customers could have it ‘in any colour so long as it’s black!’ Today no organization can afford to operate in that way. Instead companies try to find out what the customer wants – and then make it. Selling ids therefore easy! In the words of Peter Drucker, a famous management writer, marketing is ‘looking at the company through the customer’s eyes’. ‘Public relations’ is the term for maintaining good ‘relations’ with those outside the organization. The idea is simple. If people think well of the company – and believe it is trustworthy, reliable and honest – they will buy its product. A good example is Marks & Spencer. In various ways, such as support for local charities and the arts, good customer service, a generous exchange policy and so on, they have been able to form a strong corporate image. Marks & Spencer rarely advertise – to some extent they rely on their name and reputation to sell their goods. A Public Relations Manager will represent the company to the outside world. This will include the media, visitors to the organization, interest groups (e.g. environmentalists), the business community, other organizations and even politicians. It is the Public Relations Manager’s job to make sure that the company is well-known by the public for all the right reasons, and one way in which this can be done is by free publicity in newspapers and on TV. Letting the media know when something important is about to happen is a much cheaper way of getting press coverage that paying for advertising. The media are informed on a special press release which gives details of the story. Each release may have a special embargo date , which means the story mustn’t be published before then. The local papers and local radio and television companies are looking for stories about local organizations all the time. For a story to be printed in the national papers it must be very eye-catching and different. The ‘serious’ papers all carry on their business pages reports about companies including new developments, details of the financial results for the year and so on. However, these pages are mainly read by other business people and investors. For consumers to read the story it needs to appear on the main pages of the paper. Subsection IF YOU ARE TOLD THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE MADE REDUNDANT… · The European Commission has issued a Directive on Collective Redundancies, which aims to standardize the treatment of redundant workers across Europe. · The sale of a business from one owner to another may result in some workers being made redundant because the new owner may require fewer workers. It used to mean that since the workers’ contracts of employment with the first owner had ceased they had to enter into new contracts with the second owner. This might mean they lose some of the legal rights, which depend on the number of years they have worked (including the right to redundancy pay). However, the European Community has passed an Acquired Rights Directive, which protects workers in this situation. · If you are told that you are going to be made redundant you have the right to be given paid time off to look for work. However, the maximum payment is for two days and you have to have been employed for at least two years to be entitled to this. APPENDIX. TESTS AND QUESTIONNAIRES Test 1.1. Looking for a job. Use the words from the table below to complete the text:
I thought it would be quite easy to find a job when I left school but it’s been really difficult. I look through the job (1) ….. in the local paper every week but everybody seems to want people with lots of (2)…. And I didn’t do very well at school. I’ve sent my (3)….. to dozens of companies in the local area but nobody has got back to me. I must have filled in at least thirty (4)….. forms and I’ve only had one reply. I went for an (5) ….. last week but it didn’t go very well – they said they wanted someone with more (6)…. But I’ve never had a job! Sometimes I wonder if I ‘ll ever find anything. 2. Applying for a job – verbs. Use the correct forms of the verbs to complete these sentences:
1. I left university six months ago and I still ……. a job. It’s more difficult than I thought it would be. 2. I’ve ….. a part-time job. I hope I get it – it’s four afternoons a week. 3. I’m not really sure what I want to do when I leave school. I might …. banking like my Dad. 4. I’ve ….. the application form and ….., so now I,ve just got to wait until I hear from them. 5. I can’t believe it. They’ve ….. me that job in New York. They want me to start next month. 3. Job advertisements. Use the words to complete the adverts:
Local hotel ….. cleaner Monday – Friday. 9 a.m. – 1p.m. Good ….. of pay. Tel: 01345 876 545 ACCOUNTS Full-time ….. in busy car hire company. To start immediately. Computer skills essential. ….. according to age and experience. Phone Busby’s on 01267 435 985. SALES ASSISTANT The successful ….. must be hardworking, responsible and honest. Previous ….. is an advantage but full ….. will be given. ….. to: Mr P Dale, Tel. 01274 768 231. NURSE ….. position for three months to replace nurse on maternity …. . 4. Thinking of the job. Fill in the collocations.
I’d love to (1)….. a job in journalism, but it’s not easy without qualifications. Since I have to earn a (2)….. somehow, I’ll have to get a (3)….. wherever I can find it. I’ve been (4)….. some part-time work editing a typescript for a book, but I’m not sure I want to (5)….. it … . Test 2.Applying for a Job. If you have an opportunity to read job advertisements in English, use them to build your vocabulary. Notice especially how certain words and phrases keep recurring. You can also find information about the kinds of things people are expected to do in the jobs advertised.
