Transfer features neologisms in modern English language (based on the trilogy The Lord of the Rings and the novel Harry Potter)
Neologism (from the Greek. Neos ' new ' + logos ' word ') is a new word or phrase, which appeared in English as a result of socio-political changes, the development of science and technology, new conditions of life to describe a new, previously unknown object or phenomenon, or to express new concepts. For example: Wikipedia - Википедия (multilingual, widely available, freely distributable encyclopedia, published on the Internet); GPS (global positioning system) - satellite navigation system, is actively used at the moment, including in cars, etc.
This thesis is devoted to the problem of translation author neologisms, new words are usually introduced in literature and journalism writers and journalists in order to highlight the individual characteristics of the style. Author neologisms give the text emotional expressiveness and expressiveness.
Due to the neological problem increased interest is an important role of neologism as mirrors of language development, which reflects language adaptation to changing under the influence of external factors, the conditions of its operation. The starting point of lexical innovation is the practice, since lexical nominative activities affect cultural, historical and socio- political conditions of life and work of the language community. The fact that most of nominative incentives deliver social, political, scientific and technical, cultural spheres of human activity, at the present stage of development of the science of language is becoming increasingly evident need for a comprehensive study of the linguistic and socio-cultural processes in their functional interaction. Advisability of such an approach is even more apparent due to globalization of culture, which is understood to accelerate the integration of nations into the global system, which is accompanied by a global informatization of the world community. [1; 180]
Relevance of this study is due, on the one hand, the need to study new vocabulary as a means of reflecting the changes taking place in modern lingo culture influenced by such factors as socially significant computerization , computerization , globalization , etc. In transitional periods of social and economic development of the issue of language change becomes one of the central issues in research as an objective indicator is the dynamics of social and industrial transformations. From the other side, during the change of linguistic paradigms Millennium linguists is increasing interest in the study of cognitive structures, linguistic forms. In connection with the foregoing in the world, the role of translation work.
A significant amount of errors made by translators to transfer the author's vocabulary, suggests that the problem is quite acute. Therefore Translation author neologisms paid a lot of attention in linguistic research. Related problems are treated differently, recommended various techniques and methods of translation. There are different opinions as unambiguous, there is no standard solution and cannot be. Depending on the situation requires a different approach, a different strategy of translation, different translation solutions.
The object of the present study is based on English neologisms authors in the artistic activity of the person.
Neologisms are the subject of research in modern English and their translation (based on the author's neologisms)
The aim of the research is theoretical and practical justification issue of neologisms in modern English and their translation (based on the author's neologisms).
To achieve this objective a set of tasks:
- define the concept and the term neologism;
- define the concept of the term "author neologism."
- examine the features of the translation of neologisms;
- consider the peculiarities of translation author terms;
- identify the main methods of forming neologisms author in the lyrics, as knowledge of these techniques is basic for understanding the value of a new word .
- understand the meaning of the author neologism.
- as well as the author's analysis of the structure of the neologism.
Scientific novelty of the study is determined by the tasks, the orientation of research on disclosure of scientific potential methodological grounds , retrieval and processing of information , taking into account not only linguistic, but also cultural factors shaping the content neological fields in English , as well as the problems of translation lexicon .
The theoretical significance of this study is to further develop the theory neology as one of the branches of the theory of nomination, in the allocation of common language and culture methodological platform, on the basis of which to develop methods for the study of lexical units of the language, speakers playable characters in the function "first" culture and participating in broadcast mentality of the people who are native speakers, as well as problems of their translation.
The practical value of the work is determined by the fact that the findings of the study, as well as illustrative material can be used in the formation of linguistic-cultural competence in English language learners, because apart from the social and cultural environment of language learning there are objective difficulties in learning new vocabulary. The material in this work may also find use when writing textbooks on cross-cultural issues in the practice of compiling directories of the new American lexicon , in lecture courses in general linguistics , lexicology of modern English language , special courses on English neology (universities, centers for the teaching of foreign languages in courses, etc.).
Research materials are trilogy J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and the series of novels of J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter."
Theoretical basis of this study is the scientific developments in the field and neologii neografii (S.I. Alatortseva , J.K. Voloshin A.N. Ivanov, N.C. Kotelova V.I. Zabotkina , E. Rosen, E. Senko , G.M. Stepanov, E.V. Yumshanova , J. Algeo, J. Ayto, R. Barnhart, G. Cannon, G. Forgue, S. Rot, D. Odmark, A. Rey, G. Guilbert), cognitive linguistics (N.F. Alefirenko N.D. Arutyunov , A.P. Grandmother , E.L. Boyar , A. Wierzbicka , V.G. Gak , V.Z. Demyankov , E.S. Kubryakova L.A. Lipilina , V.A. Maslov , J. Lakoff and M. Johnson) and linguistics (V.I. Karasik , D.S. Likhachev, V.A. Maslov , Y. Stepanov , V.N. Telia) translation V.Commissarov, A.N. Garbovsky etc.
In the research paper will be discussed in detail ways of formation of neologisms author in the lyrics, as knowledge of these techniques is the highlight values in interpreting new words and ways of translation, or rather the transfer of author neologisms translators, using various types of transferable and nontransferable equivalents.
Given the specificity of the test of linguistic phenomena, the solution of tasks carried out by means of a set of methods:
1) descriptive (techniques of observation, generalization, the typology of the analyzed material, its quantitative representation);
2) comparative analysis of the transfer;
3) contextual analysis;
4) analysis of word-formation;
5) linguistic analysis
1. Neologisms in Modern English
1.1 Definition of the term "neologism"
Neologism (neo + Greek. Logos word) is a new word, linguistic innovation (figure of speech), the grammatical feature appearing in the language. [2; 166]
A large number of new lexical units appeared in connection with the development of computer technology. Such neologisms are divided into several semantic groups:
1) lexical items referring to types of computers and their structure, such as: personal computer (PC)-"персональный компьютер", supercomputer-"суперкомпьютер", multi-user-"компьютер для нескольких человек", neurocomputer-"электронный аналог человеческого мозга " , hardware-"части компьютера", software-"программа компьютера", monitor-"экран", megabyte of computer memory-"мегабайт памяти компьютера", data-"текст программы, вводимой в компьютер", bogusware-"программа компьютера, составленная для разрушения программ компьютеров", vapourware-"опытные образцы ЭВМ, для выставок, но не для производства", etc.
2) lexical items referring to types of computer languages such as: BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)-"Бейсик", Fortran (Formula Translation)-"Фортран" and others;
3) lexical units denoting concepts associated with work on computers, for example: liveware-"специалисты, работающие на компьютерах", computerman - "специалист по ЭВМ", computerize -"составлять программу ЭВМ или оборудовать компьютерной техникой," "компьютеризовать" computerization - "компьютеризация", to trouble-shoot - "исправить, починить компьютер", to blitz out - "уничтожить часть данных в памяти компьютер," etc.
In English, there are speaking countries computerizations distributed in various spheres of life, including in the home. A large number of neologisms associated with the use of computers in everyday life, is formed by the reduced form of tele-, e.g.: telepost - "место в доме, где находится компьютер", telework, to telecommute - "работать на дому, имея компьютерную связь с производством" telebanking - "финансовая служба, позволяющая клиенту осуществлять банковские операции через телевизор или домашний компьютер ", telemarketing - " практика продажи по телефону", teleshopping - "заказ покупки по телефону" (in the latter two cases, there are costs and fixing computer communication with the bank). Operational and other types of lexical items, such as: dial-a-taxi - "заказ такси по телефону", dial-meal - "заказ еды по телефону" (in these cases, as well as the above, provides computer communications with the appropriate center), etc.
Computerization is used in various fields of science and technology, leading to a large number of terminological neologisms. For example, in the field of linguistics : translation - "машинный перевод", interlingua - искусственный язык для машинного перевода на несколько языков", electronic - translator - "ЭВМ-переводчик", in biometrics, in particular to denote biometric protection from thieves: biometric security - "биометрическая защита", biometric systems - "биометрические средства защиты", biometric locks - "биометрические замки", computerized card - "карточки с биометрическим устройством, позволяющим открывать дверь, сейф и т.п.", Finger-print-scanner биометрическое устройство, распознающие отпечатки пальцев" (т.е. "узнающее" отпечатки пальцев того, кому можно открыть дверь, сейф и т.п.), biometric eye-scanner -"биометрическое устройство, распознающее особенности радужной оболочки глаза" (в разговорной речи это устройство получило название Eye-Dentity - своеобразный каламбур со словом identily)"biometric device, voice recognition", in medicine: telemonitory systems \ unit -"аппаратура, позволяющая врачу лечить больных на расстоянии" colloquially this equipment is called Buddy System, to electronically monitor -"лечить больных на расстоянии с помощью соответствующей аппаратуры" [41; 56]
Relatively new group can be considered semantic neologisms, space-related activities. As a priority in space belongs to our country, the first in English lexical units in this area have been borrowing from the Russian language, for example: sputnic, cosmos, cosmonaut, Lunokhod, planetokhod, etc. In connection with the development of the U.S. space program appeared neologisms in which is often used morpheme space-, e.g.: spaceship, spacenik - "космический корабль ", spacefaring - "полеты в космос" (by analogy with the seafaring). Neologisms appeared, such as satellite - "искусственный спутник", astronaut - "астронавт". Due to the special test device for movement in space extravehicular any synonyms space-bike b mini-bike with "автолет". By Space neologisms are also following lexical items : microgravity - "микрогравитация", zero gravity - "нулевая гравитация", aerocapture - "тормозящее устройство космического корабля", retrorocket - "возвращающаяся ракета", link up - "стыковка космический кораблей", cargo module - "грузовой отсек космического корабля", penguin suit - "скафандр космонавта", stellar brothers - "космонавты, совершающие совместный космический полет", etc.
New semantic neologisms group are associated with the alleged land visits by aliens from outer space , for example : UFO (Unidentified flying object) - "НЛО (неопознанный летающий объект)" and the formation of English abbreviations such as ufology - "уфология", ufologist - "уфолог" , UFO-drome - "площадка, где садится НЛО", extra-terrestrials - "инопланетяне", saucerman - "инопланетянин", saucer "s feet -"отпечатки, оставленные летающей тарелкой."
A large number of neologisms arose with the development of the press. Bigger bang for a buck - эффективное использование ассигнований на оборону, в основном за счет ядерных средств сдерживания. Big lie - большая ложь, гитлеровская пропаганда. Black hats - злодеи, негодяи.Can carrier - козел отпущения. Green power - "власть денег". Jane Crow - "дискриминация женщин" Larger than life - "невероятный, сказочный, преувеличенный". Log-roller - "политический толкач". Man on horseback - "военный диктатор". Pot-culture - "образ жизни наркоманов". Put-down - "резкий ответ". Trade off - "компромисс." Roll-call - "перекличка для проверки наличия".
In connection with the development of aviation appeared following lexical units: airbus - "аэробус ", helibus - "вертолет-автобус", seadrome - "гидроаэродром", to bail out - "катапультироваться" and others when there were planes that require a small area for take-off and landing, having the following neologisms: STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) - " укороченный пробег ", STOL-port - "аэродром для самолетов, с укороченным пробегом", verti-port - "аэродром для самолетов с вертикальным взлетом и посадкой."
In the visual arts is a rapid process of experimentation, and new manners of painting paintings and other art works. [3; 169] Thus, in the 60 -s. XX century there were abstract art , built on the basis of geometric shapes , and in connection with this trend emerged following synonymous neologisms : minimal art, minimalism, rejected art, reductivism. In the same period there were also other artistic direction : ABC art - "искусство, упрощающее и разлагающее на элементарные составные части цвет и форму ", soft art - " искусство, использующее мягкие материалы ", kinetic art - "искусство, использующее движущиеся предметы (обычно части машин)", luminal art -" искусство, использующее световые эффекты ", optical art (op art) -" искусство, использующее оптические эффекты ", pop art -" поп-арт, поп-искусство " ( non vanguard art which draws images and form of posters , comic books, etc. and create arbitrary combinations of them ), action painting - " живопись, использующая приемы разбрызгивания, нашлепывания красок, revivalism -" школа современной живописи, возвращающаяся к старым формам и приемам живописного искусства. "In 70s further expansion of the vocabulary of the semantic group in connection with the new direction that focuses on the processes occurring in the mind of the artist while creating their works of art. This trend is reflected in the following synonymous neologisms: conceptual art, process art, antifopm art, impossible art. In the 80 -s appeared neologism computer art - "искусство, использующее компьютеры."
In the theatrical life also changes - new types of theaters, and with them new names, for example: theatre of absurd - "театр абсурда", theatre of cruelty - "театр жестокости", son et lumiere (фр. - sound fnd light) - "театр с использованием звуковых и световых эффектов", theatre of fact - "театр факта", black theatre - "негритянский театр" and others among many other neologisms relating to theatrical life, may be mentioned , for example, nouns, as revolve - "вращающаяся сцена" и theatredom - "театральный мир". [42; 344]
In the film, television and video , many new technical means behind them came a large number of neologisms, such as: inflight movies - "кинофильмы, демонстрирующиеся в полете на борту самолета", inflight videosystem - “видеосистема, используемая на борту самолета", serial - "многосерийный фильм с единой фабулой", series - "многосерийный фильм, в котором каждая серия имеет отдельный, законченный сюжет", featurette - "короткометражный документальный фильм", satellite-delivered show - "программа, передаваемая при помощи спутника", HDTV (High Definition Television) - “телевидение высокой четкости изображения", chat show - "интервью с знаменитостью, транслируемое со студии", kidvid - "телепередачи для детей", videoplayer - телевизор для воспроизведения видеозаписей", video cassette - "видеокассета", video-cassette recorder - "видеомагнитофон", video - camera - "видеокамера", video-screen movie - "видеофильм" and others
A large number of neologisms arise in connection with the social changes taking place in the English-speaking countries. Among the most common social phenomena, especially characteristic of the UK, are the so is called feminist movement, i.e. women's movement for equal rights with men. [4; 23-25] Through this movement arose many new lexical items, such as: the Lib Movement - "феминистическое движение", libber, libbie - "участница или сторонница феминистического движения" and etc.
It is interesting to note that in the 70s members of the feminist movement declared English sexist language, i.e. language, female gender discriminatory , since it contains more forms of masculine than feminine (usually because of the word man as a second component names of many professions ) . As a result, the name of the second component -man changed, for example: instead cameraman became increasingly consumed camera operator, instead of firemen - firefighter, instead of policemen - police-officer, instead of the chairman - chairperson, instead Congressman - Congressperson (however, many words with the second component - person -man instead are often used with a touch of humor, irony), instead of businessmen - businesspeople, even in church mankind replaced by people.
At the same time the names of female-dominated occupations are replaced by neutral form, such as is used instead stewardess flight attendant, or, if these professions are busy men to receive the token male, for example: male nurse, male secretary, male exotic dancer, etc.
As a result, combat discrimination against women is the use in writing him / her in cases where a person may be referred to a male or female. Abridged version - s / he - less widely employed.
The same result can be considered a feminist movement forms the introduction Ms [miz], representing a reduction of graphical forms Mrs and Miss, which emphasize the marital status of women. Form Ms, as well as the form of Mr, used in relation to men, this does not include an underscore.
An important aspect of the life of society is the sphere of education. In the UK in 1988 was issued a new education law, known as Gerbil (Great Education Reform Bill). In connection with this law, there are many neologisms , such as : City Technology Colleges - the name of a new kind of schools which are subsidized by the central ( rather than local, as most of the schools of the old type ) education authorities and are selected in children aged 11 years on the basis of examinations received name Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs); grand-maintained status - status name , which are schools like City Technology Colleges and other educational institutions subsidized by the central education authorities ; Teacher Appraisal - evaluation of teachers, according to which he receives a salary ( estimate depends on the number of students in a given teacher and the quality of their training - after exams type SATs, permitting examination results , parents choose their school and teachers for their children , and quality training of students tested with the help of special examinations ); licensed teachers - teachers who do not have higher pedagogical education , but past practice at the school on the basis of basic education and received a certificate which entitles them to educate their children ; star schools, non-star schools terms designating schools for students of different levels of training (this level are determined by entrance examinations , in particular examination type SATs) , etc.
Recently, new methods of teaching , which are designated by the following neologisms : sleep-teaching - " training in a dream ", CLASS (Computer-based Laboratory of Automated School System) - " programmed learning class ", TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) - " system of teaching English as a foreign language ", multimedia lecture - " lecture using multiple media ( VCR, TV , VCR , etc. )", telelecture, telecourse - " training program on television ," etc.
There are new types of educational institutions , such as : megaversity - " a large university , where he taught many thousands of students ", multiversity - " University with lots of faculties ", para-university - " University volunteer ( with free software )", para- school - " school volunteer ."
Instead, the terms student, pupil, were more likely to use the term educatee, schooler; coined the term educationalist - "Specialist (theoretician or practitioner) in the field of education."
English, as well as other languages of the world is enriched by the active vocabulary common to the members of different professions, social groups and ages. [5; 30-31] For example, one need only in the names of various professional jargons spawned many neologisms with the second component -speak: Artsspeak - " jargon artists ", Sportsspeak - " jargon athletes ", Medspeak - " medical jargon ", Teacherspeak - " jargon teachers ", Videospeak -" jargon users video equipment ", Cablespeak -" jargon workers cable television " and other characteristic vocabulary of high society neologisms type dial-a-meal, dial-a-taxi become common knowledge . Became very famous and many of the words and expressions inherent in adolescents, such as: Drugs! - "I agree!"," Good! ", "All Right!" (Used instead of OK), sweat -" long-distance running ", task -" home work ", brunch (short for breakfast + lunch) -" brunch», etc.
1.2 Definition of the term "author neologism"
Before defining the term "neologism ", it should be noted that among scientists there is no consensus on the question: Are the neologism and occasional usage synonyms or treat them as a completely different concept.
For example, Rosen [6; 151] , Lopatin [7; 74] , as well as researchers from several sources [8; 67] consider the terms " neologism " and " occasional usage " synonyms : "Author , individual stylistic occasional neologisms pursue certain artistic goals . They rarely go beyond the context and would not be widely ... The term occasional called facts that do not conform to generally accepted standards of language (from Lat. Occasio - randomness). Occasional words differ in that during their formation violated (usually deliberately, in order expressivity) laws governing the construction of appropriate language units, the rules of language "; [9; 40] "Individually authors neologisms (occasionalisms) - these are the words that form the word artists, publicists, poets to enhance expressivity of the text." [10; 17]
Rosenthal, Golubeva, Telenkova [11; 100] Namitokova [12; 46] believe that " ... the royalties should be distinguished occasionalisms neologisms (Latin occasionalis "accidental") - a word formed "on occasion", under specific conditions of verbal communication and how typically, contradicting language norm deviating from the conventional ways of forming words in the language."
