Translation transformations in translation works WS Maugham Theatre in Russian




1 1

Translation as an object of linguistic research



Categories and the essence of the translation process



Translation as a phenomenon of communication



Equivalence translation and methods to achieve it through the mechanisms of translational transformations



Features of translational transformations



Classification of translational transformations



Translation transformations in translation works WS Maugham "Theatre" in Russian



Features of the author's style



Analysis of translational transformations used in the translation of works "Theatre"




List of References



Translation activities in the modern world is becoming a large scale and increasing social importance. Translation Profession become popular, and many countries have established specialized schools that train professional translators. In one form or another engaged in translation and in many other professions. Translation issues interested general public. Based on numerous studies, a new scientific discipline - contemporary translation studies. [4; 9-10]

Problems of translation, and even literary translation itself is not new. Foreseeable its origins date back to ancient Rome; Cicero formulated the words in the translation should not count, and weigh, and, therefore, had already solved the problem of fidelity to the original, - one of the cornerstones of the practice of translation issues over the next two thousand years. [13; 8]

Translation issues can be viewed from different perspectives. The subject of the study may be the choice of the translated material in terms of its content, its cognitive and artistic value, its specificity for that literature to which the script. [28, 13]

Thus, we found that face the problem of translation of a work of art from one language to another, and therefore the relevance of research determined by the need to consider more fully and comprehensive study of translational transformations used in the translation to achieve adequacy.

Relevance of the chosen themes are also due to the fact that the translator in the translation faces the challenge of compliance and the adequacy of the translation to the original.

Theoretical basis of the study is the essence of the concept translation and classification study of translational transformations proposed by such well-known linguists as L. Barkhudarov, AD Schweitzer, JI Retsker, VN Komissarov, RK Mignard -Beloruchev, AV Fedorov, and many others. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the integrated treatment of translational transformations in the product Maugham "Theatre."

Material for the study served as text works Maugham "Theatre."

The subject is the translation of lexical and grammatical transformations.

Thus, the goal of our work is to analyze the translational transformations in translation of the artwork.

The purpose of the study identified the following tasks:

  1. write about the concept of translation;
  2. identify the nature of translational transformations;
  3. classification result of translational transformations;
  4. found in the translated text translation viewed transformation;
  5. explore the complex nature of translational transformations;
  6. used to produce a quantitative analysis of translational transformations of the analyzed examples taken from the works S.Moema "Theatre."

To solve the problems in the course of the thesis, we used the following methods:

  1. method of observation;
  2. method to extract the necessary material (search method);
  3. method of comparative analysis (benchmarking comparison of the translated text with the text of the original);
  4. descriptive;
  5. method of quantitative calculations.

The practical significance of this work is determined by the ability to use research material translational transformations in courses on the theory and practice of translation, and the conclusions and results can be used as a lecture on linguistics, stylistics English and Russian languages, intercultural communication, language theory and practice in teaching English .

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the following structure works: This thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

In the introduction the choice of the topic, its relevance, specified methods of research, formulate goals and objectives of the study, as well as a brief description of the structure of the thesis.

In the first chapter are different definitions of "translation" from the viewpoints of different authors and discusses the process of translation as a phenomenon of communication.

In the second chapter defines the essence of translational transformations and their classification proposed by linguists V.N.Krupnovym, IS Alekseeva, AD Schweitzer, L.S.Barhudarovym, VN Komissarov, and many others.

The main objective of the third chapter is to review the works of an author's style "Theatre" U.S. Maugham, as well as a comparison of the translated text with the original text in order to identify and use a variety of translational transformations, their combination with each other, their complex and comprehensive nature.

In conclusion summarizes the results of the research and conclusions of the work done.

References includes works by local and foreign authors dealing with the problem of the study; a list of dictionaries and study materials.

1 Translation as an object of linguistic research

  1. Categories and the essence of the translation process

Different people invest in the concept of "transfer" a different meaning. For neperevodchikov is primarily text; for translators - primarily process. Or, writes Anthony Pym (Rum, p. 131, 149-150) for "external" observer translation - this text, and for the "internal" - activities (aimed at the creation of the text). [22; 12] Translation - it is an intellectual activity that requires creative solutions to problems in a constantly changing text, social and cultural conditions. Translation can be regarded as outside the eyes of the customer or other user of translation, both internally and externally, through the eyes of an interpreter. [22; 53]

Cultural differences, experience gained in their study - the phenomenon is much more complex than it might seem translator who just wants to translate into English the expression "word wrap" and the deeper translator looks into these differences (including confrontation of cultures and genders) , the more he will succeed professionally. [22; 54]

Translation - is a complex multi-faceted phenomenon, some aspects of which may be the subject of study of various sciences. [5; 34]

Translation process or transfer in the narrow sense of the term is an action to create an interpreter translated text (proper translation). [5; 158]

Translation is a subjective interpreter implementation of objective relations. [5; 38]

J. Munen convincingly shows that translation - is not a simple substitution of words in one language instead of words in another language, it is always associated with certain transformations, depending on the ratio of languages. [5, 22]

Translation - is a complex multi-faceted phenomenon, some aspects of which may be the subject of study of various sciences. [5 and 34]

Translation is a creative intellectual activity, the implementation of which requires the translator of the whole complex of knowledge, skills, ability to make the right choice, given the totality of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. [5 36-37]

Translation - the process of converting speech product (text) generated in one language to the text in another language while preserving the content plan and replacing the expression plane, ie language units. [1; 156]

Translation - the process and the product, the object and purpose of research, creativity, and its result. [24; 60]

Translation - a very broad concept, accommodating a variety of scoring levels: from literary translation with the complex creative process, to the literal translation of certain pieces of information. [24; 64]

Translation - the conversion messages in the source language into the target language message. [6 122]

Accurate translation, by definition, can not have due to the fact that different languages differ in their grammatical structure, and on the simple word count, not to mention the cultural differences that may also have an impact on the method and the results of the translation. [6, 130]

Translation - a type of speech activity. Its purpose is to transform the structure of speech product, which resulted in, while keeping unchanged the content plan, changing the plane of expression - one language is replaced by another. [30 31]

Translation is considered as a kind of transformation, in which the semantic invariant remains unchanged, ie the original content, and the form of its expression - the surface structure - can be changed. [11; 4]

Translation issues can be viewed from different perspectives. For example, AV Fedorov argues that the range of activities covered by the term "transfer" is very broad. Translated from one language to the other poems, fiction, scientific and popular books of the various areas of knowledge, diplomatic documents, etc. With all the originality requirements interpreter in some form of translated material and tasks of the work, with all the difference in the degree of talent, to the extent and nature of information required in a particular case, common to all types of translation work are two positions:

1) The purpose of the transfer - as close as possible to acquaint the reader (or listener), not knowing the language of the original, with the given text (or content of speech);

2) translate - it means to express fully and accurately means a language that is expressed by means of another language in the indissoluble unity of content and form. (In the completeness and accuracy of the transmission - Unlike rework the translation itself, retelling, breviary, from all sorts of so-called "adaptation"). [28, 7]

The translation process includes at least two stages: clarification of the translator of the original content and the choice of a translation option. As a result of these steps, the transition from the original text to text translation. When this action is often intuitive translator and interpreter are often not aware of what he was guided in choosing a particular option. This, however, does not mean that such a choice is completely random or arbitrary. It is largely determined by the ratio of ways to construct messages in Linguistics and PCOS. [5 158]

Translation - socially determined phenomenon, i.e. the process and result of translation influenced by social factors. [23; 76]

According O.S.Ahmanovoy, translation - a "transfer of information contained in this work of speech, by means of another language." (23, 85)

Translational product is a cross between a hybrid. Translation - the work is not monolithic, it interpenetration, a conglomerate of two structures: on the one hand, there is the content and formal features of the original, the other - a whole range of artistic traits associated with the language interpreter. In both of these product formation, or rather interacting qualities are in constant tension, which can lead to a contradiction. Contents of the translated works transferred from the foreign media, as his language - native. The reader is aware of this contradiction only if there is a sharp conflict between the locale and language inherent reader means of expression. It happens that the best translation solution is a compromise, by which it is impossible to hide from the end reader contradictory translation work. [13; 99]

Translation can be defined as the form of linguistic mediation, in which the text is created by PYA communicatively equivalent to the original, and its communicative equivalence is evident in his identification Receptors translation of the original in a functional, meaningful and structurally. To transfer using it around takes the original, it is a full-fledged representative. In the definition of the translation proposed by VN Komissarov, attention is drawn to the absence of any regulatory requirements to be met by the target text. This definition will match any translation process and, consequently, a translate any. This is the undoubted advantage of this definition, which can rightly be regarded as the definition of "translation in general." From this definition it follows that the purpose of the translation is to create a text that would act as a full replacement of the original. [13; 92-93]

Speaking about the central problem of translation - equivalence, ie about the specific relationship between the texts, suggests a text translation of another, we can not ignore the premise of equivalence - transferability. Transferability called the principal possibility to translate the text. [1; 139-140]

II Revzin and VY Rosenzweig argue that the object of translation is the process of translation, in which the transition from one system to another and characters that can be described in terms of the semiotic. [20; 21] These authors carried out a fundamental distinction between the translation process and the result of the translation. They proceed from the fact that the science of translation traditionally constructed as a normative science, whose main objectives were to establish the result of the transfer and development of criteria for assessing the quality of translation. Normative theory of translation was based empirically on the basis of a comparative analysis of originals and translations. Theoretical positions with borrowed from lexicology, grammar, stylistics and literary criticism. In this approach, according to II Revzin and VY Rozentsveyna, theoretical understanding of the translation process can not be achieved.

Science that seeks to describe the translation of how the process should not be normative and theoretical, that is, it should not describe what should be, and what is the nature of the phenomenon.

From this point of view expressed disagreement AD Schweitzer, who believes that such a sharp contrast between normative theory approaches hardly justified. The exclusion of the results of the translation process unduly narrows the subject of the theory of translation and hardly conducive to revealing its essence. According to AD Schweitzer's translation is a purposeful activity, meet certain requirements and standards and focused on achieving a specific result. These rules reflect the value orientation of an interpreter, without which one can not satisfactorily explain the logic of translation solutions. [32; 7]

Thus, AD Schweitzer includes subject of the theory of translation as the process of translation, and the result of the translation process.

It seems that researchers translation, trying to identify the subject of translation theory is not fully taken into account the fact that the translation - is a complex, complex phenomenon, which is influenced by many factors, the most heterogeneous. Understanding this fact largely achieved in the work of VN Komissarov, who rightly observes that oppose the process of transferring its translation result represents that directly observable reality, based on an analysis which can indirectly judge about how the translation process proceeded, inaccessible to direct observation. [23 67-72]

IS Alexeyev said: what is the "translation" in our everyday, non-professional understanding, perhaps, no need to explain. Any instance where the text created in one language perevyrazhaetsya means of another language, we call transfer. The term "text" is understood very broadly, refers to any oral statement and any written work instructions from the refrigerator to the novel. However, there are limitations: our discussion, we will be limited to verbal texts in the living human languages.

If we assume that the language - a kind of code, ie, an arbitrary designation of objects and phenomena of reality by means of symbols, the translation can be called transcoding, since each of the symbols is replaced with another iconic sign translation system.

So there perevyrazhenie translation or recoding. However, this is not an objective recoding natural process, it provides people. The man has a personality and ability to be creative. These two factors allow it when transcoding choose from several or many possible transfer your. So sometimes even talk about the heuristic nature of the translation process [29; 175], which refers primarily freedom of choice. But this freedom of choice is not absolute. Shouting "Eureka!" (Greek: "Got it!"), The translator can not offer when transcoding is any option that he liked. Freedom of choice for the translator and, accordingly, the result is limited variability Variability language resources (ie, the fact whether it is possible in principle, options), type of translation and the type of text. Speech variability, in turn, depends directly on the common system of language patterns of existence, which has self-protective mechanism - linguistic redundancy, ie, the presence of excess, spare coding options.

However, the activities involved translator factor independent of intralanguage and external, situational factors. This individuality of the interpreter. That gives it a special, unique shade of creative search options. Translator can nourish a passion for certain words, others prefer one designs subjectively perceive the specificity of the text. But if the translator is a professional and kept the framework of professional ethics, these individual predilections never outgrow in voluntarism.

During the discussion of "translation" as a process, it became apparent that the same term we denote the result of this process. Thus, as a working definition of the term "translation" we can adopt the following:

Translation - an activity that is Variability perevyrazhenii, transcoding text generated in one language to the text in another language, carried out by a translator who creatively chooses depending on the language of variant resources, type of translation, translation tasks such as text and under influence of their own individuality; translation - it is also a result of the activities described above. [1, 5-7]

1.2 Translation as a phenomenon of communication

Translation - a special kind of communication, characterized primarily by the fact that it includes at least two codes: the two languages and two dialects. Model of this process should reflect the mutual relations between different communication systems. [24, 13]

Translation - a means to provide an opportunity to communicate (communication) between people speaking different languages. [5; 37]

Translation is an open flexible variativnoj procedure and criteria for evaluating its effectiveness should include the extent to which bilingual competence, knowledge intralanguage switching conditions and knowledge in the subject area to which the subject of communication. [24, 22]

Among the many challenges that modern linguistics studies, occupies an important place to study linguistic aspects of cross-language role activities, which is called the "transfer" or "translation work."

Translation - it's certainly a very ancient form of human activity. Once in the history of mankind formed a group of people whose languages are different from each other, and there were "bilingual" to help communication between the "polyglot" collectives. With the emergence of writing to such interpreters - "Tolmachev" - joined interpreters written, official translations of various texts, religious and business nature. From the outset, the translation has an important social function, making it possible to cross-language communication between people. Dissemination translations opened people access to the cultural achievements of other nations, has made possible the interaction and mutual enrichment of cultures and literatures. Knowledge of foreign languages in the script allows you to read books in these languages, but to explore even one foreign language can not everyone, and no one can read the book at all or at least most of the literary languages. Only translations made available to all mankind works of genius of Homer and Shakespeare, Dante and Goethe, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. [5, 6]

Translation as a purposeful activity meets the ever arises the need of communication between people who do not speak a common language, or in other words, people separated Linguo-ethnical barrier. That is, the transfer satisfies the public demand, and the translator is guided by public order prescribed by him. According to LK Latyshev, matching contributions from other types of linguistic mediation, summarizing the requirements for translation into practice, and taking into account the trend of its development, it can be concluded that the transfer is designed to meet society's need for bilingual communication, to the maximum extent close to nature, a monolingual communication. Accordingly, we can talk about the public purpose of translation, composed to provide bilingual communication as far as possible "in the image and likeness of monolingual." Based on this, LK Latyshev gives the following definition Translation - a kind of linguistic mediation, the public purpose of which is to the extent possible, bring a bilingual mediated communication on the completeness, effectiveness and naturalness of communication to the normal monolingual communication. [23 93-94]

AD Schweitzer defines translation as unidirectional and two-phase process and intercultural communication, in which on the basis subjected to targeted ("Translation") analysis of the primary text creates a secondary text (metatekst) replacing the primary in a different language and cultural environment; process characterized by the installation of the transmission of the communicative effect of the primary text, often modifiable differences between the two languages, two cultures and two communication situations. [23; 286-287]

Translation - a means to provide an opportunity to communicate (communication) between people speaking different languages. Therefore, the theory of translation data are particularly important communicative linguistics about the peculiarities of the process of speech communication, the specifics of the direct and indirect speech acts, the relationship expressed and implied meaning in the utterance and the text, context and the impact of communication on the situation to understand the text, and other determinants of human communicative behavior . [5, 37]

Translation is a subjective interpreter implementation of objective relations. Subjectivity of translation is not an obstacle to objective scientific analysis, just as the subjectivity of parts of speech does not preclude the recovery of these objective facts about the system of a language. In some translations of errors can not be distorting the real character of the translation between the relevant units of the source and target, but sufficient test material such errors are easily detected and eliminated. [5, 38]

Unable to play in translating some feature of the original - this is only a particular manifestation of the general principle of non-identity content of the two texts in different languages (and if we talk about "absolute identity", then the two texts in one language, consisting of a set of unequal linguistic units). Lack of identity does not prevent the transfer of communication to perform the same functions for which performance was created by the original text. It is known that the content of the statements are elements of meaning that are not important for the message, and "imposed" he semantics of linguistic units. For example, the message "Good student comes to class unprepared" clearly has in mind not only "students", but also "students", and the masculine word "student" is not relevant to him. However, in Russian (as well as in French and German) language can not consume a noun, not reproducing the kind value, although it would not be necessary for the messages or even contrary to its meaning, as in our example. If translated into English on the genus designation is lost, then in terms of communication is a loss not only essential, but even desirable. Absolute identity of content and translation is not only impossible, but also not necessary for the implementation of the objectives for which the transfer is created.

