Реферат: Проекта

Название: Проекта
Раздел: Остальные рефераты
Тип: реферат

Департамент образования юго-восточного административного округа

Государственное образовательное учреждение

Центр образования № 1421

Проектная работа

по английскому языку

«If You Do Not Think About The Future, You Will Not Have It»

(Если Вы Не Думаете о Своем Будущем, у Вас Его Не Будет)


Торосян Мариам

Мамедова Гюнай

Руководитель проекта:

Учитель английского языка

Андреева Марина Ивановна

Москва 2011

Содержание стр.

1. Введение_______________________4

2. Аннотация_____________________8

3. Основная часть_________________9

4. Заключение____________________16

5. Приложение____________________17

6.Cписок литературы______________25


Название проекта : « If You Do Not Think About the Future, You Will Not Have It »

Руководитель проекта – Андреева Марина Ивановна.

Учебный предмет, в рамках которого проводится работа по проекту – английский язык .

Учебные дисциплины, близкие к теме проекта – естественно- научные и гуманитарные дисциплины

Возраст учащихся, на которых рассчитан проект 9-11 классы.

Состав проектной группы : Мамедова Г., Торосян М.

Тип проекта – исследовательский проект.


Тема , предложенная для исследования, очень заинтересовала учеников 9А, так как она затрагивает одну из наиболее важных проблем современности.

Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что подростковый возраст-это время, когда человеку необходимо предпринять все меры по выбору своей будущей профессии, определить свое место в жизни общества . От того насколько правильно будет сделан данный выбор, зависит успех и процветание, т. к. именно профессия является для каждого одним из главных факторов счастливой жизни.

Цель исследования: использовать знание английского языка в целях развития коммуникативной, языковой, социо-культурной компетенции по теме «If you Do Not Think about the Future, You Will Not Have It»а именно, обозначить основные проблемы, касающиеся правильного выбора будущей профессии и пути их преодоления, а так же выработать методы по поддержанию стремления к поиску и определению своей роли в будущей жизни с целью формирования себя как активного, творческого гражданина.

Гипотеза данного исследования заключается в том, что при условии следования основным положениям выработанным в данном исследовании, подрастающее поколение будет иметь возможность реализовать свои способности, как активного, творческого участника современного общества.

Задачи проекта :

1. Провести анализ профессиональной ориентации среди учащихся ГОУ ЦО №1421 и продемонстрировать данные в форме графических изображений (диаграмм)

2. Выяснить пути и методы правильного и успешного определения своей роли в жизни общества.

3. Определить стратегические направления в области профориентации, пути и методы формирования себя, как компетентной, востребованной в жизни государства, личности .

4. Повлиять на убеждения своих ровесников уже в подростковом возрасте определяться с главным направлением своей жизни, способствовать формированию их самосознания с целью быть квалифицированным спеиалистом, успешным во взрослой жизни.

Методы проекта : теоретические, эмпирические (моделирование проблемной ситуации, определение вытекающих из нее задач исследования, выдвижение гипотезы для ее решения, обозначение полученных результатов и обоснование выводов, анализ литературы и информации из средств массовой информации, Интернета, социологические опросы, встречи, интервью, анкетирование, тестирование, составление таблиц, диаграмм, схем.

Предмет исследования:

1. Что включает в себя понятие «Как стать успешным в жизни?»

2. Что является приоритетом при выборе будущей профессии?

3. Что должен знать каждый о необходимости формирования успешной карьеры и путях и методах ее достижения.

4. Какое влияние каждый из нас может оказать на создание благоприятных условий для успешного будущего нашей страны.

Предполагаемые продукты (выводы) проекта:

1) расширение кругозора

2) выработка умений анализировать, сравнивать, делать выводы. 3) расширение знаний по теме в области естественно-научных и гуманитарных дисциплин.

4) расширение знаний в области английского языка (на примере выработки решений по проблемам, возникающим согласно данному проекту).

График работы над проектом :

1) Сбор информации по проблемам ведения здорового образа жизни.

2) Изучение журналов и газетных статей по теме.

3) Изучение информации в Интернете.

4) Выбор главного материала.

