Учебное пособие: Методические указания Волгоград, 1995 ббк грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О. В. Леднева, А. М. Митина, И. Ф. Янушкевич; Волггту. Волгоград, 1995. 27с
Название: Методические указания Волгоград, 1995 ббк грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О. В. Леднева, А. М. Митина, И. Ф. Янушкевич; Волггту. Волгоград, 1995. 27с Раздел: Остальные рефераты Тип: учебное пособие ![]() |
Кафедра иностранных языков
Методические указания
Волгоград, 1995 ББК Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О.В. Леднева, А.М. Митина, И.Ф. Янушкевич; ВолгГТУ. Волгоград, 1995. - 27с.
Приводятся модели использования личных и неличных форм английского глагола в предложении и практические задания для усвоения этих моделей. Грамматический материал представлен на основе лексики, необходимой для говорения на тему "Научная работа аспиранта /соискателя". Для аспирантов и соискателей, занимающихся в группе по подготовке к кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку.
Библиография - 4 назв.
Рецензент Багметова Н.Б.
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского советаВолгоградского государственного технического университета
© Волгоградский государственный технический университет , 1995 UNIT I. Tenses in the Active Voice
Exercise I. Make the interrogative and the negative forma of the following sentences. l) We participate in scientific conferences. 2) He does experimental work. 3) You carry out interesting experiments. 4) He works at a candidate thesis. 5) Our department collaborates with many industrial enterprises. l) He took part in this conference. 2) They carried out useful experiments. 3) I wrote an interesting scientific paper last year. 4) She obtained interesting data in her experimental work. 5) I graduated, from this university two years ago. I) She will carry out many experiments. 2) Professor Novakov will be my scientific adviser. 3) We shall work hard to obtain all the necessary data. 4) They will carry out many experiments. 5) He will submit his candidate thesis in 5 years. Exercise 2. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences. l) He is working in the laboratory now. 2) They are installing new equipment. 3) We are designing a new apparatus. 4) She is making a new experiment now. 5) He is translating a scientific paper from English into Russian. l) We were installing a new device when the chief of the laboratory came. 2) She was making a new experiment when you telephoned. 3) They were discussing the data at 10 o'clock yesterday. 4) They were reading scientific papers in the library from 4 till 6 o'clock. l) I shall be working at my report from 5 to 7 o'clock p.m. 2) He will be delivering a report at the conference at 10 o'clock. 3) We shall be re-equipping our lab with up-to-date machines from August to November. 4) You will be adjusting an amplifier at 8. Exercise 3. Make the interrogative and the negative forms of the following sentences. 1) She has completed her experimental work. 2) You have read many books on your scientific speciality. 3) They have proved their hypothesis. 4) We have solved a number of complicated problems. 5) He has developed a new method. 1) We had installed modern machine tools by March. 2) He had submitted his candidate thesis by the end of his post-graduate course. 3) We had solved the problem by the end of May. 4) He had completed his experiment by the time his chief came. l) She will have written the report by tomorrow. 2) They will have checked and. adjusted the equipment by the end of the week. 3) You will have analyzed the obtained data by the time your supervisor comes back from the conference. 4) I shall have developed a new method by the end of the year. Exercise 4. Make the interrogative and, the negative forma of the following sentences. 1) I have been working at this problem for about 5 years. 2) He has been living in Volgograd for 10 years. 3) She has been working at her candidate thesis for a year. 4) We have been analyzing the results of the experiment since last week. l) He had been trying to solve this problem for 5 years before at last he was a success. 2) They had been developing this project for 2 months when the chief came. 3) He had been working at this plant for 2 years when he decided to change his work. 4) I had been solving this problem for a week when I realized I should use another approach. l) This is a very complicated problem. I think we shall have been discussing it for two months by the end of this year. 2) They will have been testing this material until they get all the necessary data. 3) He will have been experimenting with this tube for an hour before you come. Exercise 5. Use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets. l) I (to graduate) from the university two years ago. 2) He (to take part) in many conferences by the time he (to submit) his thesis. 3) They already (to discuss) this problem. 4) My colleague (to work) at this article for 2 weeks. 5) Scientists (to solve) this problem by the end of the I9th century. 6) He (to complete) his tests by the tenth of April 7) She (to work) at her candidate thesis under the supervision of Professor Ivanov. 8) They (to develop) a new method and (to write) a paper on it now. 9) We (to analyze) the results of our work since Monday. 10) They (to adjust) a new device when I came. 1l) I (to work) at the university for 5 years before I (to take) a post-graduate course. 12) He (to submit) his candidate thesis next year. 13) We (to assemble) a new machine yesterday from 5 to 9 o'clock p.m. 14) They (to develop) this project since last year. 15) We (to work out) this technique in collaboration with several research institutes and industrial enterprises. Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English. 1) Как давно ты работаешь на этом заводе? 2) Старший научный сотрудник Андрей Рублев обсудил результаты исследования с начальником отдела, прежде чем доложить о них на конференции. 3) Его не будет в лаборатории в 3 часа. Он будет читать лекцию. 4) Я и мой друг собираемся принять участие в научной конференции в нашем университете в этом году. 5) Когда я пришел в университет, они выполняли интересное исследование. 6) Я прочитал статью ко времени его прихода. 7) Она работала в прошлом году на кафедре прикладной математики. 8) Он проработал в университете 4 года, прежде, чем поступить в аспирантуру. 9) Не беспокойте их сейчас. Они обсуждают тему новой диссертации. 10) Я работаю над кандидатской диссертацией уже два года. 11) Она прочитала много научных статей на английском языке прежде, чем сдала кандидатский экзамен. 12) Он занимается исследованием этой проблемы с прошлого года. 13) Он будет делать доклад на конференции в 10 часов. 14) Они завершат эксперимент к декабрю. 15) Мы уже получили хорошие экспериментальные данные. 16) Каждый год он публикует три-четыре научных статьи. UNIT 2. The Passive Voice
Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
l) In the course of further scientific developments extensive use will be made of modern computing machines and electronic devices. 2) Mention has already been made of this new phenomenon. 3) The experiment had been carried out by prof. Zaicrevstey by 6 o'clock yesterday. 4) The opening session of the Congress was preceded by a meeting of the General Assembly to elect a new president. 5) When he entered the laboratory a new device was being tested. 6) It is often argued that in the XX century we are left with no expansion of wisdom and with greater need for it. 7) No attempts have been made to list all the contributions in which different procedures have been developed and later used. 8) The data are being collected and studied now. 9) The article had been translated by the time the chief of the laboratory came back. 10) So far no notice has been taken of the obvious advantage of this technique. 11) The candidate thesis is submitted. 12) More evidence will be obtained to support the idea. 13) When he returned to the university an interesting experiment was being made. 14) The report has been listened to with great attention. 15) The hypothesis was proposed by Petrov after a number of experiments. 16) The work will have been finished by noon tomorrow. 17) The experiment had been carried out by 6 o'clock yesterday. 18) These ideas are hardly recognized as mathematics at all by the people trained in the classical branches of the subject. 19) Recent discoveries in all sciences have been greatly assisted by the developments in contemporary research techniques. 20) More exact methods are being developed now for obtaining lower temperature. 21) The discovery was made by the team of our laboratory. 22) The article has been published. Exercise 2. Identify the passive constructions paying attention to the translation of the subject. I) At the conference the speaker was asked a lot of questions. 2) We have been told about the discovery. 3) Unfortunately he was not offered any help. 4) They have been given all the necessary information. 5) The laboratory was promised financial support. 6) He was told to sign his papers. 7) Next week you will be sent to Moscow on business. 8) The team of the laboratory was given a difficult problem to solve. 9) The new lab assistant is being taught to use modern equipment by the chief of the laboratory now. Exercise 3. Remember some of the verbs taking a direct object in English and indirect (followed by a preposition) in Russian: To affect – влиять(на), to approach – подойти(к), to answer – отвечать(на), to attend – присутствовать (на) и активно участвовать, to consult – консультироваться (у, с), to enjoy – получать удовольствие (от), пользоваться, to follow – следовать, следить (за), to influence – влиять (на), to join – присоединяться (к), to watch – наблюдать (за).
Identify the passive structures and give Russian equivalents of the following sentences. l) Some people are easily influenced by other people's opinions. 2) The distribution of goods is greatly affected by local conditions. 3) The seminar was attended by all the participants. 4) His lectures are always followed by heated discussions. 5) In several areas of research the efforts of scientists are joined by those of philosophers and sociologists. 6) At the university students are offered a curriculum of study which is followed by a test and the award of a degree. Exercise 4. Identify the passive structures followed, by a preposition and give Russian equivalents of the following sentences. l) This method, has been referred, to in an earlier paper. 2) I do not think this instrument can be relied upon. 3) The data cannot be accounted for by the existing theory. 4) At the beginning of the lecture the laboratory assistant was sent for by the lecturer. 5) The invention was spoken of at the meeting of our stuff. 6) He is a good specialist; his advice can always be relied on. 7) The report is very interesting; the speaker is being listened to with great attention. 8) The latest research is much spoken about. 9) Some aspects of the foregoing topics are dealt with in the next chapter. 10) The prolongation of life may be thought of as a feat of endurance rather than a race against time. 11) The best of treatment was generally agreed upon. Exercise 5. Practise orally by using impersonal passive structures as shown in the model.
