Учебное пособие: Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов всех форм обучения Барнаул 2000
Название: Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов всех форм обучения Барнаул 2000 Раздел: Остальные рефераты Тип: учебное пособие ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Министерство образования РФ Алтайский государственный технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова Бийский технологический институт Е.Н. Дьяченко, Ю.В. Клюева, И.Е. Косачева ИНФИНИТИВ.Технологии изучающего чтения Методические указания по английскому языкудля студентов всех форм обучения Барнаул 2000 УДК - 81.432.1 - 923.7Дьяченко Е.Н., Клюева Ю.В., Косачева И.Е. Инфинитив. Технологии изучающего чтения: Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов всех форм обучения. Алт. гос. тех. ун-т им. И.И. Ползунова, БТИ. – Бийск. Из-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 2000г. - 47с. В методических указаниях рассмотрены вопросы распознавания и перевода инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов, а также подобраны различные тренировочные упражнения на основе технической лексики. Справочный материал представлен в сжатой форме в виде таблиц. Методические указания предназначены для студентов всех форм обучения по специальностям института. Рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании кафедры иностранных языков. Протокол №5 от 15.03.99 Рецензент: доцент Кокая Л.А. (БиГПИ) ÓДьяченко Е.Н., Клюева Ю. В., Косачева И.Е., 2000 ÓБТИАлтГТУ, 2000 Содержание
Введение. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Раздел 1 ФОРМЫ ИНФИНИТИВА, ЕГО СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИЕ. . . . . . 5 ФУНКЦИИ И СПОСОБЫ ПЕРЕВОДА НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. . . . . . . 5 Таблица 1 - Формы инфинитива. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Таблица 2 - Функции инфинитива в предложении и его перевод. 6 Раздел 2 ИНФИНИТИВНЫЕ КОМПЛЕКСЫ - ОБОРОТЫ. . . . . . . . . . .8 Таблица 3- Субъектный инфинитивный оборот. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Таблица 4 - Особые глаголы и словосочетания, которые помогут опознать субъектный инфинитивный оборот. . . . . . . . . . 9 Таблица 5 - Объектный инфинитивный оборот. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Таблица 6 - Особые глаголы, за которыми следует объектный инфинитивный оборот. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Раздел 3 ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Раздел 4 КОНТРОЛЬНО-ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ. . . . . . . . . 23 Раздел 5 КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Грамматические термины и символы, используемые в работе. . . . . . . 44 Рекомендуемая учебная литература. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Использованная литература. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Введение Частица to - признак инфинитива в английском языке. В русском языке инфинитиву соответствует неопределенная форма глагола, отвечающая на вопрос «что делать?», «что сделать?». to ask - спрашивать to answer - отвечать to solve - решать Предупреждение: инфинитив может употребляться без частицы to . К примеру, после модальных глаголов и в составе сложного дополнения. He can speak English. We saw him come. Инфинитив - I (первая) основная форма глагола, его символ to V. При отбрасывании частицы to остается основа глагола для образования других трех основных форм стандартных глаголов (asked - II и III формы, asking - IV форма). Обратите внимание: to ask - ask , asked , asked , asking to write - write , wrote , written , writing. Инфинитив наряду с причастиями, герундием относится к неличным формам глагола. Это означает, что инфинитив лишь называет действие, не указывая на лицо, число и наклонение, поэтому как все неличные формы никогда не функционирует в роли сказуемого предложения. Однако инфинитив может быть второй частью сказуемого после личных и модальных глаголов. He is to come in time. He can come in time. Какие способы перевода инфинитива на русский язык? В зависимости от его формы и функции в предложении инфинитив переводим: 1. Неопределенной формой глагола, существительным. To translate this article is not difficult. (Перевод (перевести) этой статьи не труден). 2. Существительным с предлогом. To translate this article he had to use special dictionaries. (Для перевода этой статьи ему пришлось использовать специальные словари.) 3. Глаголом в придаточном предложении. We want all the students to translate these articles. (Мы хотим, чтобы все студенты перевели эти статьи). Раздел 1 ФОРМЫ ИНФИНИТИВА, ЕГО СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИЕ ФУНКЦИИ И СПОСОБЫ ПЕРЕВОДА НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК Таблица 1 - Формы инфинитива
Помните: при переводе обращайте внимание на форму инфинитива (простая или одна из сложных). Каждая форма оказывает влияние на смысл предложения. Сравните: 1. I am glad to help him. Я рад помочь ему. 2. I am glad to be helping him. Я рад, что сейчас помогаю ему. 3. I am glad to be helped . Я рад, что мне помогают. 4. I am glad to have helped him. Я рад, что помог ему. 5. I am glad to have been helped . Я рад, что мне помогли.
Обратите внимание : сложные формы переводим придаточными предложениями с соответствующими союзами. Проанализируйте еще раз данные выше примеры. Таблица 2 - Функции инфинитива в предложении и его перевод Внимание: функция инфинитива определяется по его месту в предложении по отношению к сказуемому. Помня, что сказуемое занимает второе место в предложении (часто это не второе слово), вы можете определить место и функцию любого инфинитива, а таблица 2 поможет дать способы его перевода.
Инфинитив образует комплексы - обороты, которые не существуют в русском языке, поэтому их переводим придаточными предложениями с соответствующими союзами. Узнать их в предложении помогут особые глаголы - индикаторы, которые нужно запомнить. Таблица 3- Субъектный инфинитивный оборот типа
/ Complex Subject with the Infinitive – сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом /.