Translational activity is by definition an intermediary character, since its purpose is to make it accessible to readers message translation made by the author of the original in another language. In other words, it is possible by the transfer of communication between people speaking different languages, the possibility of cross-language communication. To create a full translation the translator must take into account the characteristics of the author (source) and the recipients (receptor) of the information for which it was intended message, their knowledge and experience, the recorded message reality, nature and characteristics of the perception of people who addressed translation and all other aspects of interlingual communication, influencing the course and result of the translation process. Therefore, considering the linguistic theory of translation translation within the broad framework of interlingual communication and exploring all its aspects and determinants of language itself as well as external to the language, but directly or indirectly influencing the choice of language units in the translation process.

The ability to share thoughts through speech is the most important property rights. Without this ability, it would be impossible the existence of homo sapiens - «Homo sapiens", as the human mind can only develop by obtaining a variety of knowledge about the world and about the man himself - the knowledge that it inform other people through speech. Without speech could not be created no civilization, because civilization is not created by a single person, but a social collective, society, and society can exist only under the condition that its members are able to communicate with each other through speech, to carry voice communications. Without verbal communication unthinkable organization of production, science, culture, and life itself.

In any act of speech communication takes place between the source of information (speaking or writing) and its receptor (listening or reading). Although the presence of all necessary conditions it is possible to retrieve all messages from the information contained in it, every single receptor retrieves messages from a different volume information based on his knowledge, the degree of interest in the message and the purpose that it sets itself, participating in communication. Each message as it exists in two forms, which are not identical: the message transmitted by the sender (the text for the speaker) and the message perceived by the recipient (the text for the listener).

For the theory of transfer of particular importance is the fact that these forms of the same message are interconnected in communication equivalence relation which is expressed as follows:

1. Between them potentially a high degree of generality, since they consist of identical linguistic units that represent mainly the same information for all members of a linguistic community.

2. Between them, actually there is a sufficient degree of generality, to provide the necessary understanding in the specific conditions of communication. (If this understanding is not reached, the communicants can exchange more information, increasing the accuracy of the perception of the message.)

3. Both forms are combined in the act of communication into a single unit, and the differences between them are irrelevant for communication participants who are unaware of these and diversified, considering that the received message is what is transmitted and vice versa. Thus, for communicants actually exists one single text, the content of which can in principle be available to all speak the language with which the message is transmitted and received.

Verbal communication can be performed between the communicants and speaking different languages. In this case, there will be a cross-language (bilingual) communication. Since the receptor is unable to extract information from text, spoken or written in an unknown language, it is cross-language communication is an Intermediary character. Prerequisite of communication between the "polyglot" communicants is the presence of an intermediary performing linguistic mediation, i.e. transforming the original message in a linguistic form, which can be perceived by receptors (in other words, to convey this message to the receptor language). Linguistic mediator must extract information from the original text (the "original" or "original") and transmit it to another language. Therefore, this role can perform only person with the necessary degree of bilingualism, ie bilingual.

In addition to its mediating role in the process of cross-language communication, the translator sometimes performs communicative functions beyond linguistic mediation. Typically, this takes place in the process of interpretation, the interpreter communicates directly with the participants of cross-language communication. In this case, the translator can be forced under the terms of communication or at the request of one of the communicators to act as an independent source of information, giving further explanations, drawing conclusions from the original content, pointing to possible errors, etc. Both orally and translator can combine their duties with the activities informant editor or criticism of the original, etc.

Transmission of the information contained in the original text, the language may be a mediator in various forms and with varying degrees of completeness, depending on the purpose of cross-language communication. This goal can be defined as communication partners, and by linguistic mediator. There are two main types of linguistic mediation: translation and adaptive transcoding.

Translation is considered as a foreign language, a form of the message contained in the original. Interlingual communication, implemented through translation, to the greatest extent reproduces the process of direct verbal communication, in which the communicants are in the same language.

Just as in the process of verbal communication in one language texts for the speaker and hearer recognized communicative equivalent and combined into a single unit, and the translation is recognized communicative equivalent to the original text. Translation task - to ensure this type of cross-language communication is created and the text in the language of receptors (for "target language" - IL) could act as a complete replacement of the original and communicative identified Receptors translation of the original in the functional, structural and meaningful relationships.

It is assumed that the translator accurately conveys the structure and order of the content in the original, does not allow himself to change anything, delete or add from myself. The number and content sections and other units of the text in the original and the translation must be the same. If the original idea was expressed by some in the beginning of the second section, and then translated it should be found in the same place, etc. If the interpreter and allows himself some retreat to private details of the structure of the text, it is only in order to better convey the contents of the original. Thus, the transfer can be defined as a kind of linguistic mediation, in which the text is created by PYA communicatively equivalent to the original, and its communicative equivalence is evident in his identification with the original translation receptors in the functional content and structurally. To transfer using it throughout replaces the original, it is a full representative. Communicative approach to translation - a guiding principle of the modern theory of translation.

How and when dealing with a single language, the translation process interlingual communication is achieved by combining the two forms of the act of communication messages that are considered as communicants communicatively equivalent. However, it is also a very significant difference. In the process of "monolingual" invariance communication sent and received messages provided by the fact that both communicant enjoy the same linguistic system, with the same set of units with a more or less stable value, which they interpret the same. In translation this is more difficult. Here, as a quasi-identical forms (incarnations) of the same act texts messages that are based on different linguistic systems of units that do not match, either in form or content. Therefore, the discrepancy between these essences is due not so much individual differences communicants many differences between languages. Of course, individual differences also exist, but they are on the back burner. Therefore, the possibility of the transfer and patterns are determined, first of all, the ability to multi-lingual texts act as communicatively equivalent in the communication process. [5 39-47]

The role of language in translation - the same as he always plays in society and with such clarity that indicate language definition given by the classics of Marxism-Leninism. "Language is as old as consciousness; - Say Marx and Engels 'The German Ideology' - the language is precisely the practice that exists for other people, and thus only exists also for myself the actual consciousness, like consciousness, only arises from the language needs of the urgent need to communicate with other people. " Lenin said that "language is the most important means of human communication." On language, as a means of communication, detail says Stalin in his work on linguistics, giving the following wording:

"Language is a means, a tool with which people communicate with each other, exchange thoughts and mutual understanding. Being directly connected with thinking, language registers and fixes in words and compound words in sentences results of thinking, cognitive achievements of humans and thus makes possible the exchange of ideas in human society. " And further: "... language, being an instrument of communication, however, is an instrument of struggle and development of society."

This applies, of course, and to use language translation. Here we are dealing with the transfer of ideas originally expressed in one language and tells the reader or listener who speaks a different language. And since the "bare free thoughts language material available on the language" natural matter "- does not exist" and "the reality of thought is manifested in language."

From this position for translation practice - activities for translators - can be made and specific conclusion - a conclusion about the necessity of such an expression of thought in the original translation, which would be its denunciations to the reader with all the clarity and completeness of its expression inherent in the original. This however is the need to comply transfer rate nation-wide language into which the translation is made. This is the first condition for clarity of translation, it remains accessible to the reader.

Original content translated directly and intimately linked to the forms of the language in which it is created. The reader, whose native language is another, and which is not sufficiently fluent in the language of the original, but can still read it, all thoughts, all the images caused by the original, inevitably switched in the plane of its native language. Such a conclusion to be drawn with regard to the translation of Stalin's works on linguistics, fully consistent with the well-known remark of Marx: "... a beginner who has learned a foreign language always translates his thoughts into their native language." Translator, especially professional translator, is usually a different type, another degree of foreign language - that when, in the words of Marx, "the spirit of the new language" already learned and when you can "do without mental translation." But regardless of the degree of proficiency in a foreign language interpreter, by the very nature of their work, all the time switch "from one language to another.

Translation process, no matter how he was psychologically complex, can not cause "stripped" of thought, ie, does not allow any of its intermediate state, when she allegedly separated from the linguistic form of the original and has not yet embodied in the form of another language, there would be "itself" as a kind of ethereal essence.

Of course, in the mind of the interpreter is not immediately appear quite distinct and coherent sentences or phrases of his native language, which would reflect the original. The translation process may take a number of stages, the last of which will be achieved complete clarity and coherence processing of thoughts and images caused by the script. But regardless of the degree of clarity, these thoughts and images at any stage of the translation process have linguistic character.

"Ideas do not exist in isolation from the language." Small wonder that in any case, when it is required to disclose more precisely the point made in the native or foreign language, interpret it or to indicate the incorrectness of its understanding, to an error in its transmission (in particular, the translation error), we will resort to the linguistic means. These linguistic resources fully and meet the requirements, ie, they are not only the only suitable for making this happen, but it is absolutely sufficient, nutritionally adequate.

The translation process, as he quickly occurred in any individual, particularly favorable or just mild cases inevitably breaks down into two points. To translate, you must first understand exactly understand, interpret himself translated (using the language of images, ie, since the elements of translation).

Next to translate, you need to find, choose the appropriate means of expression in the language that is translated (words, phrases, grammatical forms).

Any interpretation of the original, right or wrong, and attitudes on the part of the translator, positive or negative, the result is - in the translation - the selection of linguistic resources from the popular language. [28 7-18]

The translation process is not a simple replacement of units of one language in another language units. The process of translation as a specific component of communication using two languages is always a human activity, it accumulated problems of philosophy, psychology, physiology, sociology, and other sciences, not to mention linguistics, translation dependence from which there is no need to argue. The translation process itself is included in the communication and not the usual, and in communication with the use of two languages. And although the process of translation is its specificity, its central element, however the science of translation is necessary to study the conditions and the generation of source code and the conditions of perception translated text, and social status of the communicants, and speech situation, and various related phenomena that included communication complex concept using two languages, which is an object of the science of translation. Every same modeling communication using two languages, accumulated knowledge about it are the subject of the science of translation. The more accurate methods of knowledge communication using two languages, and especially the translation process, the more accurate translation theory we have. [14; 6-7]

By the nature of its activities interpreters are among the first and most active participants of comparative evaluation of interacting cultures. That's why they are the most important professional quality must be high culture of dialogue, tolerance to variation of cultural norms and values.

Most likely it can be learned in the direct contact with the culture of the target language. Therefore special significance any personal contact with the medium of language involved in the communication. Direct contact and friendships with colleagues on the other side of the negotiating activity will help you quickly overcome the psychological barrier, which, unfortunately, is still often encountered.

Sharing knowledge occurs through translators and thanks to them. Naturally, translators must be familiar with the processes and phenomena described, and here we are talking not only about knowing the language, but no less and professional knowledge in a particular subject area. Going beyond the narrow specialization, which, unfortunately, is almost impossible to ensure that we should talk about the knowledge of a foreign language interpreter culture. The structure of this phenomenon include the reverse process - expanding horizons in the study of a foreign language deepens the knowledge of their own culture. Finally, there is a mutual understanding and gaining strength solely on the basis of accumulated knowledge and enriching memories.

The adequacy of the translation is determined by its functionality in the communicative process. Adequately recognized contributions corresponding to the original and expressing the same communication setup in the target language, which in its original language environment.

Authentic translation - a translation that has the same legal effect as the original. For example, the text of the agreement can be worked out and adopted the same language, but its authenticity is installed and in other languages.

Returning to the model of translation, you can imagine how improved communication channel with the simplification of the two phases of the input and output. We call this creative communicative link tandem, capturing the semantics of the term in this series-parallel switching state of the complex mechanism of reflection and discussion. Language culture as culture in general and universal culture - the more inherently collective. This is one more argument in favor of collective vitality way of tackling cross-language communication.

Technology tandem translation suggests that the presentation of the translation performed in the native language. Absolute knowledge of the native language is like an inherent characteristic of professionalism. This means that the translator must constantly improve their knowledge of the native language. [25; 104-110]

TA Kazakova said that the communicative method is to choose such a path transmission source information, which leads to the translated texts with adequate exposure to the original recipient. The main object with this method of translation is not so much the linguistic composition of the source text as its meaningful and emotional-aesthetic value. Moreover, unlike the functional communicative translation translation admits no reductions or simplifications of the starting material. In essence, what is often referred to colloquially literature and, in particular, literary translation, in fact it is a communicative translation, taking into account - or programming - pragmatics recipient. This method is optimal for most of the literature, journalism, part popular science texts, etc.

Specific embodiment of communicative translation is most poetic translation as poetic text by nature defies simple semantic, and even more literal translation, except for some samples velibra. Even attempts to translate poetic prose text, adhering as closely as possible its lexical-semantic and grammatical components, do not change the substance of the matter, because this approach does not translate important components of the poem - its phonetic and rhythmic-metric components, it ceases to be a poem a poem and turns a qualitatively different text and can serve only for limited communicative goals. Choosing one or another way to translate, translator in addition to all the other circumstances also guided by the consideration that in the pure form of any of the methods in the real translation process acts rarely usually most difficult texts are translated using different methods, but one of them a presenter and determines the relationship between the original and translated texts in general, and dictating terms of dividing the original text, and the definition of translation units and a choice of translation methods by which the source code is directly converted into a transfer. [6; 15-17]

Communicating through an interpreter is not the only way to communicate through Linguo-ethnical barrier. There are ways to overcome the non-linguistic, language diversity: natural and conventional gestures, international negotiation codes, international characters, mathematical, chemical, and other formulas commonly understood symbols. These methods of communication that do not require an intermediary language, are extremely narrow in scope and very limited communication capabilities.

There are two types of language communication:

  1. dnoyazychnaya of communication - verbal communication, in which a total share one common language.
  2. Bilingual communication - communication that uses two languages. In this case, as a rule, the intermediary needs language.

Linguistic mediation - communication multilingual communicators using linguistic mediator, bilingual - opens incomparably greater opportunities for dialogue through Linguo-ethnical barrier.

Combining translation with other types of linguistic mediation, summarizing the requirements for translation into practice, and given the development trends, it can be concluded that the transfer is designed to meet society's need for bilingual communication, to the maximum extent close to nature monolingual communication. Consequently, we can talk about the public purpose of translation, composed to provide bilingual communication as much as possible "in the image and likeness of monolingual." [26 6-7]

The fact that the ideal bilingual communication with the transfer has always been a natural monolingual communication, and shows the development trend of the transfer - widespread interpretation. It eliminates unnatural for monolingual communication gap between the sender and the speech sound perception of its content consumer. Dubbing movies to the fullest extent equalizes the audience of the original films and foreign-language viewers her take. Unnatural for monolingual communication act of translation underlying duplication hidden from moviegoers as well as hidden from readers act of translation of foreign language literature. [26; 10]

So, finishing the first chapter of our theoretical study, we tried to understand what is the translation and that it represents a phenomenon of communication, we can say that the translation is a complex, multifaceted, multi-faceted process, knowledge of which is very important for translators and their professional competence. Translation is always associated with the language and literature, and inevitably involves contact of two languages and the transfer of the original means of another language. And also, in this chapter, we looked at some of the most common definitions of translation data known linguists.