Model: We have found that... - It has been found that... 1) I must admit that... 2) He has found that... 3) Everybody accepts that... 4) I believe that... 5) The author hopes that... 6) Scientists sometimes say that... 7) Most people assume that...8) Physicists recognize nowadays that... Exercise 6. Give English equivalents of the following Russian phrases using impersonal passive structures and adverbs "widely", "generally" where required. l) Говорят, что... 2) Предполагается, что... 3) Можно надеяться, что... 4) Следует признать, что... 5) Было найдено, что... 6) Общепризнанно, что... 7) Считают, что... 8) Широко распространено мнение, что... Exercise 7. Translate into English. 1) Вопрос будет рассматриваться в следующей главе. 2) 0 его проекте много говорят. 3) В настоящее время предприняты многочисленные попытки усовершенствовать эту конструкцию. 4) За экспериментальной работой последовало теоретическое обоснование полученных данных. 5) Считают, что эксперимент будет завершен к первому марта. 6) Модель была модифицирована за последнее время и теперь используется во многих практических ситуациях. 7) В следующем месяце лаборатории будет выделено новое оборудование. 8) Ученого попросили изложить свою точку зрения относительно этой гипотезы. 9) В настоящее время химические методы очистки воды широко используются. 10) За докладом последовала бурная дискуссия. 11) Теория была принята большинством ученых после того, как были получены новые доказательства в ее поддержку. 12) В лаборатории установлено новое оборудование. 13) Не входите! Там идет эксперимент. 14) Особое внимание уделено сравнению экспериментально полученных результатов с результатами, предсказанными теоретически. 15) Предполагается, что полученные расчетные данные были проверены экспериментально. 16) На скорость реакции влияет множество других факторов. 17) В последнее время эта теория часто упоминается во многих статьях. UNIT 3. The Sequence of Tenses
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1) They confessed they did not know the answers. 2) We were told that biologists alone couldn't solve this problem, neither could physicists. 3) The director stressed that more and more service and auxiliary operations were being done by automatic devices. 4) The chief of the laboratory said that the process could be easily simulated in laboratory, no matter how peculiar its mechanism might seem to a non-specialist. 5) We knew that the compound was being analysed. 6) Не said that he was disappointed with the final results of the experiments. 7) Suddenly he understood what it meant. 8) One of the philosophers said that to know everything is to know nothing. 9) Galileo proved that the earth moves round the sun. 1) He said he had done this on purpose. 2) The scientist reported that he had spent five years on the problem. 3) It was known that Pierre Curie had given up his own research to join Marie Curie in her studies of radioactivity. 4) It was pointed out that the adequate theory had prevented scientists from making many useless experiments. 5) It was considered that the phenomenon had already been explained. 6) The post-graduate declared that the model had been modified and was being used in many fields. 7) He said he had had many doubts and therefore had asked many questions. 8) She could not believe that he had known nothing about their experiments. 1) He said he would take upon himself the whole responsibility. 2) They believed that the paper would interest most specialists. 3) We were told that they would carry out some important experiments. 4) The secretary said that they would be called into his room in alphabetical order. 5) He said that he would try to realize the possible consequences of their intervention. 6) The participants of the conference agreed, that they would, develop cooperation in this field. 7 ) They thought that the applied, method would increase the accuracy of results. 8) He told us that the report would be hardly satisfactory. Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English. l) Вчера сообщили, что конференция состоится в мае этого года. 2) Он не знал, откуда она это получила. 3) Нам сказали, что большое внимание будет уделено проблеме потребления топлива. 4) Никто не мог поверить, что этот молодой человек изобрел машину. 5) Все знали, что у него много публикаций по теме диссертации. 6) На кафедре было решено, что аспирант выполнил свой план. 7) Он сказал, что, несмотря на трудности, эксперимент проводится. 8) Ученый сообщил, что новый научный метод был разработан сотрудниками его лаборатории. 9) Докладчик отметил, что преимущества и недостатки нового метода будут еще уточняться. 10) Она посмотрела на меня с удивлением и спросила, как я попал туда. 11) Не было сомнений в том, что в ходе дальнейшей научной разработки необходимо использовать больше компьютерных и электронных устройств. 12) Он был уверен, что никогда не поздно учиться. UNIT 4. Conditional Sentences
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian. 1) If you apply this method, you will obtain better results in your research. 2) In case they told him everything, what would he try to do? 3) The new operator would not have broken this device on condition that you had instructed him how to operate it. 4) He would possibly come to another conclusion in case be tried a new approach. 5) If he had used this method of analysis, he would have solved the problem. 6) Provided you had modified the conditions at the very beginning of the experiment, you would have obtained better results. 7) If you stay another two days you will have the chance of seeing the results of our research. 8) We should certainly inform you of the opening of the session, if you gave us your address or telephone number. 9) It you compare these two forces, you will see that the difference is negligible. Id) If be had been able to speed up his research, he would have completed his dissertation by now. 11) He would willingly accept this post in case he were offered it. 12) If you analysed the data in tine you could write a paper on the subject. 13) If he tried a new approach he would possibly come to another conclusion. I4) He might have done the work quite easily if he had prepared the material beforehand. 15) If he states his requirements clearly we shall try to meet them. 16) They would finish the work in time, provided they had the necessary material. 17) If you observe the rules of operating this machine, you will be able to increase its productivity. 18) I should not have been able to realize what a wonderful instrument it was unless I had seen it in action. Exercise 2. Restore the sentences using a proper conjunction translate into Russian. 1) Could we have a few more examples to judge we might change the hypothesis. 2) Were I permitted to carry out this test myself I should be really happy. 3) Had he noticed his mistake before, he would certainly have corrected it. 4) Were it possible we should begin this work at once. 5) Should anyone offer them to take part in this research, they would willingly agree. 6) Had they tested this compound before, the results would have been quite different. 7) Should life be discovered on another planet it would be a monument to our age. 8) Had there been something more realistic to motivate the research, our attitude towards it would, have been different. 9) Had we begun a new series of experiments last year, we would have received reliable results by now. 10) Should our plane become unsuitable for humanity, the fault would be ours. 11) Should the prediction come true, there will be no lake here to speak of in about a decade. 12) The tendency would be more popular were it not for the recent dramatic history which everybody remembers only too well. UNIT 5. Emphatic Constructions