5) Анализ подобранного материала.

6) Анализ промежуточных результатов проектной деятельности.

7) Обсуждение результатов.

8) Анкетирование учащихся.

9) Составление диаграмм, таблиц, схем.

10) Сведение результатов к общей информации (текст).

11) Создание презентации в компьютерном виде.

12) Предзащита проекта.

13) Доработка проекта с учётом замечаний и предложений.

14) Подготовка к защите проекта.

15) Публичная защита проекта.

16) Выступление всех участников проекта.

17) Подведение итогов работы, качественный и конструктивный анализ работ. Выставление оценок по проектной деятельности.

Необходимое оборудование:

1) Компьютер PentiumIII, 500MHz, ОЗУ 256 Mb

Программные ресурсы: MW XP SP1 MO2007

2) Плазменная панель (для просмотра слайдов)

3) Ноутбук Macintosh.

Сбор информации : Мамедова Гюнай, Торосян Мариам

Написание проекта : Мамедова Гюнай, Торосян Мариам

Создание презентации : Мамедова Гюнай, Торосян Мариам

Защита проекта : Мамедова Гюнай, Торосян Мариам


Тема исследования затрагивает одну из наиболее важных проблем современной молодежи, как в нашей стране, так и во всем мире.

Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что выбор профессии является одним из самых сложных решений в жизни человека. Нам и нашим ровесникам уже в ближайшее время предстоит сделать этот нелегкий и такой ответственный шаг в жизни. Не секрет, что иногда люди так и не могут определиться с выбором профессии и занимаются «не своим» делом, что зачастую, негативно сказывается на судьбах людей.

Цель исследования : использовать знание английского языка в целях развития коммуникативной, языковой, социо-культурной компетенции по теме « If You Do Not Think about the Future, You Will Not Have It » а именно, обозначить основные проблемы, касающиеся правильного выбора будущей профессии и пути их преодоления, а так же выработать методы по поддержанию стремления к поиску и определению своей роли в будущей жизни с целью формирования себя как активного, творческого гражданина.

Гипотеза данного исследования заключается в том, что при условии следования основным положениям разработанным в процессе данного исследования относительно выбора своей будущей специальности, выпускники 9-х и 10-х классов будут иметь возможность реализовать свои способности, как активного, творческого участника современного общества.

Задачи проекта :

1.Провести анализ профессиональной ориентации среди учащихся ГОУ ЦО №1421 и продемонстрировать данные в форме графических изображений (диаграмм).

2.Познакомиться с данными исследований российских ученых и международных организаций по вопросам, связанным с состоянием потребности государства в работниках определенных специальностей.

3.Выяснить пути и методы правильного и успешного определения своей роли в жизни общества.

4.Определить стратегические направления в области профориентации, пути и методы формирования себя, как компетентной, востребованной в жизни государства, личности.

5. Повлиять на убеждения своих ровесников уже в подростковом возрасте определяться с главным направлением своей жизни, способствовать формированию их самосознания с целью быть квалифицированным специалистом, успешным во взрослой жизни.

If You Do Not Think about the Future, You Will Not Have It

“Decision is a rough paper of the future.”

“The seeds for the future should be sowed at present.

They are called the plan.

Nothing positive can be developed without it.”

Centuries ago there were only few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. They are a doctor, dentist, surgeon, pharmacist, nurse, vet, chemist, teacher, musician, singer, dancer, actor or actress, architect, designer, model and stuff like that. So it is very difficult to choose a future profession.

When choosing a future career we should consider different factors such as our interests, our talent, our personal qualities, our parents’ ambitions, our bent for this profession and of course, money, one of the main factors which will play a very important role in our future life. There are highlypaid jobs and low-paid jobs. For example, a businessman, a president or a film star are highlypaid jobs. A worker, a doctor or an engineer are low-paid jobs. It is clear that everybody wants to earn as much as possible. Further training, promotion prospects and job conditions should be also taken into account.

On the other hand, it is good when you get a satisfaction from your job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests and character. A job should be interesting and socially important. Some jobs are considered to be more suitable for men and others for women. For example, the professions of secretary or a nurse are more suitable for women. A lifeguard or a pilot is more likely the job for men. You should also decide whether you want to work indoors or outdoors.