The transition from the original units to units of money are using translation (interlanguage) transformations. Translational transformations will be the next chapter of this work.

2 Equivalence translation and methods to achieve it through the mechanisms of translational transformations

2.1 Features of translational transformations

Despite the relatively young age of translation theory and translation studies as a science, currently there are many works devoted to translational transformations. This is not surprising, since this aspect is one of the central, and the knowledge of its theoretical foundations is extremely important in the work of any translator.

However, it should be noted that the experts in the field of translation theory had still not come to a consensus about the very essence of the concept of transformation. This explains the large number of classifications suggested by scientists, differing from each other.

Transformation occupy an important place in the translation and interpreter need to find out possible ways to use them. So put the hypothesis that there are methods of transmitting means transformation of the Russian language.

Since in this paper we will focus on translational transformations, would be to consider this concept and clarify the meaning of that invested in it. There are definitions proposed L.S.Barhudarovym, VE Shchetinkina RK-Belorucheva Mignard, AD Schweitzer, LK Latyshev, VN Komissarov, VG hook YA.I . Retskerom and others. However, the basic definition is considered to be HP Barhudarova because it most accurately reflects the essence of the question. Translation transformation - it interlanguage transformation restructuring elements of the original text, the meaning or operation perevyrazheniya paraphrasing in order to achieve the translation equivalent. The term "transformation" in translation studies is used to show the relationship between the source and target language expressions to replace the one in the translation process other forms of expression, replacement, we figuratively call conversion or transformation. Thus, the operations described below (translation transformation) are essentially Mezhjazykovye operations "perevyrazheniya" sense.

Transformational translation - a translation, using one of the translational transformations. [5, 172]

Transformation - a method of translation, which is characterized by a departure from the semantic and structural parallelism between the original and the translation. [26 162]

The term "transformation" was interpreted more widely, leading to ambiguous use. Another place he assumed sometimes in classifications correspondences. So, T. R. Levitsky and A. M. Fiterman share equivalents for all compliance and transformation and understood by not only lexical equivalents, but also grammatical conformity.

Transformation authors call matching the translation occurring in cases where there is no equivalent; they restrict the grammatical, lexical and stylistic transformation. But the same authors consider himself "translation" as a kind of transformation, thus emphasizing that the term "transformation" can mean not only a kind of conformity, but also the process of its receipt.

VN Komissarov, on the one hand, interprets the transformation as a transformation of the original segment in the segment translation according to certain rules, ie as a process. However, he immediately calls the transformation "Receiving", ie recognizes her status at an operating unit of the process and divide these techniques into lexical (transcription, tracing, lexicosemantic replacement: concretization, generalization and modulation), grammar (literal translation, partitioning proposals union proposals and grammatical replacement) and lexical-grammatical ( antonymic translation, descriptive translation and compensation).

Then the author limits of transformations "translation of compliance", defining them as "units PYA regularly used for the translation of the DICE unit", ie known in advance, the use of which in the translation does not need to use special techniques. But here the author notes that many of conformity are multiple choice and should do again translator.

In the western translation studies, the term "transformation" is extremely rare; mostly uses the notion of "correspondence." [1, 162-163]

The following scientists NK Garbovsky, NF Belik and AF Shiryaev in his book "Translation as a linguistic problem," wrote that the study of types and methods of translational transformations occupies a central place in the process of teaching translation. Following VG hook under translation transformation we mean a departure "from the use of isomorphic means cash in both languages." Conducting translational transformations can be caused by various factors. At the heart of translational transformations are not only features of usual, ie isomorphic to the conventional use of means of expression enshrined norms relevant language pairs, but also features occasional due to the specific context, the use of these funds in a particular functional varieties of speech. These latter are not always considered a novice translator. However, ignoring features occasional use of linguistic resources leads to the fact that the translated text loses expression of the original, and in some cases it may be impaired functional and stylistic status, ie complex features inherent in a given functional speech varieties accepted in the target language. [3, 97]

AL Semenov notes that the translator is faced with such differences, which do not allow without loss of meaning units use a simple replacement of one language other units. Then he has to find the funds transfer meaning of the original, which will have the same impact on the reader function translation, which performed the original with respect to the carrier or the original language interpreter itself. Mezhjazykovye conversion in order to achieve equivalence of the original text and translation (as well as to preserve the functional impact of the message) is called translation transformations.

Currently in private translation theories considered so many kinds of transformations and there are many of their typology and classifications. Between some kinds of transformations can be very difficult to detect the dividing face. Often impossible to describe actions translator, focusing only on any one type of transformation. Actually, the term "transformation" captures the essence of what is happening a little in the translation process: no transformation from one to another in the creative process does not occur. Almost done paraphrasing text. For example, to adequately translated into any foreign language message "He decided to stay re-enlist," it must first and foremost to paraphrase: "(After the end of the regulatory period), he decided to continue to serve."

Generally, the transformation taking place in the translation should be considered, on the one hand, as a rehash of the original text by means of language translation, and on the other - as an adaptation of the translated text to the conditions of his acceptance of a message recipient.

It is easy to notice the obvious contradiction. As a result of various kinds of linguistic transformations testimony inevitably changes the content, or, in other words, the desire to maximize the preservation of the content can lead to loss of stylistic nature. Regulations or recommendations for addressing emerging imbalances and not just goals objectively can not be. Problem solved measures translational transformations translator yourself, based on his professional intuition.

Translation transformation - a creative process that is associated with a deep understanding of the meaning of a text in one language and freedom of ownership expressive means of another language. Skill build translational transformations determines bulk of translation problems. The development of this skill is the main goal of training and self creatively successful interpreter. [24, 60-61]

According to VN Komissarov, conversion, with which you can make the transition from original units to units of translation in this sense are called translation (interlanguage) transformations.

Since translation transformation carried out with linguistic units, having the plan content and the plane of expression, they are formal semantic nature, transforming both the form and the value of the initial units.

Transformational translation - translation, using one of the translational transformations. [5, 172]

Consideration of the theoretical problems of translation and closely related practical issues, including such methods as written, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, translation of various techniques and features military translation, suggests a kind of translation of anatomy, namely that although the interlingual translation is not a transformation, however translator activity can be represented as a transformation of sorts at different levels. Such transformations are:

- Transformation at the lexical level (intralingual and interlingual synonymy): refers to the operation of the sign method of translation of the operations and the source code from simultaneous translation;

- Transformation at the semantic level (business representatives - businessmen) refers to operations in the methods of text segmentation, records, source code transformation, semantic analysis, most translation techniques, etc.;

- Transformation at the information level: refers to the target utterance, extraction of key information, the use of symbols in the recording system, the individual operations of the method of segmentation of texts, speech compression, etc.

If the transformation at the lexical level (surface structure) and at the semantic level (deep structure) can be interpreted as a linguistic operation interpreter, the transformation at the information level are actually translation operations, which determine the specificity and the right to autonomy of the science of translation. Moreover, the transformation at the lexical and semantic level play a subordinate role in relation to transformations at the information level, which they, in fact, and are designed to provide. And this is because unlike the character of actions translator translation itself is not a transformation, and transmission of invariant information (messages) in an environment where the codes used by the source and destination are not the same. [14, 219-220]

2.2 Classification of translational transformations

Not easily given interpreter skills. To achieve it, he must learn quickly and skillfully use a variety of techniques available to flexibly change its location, resources dictionary achieve accuracy of the translation, based on a correct understanding of the semantic content of the text and spirit of the translation process. [7, 62]

The translation process is performed in accordance with the algorithms of action, in particular, using transformations.

Transformation - the basis for most methods of translation. Is to change the formal (lexical and grammatical transformations) and semantic (semantic transformations) of the components of the original text while maintaining the information to be transmitted. [14; 231]

There are different points of view about the separation of transformations on the species, but most authors agree on one thing, that the basic kinds of transformations - this grammar and vocabulary. In turn, these transformations are divided into subtypes.

From the outset, it should be emphasized that this kind of division is largely approximate and conditional. Types of elementary transformations of translation into practice "pure" are rare - usually they are, as will be seen from the following examples, combined with each other, taking the nature of the complex, "complex" transformations.

And now to the consideration of selected types of transformations we implemented in the translation process.

For example, according to IS Alekseeva, in the translation process of transformation found four primitive types:

1) permutation;

2) replacement;

3) added;

4) omission. [1, 166] TR Levitsky and AM Fiterman are three types of translational transformations:

  1. g p ammaticheskie transformation. These include the following methods: permutation, omissions and additions, adjustment and replacement offers.
  2. Stylistic transformation. This category may include such techniques as synonymous substitutions and descriptive translation, compensation and other types of substitutions.
  3. Lexical transformation. Here it is necessary to talk about replacing and adding, specification and generalization of proposals, as well as omission. [12, 263]

RK Mignard-Beloruchev believes that the transformation method with simultaneous translation aims to prepare the source code for operations in the formal sign level. This provides for:

- Lexical transformation finding speech units included in the semantic system, formed the translator;

- Grammatical transformations that take into account the most common and simple syntax of the target language;

- Speech compression, which is achieved through the use of all possible kinds of transformation.

Same grammatical transformation, RK Mignard-Beloruchev divides into several subtypes:

1. The transition from the reverse order of words to direct.

2. Replacing active passive designs.

3. Transition from mononuclear proposals to complete.

4. Replacing the original subject.

5. Transition from one to the other parts of speech.

6. Replacing complex syntax simple. [14 181]

TR Kazakov also notes that from a linguistic point of view, for the translation of the source text units for which compliance with the standard is not suitable, available to the translator, there are three main groups of techniques: lexical, grammatical and stylistic.

By lexical transformations she attributes: transliteration / transcription, tracing, semantic modification, description, comment, mixed (parallel) transfer.

By grammatical transformations she attributes: functional changes and additions grammatical transformation antonymic transfer, zero translation and many others.

And among the major stylistic transformation techniques include replacing verbal composition, replacement, replace the path (or figures of speech), the removal of figurative meaning, literal translation (with or without commentary).

Also notes that the choice of different methods of conversion depends on the character set translator translation units in the source text. [6, 22]

Next scientist AD Schweitzer transformation divides into four groups:

1) transformation at the component level semantic valence imply the use of different kinds of substitutions. And this case is to replace the lexical morphological means, other morphological, syntactic or phraseological and others.

  1. Transformation at the level of pragmatic: translation compensation, replacement of certain other stylistic devices, replacing allusions (realities) for similar, as well as interpreting, translation and explanatory translation compensation.
  2. Transformation is carried out on referential level. This includes specification (or giponimicheskaya transformation), generalization (giperonimicheskaya transformation), replacement of the realities (intergiponimicheskaya transformation), and translation using remetaforizatsii (sinekdohicheskaya transformation), metonymic transformation remetaforizatsii (replacing one another metaphor) demetaforizatsii (replacing its antipode metaphors - nemetaforoy). It also includes some combination of these complex transformations and transformation (eg, conversive).
  3. Transformation at the level of stylistic. This compression (ellipsis, semantic contraction, the omission of redundant elements and lexical clotting) and expansion. [33, 280]

YI Retsker, reveals only two types of transformations:

  1. grammatical transformations in the form of replacement of parts of speech, or of the sentence.
  2. Lexical transformation is to specify, generalization, differentiation values antonymic translation, compensation for losses arising from the translation process, as well as in the semantic development and holistic transformation. [21, 216]

VN Komissarov identifies the following types of translational transformations:

1. Lexical: transliteration, translation transcription, tracing some lexicosemantic replacement. For example, modulation, specification and generalization;

2. Grammar: a literal translation (or syntactic assimilation), grammatical replacement (replacement of the sentence, word forms, parts of speech) and division of the proposal;

3. Complex (lexical and grammatical) explication (descriptive translation) antonymic transfer and compensation. [5, 253]

LK Latvians identifies six types of translation transformations:

  1. lexical transformations. Here he refers replacement tokens synonyms, depending on the context.
  2. Stylistic transformation. In this case, the transformation of the stylistic coloring words translatable.
  3. Morphological transformation. That is the transformation of one part of speech to another, or replacing it with a few parts of speech.
  4. Syntactic transformation. These active scientist considers transformation syntax (words, phrases and sentences), changing the type of subordinate clauses, changing the type of syntactic communication, transformation proposals combinations and permutation of the paranasal parts in complex and compound sentences.
  5. Semantic transformations: replacement parts-signs.
  6. Transformation of mixed species - is the converse transformation and antonymic translation. [10 248]

L. Barkhudarov identified four types of transformations. This permutation (change the order of the components of a complex sentence, as well as change of words and phrases); replacement (compensation, syntactic substitutions in a complex sentence structure, replacement of parts of speech components of the sentence and phrases, specification and generalization, division and unification proposals replacement cause and effect (and vice versa), antonymic translation); ptosis (drooping) and adding (adding). [2, 240]

Based on this review of classifications can be concluded that in linguistics, there is no single classification of the types of translational transformations. This is explained by the fact that different linguistic scholars allocate different number of species translational transformations.

The most complete classification seems to us the classification proposed by VN Krupnov, under which are the following kinds of translation transformations: a general restructuring of the proposal, specification, generalization, reception semantic development in translation, translation antonymic, holistic transformation, compensation and transfer of attribute combinations. Let us examine each of them.

1) The total restructuring of the proposal. Various types of restructuring proposals require constant account the structural features of an English sentence. For example, in the English sentence circumstances (compared to other parts of the sentence) are very mobile, and translator into English and may even need to use this pattern. As pointed out by M. Katzer and AV Kunin, in Russian language acceptable "cluster at the beginning of a series of proposals heterogeneous circumstances", which is excluded in English. Therefore, when the English translation of the Russian sentence to the circumstances at the beginning offers the following operations:

circumstances can be attributed to the end He's been to see the play three times. - Three times went to the last play. [34,15]

  1. circumstance of time can be saved in the beginning of the sentence, and the other circumstances set to end it.

WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again before putting them back. - When the men left, Julie again revised photos before putting them in place. [34,15]

  1. Finally, the circumstances may be replaced by other members of a sentence.

Yesterday evening, the closing ceremony of the UN General Assembly. - Last night's closing of the UN General Assembly session was in the solemn atmosphere.

Restructuring proposals in the translation from English into Russian is also caused by the fact that the Russian language more widely used active voice. Compare, for example:

He was anxious to have enough put by ... - Michael wanted to save enough money ... [34.15]

By asset often resort when translating impersonal constructions with adverbs can type, you can not, it is necessary, etc.

"I was wondering if I might have a piece of bread." - Could I slice of bread? [34,15]

In English grammar describes the occurrences and other asset that must take their own blueprint translator.

Syntactic techniques mentioned above in the translation from English into Russian by no means exhaust the whole arsenal of methods of translation. Thus, the transfer of lexical meanings of words and phrases play a big part of any kind of lexical transformation, namely specifying methods, generalization, semantic development, antonymic translation, holistic transformation, etc.

2) The concretization. With translation and methodological point of view, the reception specification can be described as the selection in the translation more accurate or specific matches or shades of meaning than those that can be found in bilingual dictionaries.

Assume that we need to translate the phrase: Michael did not notice the faint irony of her tone. In the Anglo-Russian dictionary word tone recommended translate sound, tone, intonation. This is acceptable equivalents; but in context it is not appropriate and could be replaced by another word - the voice. So, we have found keywords tone specific to this text, a solution, or in other words, the specification of values attained. All offers, so you can translate: Michael did not notice the light irony in her voice sounded. [34,15]

Selecting accurate, contextual values not covered by the dictionary, requires an interpreter, creativity, disaccustoms it from a primitive notion that in the dictionary "everything can be found."

Here is another example. Suppose we need to translate the sentence: She had been with Michael for five years. Open the aforementioned English-Russian dictionary and look article on the verb to be: to be, to live, to happen. Consequently, as the dictionary would recommend translated as: She was with Michael 5 years. Further, evaluating the overall context, we establish that she was his colleague and worked with him for 5 years. In this case, to use a different meaning of the word - work. Then the sentence as a whole can be translated as: She worked with Michael for five years. [34,15]

3) Generalization. Admission to the above generalization opposite reception specification. In other words, instead of a word with a specific meaning in one language, we select the word with a total value on the other. For example: «The house was furnished in extremely good taste». Of course, on the basis of correspondences offered in dictionaries, you can translate this sentence: The house has been furnished in extremely good taste. However, a more idiomatic and accurate translation can be obtained if you give a broader interpretation of the phrase "in extremely good taste" (i.e., to generalize it). So the general concept for the current context is the phrase "perfectly appointed." Translator, aware of the existence of this phrase, can convert all bid more idiomatically: The house was perfectly appointed. [34,15]

It is easy to notice that the use of methods of generalization and specification defined tasks more accurate disclosure in the translation of the original thought.

4) Acceptance of semantic development in translation. The essence of this is often used when transferring reception is a deeper semantic interpretation of a particular lexical item or phrase. Translator seems to ask yourself: "What, in fact, has in mind here?" He seems to be constantly more clarifies itself semantic content of an utterance, is more specific and pertinent contextual stylistic decision. Assume that we need to translate English sentence: The photographer had so posed her, with her help, as to show her at her best. [34] (literally) "Photographer planted it, not without her help to show it at its best." It is clear that in Russian so we can not say, requires a clearer interpretation of the phrase. Now we will try to develop this idea, whenever framed her in a different (test for greater accuracy of expression and compatibility): "Photographer planted it, not without her help to show the most profitable." "... To show the most profitable" - stylistically clearly failed. The search should continue: "Photographer planted it, not without her help, the best way." [15] This is quite acceptable option. This gradual refinement of thought, in the search for more accurate and more semantically intensive contextual lexical tools and equipment is receiving semantic development.

5) antonymic translation. As in all other cases described above, the so-called transfer antonymic seeks the most appropriate and natural for language translation of the original expression of thought. So, translating, say, the offer I hope you'll have enough to eat [34] on the Russian language, we can offer the following options: I hope you can eat. This is quite adequate translation. But the same idea can be expressed quite differently: I hope you will not go hungry. [15] The second translation, unlike the original, contains a negation (.. not stay ..), although passed the same thought. Therefore antonym here - purely conditional: in terms of expression of the common thought no antonyms no. To a large extent this is due to antonym settled in different languages, ways of expressing a particular action. This is easily seen by the following comparisons:

Do not hang up! Hang on, please!

Do not walk on the lawn! Keep on the grass!

Can not lie in the sun! Stay out of the sun!

Trespassing. Authorised personnel only.

It does not lean against the door! Keep clear of the door!

The researchers note that the translation into Russian antonym often is to replace negative assertive design.

He can't get over the way our accounts are kept. - Amazed at how we have maintained the books. [34,15]

I won't ask him if you don't want him. - If you object, I will not call him. [34,15]

Strictly speaking, this method is necessary in this case; if it has not resorted to, the translation will literalist. In fact, unless properly sounds in Russian this sentence: "He can not deal with the way"? Or: "If you do not want it?" Therefore, the proposed translator options prompted his self sense of language, knowledge of the characteristics of the target language and, most importantly, the context, the semantic content of the original.

6) Holistic transformation. Under the holistic transformation is meant the transformation of the inner form, as a single turn of phrase, and the whole sentence. Transformation is then carried out not on the elements, and holistically. So, if in Russian in the administration of the subway train they say: "Sliding Doors!, Then in English, according to the rules of grammar, this phrase can be translated as: Careful! The doors are closed. Meanwhile, in English in a similar situation, we have to speak differently: Watch the doors, please. Or: Keep clear of the doors. This will, in fact, adequate situational transfer. Or another example. In Russian, we usually speak or write: "Caution. Paint! "In English it would be wrong to translate this phrase literalist: Careful! It's painted here. Although grammatically everything here is true, but in real life the British and Americans in the same situation say: Caution. Wet paint. This sentence is just and will be adequate for the British line Russian phrases.

"What is it?" - Do you need anything? [34,15] The lack of common components between the English and Russian phrase matching entitles assume that it is produced by a holistic transformation.

7) Payment. The essence of receiving compensation bright disclosed in the latest edition of the book by Alexander Fedorov. Here are all his definition: "In practice, a number of translation occurs when not played at all or replaced formally far this or that element of the original, passed a particular word, phrase, etc., but the inability to pass a separate element, a separate feature of the original too does not contradict the principle of transferability, since the latter refers to the entire product as a whole. Of course, as a whole does not exist any abstract notion - it consists of specific elements which, however, is not essential individually and collectively in the mechanical and in the system formed of a combination of the unity and the content of component pieces. Hence - the possibility of substitutions and compensation system of the whole, for the opening of a variety of ways; thus, the loss of a single element, not playing an organizing role, can not be felt in the background larger whole, he seems to be dissolved in whole or replaced by other elements, sometimes not given the original.

The starting point for determining the role of an individual item in the original, the need for precise transmission, as well as opportunities for its omission or pattern or replacement is the relation of form and content in their unity. "

To understand the essence of receiving compensation, consider the following illustrative example.

The text of the U.S. work Maugham's "Theatre" met phrase: You haven't? [34] As it should be translated? Literally this phrase in Russian as follows: You do not have? Can hardly be regarded as satisfactory the transfer. Very combination you do not have clear and to some extent even ambiguous. How, then, properly convey this idea in English, how to compensate for the inability to transfer literal individual elements? It seems that the output can be found from the context of the work: "Really?". [15] With this solution, the idea of the original transmitted, in our opinion, quite accurately, and, moreover, chosen mode of transmission is quite typical for the Russian language.

To receive compensation often resort and when translating from Russian into English. With the inability to pass in individual elements of the original encounter most often in cases where the object of translation are sovietisms. Like, say, translate sovietism Komsomol-youth brigade? Translate it into English can be reconsidered only separate elements: young workers 'team (literally' brigade of young workers ") or YCL workers team (lit." (Komsomol team of workers ").

These examples show that in general, you can send any thought to compensate for the individual parts by other means, and therefore the principle of transferability is not broken, neither here nor in any other cases. [8 18-24]

Because This classification seems to us the most appropriate number of parameters, we will follow it in the analysis of practical material.

Conclusions to Chapter 2: parsed entity translational transformations and their classification in the second chapter of our work, we can conclude that any translation from one language to another requires a professional approach, knowledge of both languages and cultures of locale data holders to perfection. Accurate, correct translation is inevitable without interlanguage transformations, ie translation transformations. There are various kinds of translation transformations. Some of them are used more frequently than others, others - at least, but we found out that they are used together, then there are complex. Basically it is such transformations as lexical, grammatical and stylistic. In turn, these transformations are divided into different subtypes: refining, compensation, transcription, and many others. Famous scientists in their own linguists classify data translation transformation.

Thus, it is worth to note that the translation is very important transformation in the translation and not do without them. And based on this chapter, we can begin the practical part of our thesis.

3 Translation transformations in translation works WS Maugham "Theatre" in Russian

3.1 Features of the author's style

Throughout his long life (1874-1965) writer William Somerset Maugham has repeatedly spoken out in that spirit that the artist creates because it can not be otherwise, given the creativity and for him as naturally and inevitably as for ducks - swim, and for Water - flowing downhill. With all that in his work he certainly came from certain plants, equal to certain patterns, certain professed ideals and had his own view of the nature, meaning and purpose of art and literature.

All this is not couched in Maugham in any orderly system, and scattered to numerous essays, articles, prefaces, interviews, autobiographical notes, and other small of essays and critical prose, which share in his legacy is impressive enough. And he said this is not the language of theoretical formulas, but with live spontaneity and perfect distinctness wise and favor to the reader interlocutor spoke like an equal, strive to express very clearly all that he had and wished to say.

Bonus Maugham somehow does not fit the definition of "critical" - so they are free from what is related to perceptions with literary criticism in the first place, or at any cost obsessive attempts to introduce the reader's consciousness in their opinions and judgments, and to show off the art of controversy erudition.

In his essay Maugham shares his observations, discoveries, thoughts, likes and dislikes - the fruits of his experience has succeeded writer and impressions of the works created by other artists. His essay dialogical, they assume a respectful companion, ready to listen carefully to the writer and to reflect with him, but is not obliged to agree with him, because the tastes and views of the people are still different than literature itself: "We literature, as in the kingdom of heaven, many monasteries, and the author is free to invite you to visit any. They all have a right to exist, you only need to adapt to the environment in which the fall. "

Literary biography of William Somerset Maugham, by his own admission, has developed well: fame he received relatively early, his books have been translated and read in many countries, and if he did not become the darling of critics and compilers favorite courses of English literature published in the Soviet Union, and abroad, on the appreciation of the reading public it has been for several generations did not have to complain. So is it any wonder that from the outset the literary activity of the main reference for Maugham became not uzkoliteraturnye guild interests, not in the abstract service to the Word, not the impact on the public mind, but aesthetic "service" to the general public - the spectator if he created the play, or the reader when he wrote prose.

For Maugham, as for any real writer, creativity primarily meant self-expression and self-giving. Validity under his pen was painted Realtor, so his books and not leave the reader indifferent. Own creative practice and thinking of other people's writings, great and small, could not but lead to the crucial issue of Maugham's aesthetics - the problem of the relationship between the writer and literature and reality. This extremely complex and still not stand in the theory of literature, he wrote the problem in accordance with the advice provided by the novelist: "write simple enough to not hinder the competent reader, and the form must encircle the content as artfully cut fits slim leg boots" .

Drawing on his knowledge of human nature and considering the reality as the basis and material for artistic creation, Maugham fully comprehend the inevitability and impermeability boundary between reality and as such fictitious reality of the world of art, no matter how plastic and hyperemia he was. Transfiguration of reality in an image of the original writer connected with the concept of art as entertainment: "The author does not copy life, he rebuilds it in his own way, to the maximum interest, inspire, surprise." Judgments, like the one, contributed to the creation of the myth of the author as Moema frivolous, banal, prone to slide on the surface of the phenomenon without taking deep and avoiding staging large and important problems.

His craft as he possessed in perfection, and he knew what he was doing when, talking about it, "obsession with truth" put together with clarity of style and perfection of language. In his extensive zsseistskom heritage meets many paradoxes controversial provisions ratings dictated by the surface, and even misconceptions about the subject of conversation, sometimes egg preferences, and this is understandable: he emphasized that the writer - a living person, so ... But scholastic temptation to divide and oppose in fiction content and form, he did not succumb once. Literary creation he saw as a whole aesthetic: "The perfect form for the expression of thought." How to build, sculpt and create this whole, he knew perfectly, and if the "secrets of the trade" and spoke guardedly stingy, then the "secrets" secrets did, opening readers free access to his creative laboratory.

The fate of books to W. Somerset Maugham proved that "a small classic" English belles-lettres, he became - unconditionally, and well, that the Soviet reader gets the opportunity now available with poosnovatelnee views "small classic" great literature on craft, vocation and work of the writer.

Maugham was not asked specifically the problems of philosophy of creativity, his aesthetic views were more applied, "worker" character. He was concerned about the moral and technical aspects of their difficult profession, and what he wrote. And here, the right, he has a lot to learn. [16; 3-22]

3.2 Analysis of translational transformations used in the translation of works "Theatre"

Let us consider the features of translational transformations performed on the example of translation works WS Maugham "Theatre." Russian translation of the works presented G.Ostrovskoy, who translated several works of this writer.

As noted earlier, translation transformation in practice "pure" are rare - usually they are, as will be seen in the examples below, combined with each other. When translating this work translator Galina Ostrovsky uses various transformations in "complex". That is followed by the replacement of a specialization; generalization combined with the omission. To achieve equivalence translator uses such transformation as: reception lexical additions antonymic translation reshuffle.

1) Julia came in. - Julia came into the room. (2) In the English translation for transmission "communicative division of the sentence" in the Russian proposal is necessary to introduce the subject, absent in the original English sentence. Therefore, this proposal takes a lexical welcome additions. Also present in the proposal proper name Julia - Julia, ie reception transcription.

2) Hulloa! - Is this you? (2) non-transferable to the Russian language element is replaced by another element that conveys the same information. That is, there is compensation. Just in this sentence there is a replacement for affirmative English sentence interrogative Russian.

3) No hurry. - I'm in no hurry. (1) there is a replacement of the English impersonal sentences for Russian private bid.

4) With the experienced actress's instinct to fit the gesture to the word, by a movement of her neat head she indicated the room through which she had just passed. - With an unerring instinct experienced actress timing gesture by the way, she pointed out the elegant movement of the head to the room through which just passed. (2) The proposal takes a permutation of the sentence: in the English sentence the phrase «by a movement of her neat head» preceded by the phrase "she indicated", in Russian proposal, it should be him, "she pointed out," "graceful movement of the head." It also occurs omission pronouns «she».

5) He's an articled clerk. - It is in their pupils to contract. (1) The dictionary defines concepts article - send an internship under the contract and clerk - employee. Hence, here we see the reception semantic development, replacement investigation cause: a literal translation of an English sentence - "He is an employee under the contract." Means "it in their pupils to contract."

6) He can't get over the way our accounts are kept. - Amazed at how we have maintained the books. (1) In this example, the English sentence negative transformed into Russian in the affirmative, that is used antonymic translation.

7) He told me he never expected a theatre to be run on such businesslike lines. - He could not imagine that you can put on the theater business footing. (2) There is traced replace the English word «run» the broader meaning of "run, run" on the Russian word "put" with a narrower meaning. Specification that is used. And the English word «lines-line reins" is replaced by the Russian word "rails". English combination «He told me» is omitted, ie used lexical welcome omission.

8) He says the way some of those firms in the city keep their accounts is enough to turn your hair grey. - Says, in some firms account books in such a condition that can turn gray. (3) In this sentence there is such a transformation, as the omission of the pronoun «He» demonstrative and «those», as well as to be «the way» and circumstance place «in the city», considering them syntactically unnecessary. Further there is a specification: the English word «accounts» with a wider value replaced Russian phrase "books of account" with a narrower meaning. Next, the interpreter uses the device of semantic development. It replaces the cause investigation. Reason: «accounts is enough to turn your hair grey» - a consequence of "the book in such a condition that can turn gray."

9) Julia smiled at the complacency on her husband's handsome face. - Julie smiled at her husband's handsome face radiating smugness. (3) In this sentence there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia", ie reception transcription. Also here there is a permutation of the sentence: in fact places the English sentence «on her husband's handsome face» follows the addition of «at the complacency», in the Russian proposal, "looking at the beautiful face of her husband," preceded by "emitting complacency." The interpreter uses the proposal reception lexical additions: a Russian proposal it was necessary to enter the word that is not in the original English sentence for syntactic correctness offers - "looking", "radiant".

10) I thought we might take him back with us and give him a spot of lunch. - Do not take it with a meal in a hurry? (2) First of all, we clearly see here the omission of the English phrase «I thought». Further, in this example, the English phrase: "we might take him back with us and give him a spot of lunch" --- (literal translation: "we could take it with him and give him a small portion of lunch), translator replaces question the proposal having a narrower meaning "Can not we eat it with whip?", ie uses the transformation as specification. Here we see the replacement of the English phrase «give him a spot of lunch» on Russian phrase "eat in haste." In this example, the interpreter uses to achieve equivalence of such transformation as ptosis and specification.

11) He's quite a gentleman. - It is quite well-mannered. (1) This sentence is replaced English to be «a gentleman» Russian a verbal adverb "brought up."

12) Is that a sufficient reason to ask him to lunch? - Do you think this is enough to invite him to lunchtime? (2) To achieve equivalence, where there is such a transformation, as a method of lexical additions: "In your opinion." This transformation is used in conjunction with a concrete verb in an English sentence «to ask» wide value - ask, request, replaced with a narrow verb meaning by the context in Russian proposal - "invite".

13) Michael did not notice the faint irony of her tone. - Michael did not notice the light irony in her voice sounded. (3) In this sentence there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael", ie reception transcription in conjunction with the acquisition of lexical added: "sounded ...". Also, for consistency offers a translator produces specification, ie the replacement of the English word with a broad meaning «tone» - tone, sound, intonation, the Russian word for the narrow meaning of "voice."

14) I won't ask him if you don't want him. - If you object, I will not call him. (3) In this example, we see this transformation as antonymic translation. Negative design of an English sentence «if you don't want him» transformed into an assertive sentence construction in Russian: "If you mind." This transformation is combined with specification: the replacement of English phrase «I won't ask him» - I did not ask him, Russian phrase "I'm not going to call him." Translator also used permutation-changing the order of the main and subordinate clause.

15) He's been to see the play three times. - Three times went to the last play. (3) In this example, the interpreter uses the following transformation: Reception lexical omission - in Russian proposal omitted the pronoun «He»; specification - the verb in an English sentence with an abstract meaning «be»-be, to live, to exist .., replaced in the Russian verb sentence with a narrower meaning of "walking"; permutation - the phrase in the English sentence «three times» at the end of the proposal and the Russian proposal it first.

16) He's crazy to be introduced to you. - He was dying to meet you. (1) Passive voice of an English sentence «to be introduced» replaced by active voice in Russian sentence "I want to meet."

17) Michael touched a button and in a moment his secretary came in. - Michael pressed a button and a second appeared in the doorway of his secretary. (3) There is a proper name, that is, here we have the transcription: «Michael» - «Michael." Next, the interpreter uses the transformation specification as: replacement of the English verb with a broader meaning «touched-touched, touched ..." Russian verb narrow meaning of "hit." And one more specification: replace the English verb movement «came in» Russian verb "appeared." Next is the replacement of the English phrase «in a moment» Russian phrase "in a second."

18) Here are the letters, Margery. - Letters are ready, Marjorie. (3) In this example, use the technique of semantic development, ie the process of replacing its consequence: «Here are the letters» -'s letters means "Letters ready." Semantic development is accompanied by a specialization: English verb with an abstract meaning in the plural «are» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "ready." And in the end there is a proper name suggestions «Margery» - «Marjorie," that is used transformation - transcription.

19) She had been with Michael for five years. - She has worked with Michael for five years. (1) is clearly seen specification, ie the replacement of English abstract verb «be-be, be ..." on the Russian verb "worked."

20) The paper bore the address, Siddons Theatre. - On paper, the address was: "Siddons Theatre." (1) The proposal is also used specification: English verb with the wider meaning of "bear-bear, endure ..." is translated from the Russian verb narrower meaning of "was."

21) Between these was a magnificent silver ink-stand that she had herself given him on one of his birthdays and behind it a rack in red morocco, heavily gilt, in which he kept his private paper in case he wanted to write a letter in his own hand. - Between them was placed a magnificent silver inkstand, which she somehow gave Michael's birthday, and in front of the pad red morocco with rich gold pattern where Michael held the paper, in case he wants to write a letter by hand. (5) The interpreter found it necessary to use this example, the following transformation in the complex: specification: the English word with an abstract meaning «was» transformed into a Russian word with the narrow meaning of "placed"; is replaced to form words, the English phrase in the plural «on one of his birthdays» Russian phrase is replaced by the singular "somehow ... birthday", ie we see analogical transfer; Further there is a replacement pronoun «him» Russian subject "Michael"; then switched translator English verb «wanted» Russian verb "pleases", and here we see the elapsed time as a replacement for the future.

22) A bunch of yellow tulips in a silver bowl, which he had got through winning the theatrical golf tournament three times running, showed Margery's care. - Yellow tulips in a silver vase, Michael won in competitions in golf among the actors showed diligence Marjorie. (5) In this example, we observe reception lexical omission: English translator omits the phrase «A bunch of ...» and «three times running», considering them to be semantically redundant; replacement asset liability - «which he had got ...» - «won ..."; replacing pronouns «he» subject "Michael"; there is a proper name, then there is a reception transcription - «Margery» - «Marjorie"; English verb «showed» replaced Russian verb "witness." 23) Julia wondered if she could be such a fool as to be in love with him. - Interestingly, she had the crazy in love with him? (3) In this example, the interpreter uses the transformation as: Reception lexical omission - in Russian proposal omitted proper name «Julia»; reception semantic development, namely the replacement of cause and effect - in the English sentence «she could be such a fool-could she be so silly," translated into Russian so-"enough in her mind." That is, she did not have the mind and why she was so silly. Further, in the English sentence the phrase «to be in love with ..." if literally translated, then we would have "to be in love with ..", this translation is stylistically incorrect, so the interpreter uses the device of generalization and translates it to a wider value the word "fall in love ...". This translation is adequate.

24) Margery gave him his black Homburg hat and opened the door for Julia and Michael to go out. - Marjorie gave him a black felt hat and opened the door. (3) The proper name «Margery» - «Marjorie" - so here we have the transcription. Next we see the substitution of the word «Homburg» to "fedora". English phrase «opened the door for Julia and Michael to go out» is translated thus: "opened the door." That is welcome used lexical omission.

25) "This is the gentleman who is good enough to put some order into the mess we make of our accounts." - This is the gentleman who has kindly agreed to put in order our books. (4) In this example, the specification used: English verb with an abstract value «is» Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning "agreed." Here we also see a welcome sense of development, that is, the phrase «is good enough» Russian translated the phrase "kindly agreed." He was nice enough - hence he "graciously agreed" - replacement of cause and effect. Next comes the reception lexical omission: omitted the phrase «the mess we make of ...». With him goes reception generalization (replacement process its consequence) the phrase «to put some order into the mess we make ...» (literal translation - put some order in the confusion ...), to achieve adequacy, translated as "put in order". Further, to achieve equivalence, should replace the word «accounts - accounts, stories .." on the Russian phrase "books."

26) The young man went scarlet. - The boy blushed bright red. (2) There is a replacement phrase «The young man - a young man," subject to "the youth." Followed by the specification: the replacement of the English verb with an abstract meaning «went» Russian verb with a narrower meaning "burst."

27) She thought that she had not been very gracious to Michael. - Julia thought not very kindly replied Michael. (3) In this example, there is a replacement of the English pronoun «She» Russian subject "Julia." Concretization: the replacement of the English verb with an abstract meaning «been» Russian verb with a narrower meaning of "said." There is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael," that is used in transcription.

28) She looked straight into his eyes. Her own were large, of a very dark brown, and starry. - She looked him straight in the eye with his huge dark brown radiant eyes. (2) First of all we see here is the union of two English sentences into a complex Russian. The interpreter performs a permutation word «eyes» in the end of the sentence.

29) Julia talked very differently to herself and to other people: when she talked to herself her language was racy. - Language Julia vary widely when she talked to herself and with others. With him she does not mince words. (3) In this example, there is a replacement causes its consequence, that is used reception semantic development: «Julia talked very differently to herself and to other people» (literal translation Giulia talked differently with each other and with other people.) Means " Language Julia vary widely. " This transformation is also used as transcription: proper «Julia» - «Julia." Rearrangement occurs phrase «and to other people»: in the English sentence, it is preceded by the phrase «when she talked to herself», and in Russian proposal it follows him - "when she spoke to herself and others."

30) "I wonder if we could persuade you to come and eat a chop with us. - Maybe you will not refuse to come with us to eat? (4) In this example, a lot of substitutions. First of all we see here a replacement offers English Russian question affirmatively; replace the English verb «to come» Russian "to drop"; replace the English phrase «I wonder» Russian phrase, "Maybe." Further, the reception semantic development: «if we could persuade you - if we can convince you" changed to "you will not refuse", ie there is a replacement process of its investigation.

31) He gave his clothes a troubled look. - He looked anxiously his costume. (1) In this example, we see the specification, that is, the English verb with a wide value is specified in the Russian verb narrow meaning: «gave» - «examined."

32) Julia got in. - Julia sat behind. (2) Interpreter contextual specification used here: the combination «got in - to collect, store ..." has been replaced in the Russian sentence with the word "village". Moreover, this specification is combined with the acquisition of lexical added: added sentence in Russian the word "back".

33) "Come and sit with me. - Sit down with me. (1) In this example uses one kind of transformation - is welcome lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the verb «Come» Union and «and». Interpreter finds them semantically redundant.

34) I'll ask him to write in our book. - I'll ask him to sign a visitors' book. (1) In this example, used reception lexical added: Russian sentence added in the phrase "for visitors."

35) ... and when they arrived Julia told the butler to show the young man where he could wash his hands. - ... When they arrived, Julia told the butler to show the boy where he can wash his hands. (1) In this example, we are again faced with a proper name «Julia» - «Julia" - transcription.

36) "We shall never see him again." - We see him here in the first and last time. (1) In this example, the interpreter uses the device of semantic development: an English sentence «We shall never see him again. - We will never see it again. "Transformed into Russian proposal with a completely different translation, namely" We see it here in the first and last time. "- That is, the replacement of the investigation the cause (we never see it, so we see it here for the first and last time).

37) At that moment the young man appeared. - At this point, the young man appeared in the doorway. (1) In this example, the translator used the reception lexical added: added sentence in Russian "at the door."

38) The cocktails were waiting and Michael poured them out. - They've been waiting for a cocktail, Michael poured his glasses. (4) Replacement of word forms: the subject is plural in English sentence «The cocktails» is replaced by a Russian proposal subject to the singular "cocktail" (analogical transfer); permutation of the phrase «The cocktails were waiting» - «They've been waiting for a cocktail"; there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael" (transcription); and adequacy of translation used for reception lexical added: "by the glass".

39) Julia took a cigarette and the young man struck a match for her, but his hand was trembling so much that she thought he would never be able to hold the light near enough to her cigarette, so she took his hand and held it. - Julia took out a cigarette, and the young man lit a match, but his hand was shaking so badly that she never would failed to light, so she squeezed her with his fingers. (3) To achieve equivalence translator uses this example, the following transformation: transcription - «Julia» - «Julia"; double substitution of the English word «took - take, miss ..." Russian words "took squeezed ..."; reception lexical omission - omitted the phrase «she thought»; reception semantic development: replacing cause and effect - «he would never be able to hold the light near enough to her cigarette - he could never hold a candle near her cigarette" so that "it would not for that failed to light."

40) I expect he'll be a blasted little hero in his office. - It will be a hero in his office, and all burst with envy. "(3) In this example, the translator used the techniques of lexical omission: the phrase« I expect »and« a blasted little ... »omitted; Behind them there is a reception lexical adding the words" and all burst with envy. "

41) The young man forced himself to make a remark. - A young man forced a phrase. (1) This example shows the reception semantic development: «forced himself to make a remark» (literal translation: to force yourself to make a point), ie, "forced a phrase" - replacement process investigation.

42) She gave him the quick, delightful smile, with a slight lift of her fine eyebrows, which he must often have seen her give on the stage. - Julie gave him a charming smile, gently lifting her beautiful eyebrows that he's probably not seen on stage. (2) In the first place we see the replacement of English pronouns Russian subject: «She» - «Julia." Further specification of the interpreter uses English verb with an abstract meaning in Russian proposal replaces glaolom "gifted." Further, it produces the omission of the English word «the quick», believing it to be excessive.

43) Michael gave the room a complacent glance. - Michael smugly looked around the room. (3) In this example, the following translation transformation: transcription - there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael"; permutation - the word «... the room ...» in the English sentence is in mid-sentence, but it is Russian proposal at the end of "... the room"; specification - English phrase «gave the room a complacent glance» translated as "smugly looked around the room." (English verb «gave» has wider significance in comparison with Russian verb "looked")

44) I always design the sets myself for our plays. - I always invents interiors for our plays. (1) Here is a replacement of the word «the sets» (set, set, ...) on the Russian word - "Interiors".

45) They had moved into that house two years before, and he knew, and Julia knew, that they had put it into the hands of an expensive decorator when they were going on tour, and he had agreed to have it completely ready for them , at cost price in return for the work they promised him in the theatre, by the time they came back. - They moved into this house two years ago, and Michael as well as Julia knew that they gave it into the hands of an experienced decorator, when went on a tour of the province, and he took it completely to prepare for their arrival, and free, for what they will give him a job in the theater when they return. (3) is replaced by English pronouns proper name: «he» - «Michael"; there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia" (transcription). To avoid repetition, omission occurs English verb «knew» («and he knew, and Julia knew ...» - «and Michael as well as Julia knew ..."). Next is the replacement value of the English word «expensive - expensive (in the price)" on Russian "experienced."

46) The house was furnished in extremely good taste, with a judicious mixture of the antique and the modern, and Michael was right when he said that it was quite obviously a gentleman's house. - The house was perfectly appointed, it successfully combines antique and modern, and Michael could rightly say that it is no doubt that the house gentleman. (2) This example uses a generalization, that is, the English phrase «was furnished in extremely good taste» (ektremalnyh was furnished in good taste), transformed into a Russian "was perfectly appointed," has a broader meaning, that is (was furnished well exquisitely, etc.). Here also there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael," that is used in transcription.

47) Luncheon was announced and they went downstairs. - Butler announced that lunch is served, and they went down. (2) The interpreter in this example produces a replacement liability in the English sentence «Luncheon was announced» Russian asset "announced that lunch is served." Are added in the Russian sentence, the words "the butler» .48) "I hope you'll have enough to eat," said Julia. - I hope you will not go hungry - said Julia. (3) In this example, there is a antonymic transfer, ie replacing affirmative English sentence «I hope you'll have enough to eat»-Russian negative "you will not go hungry." And welcome semantic development: «you'll have enough to eat» (you will have enough to eat) means - "you will not go hungry," that is a consequence of the replacement of reasons. Next we find a proper name «Julia» - «Julia" - this is the transcription. translation equivalence transformation author

49) "Michael and I have very small appetites." - And I have a very poor appetite Michael. (4) In this example, we see the replacement of the word form: English noun plural «appetites» replaced Russian nouns in edinsvennoe including "appetite" (analogical transfer). Also, there used transcription - that is present proper name «Michael» - «Michael." Further there is a specification - replacing English phrase «Michael and I have» Russian "We have with Michael." Also, the replacement of the word «small» (small, small) on the Russian word "bad."

50) It was a meal designed to satisfy legitimate hunger, but not to produce fat. - This food could satisfy legitimate hunger, but did not give to get fat. (1) There is a liability to the replacement of Russian asset English sentence: «It was a meal designed ...» - «This food could ...".

51) The cook, warned by Margery that there was a guest to luncheon had hurriedly made some fried potatoes. - Cook, warned by Marjorie that lunchtime to be another person, prepared hastily chips. (4) In this example, there is a proper name, namely «Margery» English sentence and "Marjorie" in Russian. That is used reception transcription. Next there is a replacement of the indefinite article in the English sentence «there was a ...» numerals in Russian proposal "will be another ...". For him, it should be another change: «a guest» (guest) - "man." We also see in this example, the replacement of English noun plural «potatoes» Russian singular noun "the potato" (analogical transfer). 52) Only the young man took them. - But eating it just a guest. (2) In this example, the permutation occurs. Namely, in the English sentence, the phrase «... the young man ...» is located in the middle of a sentence, and in Russian - it is in the end of the sentence "... guest." Next there is a replacement of the English plural pronouns «them» Russian singular pronoun "it."

53) Michael stared at them gravely for a moment as though he could not quite tell what they were, and then with a little start, breaking out of a brown study, said No thank you. - Michael stared at the dish with a look that seemed not quite understand what is there, then, faintly startled awake from a gloomy reverie and said, 'No, thank you. (2) There is a proper name - Transcription: «Michael» - «Michael." Next we see the replacement Anliyskogo pronouns «them» on Russian noun "dish" with it in the singular.

54) After all, with the exercise I take I can eat anything I like. - In my exercise I can eat whatever I want. (2) In this example, used reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the phrase «After all ...» and two pronouns «.. I.. I..». A generalization also occurs: English phrase «with the exercise I take»-translated thus "at my exercise," has a broader meaning.

55) "What is it?" - Do you need anything? (1) The lack of common components between the English and Russian phrase matching entitles assume that it is produced by a holistic transformation.

56) "I was wondering if I might have a piece of bread." - Could I slice of bread? (2) In the first place we see in this example, the replacement of an affirmative proposition in English Russian interrogative. Next comes the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «I was wondering».

57) She gave the butler a significant glance; he was at that moment helping Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room. - Julia gave Butler expressive eyes - it is at this moment just dry white wine poured into a glass of Michael - and he left the room. (4) In this example, the translator replaces Anliyskogo pronoun proper name: «She» - «Julia"; specifies English abstract verb «gave» Russian verb narrow meaning of "quit"; there is a proper name: «Michael» --- «Michael" (transcription); reception semantic development: «helping Michael to a glass of dry white wine»-means "dry white wine poured into a glass of Michael."

58) It was stupid of Jevons not to realize that you might want some. - Jevons foolish think without thinking that you might need it. (4) There is a proper name «Jevons» - «Jevons," that is used transcription. Liability is replaced in the English sentence of the asset in the Russian sentence: «It was stupid of Jev-ons» - «Jevons foolish think." Next we see the replacement of the word «not to realize» (exercise, understand ...) to "not thinking." As well as replacing the word «want» to "need." Replacement is combined with taking lexical omission: interpreter dropped word «some», considering it lexically redundant.

59) Of course eat bread is only a habit, "said Michael. - Of course, there is the bread - it's just a habit, - said Michael. (1) In this example, the interpreter uses only a single transformation - transcription, i.e. there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael."

60) "I don't not eat bread because I'm afraid of getting fat. - I gave up on bread because I'm afraid of getting fat. (2) In this example, we see this transformation as antonymic translation. Negative design of an English sentence "I don't not eat bread" is transformed into an assertive sentence construction in Russian: "I gave up bread." And the omission occurs English pronouns «I'm» in Russian proposal to avoid a repetition of these words.

61) He still had at fifty-two a very good figure. - For fifty-two years, Michael was still a very good figure. (2) In this example we see a permutation of the sentence: a phrase in the English sentence «He still had ...» preceded by the phrase «... at fifty-two», and in Russian proposal it follows him "For fifty-two years, Michael was still ... ". We also see the replacement of English pronouns «He» Russian subject "Michael."

62) The only thing that slightly spoiled him was the thinness of his mouth. - Only a few thin lips spoil it. (2) Here we meet again with the permutation: English phrase «... the thinness of his mouth», located at the end, moved here in the middle of the Russian proposal "... thin lips ...". Moreover, in this example, the permutation is combined with a specialization, ie there was a replacement word «the thinness of his mouth» (subtlety of his mouth) to "thin lips."

63) He was just six foot tall and he had a gallant bearing. - High - six feet tall - he was different to the same beautiful posture. (3) In this example, the translator used reception semantic development: «He was just six foot tall» - means "tall - six feet tall," that is, the process of replacing its consequence). Dictionary gives us the following meanings of «gallant»: gallant, gracious, majestic ... Interpreter replaces this value with the word "perfect" in the Russian proposal. And it lowers the English pronoun «He», in order to avoid tautology.

64) His admiration made them feel a little larger than life-size. (2) Under his admiring glances they grew in their own eyes. In this example, used reception semantic development: replacement of the reasons for his investigation, as a literal translation of the phrase is not acceptable in the Russian language: «made them feel a little larger than life-size» (made them feel a little more than life size). Dispatched result, ie, "they grew in their own eyes." Also there is an exchange word forms: singular noun in the English sentence is transformed into a phrase in the plural - «His admiration» - «Under his admiring gaze."

65) He boasted that his weight had not changed since he was twenty, and for years, wet or fine, he had got up every morning at eight to put on short s and a sweater and have a run round Regent's Park. - He boasted that his weight has remained as he was twenty years old, and for many years to get up in any weather, at eight o'clock in the morning, put on shorts and a sweater and ran through Regents Park. (2) In this example, there is a antonymic translation: replacing negative assertive Russian English sentence - «his weight had not changed» - «his weight has remained." There is a proper name, ie transcription: «Regent's Park» - «Regent's Park."

66) "Does that mean you're putting on a new play?" - You're going to put a new song? (1) Acceptance of lexical omission: the phrase in the English sentence «Does that mean», in Russian proposal omitted.

67) "Not a bit of it," answered Michael. - Not at all, - said Michael. (3) An compensation, ie the replacement of unspeakable element DICE other means which transmits the same information as the English phrase «Not a bit of it» Russian word "Not at all." It is combined with antonymic translation: English negative sentence goes into Russian affirmative. Next we see here is a proper name, that is used in this kind of transformation, as the transcription: «Michael» - «Michael." In this example, to achieve adequate translation translator used such as transformation, compensation, translation and transcription antonymic.

68) I found little bits of business had crept in that I hadn't given them and a good many liberties were being taken with the text. - I have found that in some places crept tricks, which I did not give in the formulation, and in many places the actors allow themselves to take liberties with the text. (5) In this example, the translator used the following transformations: 1) permutation - the phrase «little bits of business ...» in the English sentence precedes the verb «... had crept in», and in the Russian proposal follows him "crept ..." - "... tricks "; 2) specification - English phrase «little bits of business» concretized in the Russian proposal for the "tricks". In this sentence, there is another specification - «a good many liberties were being taken with the text» - «and in many places the actors allow themselves to take liberties with the text"; 3) replacement of the asset liability - is replaced by passive design «many liberties were being taken with the text» in the English sentence, the active construction in Russian proposal "actors can afford to take liberties with the text." 4) welcome lexical additions - in Russian proposal adds the words that are not in the English sentence "somewhere", "when setting", "in many places allow actors themselves."

69) Julia gave the young man a delightful, but slightly deprecating smile. - Julia smiled a charming young man, but a little apologetic smile. (2) Here there is a proper name, that is used reception transcription: «Julia» - «Julia." Followed by specification: English verb with an abstract meaning «gave» Russian word replaced more narrow meaning "smile."

70) "If you'd like to come and see our play," Julia said graciously, "I'm sure Michael will be delighted to give you some seats." - If you want to see this play - courtesy of Julia said, - I'm sure Michael will give you a ticket. (4) Transcriptions: there are proper names «Julia» - «Julie» and «Michael» - «Michael." Reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted verb English sentence «come». Rearrange: «Julia said graciously» - «kindly said Julia." Concretization: English sentence «Michael will be delighted to give you some seats» concretized in Russian, "Michael will give you a ticket."

71) You haven't? - Really? (2) An compensation, ie the replacement of unspeakable element DICE other means which transmits the same information as the English phrase «You haven't?» Russian word "Really?". It is combined with antonymic translation: English-negative interrogative sentence goes into Russian affirmative-interrogative.

72) "You won't forget my photograph?" - You do not forget you promised me a picture? (1) Here we use lexical welcome Feature: Russian proposal added the word "promise", which is absent in the English sentence.

73) I don't say we rewrote the play, "said Michael. - I do not want to say that we remade the play - added Michael. (2) Here we see the specification, ie the replacement of the word «said» (said expressed ...) in an English sentence, narrower meaning of the word in the Russian proposal, "added." Next is the proper name «Michael» - «Michael", ie transcription.

74) "You're simply wonderful in it," the young man said. - You are just amazing, - said the young man. (2) In the same example used for the reception of lexical add more accurate communication of information, namely the Russian proposal added the word "play" is absent in the English sentence. Further, there is a permutation of the sentence: the verb in an English sentence «... said» follows the subject «the young man ...», and in the Russian sentence it precedes "said the young man."

75) "Would you?" - Really? Gift? (1) In this example, there was compensation, ie the replacement of unspeakable element DICE other means which transmits the same information as the English phrase «" Would you? "» Russian words, "Really? Treat? ".

76) He was not particularly good-looking, but he had a frank, open face and his shyness was attractive. - Young men, perhaps, could not be called, but it was an open straightforward person, and even shyness seemed attractive. (3) In this example, there is a replacement pronoun «He» in the English sentence on the noun "boy" in the Russian proposal. Further there is a permutation: «a frank, open face» - «open straightforward person." Fleshing: English phrase «He was not particularly good-looking» concretized in Russian "handsome man, perhaps, it was impossible to call" and «was» - «seemed."

77) He had curly light brown hair, but it was plastered down and Julia thought how much better he would look if, instead of trying to smooth out the wave with brilliantine, he made the most of it. - Wavy light brown hair was carefully combed, and Julia thought, how much more would it matter if he did not use brilliantine. (5) Here we see a proper name «Julia» - «Julia", ie transcription. Interpreter applied welcome lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the phrase «He had», and also omitted the English phrase «he made the most of it». Also, in this example, we see the specification: English phrase «how much better he would look if, instead of trying to smooth out the wave with brilliantine» concretized in the Russian phrase "how much more would it matter if he did not use brilliantine." And the specification is combined with antonymic translation: English declarative sentence replaced Russian negative.

78) He looked nice and clean. - The young man looked neat and nice. (2) Interpreter produced in this example, the replacement of subject pronouns: «He» - «young man." And reshuffle adjectives in English and Russian proposals: «nice and clean» (nice and clean) - "neat and nice."

79) "I suppose you've never had anything to do with the theatre from the inside before?" She said. - You truly have never had to happen behind the scenes? - She asked. (5) In this example, there is a replacement value and a rearrangement of the English phrase «I suppose» in Russian proposal "right." And it is followed by specification, ie Russian proposal concretized English phrase «never had anything to do with the theatre from the inside before» - «had not had to happen behind the scenes", and here too there is a permutation of the words «... before» - « before ... "and« she said »-« she asked. " And one more specification: English verb with a wide value is specified in the Russian verb more narrow meaning «said» - «asked."

80) You can't think how it thrills me. - You have no idea what this means to me! (1) Here we see the specification, that is the English phrase «how it thrills me.», Which means "it worries me" is specified in the Russian proposal on "what it means to me!".

81) "Then it can't be as like me as I thought." - So, here I am not so similar as thought. (2) Specification of: «Then it can't be as like me as I thought» - «So, here I am not so similar as thought." Combined with a permutation in the Russian offer English pronouns «... as I thought» - «So I'm here ...".

82) Are you going to act in the next play? - And you'll be playing in a new play, Mr. Gosselin? (1) Here we use lexical welcome additions - namely, added the phrase "Mr. Gosselin," is not in the English version.

83) I find it almost impossible to find a part to suit me. - Almost impossible to find a role in my role. (1) In this example, there is a replacement phrase in the English sentence «to suit me» Russian phrase "my role", ie instantiation occurs.

84) They don't seem able to write good lines any more. - They seem to have forgotten how to write at all. (3) In this example, seen antonymic transfer, ie English negative sentence passed on Russian language affirmative proposition. Occurs permutation of the sentence: «They don't seem» - «It looks like them." Also visible here concretization: English phrase «don't seem able to write good lines any more» concretized in Russian "they generally have forgotten how to write."

85) "The fact remains, we can't do without them," smiled Julia. - However, the fact remains that we can not do without them - Julia smiled. (2) There is a proper name, that is used reception transcription: «Julia» - «Julia." Translated used specification, ie English sentence «The fact remains, we can't do without them» concretized in Russian "However, the fact remains that we can not do without them", with the singular noun in the English sentence goes into a plural noun number in the Russian proposal.

86) In the great days of the English stage people didn't go to see the plays, they went to see the players. (1) - In the heyday of the great English stage people went to see the play, they went to see the actors. In this example, in the Russian version added the word "prosperity." Interpreter used for reception lexical add more accurate translation of the proposal.

87) That's because the public isn't really interested in the theatre. - The fact that the public is no longer really interested in theater. (2) In this example, there is a replacement for the asset liability: «the public isn't really interested in ...» - «public ceased really interested ..."; specification: the English verb with an abstract meaning «isn't» is replaced in the Russian verb sentence more narrow meaning "stopped."

88) And even now, though I don't deny that if the play's wrong you're dished, I do contend that if the play's right, it's the actors the public go to see, not the play. - Even though I do not deny if the play is bad, we burn. Yet, when it is good, even now spectators come to watch the actors and not the play. (4) In this example, there is a division of one English sentence into two Russian. Of translational transformations we see here: techniques lexical omission - the Russian version omitted the English phrase «And even now» and «I do contend»; concretization - «if the play's wrong you're dished» - «if the play is bad, we burn"; «If the play's right, it's the actors the public go to see, not the play» - «Yet, when it is good, even now, spectators come to watch the actors and not the play."

89) "I don't think anyone can deny that," said Julia. - I think, none of this would argue - said Julia. (3) antonymic translation: English negative sentence is replaced by the Russian affirmative «I don't think anyone can deny that» - «I think, none of this would argue." Transcription: «Julia» - «Julia." Concretization: «anyone can deny that» - «none of this would argue."

90) "All an actress like Julia wants is a vehicle. - This actress, Julia, you need one - a work where it can be seen. (2) In this example, there is a proper name: «Julia» - «Julia" (transcription); indefinite article «a» is translated numeral "one." Next, use the techniques of lexical additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase that is not in the English version - "where it can be seen."

91) I'm afraid we must admit that he's partial where I'm concerned. "I'm afraid, where it comes to me, he's a little biased. (2) In this example, the use of reception occurs lexical omission: existing in the English sentence, the phrase «we must admit that ...» in the Russian proposal does. Further there is a rearrangement of phrases in English and Russian proposals: «he's partial where I'm concerned» - «where it comes to me, he's a little biased."

92) "Oh, that's only an idea that people have got because I take care never to do anything but what I can do." - I just beware do what I can not. Hence my reputation. (4) In this example, one English sentence is divided into two Russian. Here we use lexical omissions reception: English phrase «Oh, that's only an idea that people have got because ...» in the Russian proposal omitted. Simultaneously with the acquisition of lexical omissions in this example uses lexical reception Added: Russian translation added in the sentence "This and my reputation." That is not in an English sentence. Also, we see antonymic translation: English phrase is transformed into a positive negative Russian: «what I can do» - «what can not." For more adequate translation, the translator used in this example is also the specification, that is the English sentence «I take care never to do anything but what I can do.» Translated as "I Just beware do what I can."

93) "I think when you've finished your coffee, young man, we ought to be going." - Well, young man, we should go. (1) In this example, the translator used the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «I think when you've finished your coffee».

94) Come along and we'll choose one. - Come on, we choose together. (2) In this example, we see the reception lexical omission: English numeral omitted «one». Also, the replacement of the English pronoun «we» Russian word "together."

95) She took him into a fair-sized room behind the dining-room. - Julie led him into a large room behind the dining room. (1) In this example, the replacement of English pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Julia."

96) Over the chimney-piece was an old copy of Lawrence's portrait of Kemble as Hamlet. - Above the fireplace hung a portrait of an old copy of Kemble as Hamlet Laurence brush. (2) The interpreter used in this example, the specification: «was» - «hung" Transcript: «Lawrence's portrait of Kemble as Hamlet» - «... Kemble as Hamlet brush Lawrence", replacement of the English preposition: «as» - «as . "

97) On a small table was a pile of typescript plays. - On the table was a pile of typewritten plays. (2) The English phrase «a small table» Russian translated the word "table", that is happening specification. Followed by another specification: English verb abstract value «was» (be, exist, happen ...) is specified in the Russian verb with a narrower meaning of "lying."

98) The room was surrounded by bookshelves under which were cupboards, and from one of these Julia took a bundle of her latest photographs. - On the walls were bookshelves, closed bottom doors. Opening the door, Julia took a pack of their latest photos. (5) In the first place, in this example, we see the breakdown of a complex English sentence into two simple Russian. Is replaced by a passive asset. And this change is combined with specification: Part of an English sentence «The room was surrounded by bookshelves under which were cupboards» concretized in Russian "The walls were bookshelves, bottom closed doors." Reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «and from one of these ...». We also see another specification: English verb with a wider value is replaced by Russian verb more narrow meaning: «took» (take, miss, master ...) - "took." Transcription by giving proper name «Julia» - «Julia."

99) She handed one to the young man. - Handed one of them a young man. (1) Here comes the omission of pronouns English sentence «She».

100) "This one is not so bad." - This does not seem so bad. (1) In this example, the specification occurs, that is, the English verb with an abstract value is translated into Russian word, with a narrower meaning: «is» - «it seems."

101) She gave him another sort of smile, just a trifle roguish; she lowered her eyelids for a second and then raising them gazed at him for a little with that soft expression that people described as her velvet look. - At this time, her smile was different, slightly mischievous; Julie lowered her lashes for a moment, then lifted them, looked at him with that soft look in his eyes that fans called it a velvety look. (4) In this example, there are welcome lexical omission: a Russian proposal to avoid repeating omitted English phrase «for a little». Rearrangement occurs: «lowered her eyelids for a second» - «lowered lashes for a moment." Also there is a replacement of parts of speech, namely the replacement of English pronouns «she» Russian proper name "Julia." Also, we see the specification: «She gave him another sort of smile» - «This time her smile was different."

102) She had no object in doing this. She did it, if not mechanically, from an instinctive desire to please. - She did not pursue this any purpose, did it just mechanically, from the instinctive desire to please. (3) In the first place, we see the union proposals: two British proposals combined into one Russian. Present reception lexical omission - namely, the omission of the second sentence Russian English pronouns «She». English sentence "She had no object in doing this" - if literally translated, then we would have: "She had no objection to doing so," this translation is stylistically incorrect, so the interpreter uses the device of semantic development: the process of replacing a consequence " She did not pursue this any purpose. " This translation is adequate.

103) She glanced at the photograph again. - Julia looked at the picture again. (2) There is a replacement of parts of speech, namely the replacement of Russian English pronouns proper name: «She» - «Julia." And permutation: English sentence, the word «... again» standing in the end, while in the Russian proposal, it is in the middle of the sentence "... again ...".

104) The photographer had so posed her, with her help, as to show her at her best. - Photographer planted it, not without her help, the best way. (3) In this example, we see antonymic translation - affirmative construction in the English sentence "with her help" is replaced by the negative construction in Russian proposal "is not without its help." In addition to this type of translational transformations, in this example, the interpreter used more and specification: English verb «posed» (pose-pose, pose ...) translated as "planted." A British design «to show her at her best» replaced by the following Russian design "the best way", that is used reception semantic development - the reason replaced investigation.

105) Her nose was slightly thick, but he had managed by his lighting to make it look very delicate, not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin, and there was a melting look in her fine eyes. - Her nose was a little bit thick, but thanks to skillful lighting, it's not much; no wrinkle smooth skin is not broken, from the view of her beautiful eyes involuntarily heart melted. (3) In this example, the interpreter uses the techniques of semantic development - the reason replaced consequence: «but he had managed by his lighting to make it look very delicate» - «but, thanks to skillful lighting, it's not much," and another change causes consequence - «and there was a melting look in her fine eyes» - «from the sight of her beautiful eyes involuntarily melted heart." Next is the replacement of the indefinite article «not a wrinkle» Russian numeral "no wrinkle."

106) "Enough for that." - For this - enough. (1) And here we see this kind of translation transformation as a permutation: an English sentence, the word «Enough» preceded by the phrase «for that», and in Russian proposal it follows him - "For this" - "enough."

107) She sat at the desk and with her bold, flowing hand wrote: Yours sincerely, Julia Lambert. - Julie sat down at his desk and wrote a clear smooth handwriting: "Sincerely, Julia Lambert." (3) In this example, there is a replacement of parts of speech, namely the replacement of English pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Julia." There is a proper name «Julia Lambert» - «Julia Lambert" - means used here transcription. And also happens rearrangement of parts of speech: «Yours sincerely» - «Sincerely."

108) She liked to think she looked like that. - Average would actually look like. (1) Acceptance of semantic development, ie the replacement of cause and effect.

109) "Not bad for a woman of forty-six," she smiled. - "Not bad for forty-six years - she smiled. (2) In this example, we used two kinds of translational transformations: reception lexical omission - in Russian proposal omitted the English word« a woman », and permutation -« she smiled »-« she smiled . "

110) It was just before the end of the war that she fell out of love with him. - Shortly before the end of the war it fell out of love Julia. (2) In this example, the translation provided by the subordinate adverbial sentences. That is, there is a replacement of a complex sentence simple. Also, another change occurs. This is the replacement English Russian pronouns proper name: «she» - «Julia."

111) She was pregnant at the time. - She was pregnant at the time. (1) In the analyzed sample, we can see one of translational transformations - permutation, that is a permutation of the English word pregnant at the end of the Russian sentence: ... pregnant at the time. - ... While pregnant.

112) The baby was expected at the end of the year. - Childbirth upcoming end of the year. (2) Here we see the specification: the dictionary gives the following Russian translation of the English word «baby» (baby, baby, appendix). Interpreter replaced this translation more appropriate in this context - "birth." Next there is a replacement liability assembly: «was expected» - «ahead for."

113) She looked forward to Michael's next leave as she had never done before. - Julia waiting for the next release of Michael as never before. (1) use the technique of lexical omission: the Russian version omitted some English translation elements «as she had never done».

114) She was feeling very well, but she had a great yearning to feel his arms around her, she felt a little lost, a little helpless, and she wanted his protective strength. - She felt fine, but a little bewildered and helpless, terrible longing for his embrace, so she needed his protection and patronage. (4) In this example, we see the following transformation in the complex: permutation - English verb «feeling» passed in the beginning of the Russian sentence "She felt herself well ..."; another permutation - homogeneous parts of the sentence in the English sentence given after the expression «to feel his arms around her ...», in translation are after him: «to feel his arms around her, she felt a little lost, a little helpless» - « but a little bewildered and helpless, terrible longing for his embrace. " Here there is reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English word «a little»: «she felt a little lost, a little helpless» - «a little bewildered and helpless." And in the end of a sentence, we see the specification: «she wanted his protective strength» - «so she needed his protection and patronage."

115) "You're the most wonderful little wife," he whispered. - You are my dear wife, - he whispered. (2) This example uses a specification that is the English expression «You're the most wonderful little wife» interpreter translated this way: "You are my sweet little wife." Rearrange pronoun in the English sentence is moved from the beginning to the end: «he whispered» - «he whispered."

116) He pressed his mouth to hers. - He pressed his lips to hers. (1) The translator found it necessary to use this translation of the compensation that is used more suitable for the Russian context, the word "lips".

117) She realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. - Julia realized that he had lost his youth and flavor was just a man. (2) is replaced pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Julia." Further there is compensation: the replacement of unspeakable element DICE, that is the English expression «no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man» other means which transmits the same information, "he lost his youth and flavor was just a man."

118) They had breakfast in their room, Julia in bed and Michael seated at a little table by her side. - They had breakfast in the bedroom, Julia - in bed, Michael - a small table nearby. (2) Here we see the transcription, ie translated proposals present proper names «Julia», «Michael» - «Julia", "Michael." And the specification: the phrase is specified in the English sentence «in their room» - «in the bedroom."

119) She looked at him while he read the paper. - She stared at him, while he was reading a newspaper, sharp, appraising look. (1) In this example, the interpreter used lexical welcome additions: Russian proposal to add the words that are not in the English sentence "sharp, appraising look."

120) The house faced the gardens. - House overlooks the garden. (1) This example uses a specification: that is the English phrase «faced the gardens» is translated into Russian phrase "overlook the garden."

121) MICHAEL got himself demobbed the moment the war was finished and stepped straight into a part. - Michael literally discharged on the same day as the war ended, and immediately got the gig. (3) At the beginning of the sentence, we see the transcription, ie there is a proper name: «MICHAEL» - «Michael." Next, the interpreter uses the specification, that is the word «the moment» is specified in the Russian phrase "literally on the same day." Further used another specification: «and stepped straight into a part» - «and immediately got the gig."

122) The breeziness he had acquired in the army was effective. - Careless habits acquired by them in the army, were on the scene is very spectacular. (1) Here we use lexical welcome additions: a Russian proposal added the word "on stage."

123) He never attempted to play anyone but himself. - Michael never tried to play anyone other than himself. (1) In this example, we see this transformation as antonymic translation. Affirmative construction of an English sentence «He never attempted» transformed into a negative sentence structure in Russian: "Michael never tried."

124) He specialized in men about town, gentlemanly gamblers, guardsmen and young scamps with a good side to them. - He specialized in roles bon vivant rich rogues, gentlemen players, guards and nice young slackers. (1) Here again we meet with specification: «men about town, gentlemanly gamblers, guardsmen and young scamps with a good side to them» - «bon vivant rich rogues, gentlemen players, guards and nice young slackers."

125) His father and mother died. - Parents Michael died. (1) This example uses a generalization, that is, the English phrase: «His father and mother» --- (literal translation: "his father and mother"), the translator replaces a word that has a broader meaning "parents" (father and mother).

126) In the end the money was found by a rich woman, and not an old one either, but who was interested not in him but in Julia. - And yet they found a woman with money, and not an old woman, but she was not interested in Michael and Julia. (3) In this example, we meet with such transformations as: transcription - there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia"; Replacement English possessive pronoun «him» Russian proper name "Michael"; English replacement liability «the money was found by a rich woman» Russian asset "they found a woman with money."

127) Mrs. de Vries was a widow ... - Dolly de Vries was a widow. (1) In this example, we see another transcription giving proper name «Mrs. de Vries »-« Dolly de Vries. "

128) When Julia and Michael had decided to try their luck in London Jimmie Langton ... - When Julia and Michael decided to try his luck in London, Jimmy Langton ... (4) Again, we see transcription: «Julia ... Michael ... London Jimmie Langton» - "Julia ... Michael ... London, Jimmy Langton."

129) She had seen Julia act in Middlepool. - Mrs. de Vries had seen Julia in Middlpule. (2) is replaced English pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Mrs. de Vries." Further, the English word «act» concretized Russian phrase "already seen", that is used specification.

130) Julia refused to approach her. - And Julia refused to resort to her aid. (2) Again, the interpreter uses the transcription of giving a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." Next, it uses the specification: the English verb «to approach her» is specified by the context in Russian phrase "recourse to her aid."

131) I'm quite sure you could get round her if you tried. "- I'm sure you could prevail upon her if she wanted to. (1) This example uses a specification: English verb with a broader meaning «tried» Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning "wanted."

132) Julia was pretty sure she could too. - Julia did not doubt this. (2) Here we see the transcription of giving a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." And antonymic translation: affirmative construction in the English sentence «Julia was pretty sure» replaced negative construction in Russian sentence "Julia did not doubt this."

133) But he was not a man who let a thing drop when he had set his mind to it. - But Michael was not one of those easy to step back from what is conceived. (1) is replaced English pronouns «he» Russian proper name "Michael."

134) They were going to Guildford to spend the week-end with Dolly, and were driving down after the Saturday night's performance in the new car that Julia had given Michael for his birthday. - Gosselin went to Guildford to spend Saturday and Sunday at Dolly, the new car, which gave Julia Michael birthday. (6) In this example, we see a number of transcriptions: «Guildford ... Dolly ... Julia ... Michael» - «Guildford ... Dolly ... Julia ... Michael." Replacing the English pronoun «They» Russian proper name "Gosselin." Next, use the techniques of lexical omission: in Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «and were driving down after the Saturday night's performance».

135) "I tell you, I'm not going to." - I'm telling you: I will not ask. (1) Acceptance of lexical additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase, which is absent in the English version «I'm not going to» - «I will not ask."

136) "She wouldn't do it for me. You can twist her round your little finger. "- I will not allow it. And you can of her rope twist. (2) Here we used the specification: the English verb with an abstract meaning «do» verb replaced with a narrower meaning of "give." After that, the interpreter uses another specification: «You can twist her round your little finger» - «And you can twist the rope from her."

137) We know a thing or two about financing plays now. - We're already well aware of the conditions under which finance plays. (1) In this example, found it necessary to use an interpreter specification: «We know a thing or two about financing plays» - «We're already well aware of the conditions under which finance plays."

138) People finance plays for two reasons, either because they want notoriety, or because they're in love with someone. - Or a person wants to get the glory, even bad, or someone he is in love. (1) The interpreter used in this example receiving lexical omission: a Russian translation of the English version omitted the phrase «People finance plays for two reasons».

139) Of course Julia had sharp eyes ... - Of course, Julia - woman insightful ... (2) where there is a proper name, that is, we see Transcript: «Julia» - «Julia." Next, use the technique of semantic development: the reason replaces consequence: «Julia had sharp eyes» - «Julia - woman insightful."

140) Well, he could honestly say he'd never done a thing to make her think there was anything doing. - Well, he can honestly say that never gave her hope. (1) In this example, used reception lexical omission, that is, in Russian translation of the English sentence, omitted the phrase «to make her think there was anything doing».

141) It was disconcerting the way Julia knew what he was thinking. - Michael embarrassed. And as Julia always guesses what he thinks? (2) In this example, there is a permutation proposal, namely, the division offers: one Russian proposal transformed into two Russian proposal. Next we see the specification, ie interpreter specifies the value of the English word «knew» Russian "guesses."

142) After all I've got eyes in my head. - In the end, I also have eyes. (1) here comes the omission of the English phrase «in my head», that is used lexical welcome omission.

143) Mrs. de Vries was waiting up for them. - Mrs. de Vries did not sleep waiting for them. (2) In this example, there is a proper name «Mrs. de Vries »-« Mrs. de Vries, "that is used in transcription. Next we meet with the reception lexical additions in Russian sentence translator added the phrase "did not sleep", which is missing in the English version.

144) Michael, who had the room next hers, had come in to say good morning, and then gone out into the garden. - Michael, who was sleeping in the next room, looked to wish her good morning and went into the garden. (3) Here there is a proper name, that is used transcription «Michael» - «Michael." Further specification is used, that is, the English verb with a broader meaning «had» transformed verb with a narrower meaning of "sleeping." It is followed by another specification: English verb «to say» with the value (say, say ...) to replace Russian verb "wish".

145) I'm going to put up the money to start you in management. - I want to finance your theater. (2) This example uses a specification, ie the English verb with an abstract meaning «going» Russian verb transformed into a more narrow meaning of "I want." Next we see the generalization, ie the English phrase «to put up the money» passed between the Russian word "fund".

146) Oh, my love, don't you know there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for you? - Oh, my love, do not you know that I would do anything for you in the world! (1) In the second part of this example used antonymic translation: negative design in the English sentence «there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for you» replaced affirmative sentence construction in Russian, "I would do anything for you in the world" .

147) He was brimming over with excitement. - Michael could not contain the joy. (2) Upon transfer of the proposal interpreter used antonymic transfer, ie affirmative construction of an English sentence «He was brimming over with excitement» transformed into negative construction in Russian proposal "Michael could not contain the joy." As well as replacing the English pronoun «He» Russian proper name "Michael."

148) «Moliere». - Moliere. (1) Here there is a proper name «Moliere» - «Moliere," that is used in transcription.

149) Look here, I want you to read this play at once. - Look, I want you to see this play. (1) In this example, we see the specification, that is, the English verb with a broader meaning «to read» Russian verb transformed into a narrower meaning of "scanned".

150) It's just come in from an agent. - Agent just sent her. (1) Here we consider the permutation: Reverses the order of words in the Russian proposal.

151) I think it's a knockout. - I think she will be a stunning success. (1) In this example, the specification of common English verb with an abstract meaning «to be» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "waiting".

152) "I'll read it now." - I'll take it for now. (1) Just as in the previous example, this example uses a specification: English verb «read» transformed into Russian verb "to undertake."

153) Let me know when you've finished and I'll come up and talk it over with you. - Tell him when he had finished, I will come, and we'll discuss it. (1) In this example, the translator used the generalization, that is, the English phrase «Let me know» replaces one word having a broader meaning "Pass."

154) I don't see how it can fail to be a success. - It must be a success. (1) And here we meet with the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «I don't see how ...».

155) He caught something doubtful in her tone. - He heard her voice in some doubt. (2) This example uses a specification: the English word «caught» Russian word replaced more narrow meaning "heard." Next permutation English phrases used in the middle of the Russian sentence: «... in her tone.» - «... In her voice ...".

156) I mean, it's the sort of thing that you can do better than anyone in the world. - Such things can you do better than anyone. (2) Here we see the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the beginning of an English sentence «I mean». Next, we found generalization: English phrase «anyone in the world» replaced by one subject "everything."

157) After much discussion they decided to call it the Siddons Theatre. - After a long debate, they decided to call it "Siddons Theatre." (2) In this example, there is a transformation method as concretization: English phrase «After much discussion» replaced by Russian "After a long debate." As well as transcription, ie present name «Siddons Theatre» - «Siddons Theatre."

158) The next play's bound to be all right and then we shall get back all we've lost and a packet into the bargain. - And the next play goes with a bang, and we are more than compensate all losses. (1) Here we meet a reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence - «The next play's bound to be all right»-means "And the next piece goes with a bang."

159) Dolly indignantly refused to desert them when they were in difficulties, and he gave it up as a bad job. - Dolly indignantly refused to leave them in the lurch, and as a result Michael waved. (3) Arrangement: as there is a proper name «Dolly» - «Dolly." Replacing the English pronoun «he» Russian proper name "Michael." Reception semantic development: replacing cause and effect «he gave it up as a bad job» - «Michael waved a result."

160) She had no one belonging to her but nephews in South Africa, and you could not look at her without suspecting that she had a high blood pressure. - She did not have anyone except nephews in South Africa, and at the sight of Dolly, it was immediately clear that she had high blood pressure. (3) In this example, we see Transcript «Africa» - «Africa." And antonymic translation: English negative design «you could not look at her without suspecting ...» replaced assertive Russian design "and when you look at Dolly was immediately obvious ...". Next, we found a replacement English pronouns «she» Russian proper name "Dolly."

It should be noted that the data translation transformation used in the complex.

161) It saved the expense of having a country house of their own. - It eliminates the costs of my own cottage. (1) In this example, used reception semantic development: the effect replaced reason: «It saved the expense of having a country house of their own»-because "It eliminates the costs of my own cottage."

162) The third play was a winner, and Michael did not hesitate to point out how right he had been. - The third piece was a great success, and Michael, of course, Julia recalled his words - she now sees that he was right. (3) In this example, we see a welcome sense of development, there is an English phrase «was a winner» translated into Russian as "a great success" (Corollary replaced its cause). Transcription (present proper name «Michael» - «Michael"). After that, we meet with another reception semantic development «Michael did not hesitate to point out how right he had been» - «Michael, of course, Julia recalled his words - she now sees that he was right" (the reason changed its consequence ).

163) "I want to run my theatre in as business-like way as a city office," he said. - I want to put our theater on the same business rails on which stands any firm in the City, - he said. (2) Here the translator used the specification, that is the English verb with a broader meaning «to run» Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning of "set." And permutation «he»: «he said» - «he said."

164) Evie entered. - Entered Evie. (2) 2 Total transformation used in this example. Transcription, ie there is a proper name «Evie» - «Evie" and a rearrangement of the sentence «Evie entered» - «Entered Evie."

165) «Dreaming». - Watching dreams. (1) Here we use semantic welcome development, there is a reason replaced consequence «Dreaming» - means looking dreams "Watching dreams."

166) One was of Michael as Mercutio in all the radiant beauty of his youth and the other of Michael in the last part he had played, in a white topper and a morning coat, with a pair of field-glasses slung over his shoulder. - On the one Michael was shot in the role of Mercutio in all radiant glory of his youth, on the other - in his latest role: white cylinder, card, field glasses over his shoulder. (2) In this example, there are transcription as there are names sobchtvennye: «Michael ... Mercutio» - «... Mercuccio Michael." Concretization: English abstract verb «to be (was)» Russian verb replaced more narrow meaning "removed (was removed)."

167) "You shut your trap, you old cow," said Julia, who could be very vulgar when she chose. - Shut up, you old cow - Julia said she could be very vulgar. (2) This example uses a transcription, as there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." And welcome lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «when she chose», as the interpreter found it necessary not to use it.

168) I'll clear up all this mess. - I'll clean this whole debacle. (1) In this example, we see the specification, that is the English word «mess» (confusion, disorder ...) is replaced by the Russian word "defeat."

169) "We're all getting on, you know, Evie. We're not so young as we were. "- We all grow old. Evie, we are no longer young. (3) Arrangement by giving proper name «Evie» - «Evie." Reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omits some lexical items with an English sentence «you know ... as we were». A reception is also used semantic development: the reason is replaced by the result of «We're all getting on»-means "we all grow old."

170) Evie drew her forefinger across the base of her nostrils and sniffed. - Evie, sniffed, wiped his finger. (2) Once again, we meet with transcription, ie there is a proper name «Evie» - «Evie." Next we see the specification, that is the English verb «sniffed» Russian replaced the phrase "wiped his nose."

171) She undressed now and slipped between the sheets. - She undressed and slipped into bed. (1) Here we use the reception semantic development, that is, to achieve adequate translation, the translator has replaced its action result: «slipped between the sheets» means she "slipped into bed."

172) Damn, my hot water bottle's nearly stone cold. - Damn, Warmer completely cooled. (1) This example uses a specification: English phrase «hot water bottle's» translated more relevant context, the word "warmer".

173) It was no wonder. It must have been there an hour. - No wonder it warmer waited nearly an hour. (2) In this example, we immediately see the union proposals: the union of two English sentences into one Russian bid. Next we see the use of reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence «It must have been there an hour»-means "warmer it waited nearly an hour."

174) She slept soundly till Evie came to awake her because the masseuse was there. - She slept soundly and woke up only when I went to a masseuse. (1) In this example, the translator found it necessary to use the specification: the English verb abstract meaning «to be (was)» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "come."

175) "The boy who came to lunch?" - Boy, we were invited to lunch. (2) Here we see two transformations: 1 - Replacement of asset liability («The boy who came ...» - «Boy, whom we invited ..."), 2 - specification (selection in this context another verb «came» - «invited» ).

176) I drove him back to the theatre. I never gave him another thought. - I took him to the theater and forgot to think about it. (2) In the first place, here we see the association offers two English sentences are combined into one Russian. Also, in this example uses a compensation: the replacement of unspeakable element DICE «I never gave him another thought.» Other means which transmits the same information "and forgot to think about it."

177) You knew where you were with him. - With it you do not expect any surprises. (1) In this example, used reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence «You knew where you were with him» - «With him you do not expect any surprises." (You'll know where you are with him, so - with him you do not expect any surprises).

178) My word. - Even hard to believe! (1) In this context, the translator used the reception holistic transformation. Namely, the lack of common components between the English and Russian phrase matching entitles assume that it is produced by a holistic transformation.

179) "Well, Miss Phillips, fat coming off nicely?" - Well, Miss Philippa, herded zhirok? (3) Here we have a proper name, and used transcription: «Phillips» - «Philip." And another transcription: «Miss» - «Miss". Further compensation used: replacement incommunicable element DICE «fat coming off nicely» other phrase that conveys the same information to "round zhirok."

180) Evie had preceded her in a cab and when she got into her dressing-room everything was ready for her. - Evie had previously arrived in a cab, and when Julia went into her dressing room, where all was ready. (2) Once again, we meet with a proper name, ie transcription: «Evie» - «Evie." Next we see the specification, namely the English verb «proceded» replaced by more appropriate here, the context, Russian verb "arrived."

181) NEXT day Julia had luncheon with Charles Tamerley. - The next day, Julie was invited to Charles Temerli lunchtime. (4) Once again, we meet with the transcriptions: «Julia» - «Julie» ... «Charles Tamerley» - «Charles Temerli." Also, the specification used here: the English verb abstract value «had» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "invited". Here we see the replacement of the asset liability «Julia had luncheon» - «Julia invited to lunchtime."

182) As a rule she took her troubles to Charles or to Dolly. - As a rule, Julia told me about his troubles Charles or Dolly. (3) In this example, there is a replacement English Russian pronouns proper name «she» - «Julia." And there are two proper names, that is used transcription: «Charles ... Dolly» - «Charles ... Dolly."

183) She was his ideal and it would be heartless on her part to shatter it. - It was for Charles idol heartless with her hand to topple this idol from its pedestal. (2) The interpreter used in this example, the specification, that is, instead of an exact translation of the English word «ideal» (ideal) used the Russian word "idol." And also replaced the possessive pronoun «his» Russian proper name "Charles."

184) They had not seen much of one another lately, but Julia knew that she had only to call up and Dolly would come running. - They are rarely seen lately, but Julia knew that if she call - and Dolly instantly come running. (3) In this example, we see antonymic transfer, ie negative English sentence «They had not seen much of one another lately» transformed into assertive Russian "They are rarely seen lately." Next we see the names of their own «Julia ... Dolly» - «Julia Dolly ...", that is used methods of transcription.

185) It would be a comfort to both of them to tear Tom limb from limb. - With what pleasure they become bone Tom! (2) In this example, the translator found it necessary to convert the sentence using the payment. And also there is a proper name, that is used transcription «Tom» - «Tom."

186) Of course it wouldn't be very nice to admit that Tom had chucked her ... - Of course, recognized that Tom gave her resignation, a little fun ... (2) And here we are again confronted with antonymic translation: negative transformed into an English sentence affirmative Russian «Of course it wouldn't be very nice to admit» - «Of course, recognized ... little fun." And transcription: «Tom» - «Tom."

187) She wanted to have a good cry with somebody, and there didn't seem to be any reason for it if she had made the break herself. - Julia wanted a good cry, and why would cry if you break the link with their own hands. (3) This example uses a specification: English phrase «to have a good cry with somebody» translated into Russian phrase "good cry." Also, we see here a replacement English pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Julia." Further compensation is used, that is the English expression «and there didn't seem to be any reason for it if she had made the break herself» transformed into Russian "and why would cry if you break the link with their own hands."

188) She wasn't going to give her a peep at her feet of clay. - Julie was not going to detect it before his weak spot. (1) This example uses a specification: English verb with a broader meaning «to give» replaced Russian verb "discover" having a narrower meaning.

189) She knew exactly what he would say. - It is exactly imagined what he would say. (1) Once again, we meet with a specialization: English verb «knew» Russian replaced by the phrase "imagined."

190) Michael did not get home till the afternoon, and when he came into her room she was resting. - Michael returned home only during the day, and when he entered the room Julia, she was resting. (3) Arrangement: as there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael." Antonymic translation: English negative sentence «Michael did not get home till the afternoon» Russian transmitted yes "Michael returned home only during the day." Substitution: English pronoun is replaced by «her» Russian proper name "Julia."

191) He told her about his week-end and the result of his matches. - He told how spent the weekend and with what result played golf. (1) used in this example specification: English phrase «about his week-end and the result of his matches» translated into the Russian language with more precision "as spent the weekend and with what result played golf."

192) Shall I ask him to dinner next Sunday? - To call him to dinner? (1) And here we see the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «next Sunday».

193) He's got a date. Is the young ruffian having an affair with this girl? - He's got a date. That young rascal twisted romance with this girl? (1) And again we see the specification: English slosochetanie with abstract verb have «having an affair with this girl» Russian replaced by the phrase "young rascal twisted romance with this girl."

194) It gave her a sense of power and of liberation. - It was intoxicating Julia gave her a sense of power and freedom. (1) And here we observe the lexical welcome additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase "It's intoxicating Julia."

195) She had a feeling that her day was done. - She had a feeling that her happiest time passed. (2) This example uses a specification: English verb «had» replaced Russian verb "appeared" for adequate translation. And one more specification: English abstract verb «to be» (was) Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning "behind us."

196) He gave her the perfect opening. - Charles threw her magnificent replica, just what you need to start. (3) In this example we see lexical welcome additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase "excellent replica, just what you need to start" that is not in an English sentence. Also, we have used the replacement of English pronouns «He» Russian proper name "Charles." Finally, the specification: the English verb with a broader meaning «gave» Russian verb replaced more narrow meaning "tossed."

197) Because I'm looking forward to dining with you. - Because I'm looking forward to our meeting with you. (1) In this example, the translator used the reception semantic development: replacement of cause and effect «I'm looking forward to dining with you» --- hence "I look forward to our meeting with you."

198) That was what she called taking a cue. - This is called the hint! (1) This example uses a compensation: the replacement of unspeakable element DICE other means which transmits the same information.

199) The play went well from the beginning. - Plays well accepted from the outset. (1) And here we meet with specification: ie English abstract verb «to go» (went) replaced Russian verb more narrow meaning "take."

200) Julia hummed in an undertone as she went into her dressing-room. - Going to the restroom, Julia cheerfully humming something under his breath. (2), and again we meet with transcription, as there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." Permutation of the sentence: «... into her dressing-room» - «Going to the restroom ...".

Table number 1. Percentage of translational transformations in the product U.S.Moema "Theatre"

Concrete definition






semantic development


Antonymic translation




lexical adding




holistic transformation






The present analysis allows us to conclude that most often works in translation U.S. Maugham's "Theatre" used transformation: specification, replacement of transcription.

Slightly less commonly used: compensation techniques lexical additions, generalization and acceptance of holistic transformation.

And of great importance is the fact that we have considered translation transformation used in the complex.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the discrepancy in the structure of the two languages provide great difficulties for translation. Translating to constantly resort to lexical and grammatical transformations.

Grammatical transformations due to the difference in the structure of the two languages of the original language and language-translation. In their lexical systems also observed mismatch, which causes the need for lexical transformations. Addressing such issues properly achieved the ability to produce a variety of lexical and grammatical translation transformation.

Translating translator uses transformation to achieve equivalence to closest approach to the original text.

As can be seen from the 200 examples of this thesis, and as noted above, translation transformation in practice "pure" form are rare, they are usually combined with each other, taking the complex and comprehensive nature.

In order to properly implement the most effective methods of transformation (translation transformation) requires that a translator equally or almost equally owned by both the original and transforming cultures. How well and skillfully uses translator translation conversion (transformation) will depend on our understanding of the translated text.

Thus, we can emphasize that the goals and objectives of this thesis have been successfully resolved.

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Translation transformations in translation works WS Maugham Theatre in Russian