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian. Try to paraphrase in English. 1) The idea of the biosphere was introduced a century ago but it was not until the mid-forties that the problem of environment was first recognized. 2) It is the peculiar character of this process that should be studied. 3) It is the availability of liquid water in substantial quantities that was one of the conditions indispensable for the development of life on the Earth. 4) It is a fact that since his early days on the Earth man has been interfering with nature and it is this interference that is at the root of the present day global crisis. 5) The rate of progress in particular fields of science exceeds that in fundamental knowledge and it is this discrepancy that is ultimately at the root of the environmental situation. 6) It was the invention of the steam engine that revolutionized all production processes. Exercise 2. Identity the logically important part and give its Russian equivalent. 1) Everybody knows that to predict future is a most difficult task. Yet people do try to do it. 2) This formula is generally criticized. Yet it does describe the essential characteristics of the process. 3) There is ample proof that aesthetics and engineering can and do influence each other. 4) This does not mean that chance has no role in the inventing process. Chance does act. 5) For a long time scientists did not believe the validity of the geographical data of the ancient authors. However, the archaeologists did find a number of ancient cities with the help of these data. 6) The present work is essentially a study of the radio communication. Nevertheless it does provide an over-all picture of general communication behavior. Exercise 3. Translate into English. 1) Действительно, требуются и время и немалые усилия, чтобы выполнить серьезное научное исследование. 2) Мы гордимся тем, что именно русский ученый А.С. Попов построил первую радиостанцию в мире. 3) В то время, если женщина очень хотела получить высшее образование, она обычно уезжала за границу. 4) Только упорный труд делает талантливого человека великим ученым. 5) Несмотря на все трудности, ему все-таки удалось доказать правильность своей гипотезы. 6) Именно С.П. Королев создал целый ряд выдающихся конструкций реактивных кораблей для исследования космоса. 7) Полет Ю. Гагарина неопровержимо доказал, что теория К. Циолковского верна. 8) Только Д.И. Менделееву, русскому ученому, профессору Санкт-Петербургского университета, удалось создать периодическую классификацию всех известных тогда элементов, расположив их в таблицу. 9) Как раз в 19 веке, в результате развития науки об электричестве появилась новая отрасль - электротехника. 10) Именно процесс расщепления сделал возможным создание ядерного реактора и атомной бомбы. 11) Только путем выполнения многочисленных экспериментов и сбора данных, многие из которых окажутся позднее нерелевантными, и может происходить прогресс. 12) Как раз наш великий ученый М. Ломоносов первым открыл закон сохранения материи. UNIT 6 . Modal Verbs Exercise 1. Choose the proper Russian equivalents of modal verbs. 1) One can assume this to be self-evident. 2) One can expect the scope of research to expand steadily. 3) One can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas of research. 4) One can hardly tolerate one's ideas being criticized, without an attempt to defend them. 5) One can hardly expect a true scientist to keep within the limits of one narrow long-established field. 6) One should always keep an open mind receptive to new ideas, so one should not completely oppose speculation, but one must take care not to get too involved in it. 7) One should start a new subject of research with collecting experimental evidence and classifying it. 8) One should be able to pick out the most important things from the great wealth of information. 9) To be a successful scientist one must at the very least be able to ask questions. 10) One has to test the validity of a theory by experiments. 11) One need not solve a great many problems to be a great scientist. 12) One does not have to accept this viewpoint. Exercise 2. Study the usage of modal verbs followed, by perfect and non-perfect infinitive. 1) Most primitive tools and devices must have been invented independently by different civilizations. 2) If there was someone to put a question there must be somebody, sooner or later, to answer it. 3) There has to be a way out of any situation. 4) By that time the resources of the planet nay have been completely exhausted. 5) A scientist may freely choose his line of research. 6) Everyone might be granted the right to be occasionally wrong. 7) They might have put the sample in freezer; it would be more effective. 8) At all the times there were ideas which should have been given more attention than they actually were. 9.) Good ideas should be written down before they are forgotten. 10) Not a single scientist shall work on the problems whose solution may be a threat to mankind. 11) They cannot have reached the same level of development. 12) Nature would never be exhausted to challenge man with more riddles. 13) With our present-day technology such phenomena could not have been observed in the laboratory; what was registered must, in fact, have been due to some malfunctioning of the recorder. 14) Intelligence of human quality is not to be achieved overnight; there ought to pass plenty of time for anything comparable in complexity to human brain to evolve. 15) A true scientist will enjoy his work more than anything else and would often be prepared to sacrifice his weekends and vacation in order to proceed with his research. Exercise 3. Grammar in proverbs. Translate these sentences into Russian and suggest Russian sayings of similar leaning. 1) A fool may ask more questions than a wise man can answer. 2) Who seeks blows shall perish by blows. 3) Friends may meet, but mountains never. 4) You may lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. 5) He who would search for pearls must dive below. 6) What can't be cured must be endured. 7) People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 8) Accidents will happen. 9) The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet. 10) Bad seed must produce bad corn. 11) What's done cannot be undone. 12) It would make even a cat taught. 13) None so deaf as those who won't hear. 14) If we can't as we would, we must do as we can. 15) The beggar may sing before the thief. Exercise 4. Bead the text. Substitute the proper English verbs for the Russian words in brackets. Those who wish to become students at the university (обязаны) take their entrance examinations. Recruitment of students to the university follows certain procedures which no one (разрешено) ignore. If a perspective student is ill and (не в состоянии) appear before the examination board he (надлежит) present a certificate to this effect, in which ease the examination (приходится) be postponed. Another rule is that no student (не должен) be late for his examination. Also, students (не должны) argue with the examination board, although this is not a regular rule, but rather wise advice. However, whether they strictly observe the rules or not, there are always people who (могут) fail in their examinations and those who (обычно) succeed. This (всегда была и будет) be the situation at all times. UNIT 7. The Participle
Exercise 1. Identify Participle I and Participle II as an attribute and translate into Russian. 1) The engineer making that experiment took a lot of measurements. 2) The scientist chooses between several procedures mentioned above. 3) We give the results of the made calculations in decimals. 4) The scientist theoretically predicted complicated interaction between the components involved in the process. 5) The original idea of a discovery is often the product of one man working in a group environment. 6) The method applied increased the accuracy of the results. 7) The approach designed by the group of engineers is very nearly the same as that introduced in the thirties. 8) After a heated discussion the laboratory applied the method improved by Dr. N. 9) The procedure proposed provided the required mechanism of reaction. 10) The text includes fragments of the opinions concerning the subject under discussion. 11) At that time the problem presented increased danger of radioactive contamination and encountered opposition at most laboratories. 12) The results obtained disagreed with earlier data reported by Dr. D. 13) The hypothesis concerned synthesized materials and did not apply to natural products. 14) The discovery came at the very time when most researchers engaged in the work were about to give it up. 15) Such studies require very detailed information concerning the processes at work. Exercise 2. Identify Participle I and Participle II as an adverbial and translate into Russian. 1) Being designed by a talented scientific worker the device was a success. 2) Confining his attention to one problem the scientist will surely achieve its solution much sooner. 3) Having solved that equation the mathematician found the ratio between the numbers. 4) Comparing these preliminary estimates we arrive at the following conclusion. 5) Having been given all the instructions the engineer started his work at once taking into account all the points of the received instruction. 6) Recognizing a problem the scientist makes the first step to its solution. 7) Being too expensive the project could not be approved. 8) If completed the experiments will make it possible to draw definite conclusions. 9) When applied the method increases the efficiency of the process. 10) If realized the problem becomes something man can cope with. 11) Having made a great number of experiments with different substances the chemist found out that most of them could be decomposed into other substances. 12) Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for research in all the laboratories. 13) If properly treated these raw materials can provide us with all necessary substances. 14) While explaining the results of the experiment the professor wrote many formulae on the blackboard. 15) Increasing the amount of available technical information scientists also contribute to transformation of some well-rooted beliefs. Exercise 3. Make up sentences of your own using Participle II. Model: The results presented (1) agree with (2) the previous observations.
(1) (2) The data obtained to correspond to The conclusions made to differ from The evidence reported to deal with The hypothesis advanced to be in agreement with The facts classified to be valid for The method applied to be in keeping with The phenomena observed to be true for The problem solved to be consistent with Exercise 4. Make up sentences of your own using Participle I. Model: The scientist making (1) the experiment is responsible for (2) the research.
(1) (2) The engineer analysing to be interested in The student conducting to be busy with The research workers planning to draw conclusions from The chemist explaining to make use of The experimenter starting to insist on The investigator carrying out to refer to Exercise 5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the choice of conjunctions. 1) Some scientists do not distinguish between pure and applied mathematics, the distinction being in fact of recent origin. 2) The project abandoned, the leadership in this field passed to another institute. 3) They took all the measurements during the actual operation of the machine, this being the usual practice in those days. 4) The question of collective scientific discoveries has already been raised, it having been suggested that a solution of some urgent problems can be best achieved that way. 5) Technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible. 6) There being no other data, the data obtained cannot be regarded, as evidence. 7) The experiments having been carried out, we started new investigations. 8) Automation appeared only at the time when the proper state of science was achieved, its roots spanning many centuries and many lands. 9) Computers and calculating machines can be conveniently subdivided into two classes: analogue and digital, the basic distinction being the way in which numbers are represented inside the machine for calculating purposes. 10) Other conditions being equal, the acceleration will be the same. UNIT 8. The Gerund
Exercise 1. Learn to distinguish different Gerund structures. 1) Recognizing a problem is the first step to its solution. 2) Noticing relationship in his observations is very important for every scientist. 3) Relating the necessity for a different approach the physicists reluctantly abandoned the project. 4) Putting the discovery to use sometimes requires more effort than making it. 5) Pointing out their mistakes to some people is often quite difficult. 6) It is no good stressing a paradox if you wish to excite curiosity of the audience unprepared for the lecture. 7) The editor could not help detecting many errors both of fact and of thinking. 8) Are these prognoses really worth making? 9) Many useless experiments were prevented from being made by an adequate theory. 10) His research resulted in establishing a new mechanism of the process. 11) Research is searching without knowing what you are going to find. 12) If you want to succeed in interesting the audience you should not try surprising them with an isolated fact. 13) Being interested in the subject which you are studying is the best motivation for learning it. 14) Fundamental research is that which you undertake without caring whether the results will be of practical value or not. 15) Taking into account individual components resulted in a radical change of the entire system. 16) Finding an adequate solution to this most urgent technological problem will surely require much time and still more effort. 17) Today we cannot help witnessing a tendency in science to direct the collective efforts of a research team at the achievement of a common goal. 18) If you never though' of asking a question you are not interested in having the answer. 19) It is correct to say that basic research is directed toward understanding the foundations of nature without taking into account their practical applicability. 20) The scientist and public must equally share the responsibility for finding a desirable solution to many modern technological and social problems. Exercise 2. Substitute the proper English words from the list below for the Russian words in brackets. To aim at understanding; to be concerned with measuring and analysing; to be interested, in constructing; to be responsible for modernizing; to insist on making use of; to prevent scientists from making; to result from combining; to result in establishing; to succeed in solving. 1) His research (привело к установлению) a new principle. 2) The success of the space research program (явился результатом соединения ) the latest achievements in science and technology. 3) Using modern installations and techniques the scientists (удалось решить) a complicated engineering problem. 4) Pure science (стремится постичь) the laws of the material world. 5) Traditionally chemists (занимались измерением и анализом) the properties of matter. 6) A quantum chemist (интересует поcтроение) adequate mathematical models of atomic and molecular structures. 7) Prof. B. was the first to see the advantages of the new approach and (настаивал на использовании) it to interpret the results. 8) This group of engineers (ответственна за модернизацию) the laboratory equipment. 9) Adequate theories often (избавляли ученых от проведения) many useless experiments. Exercise 3. Bead the first sentence and complete the second one using Gerund. Make use of the prepositions and the word groups given below. The scientists have carried out the experiment in order to test the idea. They did it ... 1) without; in addition to; in spite of; instead of; in view of; by; 2) to install new equipment; to propose an explanation of their own; to collect more evidence for its support; to modify the model; to give up the idea; to establish the mechanism of the process; to join the efforts of two laboratories; to encounter difficulties with conventional equipment; to put to use a recent discovery; to make use of a new principle; to modify a conventional device. Exercise 4. Transform the following Gerund constructions into clauses as given in the model. Model : История открытия радиоактивности начинается с того, что Анри Бекерель сообщил о своем открытии лучей неизвестной природы. The story of radioactivity begins with Henry Bequerel's having reported, his discovery of rays of unknown nature. - The story of radioactivity begins with the fact that Henry Bequerel reported his discovery of rays of unknown nature. 1) Mendeleev's having established, a periodic lair of nature has entered his name into the history book of the world science. 2) Success in science often results from the scientist's confining his attention to one problem for many years. 3) The results of the experiment depended upon his having applied the proper technique. 4) The idea of scientist's being responsible for most ills of the present day situation is unfortunately quite popular. 5) A brain-storming session consists in everybody's proposing as many and as wild ideas as possible without being concerned as to whether they are workable. 6) Immediate recognition of a discovery depends largely on its being made at a proper moment. 7) Science is sometimes humorously defined as a practice of the scientist's satisfying his curiosity at the expense of the government. Exercise 5. Change the tine clauses into the on/in/after + Gerund and the if-clauses into the with + Gerund. 1) You cannot present your paper to the conference if you do not check it carefully. 2) After we had arranged, everything for the experiment we started to work. 3) Many factors become important when we consider this problem. 4) The work will not be completed if we do not sum up the results. 5) We obtained the desired information when we were analysing our data. 6) After he had compared some numerical data he could readily obtain new parameters. 7) We cannot obtain the desired information if we do not conduct additional series of experiments. 8) Various approaches are possible when we solve this problem. 9) After they had changed the experimental condition they repeated the experiment. 10) We shall not start the experiment if we do not get all the necessary equipment. 11) Several factors should be considered when we evaluate the experimental results. 12) We cannot make progress in our research if we do not take into account the results of other observers. UNIT 9. The Infinitive
Exercise 1. Identify the infinitives and translate the sentences into Russian. 1) To make a choice between these two alternatives is not an easy task. 2) To foresee what the future will be like requires analysis of the past experience. 3) To be able to forecast the future we must begin by a thorough analysis of the past course of events. 4) To speculate about the future is one of the most basic qualities of man. 5) To appreciate the accuracy of the data refer to Table I on page 57. 6) То avoid, making mistakes is always very difficult, because, to begin with, to err is human. 7) To take correct measurements it is necessary to use accurately adjusted instruments. 8) To distinguish between cause and effect is sometimes difficult. 9) The new equipment is necessary to increase the accuracy of results. 10) To prove this law experimentally is very difficult. Exercise 2. Study the following structures and make up various meaningful sentences in analogy. The purpose of this paper (A) is to describe the fundamental properties (B) of crystals. A. The aim of the discussion The task of the research group The original idea of the book The objective of the experiment The subject of the report B. to point out general tendencies to suggest some fresh ideas for research to review recent development in the field to develop a special apparatus suited for research to take into consideration all the essential factors Exercise 3. Identify the function of the infinitive. 1) The technique of collecting information will differ according to the problem to be solved. 2) This is not an opportunity to be thrown away. 3) An interesting distinction to be made here is between problems and techniques. 4) Another factor to be taken into consideration is the power of modern experimental techniques. 5) The problem to be investigated involves analysing the phenomenon of memory. 6) The apparatus to be assembled is very complicated. Exercise 4. Give English equivalents of: 1) проблема, которую надо решить, 2) фактор, который надо принять во внимание, 3) выбор, который надо сделать, 4) данные, которые надо проанализировать, 5) статья, которую следует обсудить, 6) эксперимент, который надо провести, 7) метод, который надо применить, 8) грядущие года. Exercise 5. Learn to distinguish between the subject and. the object infinitive constructions. 1) Most scientists expect major development in the near future to take place in biology. 2) We know him to have objected to this style of research on previous occasions. 3) The present-day situation forces more and more countries to start contributing to this field of research. 4) Nowadays science is known to contribute to every aspect of man's life. 5) Some people seem to be disappointed in science. 6) This scientist is known to be keeping in touch with the latest developments in his field of research. 7) Most people believe the amount of effort in science to be somehow correlated with the standard of living in the country. 8) Не is said to avoid all sorts of arguments. 9) The data are assumed to correlate with the present theory. 10) The results of these experiments are found to overlap. 11) He happens to work at the same problem. I2) We believe the programming to have been done very skillfully. 13) He appeared to have lost interest in physics altogether. I4) They are sure to argue about it. Exercise 6. Translate into Russian the for-Infinitive constructions. 1) For scientific development to be of benefit for man scientist must occupy themselves with problems that have direct bearing on our lives. 2) There is an apparent tendency for science to become more and more mathematical. 3) For him to have done these experiments is a great success in his work. 4) For an original idea to be a product of one man's genius is quite natural. But for an idea to be transformed into product, many people's effort is required. 5) He explained the scheme for the second time for us to understand it better. 6) There is a need for scientists to be more closely in touch with the community as a whole. UNIT 10. Multifunctional WordsExercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1) It is well known that radioactive isotopes can be used very effectively in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. 2) The simplest way of understanding what the cathode-ray tube does and how it does it is to follow out the various stages of its development. 3) It seemed to us that the engine was out of order. 4) It is silver that is the best conducting material. 5) I know only one solution of this problem. 6) One should keep in mind that when water is heated in a vessel, the liquid on the bottom of the vessel is hotter than on the top. 7) The simplest kind of lever is one in which the arms are of equal length. 8) They say that the report will be followed by a discussion. 9) That the device stopped working surprised everybody. 10) The result of this experiment is much better than that of the previous one. 11) Energy is defined as the ability to do work and it occurs in many forms. 12) As the water is in a state of rest there will be no flow of energy. 13) We shall carry out this research, for it seems to be very interesting. 14) He has been working at that design for 2 weeks. 15) I have brought some articles for you to translate. 16) But for friction, part of the energy developed by mechanical devices would not be lost in the form of useless heat. 17) For some minutes we could see nothing but black smoke rising from the ground. 18) There is no flow of electrons since the electric circuit is broken. 19) Since the release of the potential energy of the atomic nucleus we have entered the atomic age, we are living and working in now. 20) The vertical theory first put forward by Zhukovsky in 1912 has been used throughout the world since. 21) The higher up we go the smaller and lighter are the grains of dust in the air. 22) Many experiments made after helped us to come to an important conclusion. 23) When he had put on his spectacles, he saw that the handwriting on the envelope was that of his old friend. 24) I am that doctor Manette of whom you speak so nicely. 25) That the task was more difficult than we had thought before was clear to everyone. 26) One can go without food for some time, but one cannot live long without water. 27) The more he thought about it the more ridiculous it became. 28) Don't make him work so hard, you should keep in mind he is but a child. 29) She did not say anything more for a while. 30) I think that it is the only thing that would help you. 31) But for the ohms, amperes, volts and watts the electric measurements would be impossible. Exercise 2. Memorize the following expressions first, then translate the given sentences into Russian. As well/as - так же как (и); as ... as - так (же), как (и); as soon as - как только, as long as - пока; as if; as though - как если бы, как будто; so as - так чтобы; as to - что касается, относительно; as far as - до, насколько; so far as - насколько; as much ... as - столько, сколько; according to - согласно чему; in accordance with - в соответствии с; on account of - по причине, из-за; because of - из-за; due to - благодаря, из-за, в силу; owing to, thanks to - благодаря чему-либо; with respect to - no отношению к; in addition to - кроме, в дополнение к; by means of - посредством, при помощи; by virtue of - посредством чего, благодаря чему-либо, на основании чего-либо; instead of - вместо; in spite of, in despite of - несмотря на; in case of - в случае, если; both...and - как...так и; either ...or -или...или; neither ... nor - ни... ни; not only ... but (also) - не только... но (также) и. 1) The job was by no means an easy one. 2) So far as I can judge he is in the same nervous condition he was at this time last year. 3) I left a note asking my friend to let me hear from him as soon as he got back. 4) Neither he nor I guessed that she was telling stories. 5) In spite of its usefulness a direct current system has one great disadvantage. Namely, there is no easy economical way by means of which one can increase or decrease its voltage. 6) Potential is really neither a force nor a pressure. 7) Almost all universal motors are of the series type and operate on either direct or alternating current. 8) In many instances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work accomplished. 9) Both momentum and Impulse, unlike energy and work, are vector quantities. 10) In other words, as far as the motion of its centre of mass is concerned, a body of any shape acted on by any number of forces, can be replaced by a point mass at its centre of mass and all of the forces on it can be considered to act at this point. 11) An accurate control of the motion of jet-propelled planes is possible due to the availability of reliable modern computers. 12) Thanks to the reliability of modem computing devices space flights can be accomplished successfully. 13) Any person can operate a desk computer because of its simplicity. UNIT 11. The Complex Sentence
Exercise 1. Analyse and. translate the following sentences paying attention to the subject. 1) That this factor is too important to be ignored does not require any further proof. 2) What is done cannot be undone. 3) That the sun is but a typical star is one of the most significant facts of modern astronomy. 4) What we want to stress is indivisibility and. complexity of the environment. 5) What follows is extremely significant in its bearing on the problem of the relationship of physics with other sciences. 6) That this was not the case was proved when they obtained more data. 7) What goes into a system must eventually come out. 8) What we try to do is to foretell a general tendency rather than a particular development. 9) Whether the project will be approved at present is a matter of importance. 10) Whether this difference of approach played a decisive role in the final solution of the problem remains a subject for speculation. 11) Whether it is necessary to apply an enormous pressure to a liquid to get changes in volume is not difficult to prove. 12) It is obvious that an increased pressure will tend to prevent this expansion and thus to prevent the conversion of water into steam. 