Thus, in order to avoid inaccuracies, we will assume that the author ( individual author ) neologism - a word or meaning of the word , created by writer , poet, publicist to denote new or imaginary phenomena of reality , new or imaginary objects or concepts. Newly invented word author differ from conventional, widely used notation novelty or originality of the inner form of a combination of elements. Author neologisms often become vocabulary units, although the most successful and meaningful communicative or necessary words are adopted language team and get into the vocabulary of a language.
Depending on the purpose of creating and assigning authors neologisms in speech can be divided into nominative and stylistic. First performed in the language purely nominative function, the second ramp will give subjects who already have a name.
Nominative authors occasionalisms arise as the names of new concepts. These words have synonyms usually, though perhaps simultaneous occurrence of competing items, one of which is usually subsequently displaces another.
Stylistic neologisms created as imaginative names of known objects and phenomena. Stylistic neologisms are synonyms, inferior to them in the intensity of expressive color. However, frequent use of neologisms in speech translates them into active vocabulary, neutralizes their stylistic coloring.
Author neoplasms, like all neologisms appear in the language in three ways:
1) by formative derivation - the formation of new words from existing in the known language morphemes (usually productive ) models; the most common methods of forming such neologisms as suffixes , prefixing prefixal- suffix method , adding the basics, often - in conjunction with suffixation , truncate bases (reverse derivation ) fusion and conversion;
2) by semantic derivation , i.e. development in an existing word a new , secondary values on the basis of similarity with the newly designated phenomena phenomenon already known;
3) by borrowing words from other languages or subsystems of the uncodified this language - dialect , colloquialisms , slang.
The book as a source of information to a lesser extent is feedback to the recipient than, for example, magazine, newspaper or Internet media. Thus, the author should more carefully selected language tools and so coded message to the reader, decoding, was able to extract the information that the author wanted to convey to him. Of particular importance to use those or other linguistic resources can have when he not only refers to the native language vocabulary to identify all known concepts , but also invents new words for those phenomena that he first came up and recorded in his work . The author's task - to convey to the reader in the most concise, but the most complete form of the language content of the subject , concept or phenomenon that he is good , but which is unknown to the reader.
Therefore, in this respect, books displayed in practical work piece, are of particular interest. They were written during the last ten years, i.e., directly reflect the processes that occur in modern English. In this study we investigated authors neologisms - neoplasms, created for a specific purpose, in this case - with the nominative, as they are created to convey the realities of the world of wizards, which are not in our daily lives. [43; 250]
Neologisms authors in books cover a very broad stratum of vocabulary: from very specific objects and actions that are often already have their name (and authors to achieve greater expressiveness invent new words), to name new things and often unrealistic, fantastic characters, including and the substantial, i.e. such, which often do not know anything other than the name. This is done to give greater credibility created world.
1.3 Clarifying values neologism using dictionaries
The main difficulty in the translation of neologisms - it's a new word values clarification. Actually translate the neologism, the value of which is already known to the translator, the task is relatively simpler, and it is solved by using the methods listed below, depending on what type of words belongs to this neologism.
If a new word is not in the English- Russian dictionary, you should try to find it in English- English dictionaries. Many well-known dictionaries there are sections "Новые слова" (New Words Section).
It is recommended to use the most recent editions of dictionaries. Many neologisms can be found in dictionaries and sections devoted to slang.
It should be borne in mind that most quickly prepared and published dictionaries small and medium volume, but because of the limitations of its glossary, they are unable to meet the needs of the professional. Nevertheless, dictionaries for objective reasons cannot fully reflect its entire glossary emerging words, if only because those lexicographers beware dictionaries include the so-called "окказиональные" neologisms, i.e. individual tumors, some authors introduced in this case. Such words are often "non-viable" and just as quickly disappear as appear.
Based on the definition of "neologism" it can be assumed that the translator first meeting neologism itself naturally has no idea about the concept of designated them. Therefore, the value of the neologism often has to figure out from the context. Translation, the context is usually pretty informative. Translating words usually distinguish two stages:
1. clarification of the meaning of a word in context;
2. transfer this value means of translatable language.
In case of transfer of the neologism, as mentioned above, the first step is crucial, and the latter has only a purely technical matter, although it is important to decide the most appropriate methods for translatable language.
Within the context of the general concept narrow context (microcontext) and wider context (macrocontext)? Under the narrow context refers to the context of the sentence, i.e. linguistic units that make up the environment of the unit , not beyond the scope of the proposal; wider context - a set of linguistic units surrounding a given unit within which lie outside of the proposal , in other words , in the adjacent sentences. The exact scope of the broader context cannot be specified - it could be a context group sentence, paragraph, chapter, or even the whole work (e.g. short story, article or novel) as a whole. Very important in clarifying the values of neologisms to take into account just macrocontext, as it may contain "tip."
The narrow context, in turn, can be divided into context syntactic and lexical. Syntactic context - this is syntax in which the word is used, phrase or (subordinate) bid. Lexical context - a set of specific lexical items, words and phrases, which are surrounded by the unit, is found.
Accounting syntactic context will allow the interpreter to determine the identity of the neologism to one of the parts of speech, but in clarifying the values of the neologism is crucial to keeping it lexical context. [13; 34]
New words are usually arising on the basis of already existing in the language of words and morphemes. Analysis of these words and morphemes can have an interpreter of great assistance in understanding the value of the neologism. This requires a good knowledge of word formation processes in English, such as: making existing word more than one value
For example, the word call in English means " "называть", "вызывать, призывать; созывать", "вызов", "телефонный звонок", etc. However, with the development of the exchange business not so long ago he had the new value recorded in dictionaries as " колл, опцион колл "(i.e. the right to buy for a certain period due to securities with pre- payment of the price premium), and the development of banking - " requirement of the bank to the borrower for early repayment of the loan in connection with the violation of its terms."
One of the most ancient, universal and common ways of word-formation in English is compounding, has not lost its activity and now: more than one third of all tumors in the modern English language - complex words. [44; 306]
The process of composition is a juxtaposition of the two bases, usually homonymous word forms. For example, carryback "перенос убытков на более ранний период", citiplus "инструмент хеджирования, предлагаемый клиентам банком "Ситибэнк" (США)" and etc. Since the norms of modern English language allow the combination of words that have the same lexical and grammatical features that are connected by compounding basis, then determine in which cases the translator has to deal with a complex word - neologism , and in which - with the phrase , it seems quite difficult . Cf. closing bank "банк, завершающий сделку, в которой участвовало несколько банков "closing bank" закрытие банка," etc.
Currently, a number of criteria for distinguishing compound are words and phrases. When translating neologisms in English texts deserves special attention orthographic criterion, the essence of which is to consider all the complex, written together or hyphenated as a compound word, and the complex, whose components are written separately, as the phrase:
dividend-right certificate - "сертификат, дающий право на получение дивиденда",
dear-money policy - "ограничение кредита путем повышения процентных ставок",
fill-or-kill order - "приказ клиента брокеру, который должен быть немедленно исполнен или аннулирован".
In cases where the combined words ending and beginning with the same vowel or consonant, one of them falls: net + etiquette = netiquette "unwritten customary rules of communication or posting information on the Internet."
However, it should be noted that this is not the rule:
Some sections of the American press are upping the case still further by using an even more emotive term "cyberrape", to describe the actions of Jake Baker, a 20 -year-old American student.
Some American Publishing stokes using more emotionally loaded term "cyber - rape" for the actions of twenty American student Jake Baker.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that in many cases there is an inconsistency in writing even of the same complex. For example, in the case of man-made "artificial, man-made" 6% - separate writing, 82% - with a hyphen, 12% - fused spelling. [45]
Analysis of the components that make up the compound word, gives interpreter to knowing their lexical meaning, figure out the meaning of the whole complex:
Graphite bombing caused power lines destruction turning off life- supports in Belgrade hospitals (Fox News Direct, 1999). as we can see neologism life-supports consists of two parts life (" life " ), and support ( "Support" ) , then we are talking about something that allows you to maintain life or vitality , and the suffix s indicates that we are dealing with countable nouns in the plural form . Thus, taking into account the context, this neologism can be translated as "life-support equipment."
During the bombing of graphite bombs were damaged power lines that caused the disconnection of life support equipment in hospitals in Belgrade.
For a correct understanding of the meaning of neologisms formed in this way the interpreter must know the productive affixes [14] in modern English language and be able to correctly divide the word into its components : kiteflyer - " payee under fictitious bill , the user fictitious bills " (cf. fly kites " use bogus checks to obtain funds to their collection " ) .
Very often when a similar method for forming neologisms has a satirical painting, especially in the press: ... that they taste the same in Peking as they do in London or New York, and so it was that world burgernomics was born by McDonald's.
In this case, the author wishes to draw attention to the significant development of a chain of restaurants "McDonalds" fast food industry, which has its own laws and phenomena and, like other economic laws are equally valid in different countries:
Beijing ... that they taste the same as in London or New York, that's it, "McDonald's" created a world gamburgernomic.
Conversion function is called transition words from one part of speech another, i.e. the use of the same words as various parts of speech. However, some scientists (AI Smirnickii VN Yartseva) [15; 167] consider the conversion of the act of derivation, formed when producing their homonymous word databases, but differ from them paradigms. For example, now the Internet can often be seen E-mail me / us to ... Clarifying values such neologism is not difficult. Syntactic context makes it possible to determine the membership of a word to a transitive verb, and knowing the meaning of the word E-mail (electronic mail) transfer: Please send an e- mail to.
Then his telephoning rang, or rather squeaked piercingly. It is impossible to get away from the wretched telephoning wherever you are in Italy. Of all the countries in Europe, only Britain has more mobile telephones.
Then the phone rang, or rather shrill squeak of his mini- phone. No matter what part of Italy you are, you cannot escape from these pesky telephoning. Of all European countries, more mobile phones in the UK.
The Soviets had Sputnik, but the Americans had their open-plan kitchen. No contest.
The Soviet Union created the "Satellite", and the Americans have created an open kitchen. Apart from the competition.
Contact derivation is the process of education by truncating the suffix verbs from nouns correlative type televise "televise" on television "TV"
Fusion - a compound or a truncated root of one word to a whole word or a combination of two truncated roots: forex reserve (forex = foreign + exchange) - "foreign exchange reserves ", impex transactions (impex = import + export) - "export-import transaction."
Among the existing species of this method of derivation , special attention should partially abbreviated acronyms , the essence of which is the acronym of one of the components, e.g., B-unit (Barclays currency unit) " international currency bank" Barclays Bank international ", Fed Wire -" electronic communication system of the Federal Reserve banks ( USA) "
1.4 Translation of neologisms
Neologisms - new words is appearing in the language as a result of various changes in society, culture, science and art. Should distinguish between two kinds of neologisms, new words and new meanings that emerged from the "old" words. Both species are difficult to translate, because such words and meanings cannot be found in ordinary English- Russian dictionaries and cannot always be found even in the newest English- English dictionaries. Every translator is well known that any dictionary lags in the registration of new words and meanings, at least for several years. Enough, to compare the dictionaries before the Second World War and the postwar period is to make in stark contrast. However, the backlog dictionary - this is not the most serious problem for the translator.
Another factor hindering the registration neologisms as in the Anglo- Russian and in English- English dictionaries is their temporary, fleeting existence in a language that is observed the same phenomenon as in slang. Neologisms and other figurative words and phrases , as well as slengisms born so rapidly , especially in the language of journalism, science and technology, which, according to I.R. Halperin , " no dictionary cannot , nor should immediately fix their appearance " [16; 15] That is why many neologisms English lexicographers called " occasional " , i.e. Using an unusual accident. The " occasional " is further enhanced in those cases when the neologism is a new word from slang , that is from the area of language, which in general, as noted above, is characterized by high variability .
How did the translator do in those cases - when he meets with a neologism? First of all it is necessary to understand the value of the neologism itself based on the context and analysis of its structure. Be verifying that the difficulties of translation of neologisms, consider some examples. Phrases I can dig it; do you dig this song? cannot be translated on the basis of the usual meaning of the verb to dig. Just open the dictionary "The American Heritage", you find the following meaning of the verb to dig, is not registered in other dictionaries earlier year of publication: to comprehend, to appreciate, to enjoy (slang), that is translated into Russian: understand, evaluate, please. Translation of the above proposals, therefore, would be: I love it; Do you like this song. Further study of the etymology of the verb to dig shows that in its meaning it came from the jargon of the Beat (the beat jargon), and then was picked up by the media, resulting in the moment this value to dig became widely known. Consequently, in this case, the translator retrieves the desired value based on the context and a dictionary.
In another case, it may help the root structure of the word. Word peacenik relatively recently appeared in the English language. BARS of the word do not. [16, 15] How did it move? Breaking the word into two parts peace + nik is easy to guess that the nik - is the suffix for forming nouns. Influenced by Russian suffix (cf. sputnik, lunik) in English words of this kind began to appear more often. Consequently, peacenik is this peaceful demonstrator, the demonstrators, a fighter for peace. The same can be said about the term nixonomics. So American journalists dubbed the economic policies of former U.S. President Nixon. First, this term was used only jokingly, but now it is already quite widely used in printing and it can be found even in official texts. [17; 69-72]
Here are some more examples. Adjective "heavy" lately used in colloquial speech, not only in the sense of "тяжелый" but in the sense of "сильный ", "веский" (e.g., thats a heavy idea-это убедительная идея.) Word "bust" in the United States recently began to be used in the sense of "сделать налет", "арестовать" (Charlie got busted last night - Чарли вчера арестовали; a dope bust - облава на торговцев наркотиками) , and also in the sense of "сделать ошибку", "проваливаться", и, наконец, в значении "нарушать", "урезать" (to bust prices - резко снизить цены). Word "hassle" word as a neologism colloquially used to mean trouble, bother (don" t hassle me = don "t bother me). Lately, however, it became increasingly used in the sense "проблема", "трудность" (thats a real hassle of his - да это у него серьезная проблема).
With advertising, the word "put down" was as a neologism is "отвергать", especially in the form of critical (or offensive) remarks. ("The American Heritage") The same can be said about the word strung-out. The dictionary Mueller [18] "to string out" - "растягиваться вереницей." Later the word strung-out apparently formed a new meaning:"избитый ", "изувеченный", "изуродованный" (He is really strung-out). Neologisms as synonyms here can also cause the following: spaced, wasted, wrecked. (He was wasted in Vietnam. He was wrecked in Vietnam. He was killed in Vietnam. - Он был убит во Вьетнаме)
Close this group synonymous words neologism is "trash". In the modern use of this word in the United States it has acquired , in particular, to "разрушать", "уродовать", "портить", "громить" (e.g., to trash a building = to destroy a building - разрушать здание; to go out trashing = to go out for things to destroy - заниматься порчей имущества (сооружений)) .
Relatively recently, the vocabulary of the English language in the United States added the neologism "rip off" with the basic meaning "своровать", "украсть", "стащить", "опустошить". In addition, the verb "to rip off" is sometimes used to mean "домогаться денег" (radical groups ripping off the promoters of rock concerts - (молодежные) радикальные группы, которые пытаются "выколотить" денежки у организаторов концертов ультрасовременной музыки). Perhaps, therefore, a new phrase rips off artist - мастер на все руки, ловкач, пройдоха, (syn) shifty person.
Finally, mention should be made about the use of the neologism "rip-off" in the sense of "убийство", "расправа" (You never know. Hes going to get ripped off one of these days. - Как знать. Его когда-нибудь могут прикончить) . Of course, these values may not be known not only to the novice translator , but also by many English speakers , detached from the scope of slang , "language" or jargon hippie youth.
Word "gig" relatively widely used in the new meaning of "работа" (job) (Ive got a gig on Saturday. - В субботу мне удалось найти работу). Especially often this value is used in speech neologism American musicians (a newgig = a new occupation - новое занятие). Word "jive" is, perhaps, partly superseded word nonsense (Dont give that jive. - Кончай говорить этот вздор.) This phrase can be heard in the speech of young people. Verb "Jive" often used in speech as meaning "шутить" (Youve just jiving me, man. - Да ты меня, я вижу, разыгрываешь).
Other most widely known neologisms 70s are: "dude" meaning "человек, парень" (Hes a nice dude. - Он славный малый) and "cat", which is often used to mean "паренек", "браток", "братишка". During this plural noun is used to mean "ребята", "парни". (There are some really fine cats in that band! - В этом оркестре - отличные ребята!) "The American Heritage" as slang "cat" gives the following values: a man - "человек". In the political language "fat cats" - is the "денежные мешки", "лица, оказывающие щедрую финансовую поддержку политическим кандидатам?"
Word "Cool" as a neologism used in the sense of "успокоиться", "взять себя в руки". In this connection there idiom "cool it", which means "успокойся", "потише", "не трепыхайся". It is synonymous with literary relax, calm down, restrain yourself. Word "Stoned" often used in the sense of "одурманить наркотиками" (get stoned, get high, get wrecked); groove on - "наслаждаться" (I can really groove on the Beatles. - наслаждаюсь, слушая ансамбль "Битлз"); cosmic-"потрясающий" (cosmic idea! - потрясающе!); out of sight - "фантастический"; goof on-"смеяться", "насмехаться над кем-либо" (Charlies just goofing on you. - Чарли просто смеется над вами); bummer-"неудачный опыт"; shuck-"надувательский" (hes shuck, hes shucking - ему верить нельзя). Word "Shuck" used instead of the usual word for such situations "phony"; get it on (or get down) instead of the verb "to commence" - начинать (Get down to it. - Давай, начинай).
Word "commune" for a long time was used in the British and American speech in the following meanings:
1) historical community;
2) county, the lowest territorial unit of self-government (in France, Belgium, Italy and other countries);
3) The Commune - Парижская коммуна (also the Commune of Paris). American hippies now use the word to mean "группа людей, проживающих совместно за счет тех средств, которыми располагают все члены этой группы".
Word "cop" (short for copper - police) has several slang meanings, such as "украсть", "стащить"; cop it - "получить нагоняй". These values are well known. However neologism "cop out" yet is not registered anywhere. Question Do you cop out? - Ты избегаешь этого? typically used in a specific situation, it can be heard, e.g., in a speech fighters social and civil law.
Neologism "counterculture" can deliver a lot of trouble to the translator. Word involuntarily perceived as consisting of two elements: counter + culture, i.e. "контр культура". However, this interpretation of the word counterculture would be a mistake. In fact, in modern English, in the U.S. the words synonymous with "стиль жизни", especially if we bear in mind the difference between the new styles from traditional forms of American life. [19; 82-84]
Expression "To go straight" literally means "идти прямо." Recently, the expression came to be used figuratively to mean "встать на честный путь", "жить как все нормальные люди", "образумиться". "The American Heritage" gives the following interpretation of this expression "to go straight" (informal) = to reform after having been a criminal - "изменить свое поведение, отбыв заключение".