Таблица 4 - Особые глаголы и словосочетания, которые помогут опознать субъектный инфинитивный оборот
Таблица 5 - Объектный инфинитивный оборот типа
/Complex Object with the Infinitive – Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом /
Таблица 6 - Особые глаголы, за которыми следует объектный инфинитивный оборот
Примечание - После глаголов, выражающих восприятие, а также после глаголов to make , to let инфинитив употребляется без частицы to . Раздел 3 ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ Упражнение 3.1 a). Выбрать перфектную форму инфинитива. To use, to be employed, to be testing, to have reduced, to have been told. b). Выбрать пассивную форму инфинитива. To be solved, to have discussed, to distribute, to be introduced, to have been bought. c). Выбрать пары, состоящие из активной и пассивной формы инфинитива. To fulfil – to have fulfilled, to be taken – to have been taken, to sell – to be sold, to have discussed – to have been discussed. d). Прочтите инфинитивы: 1) имеющие пассивное значение; 2) выражающие предшествовавшее действие. To deal, to have started, to have been rubbed, to be operating, to have been accompanied, to have been decreasing, to satisfy, to be reducing, to have been operating, to appear, to be considered, to be measuring, to have valued. e). Прочтите словосочетания, выражающие одновременность действия. Is known to compare, is expected to be signed, are reported to have surrounded, was said to treat, is assumed to be operating, is known to have been working, are expected to possess. Упражнение 3.2 Определите предложения, в состав которых входит инфинитив как подлежащее (1 место) и обстоятельство (0 место). При затруднениях прочитайте пояснения после упражнения. 1. To obtain oxygen free from all other substances is an important problem. 2. To think of light as a wave motion is to think of it as a periodic vibration. 3. To permit greater evaporation from a given boiler the furnace of the modern unit is surrounded by water – cooled walls. 4. To obtain the equitation of motion of a particle is one question, but to solve it is another. 5. To speed up the work all operations are fully mechanized where pos- sible. 6. To learn more about atoms one has to study their internal structure. 7. To serve the cause of peace is the motto of all progressive people. 8. To overcome vibration in the engine the crankshaft and flywheelare balanced separately. 9. To coordinate the efforts of many groups of engineers constitutes a very difficult task. 10. To accelerate attainment of equilibrium the air in the vessels can be circulated by a fan. Пояснения к упражнению 3.2 и таблице 2Инфинитив в начале предложения может выполнять функцию (роль) обстоятельства (нулевое место- 0) и подлежащего (первое место- 1). На первый взгляд трудно понять, какую из этих функций инфинитив выполняет в начале предложения. Сравните: 1. To learn the principles of lift the scientists had to carry out a lot of experiments. Для того, чтобы изучить принципы возникновения подъемной силы, ученые должны были провести много опытов. 2. To learn the principles of lift was very important. Изучить принципы возникновения подъемной силы было очень важно. Чтобы отличить инфинитив в функции подлежащего от инфинитива в функции обстоятельства цели ( а следовательно, и правильно его перевести ), необходимо установить, имеется ли среди слов, стоящих после инфинитива (кроме существительного, являющегося пояснительным к этому инфинитиву), другие слова, которые могут выполнять функцию подлежащего. Если таких слов нет, инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего, если эти слова есть – инфинитив в функции обстоятельства. Упражнение 3.3 Определите предложения, в состав которых входит инфинитив как обстоятельство цели. 1. A. The substance failing to combine with oxygen is dealt with in a number of reports. B. To create the conditions used in the similar kind of procedure one ought to know the reliable data. C. The gas in question could not be made to combine with oxygen. 2. A. We assume a gas to be a number of small particles called atoms. B. The samples obtained in such a way are used to continue the experi-ment work. C. It is possible to find a certain type of the catalyst which could prevent the reaction from a slowing down. 3. A. We know pressure to be required for forcing water through a pipe. B. To recognize a substance it is not necessary to examine all its properties. C. To carry out such a complicated experiment is not an easy task. 4. A. The first point to be noted is that these substances have quite different characteristics. B. The number of experiments was assumed to be sufficient to make the final conclusion. C. To make the final conclusion concerning these tests seemed to be a difficult matter. 5. A. It would be difficult to fractionate such a mixture by distillation. B. To obtain good results in the experiment one must work hard. C. You ought to say to them that the reactions carried out carelessly resulted in a number of explosions. Упражнение 3.4 Переведите предложения, принимая во внимание, что to form, to give, to produce, to yield в роли обстоятельства на четвертом месте переводим деепричастием или существительным с предлогом с. 1. Chlorine reacts with calcium hydroxide to form a mixed salt with two negative ions. 2. In a number of instances some ions are hydrolyzed to give acidic solution. 3. Carbon dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide to yield water and sodium carbonate. 4. Ammonium ions interact with water to form hydronium ions in equilibrium with molecular ammonia. 5. The crystal units had rearranged to produce a pseudomorphic form. Упражнение 3.5 Определите предложения, в состав которых входит инфинитив как часть составного модального сказуемого с оттенком долженствования (См. таблицу 2). 1. The idea of the exhibition is to show new technical goods. 2. The committee is to consider all the proposals. 3. The purpose of the experiment is to provide evidence of diffraction of light. 4. Radio and TV is to play an ever greater part in the education process. 5. By the end of the year the enterprise is to increase its output by 150 percent. 6. The present policy in agriculture is to develop machines for the complex mechanization of field work. 7. The output of automated and semiautomatic production lines is to be increased by 35 per cent. 8. One of the main purposes of ventilation is to provide sufficient oxygen. 9. Important differences are to be observed in the oxygen compounds. 10. One of the three chief problems of chemistry is to discover the means and conditions for changing any given kind into matter of other kinds, that is, into new material. Пояснения к упражнению 3.5 и таблице 2
Данные сказуемые трудно различить с первого взгляда из-за одинаковости их состава – глагол « to be » в одной из личных форм плюс инфинитив (is to v). Чтобы различить их, необходимо обратить внимание на подлежащее. Подлежащее в составном именном сказуемом выражено отвлеченным существительным типа: aim, purpose (цель), task (задача), intention (намерение), duty (долг), function (функция) и т.п. Такие существительные не могут быть носителями действия, выраженного инфинитивом. The duty of every student is to master at least one foreign language. Долг каждого студента состоит в том, чтобы овладеть, по крайней мере, одним иностранным языком. Подлежащее в предложении с составным модальным сказуемым может быть носителем действия, выраженного инфинитивом. Every student is to master at least one foreign language. Каждый студент должен овладеть, по крайней мере, одним иностранным языком. Упражнение 3.6 Определите предложения, в состав которых входит: а) инфинитив – определение, б) инфинитив – часть сложного дополнения. При затруднениях смотрите таблицы 2, 5, 6 и прочитайте пояснения после упражнения. 1. In a lathe the work to be machined is mounted between two spindles. 2. Electric or arc welding is the heating of two pieces of metals welded by electricity. 3. We know asbestos to be used for isolation under high conditions. 4. This theory assumes salts to consist of two parts. 5. There is a vast program of calculations and experiments to be carried out at this research center. 6. Democritus considered matter to be made up of very small, invisible particles, atoms. 7. Chemists consider chlorines compounds to be the chlorides of certain metals. 8. John Dalton thought water to be Н2 О. 9. Chemists have long believed any chemical reaction to be of an electrical nature. 10. Aluminium is the third element of the third period and the most abundant of the metals to be found in the earth’s crust. Пояснения к упражнению 3.6 и таблицам 5 и 6С первого взгляда трудно определить роль инфинитива, стоящего после существительного n to v , т.к. инфинитив – определение и инфинитив – часть сложного дополнения могут стоять после существительного. Еще раз обратите внимание на особые «глаголы – индикаторы» которые в роли сказуемого вводят сложное дополнение: to see, to want, to expect, to order и другие. (см. таблицу 6). При отсутствии этих глаголов в роли сказуемого инфинитив является определением. Сравните: 1. They expected the meeting to be over in half an hour.Они ожидали, что собрание закончится через полчаса. 2. The engineers designed the devices to be used in our laboratory. Инженеры разработали приборы, которые будут использоваться в нашей лаборатории. 3. The device to be tested has been brought to our laboratory. Прибор, который необходимо испытать, принесли в нашу лабораторию. Упражнение 3.7 Определите предложения, содержащие «Объектный инфинитивный оборот» (сложное дополнение). 1. A. We may suppose the alpha particles within the nucleus to be in motion. B. Among the particles within the nucleus, which are supposed to be in motion there, are ones called alpha particles. C. On close examination of a nucleus we find it to be made up of particles which are in motion. 2. A. We know gases as nitrogen, helium and argon to make up as much as 26% or pitchblende. B. He will deal with nitrogen, helium and argon – the gases known to make up as much as 26% of pitchblende. C. Seeing the gases accumulate in the space above water, we had to stop the reaction. 3. A. We study the properties of water always believed to expand on heating. B. I believed water always to expand when heated, but I was wrong for its density is the greatest at four Centigrade above zero. C. We applied heat for water to expand. 4. A. The ethyl derivative known to yield alcohol was used in the previous tests. B. Knowing the ethyl derivative known to yield alcohol, we modified the reaction. C. The ethyl derivative being able to yield alcohol is known to me. 5. A. According to the kinetic theory a gas is assumed to be made up of particles moving about with random motion. B. The kinetic theory of gases assumes a gas to be made up of particles moving about with random motion. C. Are particles making up a gas assumed to be moving about with random motion ? 6. A. Hydrogen and oxygen being allowed to combine, water may be synthesized. B. We may synthesize water by allowing hydrogen and oxygen to combine, which they do very rapidly. C. Being allowed to synthesize water we had to combine oxygen and hydrogen. Упражнение 3.8 Определите предложения, содержащие инфинитив в функции определения.