13) What they were speaking about was quite clear to him. 14) Where I shall find all the necessary data for my report is still a question. 15) What is necessary for us at present is to get all the necessary data. 16) How to use personal experience in practical work must be known to every specialist. 17) What has been called the scientific method began to appear in the time of Galilei. 18) That heat flows from a place of higher to one of lower temperature but never in the reverse direction should be kept in mind. Exercise 2. Analyse and translate paying attention to the predicate. 1) The great virtue of the neutron is that it has no electric charge. 2) The conclusion I arrived at was that he had a special purpose in asking me his last question and. a special interest in hearing my answer to it. 3) The result was that among his written papers there was one in which my name was mentioned. 4) An important characteristic of radiation is that it can occur in vacuum. 5) The question is whether the topic is important enough to unite all the participants. 6) One of the reasons why people before the eighteenth century knew hardly anything about gases was that they were difficult to handle. 7) Another remarkable fact is that the instruments not only show the operator now things are at the moment, but warn him of impending disturbances. 8) The question is whether they will finish the test in time. 9} The main point was where he could find the necessary data for his experiments. 101 This is why I want to be present at the tests. Exercise 3. Translate paying attention to the object. 1) The experiments show that light travels with great speed in a vacuum and that it travels with different speeds in different mediums. 2) The engineer said that he would be able to make the experiment the members of the committee spoke about at the last conference. 3) He asked me to tell him what place I had come from and where I was going to. 4) The delegates were asked if they themselves would select the laboratories they wanted to visit. 5) This instrument serves to indicate to the pilot whether his engine is operating efficiently. 6) The post-graduates say the text they must translate is the most difficult one they have ever had. 7) When heating gases we find they act in exactly the same way as liquids. Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the attribute. 1) They overcame numerous obstacles and difficulties they met with in the course of their research. 2) Instead of replying to my words he gave me the article he referred to in his report. 3) Microphones may be divides into classes according to the service they are intended for. 4) Properties of steel depend also on heat treatment the metal has been subjected to. 5) This is the principle the mercury thermometer is based upon. 6) He delivered such a report that everybody was pleased. 7) The usual courses which post-graduates usually take are: a foreign language, philosophy, management and marketing, computers, speciality, and some others. 8) The college the new assistant arrived from supplied him with excellent recommendations. 9) The university he arrived at was just starting up a new laboratory. 10) It was the kind of laboratory he was willing to work in. 11) The scientist asked his new assistant whether there was any field of physics he was especially interested in. 12) This was the very man he had been told about by the senior assistant, Maxwell by name. 13) The report he made after their delegation had visited our laboratory shows that he has finally realized the importance of the work we are doing here. 14) The postgraduate teaching prof. N. is responsible for is of great interest for him. 15) The subject they have chosen for the discussion is connected, with the physics of fluids. Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the adverbial modifier. 1) You must remember about it wherever you are. 2) The bell or other alarm signal operates only when the circuit is broken. 3) As the warm air rises, cooler air takes its place. 4) It is a highly important instrument as it may be used in many experiments. 5) When radio waves travel away from their point of origin they become attenuated or weakened. 6) As the vibration dies down, the intensity of the sound diminishes. 7) We shall go to the lecture on psychology for it seems to be interesting. Exercise 6. Identify different clauses. 1) The question is whether he will send you to the conference or go himself. 2) The only real danger for physics is that it will become too pure and isolated from the practical problems of life for young people to want to study it at all. 3) The evidence we possess does not support the conclusion. 4) The only advantage of a lecture over the printed text is the immediate contact it offers between the lecturer and audience. 5) Sometimes people may think they are more efficient than they really are. 6) The food we eat provides the chemicals the body needs to continue functioning. 7) If the scientist succeeds in confirming his repeated observations it may be stated that an empirical law or rule of nature has been discovered. 8) An efficient laboratory head always knows how to get his people to do their work properly and on time. 9) How the application of his discovery will affect man is sometimes rather hard for scientist to foresee. 10) If the new knowledge about the world is used for the benefit of man, the human race can continue to benefit from science for centuries to come. 11) Much of that we do in space, much of what is expected of us strains out technology to the breaking point. 12) There was a disagreement whether they should continue along the same line or whether they should take another approach. 13) Indirect evidence on the amount of sleep we need comes from studies of what happens when we do without it. 14) One of the fundamental problems of today is whether we shall be able to meet the challenge of the environmental crisis. 15) Unless we realize the possible adverse impact of the long-range effects of our action, no new approach to the problem of environment can be developed. СПИСОК РЕКОМЕНДУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. Турук И.Ф., Стойкова В.Н. Пособие по переводу научно-технических текстов с английского языка на русский. - М., 1975. 2. Методические указания по грамматике английского языка для аспирантов /Сост. Ермакова Н.В. - Волгоград. ВолгПИ, 1987. 3. Фролькис Э.Д. Говорите на научные темы. - Л., 1975. 4. Курс английского языка для аспирантов и научных работников / Н.И.Шахова, В.Г.Рейнголвд и др. - М., 1993. CO N TENTS Unit I. Tenses in the Active Voice 3 Unit II. The Passive Voice 4 Unit III. The Sequence of Tenses 6 Unit IV. Conditional Sentences. 7 Unit V. Emphatic Constructions 8 Unit VI. Modal Verbs 9 Unit VII. The Participle 10 Unit VIII. The Gerund 12 Unit IX. The Infinitive 14 Unit X. Multifunctional Words 16 Unit XI. The Complex Sentence 17 Составители: Леднева Ольга Вячеславовна Митина Aнна Mееровна Янушкевич Ирина Федоровна Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речиМетодические указания Редактор Темплан 1995, позиция №261 Подписано в печать 23.02.95г. Формат 60х84 1/16 Бумага газетная. Печать офсетная. Волгоградский государственный технический университет. 400066 Волгоград, пр. Ленина, 28 Ротапринтный участок Волгоградского государственного технического университета. 400066 Волгоград, ул. Советская, 35 |