A. Below you will read some extracts from job advertisements. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the following box. Use each item once only.
Our new 200-seat restaurant is opening in May and we are looking for waiters, waitresses and 1) ......... . If you are a friendly and 2)......... person who is not afraid of 3)......... r we have the job and hours to 4)......... you. For more information, 5)......... Helen at 443621. Secretary/Receptionist 6) ........ for a 7) ........ Typing and shorthand between 80 and 120 wpm. We will give 8) ........ to applicants who have experience of using word processors and computers. TELEMARKETING PROFESSIONALS We want a positive person who is 9).........to work hard and can use their own 10).........You must be lively and have a good sense of humour and a 11)......... speaking voice. You will receive 12).... to enable you to inform 13)......... of the benefits of advertising with us. Send resume to: ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK The 14) ........ will have had 15) ..... of book-keeping and banking procedures. The position calls for VDU and secretarial 16) ..... plus the 17) ........ to work as part of a 18) ........ A 19) ….. salary is offered as well as a company 20)……. . B. Now you will read extracts from two letters about the advertisement for an administrative clerk. Fill in each blank with a word from the following box. Use each word once only.
Dear Sir , With reference 1)…. your advertisment in today’s ‘Morning News’, I am interested in 2).... applying for the 3)......... of administrative clerk with your company. Could you please send me 4)….. details and an application 5)….. . Yours faithfully Dear Sir I would like to apply 6)........ the position of administrative clerk with your company. I 7) ........ my application form. I am at presently working 8) ........ a secretary in the accounts office at TW Industries. My duties include 9)......... and copy typing and dealing 10)......... correspondence and telephone 11)........ Twice a week I have been going to evening classes in book-keeping and I intend to 12)......... an examination in three months. I am applying for the position because I would like an 13)......... to make more use of my training. I would be 14)......... for interview at any time. I hope that you will 15) ........ my application 16)......... . Yours faithfully C. Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings below.
1. fringe benefit………………………………………………. 2. education……………………………………………………. 3. stages in recruiting………………………………………….. 4. personal qualities……………………………………………. 5. people looking for work……………………………………… Questionnaire HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU?How would you identify your personality? Tick the words you think apply. 1. In your decision making , do · hunches[12] play a big role? · you distrust your instinct? 2.What objects and intellectual tasks do you prefer? · complex/asymmetrical · symmetrical/simple 3. How do you react to disorder? · it makes you anxious[13] . · you thrive[14] on it. 4.Your office/work area is usually · neat and tidy · a mess[15] 5. Your childhood was marked by · exposure[16] to diversity[17] · harmony · strains in family life 5. In your social habits you are · an introvert loner · an extravert gadabout[18] 6. You feel you are the most efficient and innovative when you work · by yourself in peace and quiet · exchanging ideas with your peers at the cutting edge of your field. 7. You usually seek to solve a problem · by systematically organizing and analyzing your thoughts · with the help of your intuitive and imaginative facilities 8. Provocative “what if” questions · make you annoyed, impatient and irritated · are the sort you relish 10.In your interpersonal relationships, are you · hard to get along with · an agreeable companion СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. David R. Eyler, Job Interviews That Mean Business, the USA, 1999 2. Carol Carysforth, Maureen Rawlinson, Mike Neild, Business, the UK, Heinemann, 1995 3. Chris Gough, English Vocabulary Organiser, the UK,London, 2001 4. Graham Tullis, Susan Power, New Insights into Business, Longman, 2000 5. John Flower, Ron Martinez, American Business Vocabulary, the UK, London, 1995 6. Ardo, Zsuzanna, “English Practical Management”, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1992 7. Учебное пособие под редакцией Дроздовой Т.Ю., Everyday English, СПб, 1998 8. Материалы журналов “ELT. News and Views” (the Russian Magazine for English Language Teachers), Москва, 2002. 9. Материалы газеты “The Career Forum”, Москва, Санкт-Петербург. catchword/СОДЕРЖАНИЕ THE MAIN MATERIAL/ ОСНОВНОЙ МАТЕРИАЛ.. 4 А. Starting up / А. Вводная разговорная часть 4 B. Scanning / Б. Просмотровое чтение. 5 C. Reading / В. Изучающее чтение. 8 D. Language Study /Г. Усвоение языковых средств. 11 FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES/ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ . 17 1. “ What's the job?” / Что такое работа?. 17 2. What are the important things for you in work? /Что для Вас важно в процессе работы?. 18 3. Read the following proverbs and sayings /Прочти следующие пословицы и поговорки. 19 4. Read some advertisements about job opportunities Почитай рекламные объявления о вакансиях. 20 5. Study the case and make a decision/ Проанализируй кейс и прими решение. 24 REFERENCE FILE / СПРАВОЧНЫЙ РАЗДЕЛ.. 25 Section VOCABULARY / Раздел «ВОКАБУЛЯР». 25 Section GLOSSARY / Раздел «ГЛОССАРИЙ.. 29 Section PROVERBS AND SAYINGS/ Раздел «ПОСЛОВИЦЫ И ПОГОВОРКИ». 30 Section SUPPLEMENTARY READING/ Раздел «ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЕ ЧТЕНИЕ». 31 Subsection HUNTING A JOB / Подраздел «ПОИСК РАБОТЫ». 31 Text 1. Rules for Being Your Own Executive Recruiter./ Текст 31 Text 2. Self-advertising. 32 Text 3. Knowing the Hiring Situation. 33 Subsection DID YOU KNOW?/Подраздел «ЗНАЛИ ЛИ ВЫ?». 34 Text 1. What is “for life” job? . 34 Text 2. Why do employers and employees prefer part-time staff? . 35 Text 3 . What is the difference between employed and self-employed status? 36 Text 4. What are the factors contributing to the number of people employed? 37 Text 5. What working conditions should you take into account while hunting a job and why? . 38 Text 6. What are the terms used to mean payment and extra payments and how do they differ from each other? . 39 Text 7. What kind of career and training opportunities are there in organisations? . 40 Subsection TYPICAL JOB TITLES/ Подраздел «ТИПИЧНЫЕ НАЗВАНИЯ РАБОЧИХ МЕСТ». 42 Human Resources Department. 42 Production. 42 Research and Development. 43 Deputy and Assistant. 43 Marketing, Sales and Public Relations. 44 Subsection IF YOU ARE TOLD THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE MADE REDUNDANT…/ Подраздел «ЕСЛИ ВАМ ГОВОРЯТ, ЧТО ВАС СОБИРАЮТСЯ УВОЛИТЬ ПО СОКРАЩЕНИЮ КАДРОВ…» …... 45 APPENDIX. TESTS AND QUESTIONNAIRES/ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ. ТЕСТЫ И АНКЕТЫ. 46 Test 1. 46 Test 2. 48 Questionnaire HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU?. 50 СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ.. 52 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 2. What are the important things for you in work?. 18 3. Read the following proverbs and sayings. 19 4. Read some advertisements about job opportunities. 20 5. Study the case and make a decision. 24 Section PROVERBS AND SAYINGS. 30 Section SUPPLEMENTARY READING.. 31 Text 1. Rules for Being Your Own Executive Recruiter. 31 Text 3. Knowing the Hiring Situation. 33 Text 1. What is “for life” job? . 34 Text 2. Why do employers and employees prefer part-time staff? . 35 Text 3 . What is the difference between employed and self-employed status? 36 Text 4. What are the factors contributing to the number of people employed? 37 Text 5. What working conditions should you take into account while hunting a job and why? . 38 Text 7. What kind of career and training opportunities are there in organisations? . 40 Subsection TYPICAL JOB TITLES. 42 Human Resources Department. 42 Marketing, Sales and Public Relations. 44 Subsection IF YOU ARE TOLD THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE MADE REDUNDANT…... 45 APPENDIX. TESTS AND QUESTIONNAIRES. 46 Questionnaire HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU?. 50 [1] tap the market – to study and use the resources of the market [2] lead – a piece of information that may help you to make a discovery or help find the answer to a problem [3] job listing – list(s) of vacancies [4] networking – the practice of meeting other people involved in the same kind of work to share information, support each other etc. [5] (job) opportunities – vacancies [6] (professional) background – someone’s education and experience [7] placement firms – firms, acting to place somebody in position [8] cold calls – if someone makes a cold call , they telephone someone they have never met [9] wages clerk – the clerk who keeps records on or accounts wages [10] freelance – working independently [11] e.g. (Latin) – for example [12] hunch – догадка, интуиция [13] make anxious -тревожить, беспокоить [14] thrive -преуспевать [15] mess - беспорядок [16] exposure - подвергание [17] diversity - разнообразие [18] gadabout – бродяга, праздно-шатающийся |