1. A. Of all the known polymers to be considered in our report we have taken epoxyresin laminates which may be used at high temperatures. B. Let us assume the atomic weights to be integral. C. Recent research has shown the nucleus to be an exceedingly complex structure. 2. A. The process to be treated subsequently in more detail is known as ionization. B. Diamond is to be used to cut glass. C. We applied heat for water to expand. 3. A. The work is not sufficiently advanced for any definite opinion to be formed. B. The kinetic theory of gases assumes а gas to be made up of articles moving about with random motion. C. The aim of the experiment to be carried out in the laboratory is to prove the crystalline structure of the substance under test. 4. A. The stability of the compound to be formed is to be considered. B. As for the conclusion to be discussed we feel it our duty to confirm them once more. C. There is no reason for the conversion of mechanical into radiated energy to be continuous. 5. A. Mercury to be added to eliminate free chlorine complicates the reaction. B. We study the properities of water always believed to expand on heating. C. This accounts for the fact to be dealt with in the following chapter. 6. A. There are many questions to be answered in this field of science. B. The reason for using insulations was to decrease fuel costs. C. We had to change the percentage to overcome the difficulties. Упражнение 3.9 Переведите следующие группы слов и предложения (см. таблицы 1, 3 и 4)
a) is said to study (to have studied, to have been studying for two years); is expected to lift (to be lifted); is known to recover (to have recovered); appears to be acted upon (to have been acted upon). b) 1. The body is known to have recovered its original shape. 2. The conditions are assumed to have been provided. 3. The substance is said to have been decomposed. 4. The scientists are expected to deal with the reverse process. The students appear to determine the constituent elements. Упражнение 3.10 Определите предложения, содержащие "Субъектный инфинитивный оборот" (см. таблицы 3 и 4). Помните, что субъектный оборот опознаем по особым глаголам-индикаторам (см. таблицу 4). 1. A. The mixture was stirred to ensure homogeneity and cooled to just below the melting point. B. The molecule is considered to be composed of more than a single structural unit. C. Each student was instructed to report the per cent of aluminium in this sample. 2.A. This result is to be expected from the fact that the pressure in a liquid depends on the depth below the free surface. B. This is expected by our student to give good results. D. Sufficient time was taken for temperature equilibrium to be established. 3. A. The substances obtained were to be used as catalysts. B. The uranium content of rivers is thought to be of the same magnitude as that of sea water. C. The aim of the experiment to be carried out in our laboratory is to prove crystalline structure of the substance under test. 4. A. Of all the known polymers to be considered in our report we have taken epoxyresin laminates which may be used at high temperatures. B. Plastics considered are to be classified into groups according to their behaviour when they are heated. C. A mixture has been assumed to contain no less than two ingredients. Упражнение 3.11 Определите форму и функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
No.1 1. The material to be tested had interesting properties. 2. The body is known to have recovered its original form. 3. His dream is to become an engineer. 4. To prove the existence of electro-magnetic waves, Herts made many experiments. 5. This experiment is expected to be made tomorrow. 6. Our plant is to fulfil this plan as soon as possible.
No.2 1. To know a foreign language is necessary for a specialist. 2. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student. 3. To run modern machines workers must be educated. 4. The work to be completed by us is of great importance. 5. They are glad to have passed their examinations with excellent marks. 6. This device proved to be the best at the exhibition. No.3 1. He is expected to take part in the conference. 2. The material to be tested had interesting properties. 3. To understand this problem one should read a lot. 4. He came to the laboratory to make some experiments. 5. You study at the Institute to become qualified specialists. No.4 1. The problem to be solved was of great importance. 2. They are believed to be working at this problem. 3. To explain this law of applied mechanics one should know theory well. 4. The engineers had several problems to be solved. 5. She wanted to be answered at once. No.5 1. The students have a lot of work to be done. 2. This method was introduced in the factory to achieve better results. 3. She is said to have been working at the problem for many years. 4. The engineer expected the work to be done in time. 5. The discovery showed the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy. No.6 1. Oil is known to be one of the most important sources of energy. 2. This method was introduced in the factory to achieve better results. 3. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design. 4. The lecture was said to be very interesting. 5. To convert chemical energy into electrical one we must use an electric cell. No.7 1. The plan of our research work will be discussed at the conference to be held next week. 2. Rubber is known to have been brought from America. 3. The molecule is considered to be composed of more than single structural unit. 4. The new apparatus was to control all the temperature changes during the experiment. 5. Our task is to obtain a new mixture with new properties. No.8 1. Today chemists are to find new methods of inorganic polymer synthesis. 2. Mendeleyev left blank spaces in his Table for the elements to be discovered in future. 3. We assume a gas to be a number of small particles called atoms. 4. This experiment was expected to give good results. 5. We know him to have graduated from the Institute two years ago. No.9 1. Did you want the plan to be improved ? 2. This load is assumed to be applied in the next experiment. 3. The test tubes to be used for experiments must be clean. 4. To complete any experiment we must write a report. 5. Newton was the first to solve the problem of gravitation. No.10 1. This law is stated to be discovered by Lomonosov. 2. The results to be received may vary considerably. 3. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment. 4. To launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed. 5. To use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the task of our scientists. No.11 1. He is said to have been here. 2. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important. 3. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student. 4. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design. 5. To drive a car in a big city is very difficult. No.12
1. The results to be received may vary considerably. 2. The engineers had several problems to be solved. 3. The substance is said to have been decomposed. 4. To study applied mechanics one should know mathematics. 5. The atom is a mighty force that is to be of great assistance to man. No.13
1. This scientist is known to have been working at this problem for several years. 2. The laws of motion to be analyzed in this text are known to have been formulated by Newton. 3. To maintain quality is a function of the foreman. 4. The operator wanted his lathe to be repaired as soon as possible. 5. There were many questions to be answered in this field of science. No.14
1. The foreman is the one who teaches or instructs how the work is to be done. 2. The design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done. 3. We had to change the percentage to overcome the difficulties. 4. The aim of our work was to develop a new method of cutting metals. 5. The members of the committee are reported to come to an agreement. No.15
1. The lecture was said to be very interesting. 2. We know the cybernetics to be important branch of modern technology. 3. This method is not good enough to be used everywhere. 4. The valuable information to be collected by sputniks will help to improve previous results. 5. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month. Раздел 4 КОНТРОЛЬНО-ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ
Определите форму и функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык . No. 1 1. The material to be tested had interesting properties. 2. The body is known to have recovered its original form. 3. To prove the existence of electro-magnetic waves, Herts made many experiments. 4. This experiment is expected to be made tomorrow. 5. Our plant is to fulfil this plan as soon as possible. No. 2 1. To know a foreign language is necessary for a specialist. 2. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student. 3. To run modern machines workers must be educated. 4. The work to be completed by us is of great importance. 5. They are glad to have passed their examinations with excellent marks. No. 3 1. He is expected to take part in the conference. 2. The material to be tested had interesting properties. 3. To understand this problem one should read a lot. 4. He came to the laboratory to make some experiments. 5. You study at the Institute to become qualified specialists. No. 4 1. The problem to be solved was of great importance. 2. They are believed to be working at this problem. 3. To explain this law of applied mechanics one should know theory well. 4. The engineers had several problems to be solved. 5. She wanted to be answered at once. No. 5 1. The students have a lot of work to be done. 2. This method was introduced in the factory to achieve better results. 3. She is said to have been working at the problem for many years. 4. The engineer expected the work to be done in time. 5. The discovery showed the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy. No. 6 1. Oil is known to be one of the most important sources of energy. 2. This method was introduced in the factory to achieve better results. 3. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design. 4. The lecture was said to be very interesting. 5. To convert chemical energy into electrical one we must use an electric cell. No. 7 1. The plan of our research work will be discussed at the conference to be held next week. 2. Rubber is known to have been brought from America. 3. The molecule is considered to be composed of more than single struc- tural unit. 4. The new apparatus was to control all the temperature changes during the experiment. 5. Our task is to obtain a new mixture with new properties. No. 8 1. Today chemists are to find new methods of inorganic polymer synthesis. 2. Mendeleyev left blank spaces in his Table for the elements to be discovered in future. 3. We assume a gas to be a number of small particles called atoms. 4. This experiment was expected to give good results. 5. We know him to have graduated from the Institute two years ago. No. 9 1. Did you want the plan to be improved ? 2. This load is assumed to be applied in the next experiment. 3. The test tubes to be used for experiments must be clean. 4. To complete any experiment we must write a report. 5. Newton was the first to solve the problem of gravitation. No. 10 1. This law is stated to be discovered by Lomonosov. 2. The results to be received may vary considerably. 3. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment. 4. To launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed. 5. To use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the task of our scientists. No. 11 1. He is said to have been here. 2. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important. 3. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student. 4. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design. 5. To drive a car in a big city is very difficult.
No. 12 1. The results to be received may vary considerably. 2. The engineers had several problems to be solved. 3. The substance is said to have been decomposed. 4. To study applied mechanics one should know mathematics. 5. The atom is a mighty force that is to be of great assistance to man. No. 13 1. This scientist is known to have been working at this problem for several years. 2. The laws of motion to be analyzed in this text are known to have been formulated by Newton. 3. To maintain quality is a function of the foreman. 4. The operator wanted his lathe to be repaired as soon as possible. 5. There were many questions to be answered in this field of science. No. 14 1. The foreman is the one who teaches or instructs how the work is to be done. 2. The design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done. 3. We had to change the percentage to overcome the difficulties. 4. The aim of our work was to develop a new method of cutting metals. 5. The members of the committee are reported to come to an agreement. No. 15 1. The lecture was said to be very interesting. 2. We know the cybernetics to be important branch of modern technology. 3. This method is not good enough to be used everywhere. 4. The valuable information to be collected by sputniks will help to improve previous results. 5. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month. Раздел 5 КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму и функцию инфинитива. 5.1 For mechanical faculty students No.1 1. The capacity of the new engine is reported to have been increased. 2. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint. 3. To develop high-temperature alloys was of paramout importance. 4. A new method of cutting metals to be developed will solve the problem of machining. 5. The aim of the plant was to develop a new method of cutting metals. No.2 1. Tshernov was proud to have found the best temperatures for the hot working of steel. 