When taking a job we must take into consideration our standard of education and the knowledge of the foreign languages, especially the English language.

To make the right choice, you should take into account your traits of character. It goes without saying that to become a good doctor you must be patient, caring and kind. A secretary has to be efficient and careful in order to do her work quickly and accurately. Salespeople need to be friendly and persuasive to get people buy their products.

There are so many people who influence us in choosing our occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in our choice.

When parents choose a future profession for their child, frequently the main reasons for the choice are: prestige, fashion, money, and opportunity to get a good job and later on a promotion, sometimes because elder children have the same profession: it runs in the family, so to speak. But you shouldn't forget that in every profession there are a lot of specialists who haven't found themselves, those, who even having an opportunity to get a good, prestigious job, have been unable to realize themselves.

Helping their son or daughter choose a future profession, parents must to take into consideration the fact that school marks don't reflect the presence or absence of abilities for this or that subject at all. It is not a secret that a lot of children's talents remain undeveloped due to unfavorable circumstances.

From what age should parents pay attention to the professional orientation of their child? The earlier the better! Of course, you can only think about a concrete choice of a profession in the last forms of secondary school. But a part of the child's abilities and inclinations already reveal themselves by the age of three. Having recognized them with the help of the specialists, or with your own keen observations, you get an opportunity to develop the child more purposefully. This knowledge will help you to make the right choice of higher education. Mothers and fathers must remember that, first of all, they have to take their children's preferences into account: one can hardly be successful in a profession that one doesn't like.

When you have chosen a profession, try to find out as much as possible about it. Together with the child, visit a probable higher educational institution, talk to graduates who have already got the profession or who already have diplomas. You may also view a list of job offers according to the profession you've chosen. If you can, visit a likely place of work, get some information on working conditions, working hours, perspectives, and salaries. Sometimes seemingly attractive and romantic profession turns out to be commonplace and uninteresting.

Arid another important thing: rank doesn't give privilege, it confers responsibility. You should bring this home to a child: a child must be prepared to take responsibility. The more money one earns, the higher the level of social responsibility one has to accept. If there is any room for disappointment, let it take place before and not after getting the education.

A psychologist can help you to discover your child's abilities and chief work type at an early stage. You ought to know what suits your child best: manual labor or intellectual. It is better if a specialist knows not only Russian methods of determining professional fitness, but also foreign ones, as the tradition of using them abroad is much older. As a result of testing, parents will be given a list of professional fields where their child can work most successfully in the future.

And teenagers do something for their future jobs too. For example, they do summer jobs.

Summer job is a tradition among students of British schools and universities. Long before the end of the school year, students, students begin the search for jobs during vacation (June, July and August). Students send letters to businesses, and talk to employers about job opportunities during the summer. Reasons for wanting a summer job vary from student to student.

Some teenagers do summer work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it. Paperboy, typist, construction worker, baby-sitter, waiter or waitress – these are some of the more common jobs that students seek during the summer months.

Magazines for teenagers often offer questionnaires, quizzes or surveys to help young people to see their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision concerning their future occupation. There is a great variety of professions nowadays, they are very different from each other, so everyone can choose a profession to his own taste.

Careers do not just happen. People train for them. How much training is needed depends on the kind of career chosen. Some jobs take only a few months of training, others take several years. Certain careers need college or university graduation. A knowledge of foreign languages and foreign cultures is growing in importance nowadays. I think, in modern world in order to succeed, you must be a highly-qualified professional in your occupation.


The professional orientation and the teenagers employment are two interrelated problems. The right professional guidance of children and teenagers is often the key to successful work throughout the life.

We have conducted a survey in a group of pupils of 1421.

· A survey has confirmed the ideas, that by the end of the school 93% of respondents start thinking about their future profession.

· 80% think about the future profession seriously, and correctly assess the level of the desired incomes and the requirements of the future profession.

· The seriousness of thinking about a future profession confirms that their choices of wages and skills, relate to the medium level in the developed countries. The results are useful for students, parents and teachers.