During further reconsideration, or, more precisely, the use of this phrase in "language" hippies, beatniks, and other similar elements it has acquired a slightly different meaning: "порвать с дурной привычкой", "покончить (с наркотиками) ". (You know, he goes straight now. - Вы знаете, он "завязал")
Extremely difficult to translate the word can be multivalued "head". This word is actually hundreds of values. In the field of youth slang, the word has taken on new meaning "head", have never been registered, "чудак", "чудаковатый", "потребитель наркотиков". (Ср. acid head, pot-head - наркоман). Literature is synonymous with the word addict or drug-user.
Speaking of neologisms, it is not to mention also words like psychedelic, scene, shades, soul brother, trucking, vibes, and rap. The word psychedelic is used in speech for a new social "movement" in the United States. Representative of this "movement" is some of America's youth, which bored bourgeois culture and who is looking out of the impasse, rushing, however, at the other extreme - the world of "hallucinations". This word can be translated as "вызывающий галлюцинации" (e.g., psychedelic music).
Word "scene" in colloquial American speech is not used in the conventional sense "сцена", but most often as a "место действия", "опыт". "Soul brother" literally is translated as "душевный брат", "добрая душа". In fact, in the speech of the American Negro word "soul brother" usually appears instead of the word black. Word trucking (literally " truckage ") in colloquial speech is now used to mean "перевозка на грузовиках," that is, instead of "take a walk" (to truck = to walk jauntily - идти развязной походкой) [35; 166-167]
On the other side, the expression of political texts "to take a walk" means "to vote for the candidate of the other party." Very curious word "flunkenstein" is the first appeared in the walls of American Colleges and Universities. If we consider that flunk - student expelled for academic failure, it becomes clear that flunkenstein - is a kind of "eternal loser", i.e. "student who fails in the exams."
Neologism "Street people" used in modern speech in the sense of "vagrant youth" So the U.S. is usually called a hippie and all homeless people.
The word "together" has a new meaning - "in good spirits." (For example: You "re looking really together these days)
On the contrary, it is an antonym into "downs" means " in a bad mood" (Charlies into downs today. - Сегодня Чарли не с той ноги встал.) In slang speech "to off" is synonymous with the verb "to kill". The new synonyms are also to do a number on someone "s hear, to rip off.
From these examples, it can be concluded that to a large extent based on neologisms arise colloquialisms and slang. Many of them, despite their initial originality, then quickly removed from the speech. Such neologisms can be called "word - of meteors." At the same time, the other firmly established in the popular language. Frenkel Retsker therefore provides these interesting data [20; 82-84]
"Special Supplement to the big Webster" Websters New International Dictionary" 1968 has 2500 neologisms. If we compare the 1963 and 1964 editions of the dictionarys Chambers, it appears that from 2500 neologisms Publishing 1964 500 appeared in it the first time. It is clear that the commonly used dictionaries record only new words included in the language. So-called "author", individual neologisms in dictionaries do not fall. However, this category of neologisms - a rare phenomenon very few writers resort to word-spinning."
In the era of mass communication, there is a truly unprecedented opportunity for the development and spread of neologisms. A striking proof of this is the language of our time presses. Language of the American press almost daily enriched with neologisms. Many of them, however, remain "neologisms -night" while other "word -Impromptu" is gradually transformed into basic stock. This, in particular, such (now widely known) words and phrases like:
sweat shop - предприятие, на котором существует потогонная система;
trouble shooter - уполномоченный по улаживанию конфликтов,
dark horse - темная лошадка, то есть кандидат, неожиданно выдвинутый на какой-то пост в разгар предвыборной кампании;
favorite son - кандидат, выдвигаемый в президенты делегацией своего штата (на предвыборном съезде партии);
Boondoggling - word, once included in the category of slang, now widely known in the political lexicon in the value of "заниматься пустыми делами";
Term "hooverize" literally means "to live according to Hoover," meaning "to save on food", "malnourished".
Expression "pork barrel" once was part of American slang. However, now it is a recognized political term that means "бочка с салом", "кормушка", "казенный пирог" that is specially made by the Government activities in order to gain popularity among the masses.
It is now quite "respectable" political term "lame duck" was once known as political slangs. Now lame duck term used to mean "политик-неудачник", "человек, которому не везет".
It is interesting to trace the emergence of the neologism "sky marshal". This word originated in the heyday of practice hijacking kidnappers - raiders (highjackers). Wave of violent capture and hijackings in the United States brought to life a special science of identifying "профиля потенциального угонщика" (highjacker profile determination). Respectively and there were a lot of new words and concepts associated with this area.
Neologisms "lunatic fringe" and "little old lady" in tennis shoes are crudely emotive expressive phraseological units. These words have approximately the same value as the traditional political term extremist - экстремист.
This group should include words such "крылатые" neologisms as
diehards - твердолобые;
dinosaur wing - (букв) "крыло динозавра", то есть группа людей с устарелыми взглядами;
hidebounds - лица с узким политическим кругозором;
moss-backs - ультраконсерваторы
old fogies - старые консерваторы.
Referring to the history of political neologisms, it is interesting to be traced, for example, the development of a number of political terms. The number of terms in the American political lexicon very much : besides the already long settled notions of word -type political hireling - политический наймит; political drudge - работяга (о трудолюбивом работнике); stooge - политическая марионетка, there are all new and fresh. It is already mentioned above terms wardheeler, wheelhorse, as well as (party) hack, hanger-on, hangdog politician, hatchetman.
Unfortunately, the vocabulary has not yet been reflected in the modern bilingual (translated) dictionaries and translator must offer their own versions of translation based on its own independent conclusions. [21; 82-94] Wardheeler - a political term with a scornful and contemptuous coloring in Russian so its value can pass through such correspondences as "мелкий политикан, прихлебатель (при боссе) "; term "wheelhorse", is also used in speech, given the definition that is given to it in the monolingual American dictionaries, Russian equivalent lexical items: a hard worker, a person who carries on itself all impact. Consequently, the terms "drudge", "wheelhorse" very close in value. Party hack - политический наймит. Hanger-on transfer is not difficult, as the meaning is pretty clear already passed by the word (cf. to hang-on - цепляться) henchman, sycophant. Hang-dog politician should translate hanger careerist. Word "hatchet-man" appeared in the American political lexicon recently. It has clearly spoken shade and translated as a political henchman. Sometimes it is necessary to give a broader interpretation of "man, the witness ( on behalf of the boss) for the rest of the observance of party discipline and the implementation of basic party solutions. "
From the perspective of psycholinguistic analysis of a number of very interesting political synonyms constitute neologisms 60s. These are words denoting the symbolic power or imaginary power: straw man, paper tiger, stalking horse, satellite.
Term "puppet government" - a puppet government is known to all. At the same time the latest neologisms Synonyms in said series can perplex even the most experienced interpreter. In fact, how to translate this political neologism as straw man (or man of straw)?
Its literal meaning is "straw man." Clearly, this is a metaphor, and therefore, it is necessary to transmit the metaphorical element in Russian. Apparently, the best can be considered such options as a "соломенное чучело", "ненадежный человек". However rethinking neologism went further. "Straw man" in modern political language means "dummy (fake) candidate nominated to divert voters' attention from the other candidate." Neologism "paper tiger", as it is known, entered the Russian language for a long time. He translated by tracing paper - "paper tiger ", that is used to mean "неопасный противник". Phrase "stalking horse" is very difficult to translate without knowing the scope of its application. In the dictionary "The American Heritage" "stalking horse" neologism defined as follows : "any sham candidate put forward to conceal the candidacy of another or divide the opposition" ("любой "липовый" кандидат, который выдвигается для того, чтобы отвлечь внимание от другой кандидатуры или расколоть оппозицию") Since so wordy interpretation cannot be used as a transfer option , then it should be made based on at least the basic features and then given a neologism can be translated as dummy candidacy figureheads ( in the political game ) .
Most recently appeared in the political language, the term "off the reservation", where this neologism meaning "to remain in the party, but not to support the candidate nominated by the party." It appears mostly speech politicians and can not be known even English speakers.
The next step in the political sense (after "off the reservation") will be "taking a walk" - "support the candidate of the other party." And finally, the last step in this direction "bolting "- "transition into the ranks of the other party." This neologism is used mainly in speech and gradually replacing literature option switching to the other party. Without knowledge of the extra-linguistic situation is extremely difficult to translate a neologism "nervous Nellies". According to W. Sefayera [22; 150], the first time it used the expression in his speech, U.S. President Johnson against critics of the Vietnam War: ... some nervous Nellies and some who will become frustrated and bothered and break ranks under the strain (некоторые легко поддающиеся панике люди и те, которые будут чувствовать себя обеспокоенными и в трудные минуты могут покинуть поле боя). Thus, "nervous Nellies" people should translate easily panicked. This expression came into political language from slang. (Cf. nice Nelly - скромница)
So what are the ways to transfer the "classical" and "disposable" neologisms should be encouraged? Analysis of the translations of neologisms convinces us that the most common is a translation by selecting the appropriate counterpart in another language. Unfortunately, dictionaries of neologisms in Russian published extremely rare. Translator much could be learned from such dictionary.
The second way - it is a translation by transcription or transliteration. So, "steel lobby" - lobby as we pass steelmakers. This is the shortest version. Translation - interpretation - a group of people who are former congressmen) that on the sidelines of the Congress are trying to put pressure on members of Congress in the interests of the owners of steel companies - can hardly be considered a success.
The third way is tracing method. For example, "street people" can be translated as street people (tracing method) or as wanderers (analog method).
" No translation quasi" transfer methods neologisms are so named because the use of these techniques would be an act of translation as a cost of borrowing and replaced by an act of sound (with transcription ) or graphic ( transliteration ) form of the word along with the value of FL in IL . However "no translation" this method is really only apparent: in fact carried out here for the sake of borrowing translation as a necessary prerequisite for its implementation. Loanword becomes fact and has as such acts as the equivalent of externally identical foreign word to him. Essentially this way is one of the oldest and most widespread natural stage (preliterate) language contacts, but he continues to play a significant role in the present. However, application of this technique in our time is due to a number of constraints (language policy, stylistic norms, traditions and different socio-linguistic groups, etc.). [36; 88-89]
Transliteration method is to using Russian letters transfer letters that make up the English word , for example , put "пут" (опцион), Nikkei "Никкей" (индекс курсов ценных бумаг на Токийской фондовой бирже) , etc.1 transliteration widely used interpreters until the end of XIX century. To do this, the interpreter was not necessary to know the pronunciation of the English word, and he could confine his visual perception.
Significantly more common in the translation practice of the present time has a reception transcription, which is to transfer not orthographic form of the word, and phonetic. Because of the significant differences between the phonetic systems of Russian and English, such a transfer is always somewhat arbitrary and plays only a semblance of English speakers.
Generally translator must always keep in mind that when you use coupon transcription is always an element of transliteration. Summing up what has been said in the notes to the table we can say that when transcribed elements transliteration found in the following:
• transliteration unpronounceable sounds
• transliteration of reduced vowels
• Transfer of double consonants
• if you have multiple pronunciations choice option , closer to the chart
• tracing .
Proper methods of conversion in a separate branch stands tracing, which occupies an intermediate position between fully transferable and no translate transmission methods neologisms. "No translation" tracing is remained unchanged inner form of the word (cf. restore the appearance form at no translation transfer) . Tracing presupposes the existence of bilateral interlanguage correlations between elementary lexical units, which are used as "building material" to recreate the inner form of the translated or borrowed words.
Tracing as a method akin to creating equivalent literal translation - the equivalent of a whole is created simply by adding the equivalent of its parts. It follows that the only tracing exposed neologisms compound word. For example, the word consists of multicurrency and multi currency, both individually can be translated as "many," (suffix denoting multiplicity) and "currency", with the addition of their work ' multicurrency (e.g. credit) "; or interbank (market) = inter-(" inter -") + bank ("Bank") - "межбанковский (рынок)".
The advantage of receiving tracing brevity and simplicity are obtained with the help of its unique and equivalent correlation with the initial word, reaching to the complete reversibility of conformity.
While tracing paper - equivalents "suffer" literalism, brevity and potential terminology makes them very attractive for use in newspapers and journalistic and social science papers.
• descriptive equivalents
Descriptive equivalents are neologisms and modes of transmission are fundamentally different from the tracing paper so that the modes of transmission of neologisms descriptive translation invariant is precisely the value of foreign language units unrelated to the nature of its relations with the external structure of the word, while tracing invariant under translation is a form of unity of the source language (though not graphic or sound like when transcribed or transliterated , and lexical or lexical- morphological ) , the content side is like " behind the bracket."
In other words, descriptive translation is to transmit the values of the English word with a more or less common explanation. This method can be applied to explain the value in the dictionary, and the translation text in a particular neologism.
Descriptive translation in various ways. We consider two cases.
1. Exchange term open outcry, using tracing , could be referred to as " open outcry " undeterred literalism , because we all know that on the exchange must react very quickly to supply and demand and prices in the appointment , in order to beat the competition , do not scream simply not possible. However, this mode of transmission (and especially transcription or transliteration) is unacceptable because it does not disclose the value of the word. In this case, the most appropriate technique would be descriptive translation. So, the meaning of the term can be taken in sufficiently authoritative explanation thesauruses of the source language. Thus, is in The Oxford Dictionary for the Business World (1993) [23] the meaning of open outcry is explained as "a meeting of commodity brokers with dealers in order to form a transaction. Traders usu. form a ring around the person shouting out bids and offers ", and the translation in this case would be: метод биржевой торговли путём прямого контакта продавца и покупателя
Considered in this example, the method of descriptive translation we call explanatory as equivalent as it explains the essential elements of the value of the translated words. Explanatory translation is closer to the interpretation of the words, but he still remains the translation and suitable for use in real text.
However, even with optimal choice of explanatory equivalents are inherent disadvantages such as verbosity and some optional equivalent in IL.
2. Reception descriptive translation can be implemented in a different way. Wildcard translation - reception transmission neologism in which as its equivalent already exists in the IL word (or phrase), it is not a neologism, but general enough values to the original word. In the ideal case there may be achieved semantic congruence, i.e. match denotative volume values (with the inevitable divergence in some connotative elements). Examples of complete coincidence volume values within a couple of lexicographical correspondences can serve as: order interval - "цикл заказа" (the interval between successive orders), managed floating rate-" корректируемый плавающий курс."
Coincidence volume values - a relatively rare event. Much more often occurs when substituting semantic transformation, i.e. word of the source language betrayed word of the translatable language whose value is distinguished by its volume or content. Such a transformation can be either concentric or offset. In the first case there is a narrowing or expanding value when replacing the word of the source language its IL - equivalent. Second - incomplete coincidence values correlated pairs of words in content. [37; 44]
An example of concentric transformation can serve as "transition country"- " страна с переходной экономикой " (narrowing values , literally - " страна перехода "), industrial country - " промышленно-развитая страна " (narrowing values , literally - " промышленная страна " ) .
Equivalents with an offset value of substitution of equivalents are quite common, which is quite natural, since the detection of substitution essentially used just when in comparable languages not congruent with each other pairs of lexical equivalents. For example, exchange rate - "обменный курс" (literally - " обменный уровень").
Neologism should be seen as a normal linguistic phenomenon , and no words in the dictionary cannot be an obstacle to his transfer to the same translation is practice makes the greatest contribution to the completion of lexical structure of the target language with new words coming from other languages, and hence the vocabularies of bilingual dictionaries . In any case, when the known value of the new word, it is possible to transmit using the methods discussed.
Thus, the process of translation of neologisms from English into Russian in two phases:
1. clarification of values neologism ( or when the translator refers to the latest editions of the English monolingual ( encyclopedic ) dictionaries or clarifies the meaning of new words , taking into account the structure and context ) .
2. proper translation (transfer) by means of Russian language , namely transcription, transliteration, tracing , descriptive translation ( explanatory or wildcard , using the latter method can be seen as a complete coincidence denotative values and narrowing or widening of the translated language word or incomplete match values of pairs of words and source language).
Regarding the choice of a method of transmitting neologisms , it depends on many subjective factors ( they were not considered in the work precisely because of its subjective nature) , such as , for example , the identity of the translator , his experience , intelligence, ability to manipulate abstract concepts , situation during the translation process , as well as the text style ( journalistic, scientific , artistic , etc.) , the style of a particular author , etc. but above all, the aim must be to the equivalent of neologisms original language ( English ) to the maximum extent responsible norms and rules of the target language ( Russian) .
1.5 National-cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary of English
Analysis of new words showed that the predominant host of new vocabulary units up, as expected, nouns, since the expansion of the dictionary is mainly due to the names of objects and phenomena that fill the space of cultural studies.
Learning new words revealed trends in some particular linguistic and cultural expansion space in the period under review.
At the heart of these names may be the type of activity inherent persons : shareowner (a person who owns shares) - " владелец акциями " (direct nomination word "share" - акция ), street fighter (a tough combative person) - " драчун " ( shaped association with word street - улица), style-counselor (an arbiter of or adviser on what is currently fashionable) - "советник / советчик / консультант" (direct nomination ), staff-doctor (in Britain, a grade of hospital doctor between senior house officer and consultant) - " степень врача в больнице "); individualization of personality based on the intrinsic properties: scuzzyball (American slang, an unpleasant or disgusting person), shakers (influential people, spunk) (Australian informal, a devastatingly handsome young man). Associative- shaped component clearly represented among units called humans based on its intrinsic properties (cf. scuzzy - unpleasant and dirty; shake - to get rid of; spunk - courage, spirit). The name can testify about the effects exerted on the person referred to: shutout (American, a person who is excluded or prevented from succeeding).
Somatic lexicon plays an important role in the nomination rights. For example, the image of the serpent (snake) emphasizes movements. Fixed vocabulary phrase "snake hips" (attractively slim hips, especially in a man) indicates the possibility of the emergence of new words in the areas adequately linguistically aforesaid (names of parts of the human body).
Significantly, its represented in business and finance. It is words like market-maker (a person whose business is buying shares, securities, bonds, etc. And selling them on, usually at a marginal profit), competitor-analysis (the finding out of information about the financial and other affairs of competitor companies). Terms such as "market - рынок, analysis - анализ, agreement - соглашение, deal - соглашение, сделка", connect in complex words form a representative reservoir vocabulary in this field.
Financial lexicon includes units silly money (money in amounts beyond most people "s experience, making possible the indiscriminate purchase of very expensive items; also funny money), balloon financing (a method of financing purchases in which the vendor lends the purchaser (part of) the price, part of which is repayable in monthly installments but leaving a large final payment to be made to discharge the debt). economic vocabulary can also be expressed using emotionally expressive and figurative components (cf. "silly - having or showing a lack of good sense and judgment "," funny - causing laughter; amusing " per unit " silly / funny money ", shaped component " balloon - a large bag of strong light material filled with gas or heated air so that it can float in the air " in one " balloon financing ").
Natural increase in medical vocabulary - new words here are registered "skin tag" (a small nonmalignant epidermal excrescence), SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), suicide gene (a gene possessed by certain bacteria which terminates their life). In this group stands principle of analogy: SIDS is formed by analogy with AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This principle can also be applied in the following neologisms: therapy - polar therapy, psychotherapy. This model is quite common and reflects the trend in the derivation of the new English vocabulary.
The field of culture in the narrow sense (music, literature, theater) represented, for example, words sampling (taking extracts from a variety of songs and combining them to form a new one), sit-tragedy (a radio or television drama series featuring the same basic cast of characters in stories of misfortune or conflict), slamdancing (dancing engaged in by fans of heavy metal and similar forms of rock music in which dancers jump up and down frenziedly and collide violently with each other).
In the theater of life also has changed - there are new types of theaters, and with them new names, for example: theatre of absurd - "театр абсурда", theatre of cruelty - "театр жестокости, son et lumiere (Fr. = sound fnd light) - " театр с использованием звуковых и световых эффектов", theatre of fact - "театр факта", black theatre - "негритянский театр", etc. Among the neologisms relating to theatrical life, you can call such nouns as "revolve" - "вращающаяся сцена" и "theatredom" - "театральный мир".
In the film, television and video, many new technical means, followed by a large number of neologisms formed, for example: inflight movies - "кинофильмы, демонстрирующиеся в полете на борту самолета", inflight videosystem - "видеосистема, используемая на борту самолета", featurette - "короткометражный документальный фильм", satellite-delivered show - "программа, передаваемая при помощи спутника, etc.
Recently, new teaching methods indicated by the following neologisms : sleep-teaching - " обучение во сне ", CLASS (Computer-based Laboratory of Automated School System) - класс программированного обучения", multimedia lecture - "лекция с использованием нескольких средств информации (видеомагнитофона, телевизора, магнитофона и др.)", telelecture, telecourse - "учебная программа по телевидению", etc. basically, this group of neologisms formed using abbreviations that reflects the nature of the terminology in this field. It is also necessary to note the use of the prefix tele - (some experts it is recognized as prefix).
Among the new units there is a group of words, it is the behavior of people engaged in various activities, such as: skippering (бытовая сфера) (slang; the practice of taking over a deserted dwelling to live in it without permission or payment squatting), squiffing (почтовые отправления) (British slang, the practice of postal workers reposting mail that is ready for delivery). The structure of many of these units includes emotionally - expressive Seme (e.g., spree - a bout of violent activity [violent - uncontrollably fierce]), movers and shakers - people of power and influence [power - control over others; influence; influence - the power to have an effect on someone or something without the use of direct force or command]).
The new units have enriched the vocabulary of computer language - superminicomputer (an advanced powerful minicomputer), supersmart card (a smart card with a key board and display panel).
Computerization is used in various fields of science and technology, leading to a large number of terminological neologisms. For example, in linguistics: interlingual - "искусственный язык для машинного перевода на несколько языков"; biometrics, in particular to denote biometric protection from thieves: biometric locks - "биометрические замки".
Group of words denoting the commodities unit includes : scaf (American informal) self-centered-altruism fad - a currently-popular product (for example a garment or cosmetic) which as well as being attractive purports to have a beneficial effect on the user , shin-sock - a sock that reaches approximately halfway up the calf; name food - snack pellet (a convenience food in the form of an extruded and shaped mass of edible matter), drinks - super-second (a claret from the Medoc or Graves region which is officially in the second category of excellence, but is generally recognized as being superior to this). [38; 30]
Expanded group of words indicating the location, for example: skip-park (an area with skips for the deposit of various sorts of refuse), snail-park (an establishment where edible snails are commercially reared), solar pond (an artificially constructed pool of salty water designed to collect the sun "s heat for conversion to electricity). Characteristic for English use keywords (in this case, directly indicating the location - park (парк), pond (пруд)) and allow the use of complex words to form words with emotional, expressive and imaginative semami associated with this location: skip, snail, solar.
Sport enriched vocabulary words like: short tennis (a version of tennis for young children, played on a short court with small rackets and a low net), spectator catch (in cricket, a catch which to spectators appears to be a legitimate dismissal of the batsman but is not, for example, when the ball has hit the pad rather than the bat, or bounces up after being hit into the ground).
Individual words are types of motion: slo-mo or slowmo (informal, slowed-down action on film or videotape) and fittings: slipmat (a circular piece of thin rubber placed on a turntable to prevent records from slipping), the new name of the ferry - streaker (a fast, highly maneuverable ferry operating on the River Clyde). In the language of the word arose "seajack" (the hijacking of a ship at sea) by analogy with the existing "hijack".
Thus, on the one side, recently observed in the language use of multiple methods of forming a new vocabulary (affixation, compounding, mixing, abbreviation, conversion), reflecting the derivational and semantic processes in the language during this period. On the other hand, the formation of semantic neologism is the result of activity lingo creative nominator conjugated with extra-linguistic knowledge and discourse, with the transition of the new units of a particular individual in the use of the use of a linguistic community.
Euphemistic neologisms are an integral part of the lexical structure of any language. This layer is considered as a kind of vocabulary of allegory to bringing its distinctive characteristics in the use of taboo vocabulary and language as a way of political correctness , which indicates the trend of using veiled or mitigate the problem of vocabulary in thematic areas such as racism, sexism, religion , political and economic stability , etc.
A large group of euphemisms created on the principle of comity. It usually consists of words and phrases, mitigating different types of discrimination [24; 42-48]
-euphemisms mitigating age discrimination (middlescence - life period from 40 to 65 years; senior, mature, seasoned, distinguished, gracious (of a woman) - old);
-euphemisms, mitigating the estate discrimination (the neediest, the needy, the ill-provided, the socially deprived, the underprivileged, the disadvantaged, low-income people - the poor);
-euphemisms , without discrimination of persons with disabilities (differently abled, physically different, individuals with disabilities or handicapable - a cripple ; big-boned, differently sized, husky or full-figured - thick ; hair-disadvantaged - bald ; sane, mentally unbalanced (deficient), unhinged, deranged, crazy, retarded, lunatic, wrong in the head, not all there, off one "s head, off one" s rocker - mentally ill ; a bit wanting in the top storey, half-wilted, half-baked, nut, nutty, batty, barmy, dotty, having bats, in one "s belfry, crazy as a bedbug - crazy );
-euphemisms mitigating racial and ethnic discrimination (African-American, member of African Diaspora, person of black race - the representative of the Negro population of the United States; Jewish person - Jew);
-euphemisms, mitigating gender discrimination, in particular female gender (camera operator - cameraman; firefighter - fireman; police officer - policeman; chairman - chairperson; stewardess - flight attendant).
Theme Group euphemisms reducing superstitious fear of any phenomena (the principle of taboo), includes phenomena of death. It is in this group is representative of the principle of the most taboo. For example, moonchild (people born under the sign of Cancer) to replace the word cancer, causing the association with disease; hospice, originally denoting a guest house for the poor, the sick (shelter, hotel), is now a hospital for terminally ill or institution for the care of dying people.
It should be noted that in English, the subject of death verbalized exclusively using euphemisms. For example, the verb to die can be replaced by a huge number of literary and book synonyms to decease or paraphrase to pass away ( go to the other world ) , as well as to go West ( heading west ), to depart ( sail ), to breathe one "s last, to join the silent / the majority, to be no more ( do not be ), to lose one" s life to expire ( expire on the expiration date ), to go behind the eternal cloud ( go to eternal heaven ), to pay one "s debt to nature ( give back to nature ), to go to kingdom, to sleep the sleep that knows no waking ( sleep soundly ), to go the way of all flesh ( join all mortals ) . Along with them in language there are reduced crudely humorous expressions like to kick the bucket, to count daises, to pop one "s clogs, to give up the ghost, to kick off, to check out, to take a ride, to hop the twig ( give oak drop skates, kick the bucket ) .
Phrase "if anything should happen to me" in the sense of "if I die" (если я умру) recently became familiar in sale of insurance companies.
In modern English, there are many euphemism concepts God or the devil.
God ( Бог ) - Dad, Gad, God-a-mighty, Gol, Goramighty, Gord, Gorra, Garry, Gosh, Gott, Gar, Gawd, Gawsh, God Almighty, Gum, Gub, Gun, Lord, Law, Lawd, Laws, Lor, Lordy, Lorsy.
Devil ( Дьявол, Сатана ) - father of lies, the gentleman in black, the God of this world, our ghostly enemy, the Prince of Darkness, Old enemy / lad / Poker / gooseberry / Bendy / lain / deuce / dickens / Harry / Henry / Ned / One / Dragon / Scratch / Boy. "Hell" for the following word euphemisms (ад, царство дьявола): Blazes, Hail Columbia, Halifax, hallelujah, heck, HEdoubleL, Himmel, Hoboken, hot place, something.
In recent decades euphemistic vocabulary has increased markedly the tendency to form new units, raising the prestige of certain professions (e.g., hairstylist или beautician - парикмахер; morticians, funeral directors - служащие кладбища; sanitation engineer - сборщик мусора; environmental hygienist - дворник; footwear engineer - чистильщик сапог; glass maintenance engineer - мойщик окон) .
Thematic group euphemisms, distracting from the negative phenomena of reality (the principle of regulatory impact on the audience and the principle of secrecy) , it seems appropriate to divide into two subgroups [25; 161-163]
-euphemisms , undercover officers aggressive military action ( crime, drugs , aggressive policy ): involvement - агрессия; conflict - война; device - бомба; limited air strike / air support - бомбардировка; training bases - военные базы;
-euphemisms associated with negative effects in the socio - economic sphere : reserve of labor force - безработица; culturally different children - дети трущоб; downsizing, rightsizing - увольнение.
By "Neogene" areas over the past decade include:
-undesirable aspects of the business and business relationships;
-indirect name drugs;
-layoffs and downsizing from work;
-indirect names death (natural and forced);
-indirect names intimate relationship between man and woman;
-modern understanding of discrimination associated with taboo new generation - skin color.
So, in recent decades most of the euphemisms do not arise in traditional taboos and in the business relationship between people that may be associated with the commercialization of life principles and values of human society in general and the English-speaking community in particular.
2 Transfer features neologisms in modern English language (based on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and the novel "Harry Potter")
2.1 Modes of transfer of neologisms
In the practice of translation work prominent place is a translation problem author neologism.
Denominative education naturally became part of the language and vocabulary is indicated under the corresponding verbal droppings, for example:
plan (v) to make a plan , schedule ship (v) ship , to embark
The conversion of these verbs is not difficult. However, be aware that this method of forming a verb from a noun is productive in modern English and is one of the sources of the appearance of neologisms. Authors often resort to it, using a variety of nouns and verbs are creating an entirely new, which we do not find in a dictionary. [26; 164-167] Value of denominal tumors can be properly understood only in a certain context by comparing the value of the original noun.
- For example:
The delegates were planed to the conference last night.
Planed verb formed from the noun plane самолет.
Appointment of passenger aircraft is to transport people. Based on this, we translate the proposal:
Yesterday evening, delegates were sent to the conference by plane.
- another example:
The trunks were tractored to the river bank to be floated then downstream. Purpose tractor - towing carts and trunks of trees, hence the translation of the sentence:
Стволы деревьев были отбуксированы трактором к берегу реки с тем, чтобы затем сплавить их вниз по реке
- More examples:
The river is bridged in two places.
На реке имеется два моста.
The rioters were machine-gunned by the police.
Полиция обстреляла бунтовщиков из пулемета.
Often such formations from nouns, decorated suffix - ed, used in function definitions.
There are several multi-storeyed buildings in Moscow.
В Москве имеется несколько высотных зданий.
We saw a two-funelled steamer.
Мы увидели двухтрубный пароход.
The problem of a correct understanding and translation of neologisms connected with the fact that the rapid development of modern science and technology is no dictionary is unable to keep up with the emergence of new words and terms in different fields of knowledge.
Therefore, if the text includes a neologism that is not in the dictionary, translator's responsibility to determine its value, given the derivation of the word, and based on the context, for example:
Jet propelled planes consume enormous quantities of propellant.
In this sentence we find a new word "propellant", which is not in the general dictionary and the value you want to set.
Separating the word suffix - "ant" and find the original shape "propel" (dropping the second letter 1).
We seek to "propel" the dictionary meaning of the word as a verb - "to move forward, to set in motion to move."
Given that the suffix - "ant" forms nouns from verbs, determine the approximate meaning of the word "propellant": "that sets in motion."
From the context, we select the most appropriate setting: fuel. After that translate the entire sentence:
Jets are to absorb huge amounts of fuel.
If a neologism is a common word, but the use in special terminological sense, then, obviously, the only way to establish its value rebases reliance on context, on the total of the translated text.
For example, in the sentence:
This proved to be an Arab film, but as it was dubbed into English we were able to enjoy the smartness and vividity of its dialogues.
We meet neologism "dubbed", whose value - "dub" - easy to install out of context and then translation of the sentence is straightforward:
This film proved to Arabic, but since it was dubbed into English, we were able to enjoy the wit and vivacity of his dialogues.
Meaning of denominal verbs, as indicated above, must be evacuated from the initial values of nouns with special orientation to the context. [33; 144] When translating neologisms - borrowing principal means of disclosure is the word context and, of course, a dictionary of the language from which the word is borrowed.
Syntactic context - this is the syntax, which is used in a given word or phrase (subordinate) bid.
Lexical context - a set of specific lexical items, words and phrases, which are surrounded by the unit, is found. Accounting syntactic context will allow the interpreter to determine the identity of the neologism to one of the parts of speech, but in clarifying the values of the neologism is crucial to keeping it lexical context.
New words are usually arising on the basis of already existing in the language of words and morphemes.
Analysis of these words and morphemes can have an interpreter of great assistance in understanding the value of the neologism. This requires a good knowledge of word formation processes in English, such as: giving existing word of another value. [34; 203]
For example, the word "call" in English means "называть, вызывать, призывать созывать, вызов, телефонный звонок", etc. However, with the development of the exchange business not so long ago he had the new value recorded in dictionaries as a call, a call option (i.e., the right buy within a certain period due to securities with pre- payment of the price premium), and the development of banking - the bank's claim to the borrower for early repayment of the loan in connection with the violation of its terms.
One of the most ancient, universal and common ways of word-formation in English is compounding, has not lost its activity and now: more than one third of all tumors in the modern English language - complex words.
Since the norms of modern English language allow the combination of words that have the same lexical and grammatical features that are connected by compounding basis, then determine in which cases the translator has to deal with a complex word-neologism, and in which - with the phrase, it seems quite difficult.
Currently, a number of criteria for distinguishing are compound words and phrases. When translating neologisms in English texts deserves special attention orthographic criterion, the essence of which is to consider all the complex, written together or hyphenated as a compound word, and the complex, whose components are written separately, as the phrase:
dividend-right certificate - сертификат, дающий право на получение дивиденда;
dear-money policy - ограничение кредита путем повышения процентных ставок;
fill-or-kill order - приказ клиента брокеру, который должен быть немедленно исполнен или аннулирован.
In cases where the combined words ending and beginning with the same vowel or consonant, one of them is omitted.
Analysis of the components that make up the compound word, gives interpreter to knowing their lexical meaning, figure out the meaning of the whole complex:
Graphite bombing caused power lines destruction turning off life-supports in Belgrade hospitals.
As you can see neologism "life-supports" consists of two parts: life (жизнь) and support (поддержка), then it are something that allows you to maintain life or vitality, and the suffix - s indicates that we are dealing with a countable noun in the plural form.
Thus, taking into account the context, this neologism can be translated as "life-support equipment." During the bombing of graphite bombs were damaged power lines that caused the disconnection of life support equipment in hospitals in Belgrade.
education forms by analogy with already existing language by adding to them the various productive affixes. [39; 75]
For a correct understanding of the meaning of neologisms formed in this way the interpreter must know the productive affixes in modern English language and be able to correctly divide the word into its components : kiteflyer - recipient of funds under the fictitious bill , the user fictitious bills.
Very often when a similar method for forming neologisms have a satirical painting , especially in the press : ... that they taste the same in Peking as they do in London or New York, and so it was that world burgernomics was born by McDonalds.
In this case, the author wishes to draw attention to the significant development of a chain of restaurants "McDonald's" fast food industry, which has its own laws and phenomena and, like other economic laws are equally valid in different countries:
Beijing ... что в Пекине они по вкусу такие же, как и в Лондоне или Нью-Йорке, вот так "МакДональдс" создала мировую гамбургерномику.
Conversion function is called transition words from one part of speech another, i.e. use the same words as various parts of speech.
For example, now the Internet can often be seen E-mail me / us to ... Clarifying values such neologism is not difficult.
Syntactic context makes it possible to determine the membership of a word to a transitive verb, and knowing the meaning of the word E-mail (electronic mail) transfer: Please send an e- mail to…
-borrowing from other languages.
Then his telefonino rang, or rather squeaked piercingly ... It is impossible to get away from the wretched telefonino wherever you are in Italy. Of all the countries in Europe, only Britain has more mobile telephones. Затем зазвонил, или скорее пронзительно запищал его мини-телефон. В какой бы части Италии вы ни находились, вам никуда не деться от этих назойливых телефонино. Из всех европейских стран, мобильных телефонов больше только в Великобритании.
The Soviets had Sputnik, but the Americans had their open-plan kitchen. No contest.
Советский Союз создал "Спутник", а американцы создали кухню открытого типа. Вне конкуренции.
-reverse derivation.
Contact derivation is the process of education by truncating the suffix verbs from nouns correlative type televises показывать по телевидению from television телевидение.
Fusion - a compound or a truncated root of one word to a whole word or a combination of two truncated roots:
forex reserve (forex = foreign + exchange) - резервы в иностранной валюте;
impex transactions (impex = import + export) - экспортно-импортные сделки.
Among the existing species of this method of derivation , special attention should partially abbreviated acronyms , the essence of which is the acronym of one of the components, e.g. , B-unit (Barclays currency unit) international currency bank " Barclays Bank international ", Fed Wire - email system communication federal Reserve Banks (USA). Dixie. [40; 149]
2.2 The results of the experimental work
In the experimental part of my research I had to explore the place and role of neologisms of foreign origin in the modern language.
To understand how to neologisms are the people around me, we had made up a questionnaire and interviewed 20 people on it:
10 people aged 8 to 22 years old - Teen (from primary school to university);
10 people aged over 23 years - adults.
The questionnaire we have indicated 4 neologism of foreign origin, which we chose, and survey participants were asked to write each word next to its meaning:
Skateboard - катание на доске с роликами.
Poster - небольшой плакат с изображением артиста.
Parking - стоянка.
Investments - вложение.
Questioning revealed that among the 10 people under the age of 22 years 5 people correctly interpreted the word " poster ", 6 people - the word " skateboard " and 4 people - the word " parking ", no one in this group has not explained the word "investment" ( see Table 1).
Word/Result |
Poster |
Skateboard |
Investments |
Parking |
interpreted |
5 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
Didnt interpret |
5 |
6 |
10 |
6 |
Table 1 Results of the survey, respondents under the age of 22 years
Results are shown graphically in Pic 1.
Pic 1 - Results of the survey respondents, under the age of 22 years
Among adults, none gave the correct interpretation of the word "poster", 2 people have interpreted the word "skateboard" 4 people - explained the word investment, 3 people - "parking lot" (see Table 2).
Table 2 - Results of the survey respondents over the age of 22 years
Word/Result |
Poster |
Skateboard |
Investments |
Parking |
interpreted |
0 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Didnt interpret |
10 |
8 |
6 |
7 |
Results graphically depicted in Pic 2.
Pic 2 - Results of the survey respondents over the age of 22 years
The word "poster" and "skateboard" often heard among adolescents, while "investment" and "parking" - among adults. However, neither they nor others have coped with his proposed task completely, despite the fact that these words are used to communicate with other people.
In the next task, the questionnaire we asked to answer two questions.
"How often do you hear from the other words, the values of which are unknown to you?" And "what do you feel when you are in a conversation with the source you use unfamiliar word (s)?"
Answering the first question, all respondents (20 people) answered "yes". From the answers to the second question, we found that many of the "shy", "embarrassed", "trying to steer the conversation to another topic," "try to interrupt the conversation."
Asking a third question: "Which interpretation of the words you want to learn?" We began to collect material for his science project. Thus, from the questionnaires we received 15 neologisms of foreign origin.
So, we conducted a survey and found that ignorance of neologisms of foreign origin in the modern Russian language not only complicates communication between people, but often makes it impossible.
Continuing, we began to search for material for research. Together with parents and friends gathered brochures , followed advertising on television and radio, listened to the news , read newspapers , went to the Internet and computer technologies discussed , with physical education teacher found out what sports have arisen in recent years and which of those were known abroad, became known recently for us.
After that, a teacher of Russian language, we have compiled a list of neologisms, and then the card index of the words, which indicated their origin, interpretation and where they are used. Card index totaled 60 neologisms.
On the origin of all the words come from different languages (see Pic 3).
Languages |
British |
American |
French |
боулинг, дайвинг, спикер, ростер и др. |
паркинг, риэлтор, секьюрити |
фуршет, гриль |
Pic 3 - Groups of neologisms on linguistic origin
Part of the words is from British language. These words are noticeable by their suffixes: for example, the suffix "-ING" - bowling, roaming, lift, parking, rating, diving and other; the suffix "-ER" - poster, broker, roster, speaker, shaker, and other provider. American origin of the words: realtor security. Part refers to the French language: the grill, buffet.
Selected words will be divided into spheres of consumption (see Pic 4).
So, we have identified the following neologisms spheres of human activity:
- Economy
Оффшор, оффшорные средства в значении «свободный», находящийся на расстоянии от берега, в открытом море,
Демпинг от англ. «снижение, уменьшение», торможение развития,
Девелоперская фирма от англ. «развивать, совершенствовать, разрабатывать», строительная фирма, разрабатывающая стройку домов,
Фьючерс от англ. «будущее», надбавка в цене, взимаемая продавцом за отсрочку расчёта по сделке,
Лизинг, от англ. «сдавать в аренду», долгосрочная аренда машин и оборудования, транспортных средств, сооружений производственного назначения и др.,
Тендер от англ. «обслуживать», конкурс,
Сейл от англ. «распродажа по пониженной цене в конце сезона»,
Рекрутер от англ. «нанимать», человек, занимающийся устройством людей на работу.
2) Computer technology
Сайт от англ. «местоположение, местонахождение», в компьютерной сети объединенная под одним адресом совокупность документов частного лица или организации,
Файл от англ. «регистратор, досье, дело», (в информатике) логическая единица информации, хранимая на носителе;(канцелярская принадлежность) тонкий прозрачный пакет для бумаги, имеющий отверстия для подшивания в папку,
Апгрейд от англ. «повышение качества») Увеличение производительности системы, путём замены модулей или добавления дополнительных элементов. Данный термин обычно используется для обозначения перекомплектации устаревших моделей персональных компьютеров, или полной замены системных блоков.
Фейк от англ. «подделка, фальсификация, обман», как правило, используется для определения изменённых (приукрашенных, искажённых) с помощью специальных программ-редакторов оригинальных цифровых фото или видео файлов,
Флэшка от англ. «вспышка», USB Flash, мобильное устройство хранения информации, программа, написанная на Macromedia Flash,
Редирект от англ. «перенаправление», переадресция, переход с одного e-mail на другой, с сайта на сайт и т. д.,
Сканер от англ. «поле зрения», устройство, которое, анализируя какой-либо объект (обычно изображение, текст), создаёт цифровую копию,
Принтер от англ. «печатник», устройство печати цифровой информации на твёрдый носитель, обычно на бумагу,
Мэйл от англ. «почта», электронная почта в Интернете.
3) Feedback:
Роуминг от англ. «распространение, возможность широкого использования», услуга связи с дальним и ближним зарубежьем,
Рингтон от англ. «звук», мелодия, воспроизводимая на сотовом телефоне для оповещения о входящем вызове,
Прайм-тайм от англ. «лучшее время», услуга мобильной связи, связанная с предоставлением услуг по выгодной цене в зависимости от времени.
4) Gastronomy and household items:
Ростер от англ. «жарить», жаровня,
Шейкер от англ. «встряхивать», сосуд для приготовления коктейлей,
Ноу фрост от англ. «без замораживания», тип холодильного оборудования, не нуждающийся в механическом размораживании,
Гриль от франц. «жарить», устройство для жарения или выпечки с нагревом,
Фуршет от франц. «вилка», совместный прием пищи, когда приглашенные едят стоя, свободно выбирая блюда и напитки,
5) Industry, Beauty:
Лифтинг от англ. «подтягивать», косметологическая процедура, связанная с подтяжкой кожи,
Пилинг от англ. «очищение, чистка», очищение кожи лица,
Скраб от англ. «царапать», крем для отшелушивания, очистки кожи лица, тела.
6) Entertainment:
Клип непродолжительная по времени художественно составленная последовательность кадров.
Сингл от англ. «один, единственный», песня, записанная отдельно,
Ремейк от англ. «переделка»,
Реалити-шоу или реалити-телевидение от англ. «действительность, реальность»,телевизионный жанр, разновидность развлекательной программы или телевидения,
Шоу-рум от англ. «выставочный зал», демонстрационный зал для показа образцов товаров.
7) Sport:
Боулинг от англ. «шар; игра вшары», игра, вкоторой пущенным пополу шаром нужно сбить стоящие группой кегли,
Дайвинг от англ. «нырять, погружаться вводу», «подводное плавание»,
Дайвер любитель подводного плавания, водолаз,
Скейтборд от англ. skate «катание на коньках, скольжение» и board «доска», катание на доске с роликами,
Сноуборд от англ. snow «снег» и board «доска», катание на доске по снегу»,
Сноублэйд от англ. snowblade «трюковые лыжи»; катание по снегу на наибольших по размеру трюковых лыжах.
Байкер от англ. Bike сокращ., разг. от bicycle «велосипед», велосипедист, мотоциклист,
Шейпинг от англ. придание формы; вид гимнастики.
Pic 4 reflects the scope of the use of neologisms listed foreign origin more clearly.
A group of words which we have enumerated limited number of words that we found. In the future, we plan to find and analyze the neologisms of foreign origin in the modern Russian language, because
- First, so we learn a lot about the world , because the language displays the most minor changes in the world, in people's lives, and to be able to share their knowledge with their friends, parents , friends and people unfamiliar to me ,
- Second, it will help us to better understand others and communicate with them fully,
- Third, all the books say that language is a living thing, like a man, and were interested to learn to see the process of its development, its life.
Pic 4 - Areas of use neologisms of foreign origin
We described neologisms of foreign origin were scooped me from various sources (see Pic 5).
Pic 5 - Sources of the information
The most effective source of advertising may be mentioned: brochures, radio and television advertising, advertising signs that tell you when a new product or service. The second most important source should be called the media: TV (transfer program shows), the airwaves. Was a particular source of internet?
In work on the source of information were the words dictionaries, textbooks.
Working on the project, we tried himself as a researcher, talked with people involved in science, visited many interesting places, met with the profession bibliographer, learned how to use the catalog of books, worked in the reading room and were on tour in the library storage, interested in their parents and friends.
2.3 Causes and sources of the appearance of neologisms Internet resources
Any language is constantly updated with new words - neologisms. These words occur in the language because of the need denote new items, or express new concepts. In CPn distinguish lexical neologisms that newly created (with the help of derivational means of language) or borrowed from other languages, words and expressions, as well as semantic - these are the new values of previously known words. Along with the common language neologisms, there are those who call individually or occasional stylistic.
In CPn one of the main sources of new words is called "World Wide Web" or the Internet. Neologisms arise in this environment with a stable consistency. We have become accustomed to become almost commonplace Internet expression, or, as they say lately, Internet memes, such as "username Bear" or "LOL." But even in the last six months internet enriched dozens, if not thousands of new words. In his work, we tried to find out the sources and reasons for their occurrence.
A large number of neologisms appeared in connection with the creation of new, not previously existing types of Internet resources, Internet posts and technologies. For example, the word demotivators (demotivation or poster), which means the image consisting of the picture in black or blue frame, and commenting on its label - slogan. Initially, demotivators appeared as a parody of motivational posters or motivators - view billboards with an optimistic appeal. Arisen in America demotivators very quickly spread throughout the world, and at the moment there are millions of them.
Флуд (as incorrectly spoken English . Flood, наводнение) - placing the same type of information in several different branches of the forum or forums, one recurring phrases , symbols, letters, words, identical image files or just short messages on web forums , chat rooms , blogs. A person who distributes flood, flooder called the Internet.
Лагать - to slow down, experience delays in communications. occurs Eng. «Lag» задерживать, зависать.
New post Internet users call odmine or admin officer responsible for network operation in normal mode. Or word - forums (moderated) - user with greater rights than ordinary visitors to the public network resources (chats, forums), he has a right to delete other people's posts, edit them, delete pages users.
Because of the advent of new technical means, there were such thing as a gadget - modern people call the original, non-standard technical device. Today gadget can assume any digital device, small enough to put on hand or connect to the phone. Another technical neologism is a word does - software for viewing Web sites to request Web pages. Interface - from the English. Interface - the totality of means methods of interaction between system elements. Depending on the context, the concept is applied to a separate element, for example, an interface element.
Set neologisms appeared in Russian language because of the spread of Japanese animation - anime, designed for teen and adult audiences. Words such as kava, from the Japanese word kavayah, which means cute, adorable Russian-speaking anime fans are most commonly used as an adjective kawaii, such as "what Kawainui earrings."
Thanks to the wide spread of different social networks appeared expressions such as зарегаться - create your own page on the site, enter your username and password; friended (Frendo, расфрендиться) i.e. add users to your friends list, who can view the page author.
One of the main distributors of new words is a site called «» with the slogan: "Freedom! Equality! Upyachka!" But today Upyachka - this is not just a word , and it 's destructive Internet traffic, calling to fight the so-called dull users through hacking sites, infecting computers with viruses . So Upyachka hackers broke into the website of the National Bank of Ukraine. Site history began with an attack of two dozen users blog titled "Leprosarium" a competing blog "Habrahabr" Then was published manifesto calling for a fight. This event is considered the beginning of history Upyachka. The resource is the author of such words as military - Internet user who visits the site «», it is widely believed that the participants of the project "Upyachka" often "figh" with other" dull websites in their opinion." Потс, Потс зохвачен - this sites, blogs, forums, groups, "In Touch" that infect viruses , unwanted Internet advertising online community members ' Upyachka. " There are entire expression invented by users , for example, pyani - chewy candy Skittles, together with the use of lemonade " Zhivchik " cause " vzdryzhni effect."
Site users actively create cartoons featuring the same personalities, mention of these individuals in their communion, and when the "attack" other sites. Basically, all the words have the ending to -e. For example, Onotole - Anatoly Wasserman - as determined by its users is the main "god" and "mastermind" of the "military." Crab - Vladimir Putin. This nickname was born after his statement at the press conference: "All these eight years I worked like a galley slave." Fomin - Vladimir Fomin - townsman Kineshma, Ivanovo region, fighting for the right of women to wear a skirt.
Researchers divide neologisms into 3 groups: lexical, semantic, occasional. Most that has emerged in recent lexical neologisms with foreign roots. Such as: друг from the English. Погамать - from the English. Game - game gadget - from the English. Gadget - a device spam - from the English. Spam - mass mailing of commercial, political and other advertising or other types of messages to persons not express a desire to receive them. Originally the word «SPAM» appeared in 1936, and stands SPiced hAM (spicy ham) and it was a trademark for canned meat. World renown as applied to intrusive advertising term SPAM acquired after the Second World War, when the data were huge stocks of canned food, which is supplied by American soldiers. In order to sell their produce not the first freshness, the company held the first of its kind advertising campaign. The word «SPAM» conspicuous on every corner, with showcases all the cheap shops, it was written on the sides of buses and trams. This word can be read on the facades of houses and newspapers. Advertising canned «SPAM» continuously broadcast on the radio. So for the word "spam" stuck a new value, and later transformed into computer terminology to refer to intrusive advertising messages. In recent years, the word has become one of the most frequently used on the Russian Internet.
By semantic neologisms include such previously existing words like accordion (dupe, Bayan) - which means re- published joke or information, and the information should be published on the same source (website, blog, etc.). Initially, this value is derived from the well-known anecdote about mother in law (" the wife's mother was buried. Broke two accordions. "), which was published in one of the forums so often that it was banned. Quite quickly the word "accordion" has become a symbol of old jokes or just platitudes. Board - computer keyboard, stone - CPU, think - to play a computer game DOOM;
By occasional neologisms include words invented by the authors site «». For example, глагне - main page, including the most Upyachka, жырчик - lemonade " Zhivchik " пепякодансе - dance that dance user Upyachka, коллайдре - the Large Hadron Collider , ололо - battle cry and laugh fighting the "war" means something very funny. Also, there is the word goes against all the rules and regulations of the Russian language, most of which begin with a solid mark such as prshutezhchlo, echchozha and do not seem to carry a special meaning.
Appeared recently in most neologisms can not be attributed to the so-called " Albany " or " language of bastards " ( афтаржжеет, пастулам ) because the basic concept of this language is an alternative spelling of Russian words in which the word is the most different from the dictionary spelling. Moreover, the creators were in favor of purity of the Russian language (in their minds), for getting rid of Americanisms and use of borrowed words.
From all the above we can conclude that the neologisms in Russian language becomes every day more and more, but if it shows the enrichment of language, of its development? Unfortunately is no. Most new words are borrowings from foreign languages, primarily from English. Furthermore, these words are not urgently needed and have equivalents in Russian. So why the modern Internet user or just modern man is chooses instead of the word to friends - Friend, instead of playing - погамать? This can be explained by changing social, political attitudes in society. Only a few decades ago, the preservation of the language supports reading examples of classical art the literature. In the 21st century reading - not the most popular activity , most Russians prefer to watch movies, TV shows , and the Internet " pass " the news with the words " много букфф " sign in the comments or "ни асилил ".
Another reason for the emergence and widespread neologisms is the pursuit of economies to shrink. Compare: Comte - contacts, add friends - Friend, НУБ - newbie. But all these words, and especially word - contraction type: ЛОЛ - very funny, ИМХО - in my humble opinion, are a testament to the limited vocabulary. "The new rule, more free and at the same time less certain and unequivocal, is under the influence of mass printing. Television, radio, periodicals, popular culture in general are increasingly becoming "trendsetters", "educators" new language of taste"
Language in our country are not protected, for example, France has long passed the state law on the protection of the language, in which the journalist, ingested foreign word in the presence of the same in French, shall be punished by a fine solid.
Neologisms is definitely needed in any language, but they should not testify about the decline, and on the development of society, which must not only "steal" other people's words or borrow them from other languages, and should produce them, if necessary, and distribute the world's.
2.4 Lost in Translation neologisms (based on author neologisms)
Author neologisms in the trilogy JRR Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"
This part describes methods and techniques of word translation author neologisms examples of their use. To clarify the meaning of words from the context presented small excerpts from JRR Tolkien «The Lord of the Rings» trilogy and translation Muraveva and Kistyakovsky. For the analysis of the dictionaries given the most appropriate words from the context, given a translation of the different translators, considered various allusions and associations.
2.4.1 Methods of forming author neologisms
Studies neologisms Tolkien was found that the most common and the most productive ways of education neologisms are compounding, affixed way of education and education semantic neologisms.
A) Education by compounding
For example, words such as Snowmane - from two words snow and mane. Wormtongue - from words worm and tongue. Watchwood - from the words and watch wood. Windlord - words from wind and lord. Quickbeam - from the words quick and beam. And many others that will be describe in detail when considering ways to convert.
B) affixed way education
In the work of Tolkien «The Lord of the Rings» neologisms this method of education is in second place after compounding. For example, Bywater - the way water is attached preposition by. Halfling - suffix -ling stands little creature. Easterlings and others.
C) Education semantic neologisms
As mentioned above, semantic neologisms - these are words whose meaning has already been given in all dictionaries, but the work of Tolkien, they acquire other values. Studies neologisms Tolkien found several such neologisms. For example, начальники - The Chiefs, Hill - круча, Bag End - торба.
2.4.2 Interpreters author neologisms
A studies neologism Tolkien was found that the most productive ways to transfer author of neologisms are functional replacement, tracing, transcription and transliteration. Consider this more ways:
A) Functional replacement
Word Whitfoot - тополап consists of two main whits - церк. Whit Monday Троицын день; Whit Sunday Духов день ; n капелька , йота , and foot - нога, ступня [27; 88] It is clear that the second element of the word translator translates tracings , but it is not clear where it came from part of the " topological " or " top " if -o- - connecting vowel Russian language if stomp - to trample, to stamp with the feet. From the context of this work, is a hero, little man, hobbit, but he is one of the main leaders of the dwarfs. To draw an analogy with the meaning of the word Whit капелька, йота, it is clear that the hero little man. Since the translation of the first part of speech has not helped to understand its meaning, the translators invented their own neologisms, taking into account the distinctive features of being. Translators have decided to resort to a functional replacement, as they found that the most appropriate option.
They took old Will Whitfoot the Mayor, first, and they have taken a lot more. [31; 340].
Первого взяли старину Вила Тополапа, голову нашего, тем более они сажают пачками. [32; 939].
Neologism Wormtongue - Гнилоуст, is the name of one of the heroes, traitor, vile man who wanted to pick up a loot. The word is derived from two main worm - червяк, червь, глист; низкий человек, презренная личность and tongue язык, речь, манера говорить. The authors selected the most faithful translation of the words by using the replacement: Worm - червяк, низкий человек, translators offer a translation, as гниль, что-то противное, and that actually causes this character, and he always said nasty things to shield them.
Think you that Wormtongue had poison only for Theodens ears?…Saruman spoke them, the teacher of Wormtongue. [31; 163].
Ты думаешь, Гнилоуст отравлял только слух Теодена?…Их произнёс Саруман, наставник Гнилоуста. [32; 814].
Saruman turned to go, and Wormtongue shuffled after him. [31; 362].
Гнилоуст поплёлся за Саруманом. [32; 957]
Word Sandyman - пескунс, formed from two main sand - песок, гравий or sandy - песочный, песчаный, непрочный, зыбкий and man - мужчина, человек. Because the last component is clear that this hero's name. When reading the word translated readers the feeling that this villain, because the word "skunk" is such a sensation among readers translation. And in fact, this character - a traitor, the culprit of many evils. Translators picked the most appropriate translation using a functional change, because readers create a negative attitude to this hero.
But see here, Master Sandyman, I have a score to pay in this village, and dont you make it any longer with your jeering, or youll foot a bit too big for your purse. [31; 359].
Только вы учтите, сударь Пескунс, что я вернулся сводить счёты, а будете зубы скалить посчитаемся и с вами: ох и дорогонько вам это обойдётся! [32; 954].
Neologism Wilderland - Глухаманье, formed from two bases. Perhaps, based on the first constituent of the word is an English word wilderness - a desert wilderness; пустыня, дикая местность; запущенная местность and land земля, суша, почва; страна, государство; земельная собственность. In the context of this work - it is the area that was once the habitat, but was plundered and devastated. In Russian, the word "глухоманье" has the same meaning, so translators and translate it as wilderness. Translated used reception functional replacement.
Every Elf in Wilderland has sung songs of the old Onodrim and their long sorrow. [30; 119].
Да любой тебе Эльф в Глухоманье слышал и помнит жалобные песни про онодримское разлучение. [32; 463].
The word Bracegirdle Толстобрюхл the name of one of their character is derived from two bases: brace n (support) подпорка, v (make fast) скрепить, скреплять; v to make smth. stronger by supporting it; n smth. that is used to strengthen, stiffen or support smth.; и girdle n (belt) пояс, кушак; v окружать. At first glance, the translation of the word doubts where such components did. But apparently, the translators felt welcome functional replacement of the most appropriate. Since the product in the context of the hero - a very fat man, and a belt or girdle is designed to maintain the abdomen, the translators offer a translation of the word.
For the collection of Hugo Bracegirdle, from a contributor; on an (empty) book-case. Hugo was a great borrower of books, and worse than usual at returning them. [29; 86].
«Для пополнения библиотеки Гуго Толстобрюхла от пополнителя» - книжная полка (пустая). Гуго очень любил читать чужие книги и в мыслях не имел их возвращать. [32; 37].
Neologism Quickbeam Скоростень, is the name of incredible creatures, a huge tree that could walk and talk. The word is derived from two bases quick быстрый, проворный, живой, скорый; сообразительный, находчивый and beam балка, брус, перекладина; луч, сияние. The first word is used by the base tracing paper. Perhaps the basis of the translation of the second component, word beam, takes the first meaning of the word балка, брус, перекладина. But the translators used a functional replacement for the external data transfer hero: a tree and translators seem to use the word "stalk" and come to the most accurate translation of the word.
Quickbeam bowed like a tree bending in the wind and handed to Aragorn two great keys of intricate shape, joined by a ring of steel. [31; 312].
Скоростень склонился, точно дерево под ветром, и вручил Арагорну два черных узорчатых ключа на стальном кольце. [32; 916].
Word Crickhollow Кроличья балка, name of the area where they lived Krol (fabulous people of the work). The word is derived from two bases crick Longman Dictionary of contemporary English interprets it as: n a sudden, painful stiffening of the muscles, especially in the back or the neck; v to do smth that produces a crick in your back or neck and in Muller Dictionary [27; 109] n растяжение мышц; v растянуть мышцу, и вторая основа hollow пустота, впадина, углубление, дыра; дупло; лощина, ложбина. Translators do not see the most accurate translation of the word, than to relate the name of the area and its inhabitants. A translation of the second part of speech is taken by analogy with the word "depression, deepening", as in the Ozhegov dictionary [28; 177] bar is лощина, ложбина, овраг, one of these values is word hollow. Since the "crick" would be meaningless here, the translators have chosen the best option given word translation using a functional change.
They had not made any definite plans, but had vaguely thought of going down to Crickhollow together first, and resting there a bit. [31; 337].
Они собирались было сперва отправиться в Кроличью Балку и пожить там с недельку в свое удовольствие. [32; 937].
Neologizm Flourdumpling Пончик, the name of one of the heroes, formed from two main flour мука, крупчатка; порошок and dumpling клёцка; яблоко, запеченное в тесте; разг, коротышка. The word cannot be translated as well as translation of this word corresponds to the translation of both its components and the context of work: This character was a small man, very chubby, and shows that one of the meanings of the word "dumpling" коротышка. In the Ozhegov dictionary "sinker" - is round, fried in boiling fat pie, and donut. Crumpet, in turn, is Perrin. On the large, plump woman or child. Used when transferring reception functional replacement.
They took old Flourdumpling… [31; 340].
Взяли старину Пончика… [32; 939].
Neologism Lockholes Исправноры, formed by way of compounding of two bases lock замок, запор, затор и hole дыра, отверстие, яма; разг, затруднительное положение. To translate the authors use the reception function replacement. In the context of work is the place where he was kept in custody guilty hobbits, so they do not repeat their mistakes. Both components of the translation is clear that a closed space under, so translators picked the best option transfers, using a functional change.
Old Will Whitfoot had been in the Lockholes longer than any,… [31; 340].
Старина Вил Тополап просидел в Исправнорах дольше всех остальных… [32; 939].
Neologism Skinbark Вскорень, is the name of unusual character, tree. The word is derived from two bases skin кожа, шкура; кожура; наружный слой, оболочка and bark кора (дерева). Of the meaning of these words shows that these are synonyms. But in the translation we have "root" and this word has quite the opposite meaning. If the "crust" on the surface, it is seen, the "root" is not visible, it is hidden under the ground. Translators used reception functional replacement.
Skinbark lived on the mountain-slopes west of Isengard. That is where the worst trouble has been. [30; 86].
А Вскорень облюбовал горные склоны к западу от Изенгарда самые, надо сказать, ненадежные места. [32; 439].
The word Bywater Приречье, name of a place in the work. Neologism formed affixal way of word, but by is the English preposition. Author formed the word using the preposition by contiguity у, при, около, that is, this shows the proximity of the preposition, the word water вода. To translate the word water translators use reception functional replacement "water" can be "river" and the word translated as "Bywater", possibly by analogy with the common name of the locality, settlements in Russia "District."
But I would dearly like to see Bywater again,… [31; 249].
Только вот жалко, не увижу я больше Приречья… [32; 872].
Neologism Halfling Невысоклик, so in a conversation between characters called hobbits. Hobbits - is extraordinary, fabulous, very little people, invented by the author of this work. Word is a way affixal derivation. Suffix-ling English denotes a small creature.The word half половина; часть чего-нибудь.
Interpretation and translation of the word used reception functional replacement for the word "Невысоклик" and shows that the character - the little man. Apparently, the translation of "половинчатый" or other authors considered unsuitable.
And what of the kings esquire? The Halfling? [31,; 165]
А что с оруженосцем конунга, с тем невысокликом? [32; 816]
The word Easterlings Вастаки, is the the name of the fabulous people living in the east, opponents of the protagonists of this work.
Perhaps the word comes from the word east восток; восточный, because the word Easter Пасха not appropriate to the context. In this case, the suffix-er meant a subject leader and the suffix-ling - a small creature and, accordingly, the plural of English-s. But the translators use the root of the word-a-vowel. But still in tune with the word translation "east". Used when transferring reception functional replacement.
The host of Easterlings had turned back out of Anorien,… [31; 184]
Вастаки вторглись было из Анориэна… [32; 829].
Neologism Underhill Накручинс, the hero's name is formed affixal derivation method. Prefix English under means ниже, под. This prefix is attached to a noun hill холм, возвышение, возвышенность. If you translate the word literally, it means "under the mountain", "at the foot of the mountain." But the translators had the task of forming a proper name. The authors translate it as "Накручинс" Apparently the word "cooler" in the Ozhegova dictionary - крутой спуск, обрыв. In Russian there is an expression "to climb the cliff," that is to climb the hill, up the hill. Translators used reception functional replacement.
I will give you a traveling name now. When you go, go as Mr. Underhill. [29; 142].
Дай-ка я придумаю тебе другое имя. Назовись ты, пожалуй, Накручинсом. [32; 61].
Semantic neologism Men Начальники. In any English dictionary you can find the word. It is the plural of man мужчина; человек; человечество; слуга; pl солдаты, рядовые матросы; муж; приятель. For transfer of author neologism was used functional replacement reception and translation is "Начальники". In Ozhegov dictionary начальник должностное лицо, руководящее, заведующее чем-нибудь. Apparently, translators drew an analogy, as a man - the stronger sex, it can be the boss.
The Chief doesnt hold with beer. Leastways that is how it started. But now I reckon its his Men that have it all. [31; 339].
Генералиссимус пива не пьет и другим не велит. Будто бы поэтому. Правда, пиво-то и сейчас варят, но только для Начальников. [32; 938].
Semantic neologism Hill Круча, is the name of a place in this work. In any English dictionary hill холм, возвышение, возвышенность. In the work of Tolkien «The Lord of the Rings» word acquires meaning "Круча". In Ozhegov dictionary [28; 89] «круча» крутой спуск, обрыв. Translated used reception functional replacement.
…new holes were dug in the southward face, back into the Hill, and they were lined with brick. [31; 366].
…вырыли новые норы на южной стороне Кручи и отделали их кирпичом. [32; 960].
Semantic neologism Bag End Торба, is the the name of the Shire, the country where the Hobbits live. Translators used reception functional replacement, because «bag» мешок, сумка, чемодан, «торба» in Ozhegov dictionary [28; 101] мешок, сума.
…before even the removal of the new mill, was the cleaning of the Hill and Bag End,… [31; 366].
…не успели снести новую мельницу, а уже стали расчищать Кручу и Торбу…[32; 960].
The word Shire Хоббитания, this is the second name of the country where the Hobbits live. In English - Russian Muller dictionary shire - графство. Maybe it was the word trace and uses it as the "Shire"; it is possible that in other translations of this work uses the word "shire". But Ants and Kistyakovsky decide not to confuse readers of translation and reception using a functional change in the translation of the word.
May the Shire live forever unwithered! [31; 167].
Да цветет Хоббитания во веки веков! [32; 817].
B) tracings
The word Watchwood Дозорный лес derived from two main watch n 1) внимание, наблюдение, бдительность; 2) вахта; 3)сторож, страж, стража, дозор; 4) бодрствование; v 1) наблюдать, следить; смотреть; 2) бодрствовать, дежурить; 3) караулить, сторожить, охранять; and wood n дерево, древесина, дрова, лес, роща. In the work a group of people who surveyed the area. Translators translate this word phrase, as it is sometimes the translation is the most correct, if we translate compounding, then the option "Dozorles" is not quite appropriate. Reception tracing used in translation.
The Watchwood we will call it. Not a squirrel will go here. [30; 234].
Они будут называться Дозорный лес. Любую белку в тот же миг заприметят. [32; 549].
The word Snowmane Белогрив, is horse nickname, which had an extraordinary beauty. The word consists of two bases snow снег; белизна, седина and mane грива. It is clear that the authors translate this word from receiving tracing and connecting vowel Russian language-about-. But first base word «snow» not translated as "снег", as the authors translation felt that Snegogriv not suitable and therefore came to an embodiment Belogriv.
But the king sat upon Snowmane, motionless, gazing upon the agony of Minas Tirith, as if stricken suddenly by anguish, or by dread. [31; 124].
Но конунг недвижно сидел на своем Белогриве и взирал на гибнущий Минас-Тирит; казалось, он был охвачен смятением и ужасом и дряхло понурился под бременем лет. [32; 786].
Suddenly the king cried to Snowmane and the horse sprang away. [31; 125]
Конунг что-то крикнул Белогриву и тот сорвался с места. [32; 787].
The word Treebeard Древень, lead tree, is the leader of this fabulous people. He was very brave, despite the fact that he was the oldest. Neologism formed from two main tree дерево, древо; родословное дерево and beard борода; растительность на лице; v смело выступать против. Translation of the first part can be seen that the hero - an extraordinary creature, tree, or tree, and the translation of the second part tells us that the hero - the elderly, had lived his life, since the presence of a beard indicates that people are elderly. But interpreters are not kalkiruyut word beard, as pick the most suitable context the word "Treebeard". It is in tune with the word "tree" and "ancient", "antiquity". One word has two meanings.
Treebeard repeated the words thoughtfully. [30; 75].
Древень медленно и задумчиво взвесил предложенные слова. [32; 431].
Treebeard fell silent, striding along, and yet making hardly a sound with his great feet. [30; 78]
Древень примолк, вышагивая размашисто и бесшумно, потом снова забормотал… [32; 433].
Neologism Leaflock Листвень, aloso is the tree name. The word is derived from two bases leaf лист, листва and lock замок, запор, затор. Translators used reception tracing the translation of the first component, but the second deliberately lowered apparently consider it necessary. Transfer options, selected translators to these fantastic characters, harmonious and sonorous flow into the context of the whole work.
Leaflock has grown sleepy, almost tree-ish, you might say: he was taken to standing by himself half-asleep all through the summer with the deep grass of the meadows round his knees. [30; 86].
Листвень заспался, совсем, можно сказать, одеревенел: все лето стоит и дремлет, травой оброс по колено. [32; 439].
Neologism Wandlimb Приветочка, is the name of hero. The word is derived from two bases wand волшебная палочка; прут, палочка; жезл and limb конечность; сук, ветка. It is possible that the basis for the word translated value taken "branch" and diminutive - caressing suffix Russian-language-chk. Apparently, the version of "Sprig" translators seemed inadequate, so when using the prefix-they wanted to show that the heroine was very sweet and kind, as the word "Privetochka" also consonant with the word "hello". Translated used tracing reception.
…ah! The loveliness of Fimbrethil, of Wandlimb the lightfooted, in the days of our youth! [30; 87].
… не было краше моей Фимбретили, легконогой Приветочки в дни и годы нашей юности! [32; 440].
Neologism Smalborrow Норочкинс, the name of the fantastic character, formed from two bases small маленький, небольшой and borrow нора, дыра. The translation of the word is an element of "normal", and then used tracing reception, but the word «small» interpreters decided to pass on using diminutive - pet suffix of Russian-chk-, as the translators had a task to form a proper name.
"Hey, come here Smallborrow! " he called. "I want a word with you." [31; 339].
"Эй, Норочкинс, иди-ка сюда" - позвал он. У меня к тебе разговор. [32; 938].
Neologism Frogmorton Лягушатник is the name of place. The translation of the word is an element of tracing as frog - лягушка. Since the product in the context of the word is the name of the locality, that the translators had a task to form the most suitable word. In Ozhegov dictionary [28; 190]«лягушатник» - 1. вместилище для лабораторного содержания лягушек. 2. Неглубокий детский бассейн (разг.). The translation of this word is more consistent and the English word, and the context of the whole work.
As evening fell they were drawing neat to Frogmorton, a village right on the Road, about twenty-two miles from the Bridge. [31; 338].
Под вечер вдали показался Лягушатник придорожное село за двадцать две мили от моста. [32; 937].
C) Transliteration
Transcription is to transfer audio content of the word, but since we do not know the words sound, so it would be appropriate to consider the following examples from the perspective of transliteration.
Studies Translation neologisms Tolkien revealed several instances of transliteration. Basically, it is the name of fabulous people and places. Here are a few examples:
Word Hobbiton - Shire, a country where the Hobbits live. It is clear that the word is transliterated interpreters and added elements inherent in country names that sound in Russian, for example, Denmark, the United Kingdom and under.
One of the first things done in Hobbiton,… [31;366].
Одним из первых, что было сделано в Хоббитании… [32; 960].
Word mumakil мумаки, название народа, переведено при помощи буквенной передачи.
…the mumakil of the Harad dragging through the lanes amid the fires huge towers and engines. [31; 111].
…это хородримские мумаки подвозили из-за огненных рвов осадные башни и стенобытные орудия. [32; 777].
Gorgun горгуны, also the name of the fabulous people.
Kill gorgun in woods,... You hate gorgun too. [31; 116].
Мы стреляем горгуны в лесу…И тебе горгуны враги. [32; 781].
Pukelmen Пукколы, in the translation of the word there are elements of transliteration and functional replacement (men - converted in the plural).
…and suddenly he remembered the Pukelmen. [31; 116].
… и вдруг ему припомнились Пукколы. [32; 781].
Orcs Орки, peoples name.
…and spread stamping ruin among the orcs innumerable that guarded it,… [31; 112].
… топча бесчисленных орков… [32; 778].
All of the above people were opposed to the protagonists.
The following example:
Galenas галенас, the name of medicinal herb used in the product as a potion that gives force and the treatment of wounds.
…and galenas by the noble and other names in other tongues more learned… [31; 166].
…а по-ученому галенас, и другие названия на самых редких языках… [32; 817].
And the two place names Rimmon Римон and Druadan Друадан.
They went through Druadan to Rimmon with great wains. [31; 117].
Через Друадан к Римону ходили большие повозки. [32; 782].
D) Mixed translation
Word Windlord - Ветробой, in the product is a very brave hero, capable of feats. Neologism is formed by abutting two bases wind ветер; дыхание; пустые слова, вздор; запах, дух; слух, намек, and lord господин, владыка, повелитель, властитель. The first component of the word translated using tracing paper, but the second component is not interpreters and uses the reception function replacement. Although the word Lord Wind is not bad in line with the context. But the translators chose this translation "Ветробой". But this hero did not fight with the wind, as it seems from the translation, and raced with a tailwind to help others, so the option Lord of the Wind would be the most correct.
The came Gwaihir the Windlord,… who built his eyries in the inaccessible peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle-earth was young. [31; 269].
Появился Гваигир Ветробой,… который свил гнездо у неприступных вершин Окраинных гор когда Средиземье еще справляло праздник юности. [32; 885].
Neologism Brandybuck Брендизайк, the name of the hero, is formed from two bases brandy- бренди, коньяк and buck самец (оленя, антилопы, зайца, кролика); Денди, щёголь. Translators felt right to transliterate the first component of the word, and the translation of the second component, or use the technique of tracing modulation, ie semantic development, so use the value "male hare."
As a matter or fact Im a Brandybuck… [30; 73].
Если уж на то пошло, так меня зовут Брендизайк… [32; 430].
Neologism Longbottom Leaf Длиннохвостье, name of a place in the work of Tolkien «The Lord of the Rings». Word formed by a compounding of bases long длинный, долгий, bottom дно, днище; низ, нижняя часть and leaf лист, листва. When translating the word the translators used tracing techniques (long - длинно) and functional replacement: Replace leaf - "лист" on the "хвост". And is formed a translational occasionalism "Длиннохвост".
And anyway I have some stuff of my own. Come on now! Longbottom Leaf it is. [31; 167].
Да и у меня зелья хватит. На, возьми! То самое, из Длиннохвостья. [32; 817].
Neologism Mirkwood Лихолесье, name dark and gloomy areas in the product. The word is derived from two bases mirk = murk n темнота, мрак; a темный, мрачный and wood лес, роща; дерево. The second component of the word interpreters and the translation of the first reception using functional replacement. The Ozhegov dictionary [28; 250] famously - (set) is the same as evil. There is a saying in Russian, "remember dashing" - remember bad about anyone about anything. Translation of the word good and fits the entire context.
There was songs about the hunt … sung among Elves and Men from Mirkwood to Gondor. [30; 87].
… сколько песен про это: и эльфы их пели, и люди, от Лихолесья до Гондора. [32; 439].
E) Translation occasionalisms
Studies Translation author neologisms Tolkien found several incidents of non-Russian words to English. Consider these examples more:
Neologism Shadowfax Светозар, the name of the horse, having unrealistic possibilities: he rode faster than the wind, and had an extraordinary beauty. In Muller English - Russian dictionary shadow тень, полумрак, мрак, уныние. The name of the horse, having unrealistic possibilities: he rode faster than the wind, and had an extraordinary beauty. In English - Russian dictionary Mueller
Over the plains Shadowfax was flying, needing no urging and no guidance. [30; 246].
Светозар мчался по темной степи, его не надо было ни понукать, ни направлять. [32; 558]
But Shadowfax will have no harness. [30; 246].
Но Светозар не терпит сбруи. [32; 558].
Neologosm Landroval Быстрокрыл, heros name. Word in the translation does not match either the English word. Translators Translation occasionalisms resorted to in order to compensate in the name of the hero of his extraordinary possibilities.
…and Landroval, the greatest of the Eagles of the North… [31; 269].
…и Быстрокрыл, величайшие орлы северного края… [32; 885].
Neologism Noakes Сдубень, heros name. If you look closely at the word, you will see the word oak дуб. Apparently interpreters saw this word and translated it as "Сдубень" because there was a problem in front of them to form a proper name.
But what about this Frodo that lives with him? asked Old Noakes of Bywater. [29; 51].
Да ведь, кроме Бильбо, там в норе еще этот, как его, Фродо? заметил старый Сдубень из Приречья. [32; 22].
Neologism Bree Пригорье, is the name of a valley leading to the ominous mountains, which was inhabited by various peoples. Word Bree is not in the English language, so translators are coming up with their translational occasionalism that fits the context of the work.
Go at ones! Ever since that night at Bree we have been a nuisance to you [31; 166].
Навязались же мы еще в Пригорье на твою голову. [32; 817].
Neologism Took Крол, the name of the fabulous people, small, hairy arms and legs. English word took past from take брать, взять, захватить. Translators use Translation occasionalism to transmit a proper name and the name to match the external data heroes, by analogy with the "кролик".
We Tooks, we cant live long on the heights. [31; 167].
Все ж нам, Кролам, непривычно жить на этих высотах. [32; 817].
2.5 Lost in Translation neologisms (based on author neologisms)
Author neologisms in J.K. Rowlings novel "Harry Potter"
This part describes methods and techniques of word translation author neologisms examples of their use. To clarify the meaning of words from the context of novels, short excerpts presented J. Rowling. For the analysis of the dictionaries given the most appropriate words from the context, given a translation of the different translators, considered various allusions and associations.
2.5.1 Methods of forming author neologisms
A) Formation of semantic neologisms
Especially a lot of the words that have acquired new meanings, JK Rowling used for the nomination of events and objects related to kvidishem, witching game on broomsticks.
The word seeker «человек, ищущий что-либо; исследователь; самонаводящийся снаряд» gets in the works of Harry Potter new values "bloodhound" and "catcher" (in different translations) - A player who has to find and catch the Golden Rogues (Golden Snitch) Snoop before the other team.
For transfer of author neologism were applied: in the first version - the literal translation, in the second version - functional replacement, as here, in contrast to the values of the original word, expressing the first player's task (to find), depending on the context focuses on the performance of his second player , the main problem (catch).
It's the Seeker's job to catch it.
Задача Ищейки найти и схватить его.
The word chaser («охотник, преследователь, истребитель, морской охотник») belongs to the semantic field of " chasing someone or something " , and while referring to the same semantic field in Rowling's books , it is in different versions of translation gets new values "hunter" or " forward" - one of three players per team for playing Квиддич (Quidditch), with problem is to send each other the Квафл (Quaffle), having tried to throw it into one of the three rings of the enemy and his team to get ten points for each hit. For translation in the first embodiment was applied literal translation, because there is a match in the target language; in the second version - functional replacement, because the interpreters here probably arose association with striker in football, because his main task as the attacker in Quidditch - score a goal.
"…The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal…"
Охотники бросают его друг другу и стараются забить гол в одно из колец, это приносит десять очков.
The word beater comes from the English word beat ("бить") and has a mean "битник" (разг.), "чемпион" (разг.), "загонщик" (охот.). It also means the person or thing that has whips, beats, etc. - by the mean of the verb beat (ср. drum-beater барабанщик, egg-beater взбивалка для яиц). In various editions of JK Rowling's novels in Russian neologism beater translated as "отбивала", "отбивающий" or "загонщик" a player Quiddich team whose mission - to protect his team from the score-attack (Bludger), beating them with a special bat. To translate the second and third option was applied a literal translation of the first embodiment is applied welcome a functional change (because there is no match in the target language) and created occasional usage.
"There are two Beaters on each team who carry clubs to beat the Bludgers away from their side."
"В каждой команде по два отбивающих, у которых есть биты, которыми они отбивают бладжеры со своей половины".
The word catcher comes from the English word catch (ловить, хватать, поймать) and has a mean «игрок в бейсболе, стоящий у "домашней" базы (home base) и принимающий мяч; керновательное устройство; ограничитель; улавливатель; уловитель и др. " In the Harry Potter novels, it becomes a neologism and is the former name of "Hunter" (Chaser) in the game Quidditch. Translated as "grabber." Used for transfer admission functional replacement because created occasionalism
"We enjoyed a spirited game of Kwidditch last Saturday night, though poor Gunhilda was not up to playing Catcher, and we had to use Radulf the blacksmith instead."
"В прошлую субботу мы смогли насладиться игрой в куиддич и это несмотря на то, что Гунхильда не могла быть Хватателем, и ее пришлось заменить кузнецом Рэдальфом".
In English, there are several translations for the word bludger "сутенер; сводник; сачок, бездельник, тунеядец; нахлебник, прихлебала (австрал., новозел.) " If you trace the history of the word with the specified value "pimp", we see that it is of the same meaning from the word bludgeoner, which in turn comes from the bludgeon (дубинка; бить дубинкой). Comparing this value with the value of the word bludger in the Harry Potter novels - iron ball that game Quiddich pursues any player and tries to shoot it down with a broom, and Beater was removed from his players of his team with the help of special bits (clubs) - we can find a common semantic feature "beat, beat down." In various editions of this neologism translated as "attacking" or "bludger". For translation in the first case to use the methods of functional replacement because created occasional usage (i.e. no match in the target language).
"The Bludgers rocket around, trying to knock players off their brooms. That's why you have two Beaters on each team the Weasley twins are ours it's their job to protect their side from the Bludgers and try and knock them toward the other team."
"…Нападалы гоняют вокруг и пытаются сшибить игроков с метел. Поэтому в каждой команде есть два Отбивалы у нас это двойняшки Уэсли их задача защитить свою команду от Нападал и отогнать их к другой команде..."
In the novels of JK Rowling word squib (сквиб, шваб) is set to "a person born in the family of witchcraft, but which has no magical powers," and in the English translation of his dictionary - "nothingness; low or thin man; coward, cowardly man (austral. slang). "Of the two possible translations of words can make a general semantic feature "despised the people around the person dismissive if not contemptuous attitude", i.e. this author's neologism is stylistic. For translation of the first embodiment is applied reception transcription, for the second option - receiving a functional change? Neologism meaning squib as can be understood from the context:
"Wellit's not funny reallybut as its Filch, he said."A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any magic powers. "
"Ну... на самом деле это не смешно... но раз уж речь о Филче", не вполне связно заговорил он, "швахом называют того, кто родился в колдовской семье, а сам не имеет никакой магической силы".
B) Formation by compounding
- Formation of complex words of phrases
Compound word quick-quotes (quill) (принципиарное перо или прямоцитирующее перо в другом переводе) consists of the basics quick "быстрый, скорый", quote «цитировать; ссылаться; брать в кавычки; кавычки» and the plural ending-s. Used for transfer admission functional replacement. Since the meaning of the word is obscure translation of its components, probably, the word translated at clarifying the context:
"You won't mind, Harry, if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill? It leaves me free to talk to you normally... "
Harry hooked down quickly at the quill. The moment Rita Skeeter had spoken, the green quill had started to scribble, skidding across the parchment.
"Ты не возражаешь, Гарри, если я воспользуюсь принципиарным пером? Тогда мы сможем свободно разговаривать..."
Гарри быстро перевёл взгляд на перо. Оно, стоило Рите заговорить, принялось строчить, скача по пергаменту.
Compound word nose-biting (teacups) (кусающие за нос чашки) consists of the basics nose "нос", bite "кусать, жалить; укус; след укуса" and closure of a complex formed from the verb adjective-ing. Applied for transfer admission distribution.
They left Zonko's with their money bags considerably lighter than they had been on entering, but their pockets bulging with Dungbombs, Hiccup Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, and a Nose-Biting Teacup apiece.
Когда они ушли от Зонко, кошельки их сильно полегчали, зато карманы отяжелели от навозных бомб, леденцов-икунцов, мыла из лягушачьей икры и кусающих за нос чашек.
Compound word wit-sharpening (potion) (умострильное зелье) of the basics wit "разум, ум", sharp "заострять; точить, затачивать" and closure of a complex formed from the verb adjective-ing. Applied for transfer admission functional replacement because formed by compounding occasionalism.
Hermione gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave, and she, Harry, and Ron started unpacking the ingredients they would need for their Wit-Sharpening Potion.
Гермиона саркастически улыбнулась и помахала им рукой, после чего, вместе с Гарри и Роном, принялась доставать компоненты, необходимые для умострильного зелья.
Formation blast-ended (skrewt) (взрывастые (драклы) или огнеплюй-мантикраб) consists of the basics blast "взрыв; взрывчатка; взрывать", end "конец" and closure Participle I-ed. Taking this opportunity, we explain also the word skrewt, although it does not apply to this item classification. It is occasionalisms formed on the model probably unproductive or from the English word screw "винт, шуруп, тиски для больших пальцев (орудие пытки); скручивать, сжимать" or from the Dutch kruit "взрывчатое веществ", or from Screwtape behalf of the demon, the hero of the book of CS Lewis' The Screwtape Letters ". For transfer of author neologism used functional replacement reception. As has been mentioned, the context helps to understand the significance of this design, as JK Rowling herself describes this magical creature:
Each of them was now approaching six feet in length. Their thick gray armor; their powerful, scuttling legs; their fire-blasting ends; their stings and their suckers, combined to make the skrewts the most repulsive things Harry had ever seen.
Каждый дракл достигал шести футов в длину. Их серые панцири, мощные крабьи ноги, жала, присоски и плюющие огнём хвосты делали драклов самыми отвратительными созданиями, когда-либо виденными Гарри.
- Formation of complex words by model
a) formation of a new compound word as the name for a particular phenomenon of reality
For example, the word hinkeypunk translated in different ways as "финтиплюх"/"болотняник"/"болотный фонарник". This word consists of two bases hinkey (от англ. hink серп) and punk (гнилое дерево, гнилушка (амер.); чушь, чепуха, нелепость (перен.); что-л. бесполезное, ненужное; бродяга, бомж; начинающий преступник; "подмастерье" у вора; гнилой, прогнивший (о дереве); слабый, подорванный (о здоровье); разг. плохой, дрянной (перен.)) Perhaps there is in English word hinkey, but since it was not found in any dictionary, we assume it formed on unproductive model, therefore, is the word, in accordance with the views of some scholars, can be considered nonce words. Since the translation of the first part of speech has not helped to understand its meaning, the translators invented their own neologisms, taking into account the distinctive features being: habitat, make sounds, the presence of a flashlight, so the reception was applied functional replacement
Professor Lupin had brought along a glass box containing a hinkypunk, a little one-legged creature who looked as though he were made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless looking.
"Lures travelers into bogs" said Professor Lupin as they took notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead -people follow the lightthen "
Профессор Люпин принёс в класс аквариум с финтиплюхом, маленьким одноногим существом. При взгляде на него можно было подумать, что он сделан из дыма, и вообще, вид у этого создания был хрупкий и безобидный.
" Заманивает путников в трясину, рассказывал Люпин, а ребята делали записи, видите, у него на руке фонарик? Он прыгает впереди люди идут следом а потом…"
Author neologism billywig (муховертка / брюховертка) consists of the basics billy «(полицейская) дубинка; приятель, товарищ (диал.); походный котелок (австрал.); деньги (сленг)» and wig «парик; волосы (шутл.); должностное лицо в парике; лицо, занимающее высокий пост, сановник (разг.); нагоняй, нахлобучка, разнос», they are both ambiguous, and it is unclear what their values are meant. Possible hypothesis: like billy means "очень, изо всех сил", and one of the means wig правда, in American slang "наслаждаться (especially music), блаженствовать"; wig out "улетать" (from the drug, etc.), i.e. can construct interpretation "stunning fly." But such a transfer, apparently no one gave, therefore, the word translated billywig taking a functional change, understand its meaning from the context, ie from the description of this creature:
The Billywig's wings are attached to the top of its head and are rotated very fast so that it spins as it flies.
Крылья муховёртки приделаны к голове наподобие пропеллера и вращаются с такой скоростью, что она сама вертится во время полёта.
Translation of the title bird magic jobberknoll (выскакунчик) does not seem quite appropriate. Translation of functional components of speech reception replace its value is also unclear: jobber «сдельщик; оптовый торговец; недобросовестный делец, нечестный работник»; knoll «холмик, бугор; прыщик; кусок». To get started here should understand the meaning from the context:
The Jobberknoll (northern Europe and America) is a tiny blue, speckled bird which eats small insects. It makes no sound until the moment of its death, at which point it lets out a long scream made up of every sound it has ever heard, regurgitated backwards.
Выскакунчик (Северная Европа и Америка) это маленькая пёстрая птица голубого цвета, питающаяся мелкими насекомыми. На протяжении своей жизни она хранит молчание и лишь перед смертью издает продолжительный крик, состоящий из всех когда-либо услышанных ею звуков в порядке, обратном тому, как они были услышаны.
You should also find related keywords and find the association:
jobbernow (homonym) олух, болван.
to jabber болтать, говорить быстро и пронзительно.
a knell похоронный звон.
[at the] death knell на пороге смерти, "одной ногой в могиле";
to sound a death knell [for smth.] списать что-л. со счетов, "похоронить".
There is another association with a poem Jabberwocky ("Верлиока", "Бармаглот"), complete "words purses," which explains to Alice Humpty Dumpty of works of Lewis Carroll. This technique is often used by J.K. Rowling.
Thus, the name of the birds can be transferred, such as "обратномертвоглас".
The word butterbeer (усладэль/масляный эль/сливочное пиво) consists of two bases butter "масло" and beer "пиво". Since Al is a kind of beer, it becomes clear the first and second transfer options. butter (Eng) "масло", beer (Eng) "пиво". Butterbeer consonant popular in the United States drink rootbeer. There are also buttermilk (пахта) and butterscotch (вид сладости из масла и жженого сахара). It is also possible association with Butterbur (белокопытень (farm.)), the name of the innkeeper's "The Lord of the Rings." Applied for transfer admission functional replacement.
By the sound of iteverywhere. Dervish and Banges, the wizarding equipment shop, Zonko's Joke Shop, into the Three Broomsticks for foaming mugs of hot butterbeer, and many places besides.
Они побывали везде! У Дервиша и Гашиша, в магазине волшебного оборудования; в Хохмазине Зонко; в "Трёх метлах" - пили горячий усладэль из больших кружек; и во многих других местах.
Formation foe-glass (зеркало заклятых/вражье стекло) consists of two bases: foe "враг, противник; недоброжелатель, недруг, неприятель" and glass "зеркало; стекло". To translate foe-glass in the first embodiment, may have been taken as a basis for sustainable Russian expression "sworn enemy" as well as the method of functional replacement, in the second version was used reception distribution.
"Oh that's my Foe-Glass. See them out there, skulking around? I'm not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That's when I open my trunk. "
"Это Зеркало Заклятых. Видишь, там рыщут мои заклятые враги? Это нестрашно, пока не станут видны белки их глаз. А вот тогда я открываю свой сундук."
The word kwikspell (Correspondence course in beginner's magic) (Быстрочары (Магия для начинающих. Вводный курс)/Быстромаг (заочное обучение основам магии)/Скоромагия (Заочный курс колдовства для начинающих)) derived from a distorted quick "быстрый" и spell "заклинание, колдовской наговор". To translate kwikspell techniques were applied a functional change, because in Russian language equivalents to the given word missing. Since the practice of deliberate distortion of the spelling for promotional purposes is widespread (e.g: Kwik Save "Куик сейв" (name branded self-service food stores and supermarkets of the same company), J. Rowling used this method to give greater credibility it has created the world.
There was only one thing on it apart from his half-completed form: a large, glossy, purple envelope with silver lettering on the front. With a quick glance at the door to check that Filch wasn't on his way back, Harry picked up the envelope and read: Kwikspell. A Correspondence Course in Beginners' Magic.
На столе, кроме полузаполненного бланка, лежала одна-единственная вещь: большой, глянцевый, пурпурного цвета конверт с серебряной надписью. Быстро оглянувшись на дверь, чтобы убедиться, что Филч еще не вернулся, Гарри взял конверт со стола и прочел: "быстрочары. Магия для начинающих. Вводный курс"
The word parselmouth (змееуст/змеиный язык) consists of bases: mouth "рот, уста; глашатай (редк.), голос (кого-либо)" and parsel old spelling words parcel "надел земли, часть, отрез; распределять, разделять; группа, сборище, сброд, стая, шайка (сленг)". In an interview, Rowling said that parselmouth - a man with a wolf-air (in present-day. Engl. - Cleft palate) or cleft lip (harelip). Perhaps there is an allusion here to the forked snake tongue. Techniques used to translate a functional change.
"Hannah,” said the stout boy solemnly, "he's a parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes?.. "
"Ханна, серьезнейшим тоном проговорил плотный мальчишка, он змееуст. Всем известно, что это признак черного мага. Ты слышала когда-нибудь о приличных людях, которые бы разговаривали со змеями?.. "
The word remembrall (вспомнивсёль/напоминар/напоминалкa) consists of the component remembr, for euphony educated loss last vowel of the verb remember "помнить, хранить в памяти; вспоминать, думать, припоминать, воскрешать в памяти", and the base all "весь, вся, всё; все, что есть у кого-л." To convert to a first embodiment used reception tracing combined with partial transcription of the last syllable of the original word ([:l ] [:l]), in the second and third embodiment unused reception functional replacement because Translators have created their own neologisms formed both productive model (reminder), and on unproductive model.
"It's a Remembrall!" he explained. "Gran knows I forget things this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do"
"Это Вспомнивсёль! обрадованно объявил Невилль. Бабушка знает, что я вечно все забываю а эта штука напоминает, если ты что-то забыл сделать…"
Plant name shrivelfig (фиги с маслом/эфиопская сушёная смоква/смоковницы), apparently due to its ability to reduce; also quite possible that it shriveled, which are difficult to clean, as the word is composed of bases shrivel "сморщиваться, съеживаться" and fig "фига, инжир, смоква, смоковница". Why was it before the name of the plant as "figismaslom" incomprehensible? Maybe base figs associate it with Russian expression "fig butter"? To put the first version was used reception functional replacement for the translation of the second - the deployment of the third - generalization (replacing the generic concept of species).
"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig, "said Snape, giving Harry the look of loathing he always reserved just for him.
"Поттер, почистите фигисмаслом для Малфоя." велел Злей, выразив взглядом глубочайшее отвращение, которое у него всегда имелось про запас специально для Гарри.
The word spellotape (колдолентa/ липкая чудолента/ магическая клейкая лента) consists of the base spell «заклинание, колдовской наговор», the base tape «тесьма; лента, ленточка» and connective vowel - o -. To put the first version of the interpreter tracing technique created through compounding own coinage in the second and third embodiments, the word translated reception deployment.
He had patched up his wand with some borrowed spellotape, but it seemed to be damaged beyond repair.
Хотя он и заклеил, одолжив у кого-то колдоленту, свою волшебную палочку, но та, похоже, была безнадежно испорчена.
b) the formation of neologisms author by analogy by substituting components
Neologism chairwizard translated as "chairman" and "witch-chairman." Replacement for wizard man formed by analogy with the words chairman (председатель), chairwoman (председательница), chairperson (председатель (мужчина или женщина)). To convert to the first embodiment is applied welcome generalization, in the second - welcome tracing.
"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"
"К нам, проделав далёкий путь из Египта, прибыл наш судья, горячо любимый колдун-председатель международной квидишной ассоциации, Хасан Мустафа!"
Neologism demiguise (полувидим), probably created by analogy with the word disguise (маскировка; переодевание; переодевать; маскировать) by substituting the suffix dis-, indicating deprivation anything alienation of a part on the suffix demi-, indicating half of anything, incomplete, non-standard size of something. Besides both words conformable. Used for transfer admission functional replacement as the translation was created occasional usage. Context helps to understand the meaning of the word demiguise:
The Demiguise is found in the Far East, though only with great difficulty, for this beast is able to make itself invisible when threatened and can be seen only by wizards skilled in its capture.
Полувидимы были впервые обнаружены на Дальнем Востоке, хотя и не сразу, так как эти существа способны становиться невидимыми при появлении угрозы, и заметить их могут лишь волшебники с достаточным опытом по отлову этих животных.
Formation ever-bashing (boomerangs) (бумеранги бум-бум) consists of the two bases ever "всегда", bash "удар; бить, сильно ударять" and forming nouns from verbs suffix - ing with the value of the process, the actions of state. Word ever-bashing is formed by analogy with the words evergreen - "вечно зеленый", everlasting - "вечный" and can be translated as "вечно-бьющий." Method used to translate a functional change.
Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs.
Мистер Филч, смотритель, просил уведомить вас, что список предметов, запрещённых к употреблению в стенах замка, в этом году расширен и теперь включает в себя укокошные уй-йяшки, зубатые халявки и бумеранги бум-бум.
С) affixed way of formation
The word blooder (бладер мяч для игры в квидиш (Quidditch), предшественник бладжера (Bludger)) consists of the base blood (кровь) with the addition of the suffix-er, having a value of an object or device with a special function. Translated transcription process.
Radulf got a Blooder in the head because old Ugga wasn't quick enough with his club.
Рэдальф получил Бладером по голове, из-за того, что старик Угга со своей дубинкой был не слишком быстр.
Before we consider the word erkling (детоед) turn to the context:
The Erkling is an elfish creature which originated in the Black Forest in Germany. It is larger than a gnome (three feet high on average), with a pointed face and a high-pitched cackle that is particularly entrancing to children, whom it will attempt to lure away from their guardians and eat.
Детоед это эльфоподобное существо, которое обитает в Чёрном лесу в Германии. Оно крупнее гнома (в среднем 3 фута высотой), имеет заострённую мордочку и тоненький голосок, особенно нравящийся детям, которых детоеды пытаются увести от взрослых и съесть.
There are several versions of author education neologism erkling:
1) erk «рядовой или сержант в авиации или на флоте; болван, «чайник» (as well as any other contributions, expressing contempt);
2) erk = irk «утомлять, раздражать, докучать, изнурять, надоедать»; ling неформальный уменьшительно-ласкательный суффикс, eg. duckling утенок; ling морская щука.
3)Erlking (Eng) злой гоблин из немецких легенд, заманивает людей, особенно детей, в лесную чащу и там убивает.
All translations of Goethe's poem "Forest King" in English called «Erlking» (Paul Dyrsen, 1878; Edgar A. Bowring, 1853; W.E. Aytoun and T. Martin, 1859; Edwin Zeydel, 1955). The text of the poems, however, some translators have used other words: Erlie-king (Ayton / Martin), elf-king (Zeydel), Erl-King (Bowring). Note that they all avoided unpronounceable combinations «lk». Maybe, erkling erlking turned out for the same reason?
Since the first version does not suit us, and from the second it turns out that erkling - in our opinion, somewhat gently toward the creatures that eats children, it is likely that the translators were guided to the third version of the nomination and being transferred its name from the context of the method of functional replacement.
The word niffler, apparently occasionalisms is formed by unproductive model as derived from niff «неприятный или противный запах, смрад, вонь, вонища». Taking functional replacement translated as "нюхль" or "нюхлер" is probably due to the ability animal bearing this name everywhere to find shiny things:
The Niffler is a British beast. Fluffy, black and long-snouted, this burrowing creature has a predilection for anything glittery.
Нюхлер это английское животное. Эти чёрные, пушистые, длинноносые существа живут в норах и очень любят блестящие вещи.
The word muggle (магл/маггл/муггл/простец) denotes a person who has no magical powers, i.e. the average person. As derived from the word mug - «simpleton simp also muzzle, snout mug" formed unproductive way and bears the stylistic coloring: neglectful, even derogatory attitude towards people-nevolshebnikam. Translated using transcription transliteration tracing.
""Muggle," said Hagrid, "it's what we call nonmagic folk like them.
"Мугл", пояснил Огрид, "так мы зовем всякий неволшебный люд".
The formation anticheating (spells) ((заговор) от списывания/ противосписывающие (заклинания)) consists of the base cheat "обмановать, списывать", prefix anti "анти; противо" and verbal adjectives and end-ing, in this case having a value of an abstract concept. Neologism translated by deployment and tracing techniques.
They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an antiсheating spell.
По этому случаю детям выдали новые, заговоренные от списывания, перья.
Neologism put-outer (выключалка/гасилка/серебряная зажигалка-гасилка) formed from the postpositive verb put out «отключать, выключать, гасить» with the suffix-er, having a value in the given word object or device with a special function. This may also be a neologism occasionalisms household, i.e. new words that spontaneously occurs in speech. Translates the functional replacement techniques and deployment.
It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. He clicked it again the next lamp flickered into darkness. Twelve times he clicked the Put-Outer, until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance, which were the eyes of the cat watching him.
Это оказалось что-то вроде серебряной зажигалки. Он зажег огонь, подождал немного и защелкнул зажигалку. Ближайший уличный фонарь потух с легким лопающимся звуком. Он снова щелкнул и следующий фонарь, поморгав, погас. Двенадцать раз щелкала Выключалка, до тех пор, пока на всей улице не осталось только два далеких огонька это светились в темноте кошкины глаза.
D) Borrowing from other languages.
Combination of words spell Avada-Kedavra (one of irreparable curses (Unforgivable Curses), causing death), though translated by transcription ( Avada Kedavra - ), but is of great interest in terms of education : Avada-Kedavra is a hypothetical spell in Aramaic language , which , according to one theory, the spell goes abracadabra, widely used in magical practice of Western European nations. In the extant Aramaic texts expression Avada-Kedavra does not occur. Its grammatical structure and the meaning are not entirely clear, that is not surprising for a spell in a dead language. Usually Avada-Kedavra interpreted as "damn how the word "either" yes it will disappear," referring to the commandment disappear disease that needed to heal spell. J. Rowling same "redirected" the commandment with the disease on a living creature.
It is also possible that the writer created his magic formula of abreq ad habra (иврит) «метни свои молнии даже и в смерть». The same abracadabra (абракадабра) magic spell, consisting of a single word; It was popular in the Middle Ages and served to get rid of illness, misfortune or demons. The word " abracadabra " was recorded on amulets or on paper in the form of a magic triangle , in which each subsequent row is removed one last letter , and so as long as the letters do not end there.
Furthermore , Avada-Kedavra phonetically associated with the English word sadaver ( corpse ) .
In petrificus totalus ( spell turns to stone ) are taken as a basis for the English words that have fallen from the Greek and Latin languages: petrify «обращать в камень» (greek. petra камень) and total «полный, абсолютный» (from totalis (old latin), totus (classic latin)).
Rowling also uses words from other languages to the nomination of magical creatures:
The word Dementor (дементор), probably derived from the Latin demens (entis) "безумный, сумашедший" or dementia (ae), f слабоумие, безумие. Since Dementor is creature feeding on positive emotions and deprives the soul of man , the person with a kiss , in terms of education neologism is a connection with the term " dementia " - acquired (as opposed to mental retardation ), a form of dementia . When global dementia violated all kinds of mental activity is lost criticality degradation personality.
It is also possible link with the Greek epic hero Mentor, friend of Odysseus, who during Odisseevyh wanderings helped his family. Athena, taking the form of Mentor, advising young Telemachus . Hence the importance of 'mentor' - an authoritative mentor. De mentor - obviously something quite the opposite Mentor.
"…Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, and they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them…"
"…Дементоры одни из самых отвратительных созданий, населяющих нашу землю. Они наводняют самые тёмные, самые омерзительные места, они процветают там, где царит упадок и отчаяние, они высасывают мир, надежду, счастье из окружающего их пространства…"
The word apparate / disapparate (аппарировать (also телепортироваться or трансгрессировать)/дезаппарировать) and their derivatives apparating/ disapparating (аппарирование/ дезаппарирование), probably derived from Latin appareo (parui, paritum, ere) "появляться". Words disapparate/ disapparating formed with the addition of a negative prefix dis-. Translated mixed translation: transcription with the addition of Russian suffix - irova - or lexical substitution technique. The meaning becomes clear from the context:
"Maybe he knows how to Apparate," said a Ravenclaw a few feet away, “Just appear out of thin air, you know. "
"Должно быть, он умеет аппарировать, " произнес кто-то из "Равенкло" с расстояния в несколько футов. "Ну, знаете, появляться из воздуха. "
E) Formation of neologisms-Telescopic words
Neologism lethifold (also known as Living Shroud), probably is formed by connecting the root truncated English lethal "смертельный; летальный; смертоносный, вызывающий смерть" and English word fold "сгиб, изгиб, складка; кольцо (в которое сворачиваются змеи); слой (в луковице и т.п.); любой предмет, который можно сложить; перегибать, складывать; сворачивать; обертывать" on the basis of ab + cd acd. Replacing the root vowel and a vowel i (lethal lethifold) was produced, probably by analogy with the word lethiferous (смертельный, смертоносный). Author neologism meaning can be found in context:
The Lethifold is a rare creature found solely in tropical climates. It resembles a black cloak perhaps half an inch thick (thicker if it has recently killed and digested a victim), which glides along the ground at night, creeps into houses and smothers its victims.
Смертофалд это редкое существо, встречается исключительно в тропическом климате. Напоминает чёрную накидку толщиной около полдюйма (может быть толще, если недавно убил и переварил очередную жертву), которая по ночам плавно скользит вдоль земной поверхности, заползает в дома и душит свою жертву.
When translating words lethifold were created translational neologism formed compounding method: The first component of the original word translated by tracing, the second - transcribing. Design Living Shroud translated tracing technique.
Author neologism quijudge (квифери) formed by connecting the truncated root author neologism Quidditch and the English word judge "судья, рефери" on the basis of ab + cd acd. Translation method for tracing was created neologism also formed seam way: Connect the truncated root neologism "Quidditch" and truncated root of the word "referee" on the basis of ab + cd ad.
Mumps tells us that the referee (or Quijudge, as he or she was then known) carried the four balls into this central circle while the fourteen players stood around him.
Брюзга сообщает, что судья (или квифери, как его называли тогда) вносил четыре мяча в центральный круг, а четырнадцать игроков выстраивались вокруг него.
Neologism animagus (анимаг/зверомаг) compound formed by the truncated Latin / English basics animal (животное) and truncated ancient Persian / Russian bases magus (маг, волшебник) on the basis of ab + cd a d. To convert to a first embodiment used reception descriptive design (see example), used in the second embodiment reception tracing.
He hardly heard what Professor McGonagall was telling them about Animagi (wizards who could transform at will into animals), and wasn't even watching when she transformed herself in front of their eyes into a tabby cat with spectacle markings around her eyes.
Ему никак не удавалось сосредоточиться на рассказе профессора МакГонаголл об анимагах (колдунах, которые умеют превращаться в животных по собственному желанию), и он даже не посмотрел, как она у всех на глазах превратилась в кошку с отметинами вокруг глаз, напоминавшими очки.
F) Formation of complex acronyms neologisms
Complex condensed neologism O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) also is "speaking" acronym as owl - in English "сова". Author neoplasm translated as "С.О.В.У. (Совершенно Обычный Волшебный Уровень)" or "С.О.В. (Стандартизированные Отметки Волшебника)" or "С.О.В (суперотменное волшебство) ": Ordinary "обычный, обыкновенный; ординарный; простой; заурядный, банальный, посредственный», Wizarding "волшебный, магический, колдовской", Level "степень, ступень, уровень".
For translation here was used tracing reception, but so to create a neologism, abbreviation, which corresponds to the semantic level of neologisms J.K. Rowling.
Based on the above, in this chapter we came to the conclusion that a neologism (neo + Greek. Logos word) is a new word, linguistic innovation (figure of speech), the grammatical feature appearing in the language.
Author neologism should be seen as a normal linguistic phenomenon , and no words in the dictionary cannot be an obstacle to his transfer to the same translation is practice makes the greatest contribution to the completion of lexical structure of the target language with new words coming from other languages, and hence the bilingual glossary dictionaries. In any case, when the known value of the new word, it is possible to transmit using the methods discussed.
A large number of new lexical units appeared in connection with the development of computer technology. New semantic neologisms group are associated with the alleged land visits by aliens from outer space.
Neologisms are usually formed under the laws of the relevant language, in his productive model derivation. However, literary and book neologisms sometimes created and unproductive ways of word formation. In such cases, the effective force of derivational means becomes clearer, vivid, and tangible. Most means forming new words so often act as a stylistic device.
The most typical ways of education in the language of neologisms of modern British writers are compounding, conversion and change the meanings of words.
Analysis of new words showed that the predominant host of new vocabulary units up, as expected, nouns, since the expansion of the dictionary is mainly due to the names of objects and phenomena that fill the space of cultural studies.
Learning new words revealed trends in some particular linguistic and cultural expansion space in the period under review.
There are many ways to transfer economic topics neologisms from English into Russian. Translator can trace the" inner form "neologism with great caution and only in those cases where there is full confidence in the adequacy of the resulting translation. However, the analysis motivated "inner form" is usually an indispensable step in the transfer of such neologisms.
To achieve adequacy in translating text from one language (s) to another (IL) translator must use the equivalent compliance in the language into which the translation is done. Among the available linguistic resources need to find equivalents that would be adequate to the original.
In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the main condition for the adequacy of the translation of neologisms are:
1. Knowledge of the interaction with the context of the neologism and the main use cases of various types of structural and semantic neologisms.
2. Knowledge of the basic ways to transfer author of neologisms, and sufficient familiarity with the terminology in this area, allows you to find the appropriate equivalent Russian version English neologisms.
3. Ability to choose and use the most appropriate way to create a new translation for author compliance neologism having no Russian equivalent or reflecting specific phenomenon that is not in our reality .
The correct translation of neologisms is a rather complicated problem, despite the fact that neologisms have much higher semantic certainty and independence.
Practical study in the second chapter of our work, allows us to identify the following methods, which are used in the translation of neologisms economic topics
We came to the conclusion that the translation author neologisms from English into Russian the most commonly used techniques such as descriptive translation and translation, which is achieved by using the neologism designating the corresponding concepts of Russian reality.
When transferring coinage each case translator selects the appropriate option from the corresponding context. Duty translator is to convey not only what is said, but how it is said. It is this duty interpreter leads to the necessity of analytical steps in the translation process.
Of lexical units used to describe J. Rowling fictional magical world of objects , the most popular are the design formed by the method of compounding (Ravenclaw), which is not surprising , since the basis of the principle of compounding language worth saving . In second place on demand - suffixes (Seeker). Quite often, simultaneous use of two any method such compounding and suffixes (Leg-Locker Curse). Formation of a new word and actively is going by borrowing from other languages.
The most commonly used methods of translation - functional replacement, since author neologisms very difficult to find a match in the target language, then, of course, transcription and transliteration, as well as the necessary technique to transfer neologisms tracing.
Of lexical items used by J.R.R. Tolkien invented to describe the objects and subjects of the wizarding world , the most popular are the design formed by the method of compounding (Wingfoot), which is not surprising , since the basis of the principle of compounding language worth saving . In second place on demand is affixation (Bywater, Halfling).
The most commonly used methods of translation - functional replacement (Burrows - Glubokop (name)), since author neologisms very difficult to find a match in the target language, then, of course, transcription and transliteration, as well as the necessary technique to transfer neologisms tracing (Watchwood - sentinel forest, Wingfoot - pteropod (name)).
Thus we see that in both cases the main reception of translation is compounding.
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Areas of usage neologisms foreign origin
Sources of the information
TV and Radio
Transfer features neologisms in modern English language (based on the trilogy The Lord of the Rings and the novel Harry Potter)