2. They were to develop a new method of cutting metals. 3. The engineers of that plant are said to have constructed a new device. 4. The only way to produce a pure metal is to eliminate from it all chemical elements but one. 5. To obtain the desired properties of a metal metallurgists alloy it with small amounts of other metals. No.3 1. To develop a new method of cutting metals we had to carry out several experiments. 2. The motor is said to have been working for 24 hours without disen- gaging the lathe. 3. If this system is to serve as a voltmeter, a resistor has to be added in series. 4. We know an alternating current to be continuously changing. 5. The metal to be used in our experiment is to be hard. No.4 1. The engineer is to design a new high-speed device. 2. These forging machines are known to have performed several operations. 3. This means that a casting to be made in a metal mould must be comparatively short. 4. To understand alternating currents, we must consider two properties of an electric circuit , namely resistance and self-inductance. 5. The new device enables the lathe to be used for a greater range of work. No.5 1. Upon examination these bars can be found to contain 0.70 per cent of carbon. 2. We have seen the electric current produce a magnetic field. 3. One of the difficulties to be overcome in obtaining this alloy is to reach the highest possible temperature in the shortest period of time. 4. To increase the productivity of the machine-tool one should know the characteristics of the material which is being machined. 5. To refine the structure of the metal is one of the primary reasons for hot mechanical working of steel. No.6 1. To develop a new method of cutting metals was necessary. 2. The spindle is found to be rotating at 3000 r.p.m. 3. The operations necessary to complete a workpiece will determine the number of tools to be used in the turret. 4. Special handling devices allow the vertical rolls of this mill to be changed in a minimum of time. 5. To overcome this trouble various treatments of the molten metal have been suggested and used for degasification. No.7 1. In cylindrical grinding the work is known to be held between centers. 2. To serve special uses modern metals and alloys must be more corrosion resistant. 3. The new device enables the machine to be used for a greater range of work. 4. A piece of steel to be hardened may be heated until it becomes nonmagnetic. 5. To discover the stresses occuring requires careful figuring. No.8 1. To reinforce the metal engineers use artificial fibres. 2. Two gears with external teeth are said to be in external contact when they are in mesh. 3. If we turn to the common metals , we find them to be distinguished by a characteristic lustre called «metallic lustre». 4. To obtain a product of the desired size , it may be necessary to resort to annealing after the metal has passed through the mill several times. 5. The piece to be forged rests on the anvil block. No.9 1. To get the desirable characteristics in metals or to improve them the art to mix metals began to develop. 2. Our plant produces automatic and semiautomatic machine-tools to be installed in new large shops. 3. The aim was to develop a new method of cutting metals. 4. The new engine proved to be quite satisfactory for variable load conditions. 5. Rolling is considered to be one of the most economic methods of forming metals. No.10 1. The cutting speed depends on the material to be machined. 2. To detect and measure the irregularities of the finer surfaces requires the use of high magnification with very light operating forces. 3. The object of the piston ring is to hold the compressed and exploded gases above the piston. 4. The following pure metals are known to exist in 2 different polymorfic forms which are stable over different ranges of temperature: iron, nickel, cobalt. 5. Hot rolling causes the grains to be elongated into fibres in the same direction as the most of metal is worked. No.11 1. The use of roller bearings on these mills allows heavier pressures to be used. 2. To overcome this trouble various treatments of the molten metal have been suggested and used for degasification. 3. These machines are extremely rapid in operation and enable important savings in cost to be obtained. 4. Some alloying elements are known to cause steel to resist corrosion and such steels are called stainless steels. 5. The piece to be machined is held on the work table which may be adjusted to any convenient height for the job. No.12 1. Drill presses are build in a variety of types, but the ordinary upright drill press is to be found in nearly every machine shop. 2. It is evident that the weight moves with increasing velocity and careful measurements show the rate of increase to be constant. 3. When new alloys prove to be difficult to machine, a normal tendency is to reduce feed or speed. 4. To harden a piece of steel properly it must be in a softened and annealed state. 5. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important. 5.2 For information technologies and management automation faculty students
No.1 1. To do the program the programmer must have a good understanding of the problem for the computer . 2. To do the program for a computer is the main duty of a programmer. 3. The programmer must do the program to give accurate instructions to the computer. 4. The output of a computer is known to vary according to the capacity of the auxitiary equipment receiving the information. 5. One of the best ways to know the problem is to examine it from different points of view. No.2 1. Electric typewriters are very slow and are used only by operators to communicate with a computer. 2. To make possible communication from a human being and a computer is the main purpose of the input unit. 3. The experiments to be carried out will be very important. 4. A buffer is known to be a storage device. 5. To decrease prices you should reduce the cost of the product.
No.3 1. The information to be computed is stored usually in registers- unit of hardware. 2. The machine to operate with the keys is named an ordinary adding machine. 3. The input and output units are known to be the part of a computer. 4. The aim of macroeconomics is to study the economy in general. 5. England was the first country in the world to experience industrialization. No.4 1. The human being seems not to be able to add or to multiply without using auxiliary devices such as pencil and paper. 2. A sequence of reasonable operations to be performed will be done by this computer. 3. Devices for accepting information are said to have been described in some magazines. 4. Paper money or «bank-notes» are easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. 5. In an interlinked global economy, consumers are given the opportunity to buy the best products at the best prices. No.5 1. The programmer to do the program for a computer must have a good knowledge of mathematics. 2. Automatic Management Systems are known to have appeared quite recently. 3. To ensure that the Board has knowledge of the company’s operations there must be executive directors. 4. To understand the difference between the following circuit connections is not difficult at all. 5. The use of borrowed money to make more money is called leverage.
No.6 1. The computer’s memory stores the numbers to be operated on. 2. B. Pascal is known to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer. 3. For results to be obtained an instruction has been put into a computer. 4. The purpose of the electrical source is to produce the necessary electromotive force. 5. Member banks have a right to obtain funds by borrowing from their district reserve banks, to use various services which the system provides, to obtain financial advice and assistance and to receive a divident on stock that the district bank owns. No.7 1. All program instruction to be executed must be held within the CPU. 2. It is convenient to consider the central processor to have three separate hardware sections. 3. It is quite necessary for the programmer to understand the work of all units of a computer. 4. A great number of computing centres are known to have been established all over the country. 5. To start the business of proprietorship it is necessary to obtain licenses required by the law. No.8 1. We know B. Pascal to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer. 2. The microcomputers were the first computers to use a single microprocessor chip as the processor. 3. BASIC is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn. 4. There are many complicated problems to be solved in science and industry with the help of new computers. 5. Corporation has the right to conduct business as if it were one person. No.9 1. The electric bell circuit is considered to be a typical example of a series circuit. 2. Then all the current to be sent will pass through the fuse. 3. Voltmeter is used to measure the value of voltage in the circuit. 4. The competition that results from deregulation is urging the banks to offer more and better services to their customers. 5. The third function of money is to serve as a store of wealth. No.10 1. Wholesalers are known to reduce the number of contacts between producers and customers. 2. Corporation has the right to conduct business as if it were one person. 3. Government stabilization policies must balance the need to encourage economic growth against the requirement to keep inflation under control. 4. Voltmeter is used to measure the value of voltage in the circuit. 5. We hope you will be able to meet our request. No.11 1. Traditionally, the computer in business is used to process data. 2. Computers that are faster, easier to use and more responsive to the particular needs of their users have long been the promise of the field of artificial intelligence. 3. To do this, it has to interpret the «meaning» of a wide range of formatting codes. 4. We would like to assure you that the valves will be packed with extra care. 5. They think it reasonable to deliver 20 valves under the Contract. No.12 1. He wants us to help him with the Contract. 2. It is difficult to learn to speak a foreign language for one month. 3. As a rule I have a lot of work to do at the office. 4. We would like to state that in accordance with the provisions of the Contract your inspectors do not have the right to reject equipment. 5. In order to finalize the matter we would like to invite you to visit at our plant. No.13 1. If we have got many things to do, we stay here until everything is done. 2. We wish to assure you that this kind of packing will be provided with proper protection. 3. The computer is told what operation to perform by means of instructions. 4. People and societies organize economic life to deal with the basic problems through economic systems. 5. They are said to have been working at special features in the computers to satisfy market demands for a year. No.14 1. The article to be discussed was published some days ago. 2. Command economies rely almost totally on government to make economic decisions through centralized authorities. 3. A firm offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated. 4. They are expected to be sent abroad to be trained as operators and programmers. 5. To satisfy market demands they have had to develop special features in their computers. No.15 1. Money is important to the operation of the economy at two levels. 2. The owner of the firm does not like to be deprived of his rights. 3. The piezoelectric effect is known to be first discovered by the Curie brothers in 1880. 4. The sensitivity of the linear transducer is the ratio of output electric signal to input audio-signal. 5. Command economies rely almost totally on governments to make economic decisions through centralized authorities. 5.3 Chemical technology and machine-building faculty
No. 1 1. The natural tendency of heat to flow from a higher to a lower tempera-ture makes it possible for a heat to transform heat into work. 2. In that experiment the steam pipes are known to have been covered to reduce heat losses. 3. As to chemical properties of metals the first point to be mentioned is that they vary widely in degree of chemical activity. 4. The function of a boiler is to transfer heat to the water in the most efficient manner. 5. To attempt to remove heavy scale with the flame is wasteful. No. 2 1. The pressure in the boiler was too low for the engine to develop such revolutions. 2. In that experiment the steam pipes are known to have been covered to reduce heat losses. 3. Among items to be produced will be cranes , mixers and other equip- ment. 4. We know water to flow through a pipe because of a higher pressure at one end than at the other. 5. To lengthen the life of electrovacuum instruments and to make new highly sensitive and reliable instruments monocrystals are applied. No. 3 1. Pressure is known to act equally in all direction. 2. The purpose of a compression ring is to prevent gas leakage. 3. To refine the structure of the metal is one of the primary reasons for hot mechanical working of steel. 4. If the alloying element added to a metal is more easily oxidized than the principal metal , the oxide is likely to be predominantly that of the added metal. 5. The components to be treated are loaded onto a mech-belt conveyor. No. 4 1. A more recent method of protecting the material to be treated is by the use of a vacuum furnace. 2. The fluid is to pumped through the filter chamber into the in tank con-taining clean oil. 3. Many of the compounds to be discussed are unstable under ordinary handling conditions. 4. Carrier gas from tank at first passes to a controller , the usual purpose of which is to maintain a constant flow of gas. 5. In the inlet to the column there is a simple injector through which the sample to be analysed will be introduced. No. 5 1. A further piece of apparatus not always incorporated is a flowmeter to measure the rate of the flow of gas. 2. If the whole of the carbon in the iron is combined, the iron is said to be “ white ” because of the appearance of its fracture. 3. These metals have been found to possess many interesting and useful physical properties. 4. The metal hydroxides react with acids and with oxides of non metals to form water and a class of compounds known as salts. 5. The surface of the metal has to be well cleaned before resins are applied, and at least some hours must be allowed for the resin to cure. No. 6 1. Electrical conductors are said to be in series if they are connected so that all the current which flows through one conductor must flow through each of the others. 2. In modern tubes, two methods of employing electric current to heat the electron emiter are in use. 3. The dead centre is to be always kept well lubricated with oil. 4. The gas to be examined is enclosed in the graduated tube. 5. Academician N. Semyonov is known to have developed the general physics theory of the chain chemical reactions and to have created the basic of the theory of combustion and explosion. No. 7 1. Electrical conductors are said to be in series if they are connected so that all the current which flows through one conductor must flow through each of the others. 2. It would be quite wrong to think that conducting materials are the only materials to be used for the transmission of power. 3. To produce a somewhat larger amount of direct current two diode tubes may be combined into one circuit. 4. To accelerate attainment of equilibrium, the air in the vessels can be circulated by a fan. 5. A material with little permanent deformation is said to be brittle. No. 8 1. An atmosphere of hydrogen is found to give a bright surface without any injurious effect on the material. 2. Engines are also being built to operate on a cycle which is completed in two piston strokes. 3. In most cases, the metal to be forged is heated to its correct forging temperature , but sometimes cold-forging is done. 4. To accelerate the cooling of changes a gas can be admitted to the con- tainers. 5. If the alloying element added to a metal is more easily oxidized than the principal metal , the oxide is likely to be predominantly that of the added metal. No. 9 1. To accelerate the cooling of changes a gas can be admitted to the containers. 2. The substance discovered has some peculiar properties to be examined before a final conclusion is made. 3. Manganese in grey iron has been stated to assume two forms manga- nese carbide and manganese sulphide. 4. After heating, the work is passed through a water-jacketed cooling chamber to reduce its temperature. 5. The steels containing 18% tungsten are considered to be the best for most purposes. No. 10 1. Copper was one of the first metal to be employed for low temperature service. 2. Their slag fibres are believed to give wrought iron an unusually high degree of toughness and of resistance to impact. 2. Tool steels contain enough carbon to cause them to harden. 4. To harden a piece of steel properly it must be in a softened and annealed state. 5. This heat-treatment process is carried out not so much to produce a soft ductile state, but chiefly to relieve the stresses set up by rolling or other mechanical treatment. No. 11 1. When any substance or any of its constituent parts combines with oxygen, the substance is said to be oxidized. 2. The killed steel was found to be suitable for many applications such as cold-rolled sheets, galvanized sheets and plates. 3. Water was sprayed into the slag pockets using compressed air for atomization and proved to be very effective. 4. These machines are extremely rapid in operation and enable important saving in cost to be obtained. 5. To harden a piece of steel properly it must be in a softened and annealed state. No. 12 1. The transition temperature of these steel in the hardened condition were found to fall continuously as tempering temperatures were raised. 2. This heat-treatment process is carried out so much to produce a soft ductile state , but chiefly to relieve the stresses set up by rolling or other me-chanical treatment. 3. When any substance or any of its constituent parts combines with oxygen, the substance is said to be oxidized. 4. They found pure silver and the alloys containing tin or copper to be about equal in rate of tarnishing in indoor atmosphere when freshly cleaned. 5. To accelerate the cooling of charges a gas can be admitted to the containers. 5.4 Chemical technology
No. 1 1. To use oxygen effectively, it was necessary that a simple means be provided for introducing the oxygen into the bath. 2. Plastics considered are to be classified into groups according to their behavior when they are heated. 3. The aim of the experiment to be carried out in our laboratory is to prove the crystalline structure of the substance under test. 4. The stability of the compound to be formed is to be considered. 5. To decrease the volume of a liquid even very slightly a very high pres- sure must be used. No. 2 1. According to the kinetic theory a gas is assumed to be made up of par- ticles moving about with random motion. 2. It is necessary to discuss the result , for the experimental data to be dealt with are of great importance in chemistry. 3. Their aim is to find new ways of utilizing this first-class polymer in light industry. 4. The stability of polyethylene plastic in storage is to be associated with the lack of chemically active functional groups in the molecular structure. 5. To regard the polyethylene as a substitute for stainless steel is not proper design procedure. No. 3 1. For the preparation of an aerosol the substance to be dispersed is first evaporated and the vapour is then quickly cooled. 2. A further piece of apparatus not always incorporated is a flowmeter to measure the rate of the flow of gas. 3. Sample injectors aim to inject a temperature control of the column. 4. The hydrogen atom is believed to have one proton as its nucleus, with one electron circling around it. 5. Carbon is known to occur in two crystalline forms which differ strikingly in their properties.
No. 4 1. The Raman spectra of ions turns out to be very different from those of the corresponding molecules. 2. In practice, the first step in the study of a reaction is to determine the composition and yield of the products. 3. We should expect sulphur to be less active than oxygen. 4. The substance to be extracted should be more soluble in the extracting solvent than in the initial solution. 5. The particles in the positive rays are assumed to be formed by removal of one or more electrons from the atoms. No. 5 1. Solutions of hydrogen chloride in all concentrations are shown to be completely ionized in water as a solvent. 2. The purpose of the study of physical chemistry is to understand the laws of chemistry and physics and to predict and control chemical phenomena. 3. The oxygen units with the copper to form copper oxide. 4. The treatment to be given to any sample of water , in order to fit it for industrial use will , of course , depend on the kind of impurities to be removed and should be based upon a careful chemical analyses. 5. Sulphur water is claimed to have medicinal properties and promote good health. No. 6 1. Solutions of practically all salts, in aqueous solutions of all concent- rations , turn out to be completely ionized. 2. The effect of the solvent is to weaken the union between the proton and the rest of the molecule. 3. The metal hydroxides react with acids and with oxides of nonmetals to form water and a class of compound known as salts. 4. The atoms of radium were shown by experience to be giving off atom of helium. 5. The conditions to be observed are well illustrated in this chapter.
No. 7 1. Oil is thought to have originated from the remains of minute plant and animal organisms. 2. The function of ozone is to oxidize the organic matter, and to sterilize the water. 3. Carbon dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide to yield water and sodium carbonate. 4. A gas to be used successfully in such a refrigeration plant must have a high critical temperature. 5. Compounds of phosphorus are likely to be reduced by hot carbon. No. 8 1. Solutions of carbon dioxide in water are assumed to contain carbonic acid, H2 CO3 . 2. The purpose of a titration is to measure the concentration of a solution. 3. Liquid oxygen can be kept for some days in a good thermos flask, but slowly evaporates to give gaseous oxygen. 4. Then a small quantity of the liquid to be tested id introduced at the bottom of this tube by means of a medicine dropper. 5. Some of the oxides do not appear to react water at all. No. 9 1. In the dark hydrogen does not appear to combine with chlorine with appreciable velocity. The reaction seems to require the presence of a catalyst. 2. A major objective of chemistry is to learn the composition of matter. 3. To maintain electrical neutrality in the oxide, electrones flow across the oxide to the anioun vacancies. 4. An example may best illustrate the helpful information to be gained from such a plot… 5. Chlorine was thought to be a compound of hydrochloric acid and oxy- gen even by Lavoisier. No. 10 1. The task is to find simple method by means of which one will be able to obtain polymers from cheap raw materials and from the by-products of oil refining, natural gas, coal, etc. 2. Heavy water has been found by numerous tests to contain a very slight amount of hydrogen atom. 3. The stability of polyethylene plastic in storage is to be associated with the lack of chemical active functional group in the molecular structure. 4. The purpose of the detector is to detect the separate components of the mixture as they emerge one by one. 5. Chemical processing method made it possible rationally to utilize industrial wastes to speed up technological processes and ensure automation. No. 11 1. The second use of the chromatogram is to enable one to identify the individual components of a mixture qualitatively. 2. For the preparation of an aerosol the substance to be dispersed is first evaporated and the vapour is then quickly cooled. 3. It is desirable to perform a quantitative analysis and a molecular weight determination for an unknown organic compound to be identified. 4. We know gases as nitrogen , helium and argon to make up as much as 26% of pitchblende. 5. Of all the known polymers to be considered in our report we have taken epoxy-resin laminates which may be used at high temperatures. No. 12 1. Any substance that oxidizes to produce useful heat is a fuel. 2. The manganese dioxide is said to c atalyze the reaction as it does not enter the reaction. 3. To decarburize a bath containing a high initial percentage of chromium a controlled oxidizing period at the highest practical temperature is required if high chromium is to be maintained at low carbon level. 4. To accelerate the cooling of changes a gas can be admitted to the containers. 5. In atmospheres rich in sulphur dioxide, the tin-containing alloy was considered to be more liable to general corrosion than pure silver. 5.5 Mechanical faculty No. 1 1. The capacity of the new engine is reported to have been increased. 2. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint. 3. To develop high-temperature alloys was of paramount importance. 4. A new method of cutting metals to be developed will solve the problem of machining. 5. The aim of the plant was to develop a new method of cutting metals. No. 2 1. Tshernov was proud to have found the best temperatures for the hot working of steel. 2. They were to develop a new method of cutting metals. 3. The engineers of that plant are said to have constructed a new device. 4. The only way to produce a pure metal is to eliminate from it all chemical elements but one. 5. To obtain the desired properties of a metal metallurgists alloy it with small amounts of other metals. No. 3 1. To develop a new method of cutting metals we had to carry out several experiments. 2. The motor is said to have been working for 24 hours without disega- ging the lathe. 3. If this system is to serve as a voltmeter, a resistor has to be added in series. 4. We know an alternating current to be continuously changing. 5. The metal to be used in our experiment is to be hard. No. 4 1. The engineer is to design a new high-speed device. 2. These forging machines are known to have performed several operations. 3. This means that a casting to be made in a metal mould must be comparatively short. 4. To understand alternating currents, we must consider two properties of an electric circuit, namely resistance and self-inductance. 5. The new device enables the lathe to be used for a greater range of work. No. 5 1. Upon examination these bars can be found to contain 0,70 per cent of carbon. 2. We have seen the electric current produce a magnetic field. 3. One of the difficulties to be overcome in obtaining this alloy is to reach the highest possible temperature in the shortest period of time. 4. To increase the productivity of the machine-tool one should know the characteristics of the material which is being machined. 5. To refine the structure of the metal is one of the primary reasons for hot mechanical working of steel. No. 6 1. To develop a new method of cutting metals was necessary. 2. The spindle is found to be rotating at 3000 r.p.m. 3. The operations necessary to complete a workpiece will determine the number of tools to be used in the turret. 4. Special handling devices allow the vertical rolls of this mill to be changed in a minimum of time. 5. To overcome this trouble various treatments of the molten metal have been suggested and used for degasification. No. 7 1. In cylindrical grinding the work is known to be held between centers. 2. To serve special uses modern metals and alloys must be more corrosion resistant. 3. The new device enables the machine to be used for a greater range of work. 4. A piece of steel to be hardened may be heated until it becomes nonmagnetic. 5. To discover the stresses occuring requires careful figuring. No. 8 1. To reinforce the metal engineers use artificial fibres. 2. Two gears with external teeth are said to be in external contact when they are in mesh. 3. If we turn to the common metals, we find them to be distinguished by a characteristic lustre called «metallic lustre». 4. To obtain a product of the desired size , it may be necessary to resort to annealing after the metal has passed through the mill several times. 5. The piece to be forged rests on the anvil block. No. 9 1. To get the desirable characteristics in metals or to improve them the art to mix metals began to develop. 2. Our plant produces automatic and semiautomatic machine-tools to be installed in new large shops. 3. The aim was to develop a new method of cutting metals. 4. The new engine proved to be quite satisfactory for variable load conditions. 5. Rolling is considered to be one of the most economic methods of forming metals. No. 10 1. The cutting speed depends on the material to be machined. 2. To detect and measure the irregularities of the finer surfaces requires the use of high magnification with very light operating forces. 3. The object of the piston ring is to hold the compressed and exploded gases above the piston. 4. The following pure metals are known to exist in 2 different polymorfic forms which are stable over different ranges of temperature ,iron, nickel , cobalt. 5. Hot rolling causes the grains to be elongated into fibres in the same direction as the most of metal is worked. No. 11 1. The use of roller bearings on these mills allows heavier pressures to be used. 2. To overcome this trouble various treatments of the molten metal have been suggested and used for degasification. 3. These machines are extremely rapid in operation and enable important savings in cost to be obtained. 4. Some alloying elements are known to cause steel to resist corrosion and such steels are called stainless steels. 5. The peace to be machined is held on the worktable, which may be adjusted, to any convenient height for the job. No. 12 1. Drill presses are built in a variety of types, but the ordinary upright drill press is to be found in nearly every machine shop. 2. It is evident that the weight moves with increasing velocity and careful measurements show the rate of increase to be constant. 3. When new alloys prove to be difficult to machine, a normal tendency is to reduce feed or speed. 4. To harden a piece of steel properly it must be in a softened and annealed state. 5. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important. ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕРМИНЫ И СИМВОЛЫ, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ В РАБОТЕ, [1 ] 1 - подлежащее 2 - сказуемое 2...2 - вспомогательный и смысловой глаголы сказуемого 3 - прямое дополнение 4 - обстоятельство, занимающее четвертое место 0 - обстоятельство, занимающее нулевое место I - 1-я форма глагола - основа инфинитива II-ed - 2-я форма стандартного глагола - простое прошедшее время II - 2-я форма нестандартного глагола - простое прошедшее время II(ed) - 2-я форма стандартного или нестандартного глагола III-ed - 3-я форма стандартного глагола - причастие II III - 3-я форма нестандартного глагола - причастие II III(ed) - 3-я форма стандартного или нестандартного глагола при- частие II I ing - причастие I О ing - герундий to V - инфинитив
Рекомендуемая учебная литература
1. Андрианова Л.Н., Багрова Н.Ю., Ершова Э.В. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов и факультетов. М., 1972, 1980, 1988. 2. Дьяченко Е.Н., Косачева И.Е. Как пользоваться англо-русским словарем: Методические указания по английскому языку к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе на I этапе обучения / Алт. политехн. ин-т им. И.И. Ползунова. - Барнаул, 1989. 3. Косачева И. Е., Дьяченко Е.Н. Инфинитив - методическое указание по курсу грамматики английского языка / Алтайский политехнический институт им. И.И. Ползунова. - Барнаул, 1983. 4. Косачева И. Е., Дьяченко Е.Н. Словообразование: Методические указания по английскому языку к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе на I этапе всех форм обучения / Алт. политехн. ин-т им. И.И. Ползунова. - Барнаул, 1990. 5. Косачева И.Е. Коновалова Л.Г. Значение и функции внешне идентичных глагольных форм на -ed. Причастие II.Технологии изучающего чтения. / Алт. гос. техн. ин-т им. И.И. Ползунова, БТИ. - Бийск. Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 1997. 6. Косачева И.Е., Кудрявцева А.А., Коновалова Л.Г. Герундий. Технологии изучающего чтения. Методические указания по английскому языку / Алт. гос. техн. ин-т им. И.И. Ползунова, БТИ. - Бийск. Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 1997. 7. Людвигова Е.В., Баженова С.М., Павлова Э.С., Седов Д.Г. Учебник английского языка для вузов заочного обучения. М., 1982. 8. Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д., Кускова Л.А., Разговорова Е.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1983.
1. Michael Swan. Practical English Usage. - М.: Высш.шк., 1984. 2. Webster Modern English Grammar. New York, 1996. 3. Английский язык. Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания: для студентов-заочников высших учебных заведений (факультетов) неязыковых специальностей. - М.: Высш. шк., 1989. 4. Берман И.М. English. Грамматика английского языка. - М.: Высш. шк., 1993. 5. Берман И.М. Методика обучения английскому языку в неязыковых вузах. - М.: Высш. шк., 1970. 6. Жималенкова Т.М., Мыльцева Н.А. Универсальный справочник по грамматике английского языка. - М.: Глосса, 1995. 7. Людвигова Е.В. Руководство по переводу технических текстов. - М.: Высш.шк., 1964. 8. Пумпянский А.А. Чтение и перевод английской научной технической литературы. - М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1962. 9. Пумпянский А.Л. Введение в практику перевода научной и технической литературы на английский язык. - М.: Наука 1964. 10. Учебник английского языка для I-II этапов обучения в технических вузах. - М.: Высш. школа, 1978. 11. Учебно-методическая разработка по грамматике английского языка. Свердловск, изд. УПИ им. С.М. Кирова, 1977.
Инфинитив. Технологии изучающего чтения Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов всех форм обучения. Технический редактор Малыгина Ю.Н. Подписано в печать 18.09.99. Формат 60х84 1 /16 Усл. п. л. 2,94 Уч.-изд. л. 2,73 Печать – ризография, множительно - копировальный аппарат «RISO TR - 1510». Тираж 50 экз. Заказ 2000- 4 Издательство Алтайского государственного технического университета им. И.И. Ползунова, 656099, г. Барнаул, пр. Ленина, 46 Оригинал-макет подготовлен ВЦ БТИ АлтГТУ им. И.И. Ползунова Отпечатано на ВЦ БТИ АлтГТУ им. И.И. Ползунова 659305 г. Бийск, ул. Трофимова, 29. 5.1 For mechanical faculty students
5.3 Chemical technology and machine-building faculty 5.4 Chemical technology
5.5 Mechanical faculty |