Приложение 1

Some of our school leavers have already decided what careers they are going to choose. We present their opinion on the future professions.

What do you need to become a successful manager ?

A manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization. Managers spend a great deal of time communicating, coordinating and making decisions affecting the daily operation of their organization. Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, and in decision-making there is always uncertainly and risk.

So the profession of manager is a very interesting job that involves working with people, but it is difficult too. But to work as a manager you need to be creative, flexible and possess initiative. If you cope with all the challenges of this job, you can be promoted to the position of a director. This job is very responsible. You must be a leader and have administrative skills.

Marketing deals with market research and commercial activity in general. It involves analysing business situations, evaluating market opportunity, developing market strategies and controlling their implementation. It is important for a specialist in marketing to be flexible and prepared to make adjustments where necessary, as it is unlikely that any marketing plan will succeed exactly as planned.

Profession of tourist agent

I would like to become a tourist agent or a holiday representative, because a lot of people travel nowadays. Today tourism is one of the world’s largest industries. You will have to deal with the problems and needs of holiday makers, but you’ll also have to know the area you are working in and plan trips and tours that will please everyone.

I think it is a very interesting job. Besides, this profession is highlypaid and I want to be able to buy everything I want with my salary. What’s more, the perks of this job include free travel and living abroad. But this job requires you to be tactful and to stay calm under pressure.

I can say that I’m very communicative and I like working with people. Besides, I’m very organized and hard-working. What’s more, I like travelling and I’m ready to go where the company will send me. So I think I can become a good tourist agent or a tourist manager.

I understand that to make a good specialist in this field, I should have good education, extensive knowledge of the world and experience of travel. And, of course, I must know several foreign languages. So after finishing school I will try to enter a university or a college and to continue education.

Приложение 2

We have conducted a composition competition at our school on the topic of our project and here is one of the most interesting stories.

My Future Profession

I am in the 8th form now. And I will have to choose my future profession very soon. But I have not decided yet what I want to become. It was rather easy to solve this problem in old times. Centuries ago there were only few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters.

Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. They are a doctor, dentist, surgeon, pharmacist, nurse, vet, chemist, teacher, musician, singer, dancer, actor or actress, architect, designer, model and stuff like that. So it is very difficult to choose a future profession.

When I was only eight I wanted to become a Hollywood film star. And I believed that I could. But now I want to become an interpreter because I like speaking English, meeting new people and travelling a lot. This job is very attractive for me because it is interesting, pleasant, exciting, creative and prestigious though it is very challenging. As for me this profession is not very popular as it is exhausting, tiring and it is very difficult to become a good professional interpreter. But I am not afraid of difficulties and I hope I will cope with them.

Besides this job offers financial reward, different bonuses and good job opportunities. I think that having such a profession I won’t have to find any odd jobs.

My mother agrees me that this profession is very attractive and it suits me very much. But my father has his especial opinion about me. He would like me to become the main musical editor on the musical channel on TV. I don’t know why he wants it. Maybe because of his ambitions, my personal qualities or talent or maybe because of some pop-stars’ examples. As for my grandmother she wants me to become a singer. She is keen on my «beautiful voice» and considers that I should continue singing. But it requires hard work, trains, constant practice and takes a lot of time. Of course I would like to become a singer, especially a famous singer, but I think that it is very difficult.

Well, choosing a future profession we should consider different factors such as our interests, our talent, our personal qualities, our parents’ ambitions, our bent for this profession and of course, money, one of the main factors which will play a very important role in our future life. On the other hand, it is good when you get a satisfaction from your job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests and character.

Parents and friends play a very important role in our choice. So I have not decided yet what to study. But I still have time to think and to choose.

Приложение 3

Have you decided what job you are going to have as your future career?


Приложение 4

At what age could you make your choice?


Приложение 5

The most popular occupations of our pupils:

Приложение 6

Who can help you make a choice?

Приложение 7

What criteria helps you to make the right choice in

your future career?

Приложение 8

What helps you to be a good specialist in life?

Приложение 9

A lot of teenagers begin to work in the juvenile age. And the most popular jobs among the teenagers are: