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Список литературы по разделу

  2. Образование неологизмов.
  1) Расширение значения. Слово, употребляясь в различных контекстах, приобретает новые оттенки значения, а в ряде случаев и новые значения. Так, слово confrontation первоначально означало очная ставка, сличение, сопоставление. С течением времени это слово стало употребляться в словосочетании confrontation of armed forces и приобрело значение соприкосновение вооруженных сил. В настоящее время confrontation приобрело значение открытое столкновение, например: the confrontation of the two social systems - столкновение интересов двух социальных систем. Такие слова, как deterrent, redundancy, landslide и другие также изменяли свое значение в ходе исторического развития языка.
  2) Префиксальное и суффиксальное образование новых слов. Префикс re- означает повторность действия: rethink ing - переосмысление, renazification - ренацификация, retrain ing - переподготовка, переквалификация, reimposition - введение чего-л. снова.
  Префикс de- придает значение обратного действия, demilitarize - демилитаризовать, denazify - денацифицировать, denazification - денацификация, denuclearize - лишать ядерного оружия, deescalation - деэскалация.
  Суффикс -ее образует существительные, которые очень часто передают значение объекта действия: detainee - задержанный (арестованный).
  3) Образование неологизмов путем конверсии: the needy - нуждающиеся; to front-page - помещать на первой странице; to snowball - быстро распространяться, увеличиваться (расти, как снежный ком).
  4) В настоящее время появилось много слов типа teach- in. Эти слова употребляются для обозначения различных форм протеста или разъяснительной кампании. Глагольный корень указывает на место или форму протеста или кампании: teach-in - диспут протеста (протест в форме проведения диспута), pray-in - протест в церкви или путем молитв.
  Иногда такие слова указывают на что направлено требование протестующих: buy-in - требование равных возможностей при покупке дома; apply-in - требование равных возможностей при найме на работу.
  Слова, относящиеся к этому разделу, можно подразделить на три группы:
  1. Слова, которые имеют внешнее сходство (звучание и написание) со словами русского языка, но значение которых не всегда совпадает. Например: dramatic - драматический, драматичный, неожиданный., яркий, впечатляющий, сенсационный; decade - десятилетие; popular - народный, популярный; formal - формальный, официальный; nation - нация, народ, страна; sabotage - вредительство, диверсионный акт, саботаж и многие другие.
  Примечание. В зависимости от контекста эти слова могут иметь другие оттенки значения и переводиться иначе.
  2. Слова, которые по множественном числе приобретают новое значение, как например: difference - разница, различие - differences 1) различия, 2) разногласия; development развитие - developments события и т.д.
  Примечание. Кроме того, слово development часто употребляется в значении: участок, подлежащий освоению; освоение; микрорайон и т.п.
  3. Слова, употребление которых в единственном и множественном числе не совпадает и русском и английском языках. Например: industry - промышленность, industries - промышленность, отрасли промышленности; policy - политика, политический курс, policies -политика, политический курс; atomic weapons (мн. ч.) атомное оружие (ед. ч.).
  I. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неличных форм глагола и их функцию.
  1. One person in ten can expect to be seriously injured or killed in a road accident during their lifetime, according to Prof. W. G., director of the Road Injuries Research Group at the Birmingham Accident Hospital, in a report issued to day. The report is concerned with ways of reducing the 24.000 deaths in Britain each year of men and women below the age of 45. It concentrates on accidents, cancer, heart disease and suicide, which between them cause three quarters of these young adult deaths. In a foreword, Mr G. Т., director, Office of Health Economics, suggests that 6.000 to 7.000 young lives could be saved each year if attention was concentrated on preventing the four main causes of premature death.
  2. The Geneva conference having failed to secure an agreement, there was no way of telling what the outcome will be.
  3. After months of talks and Cabinet discussions, the Government has told us what power it intends to hold over pay negotiations in the future, after "severe restraint" has ended. Part II of the Price and Incomes Act is to be "activated", to follow the period of "severe restraint" due to end in a few months time. Increases in both incomes and prices are to be vetted through "early-warning measures". As far as prices are concerned the system* is supposed to concentrate on those of economic significance, especially those affecting the cost of living. Part II enforces the notification of wage claims, by either the employer or the union, within seven days of their being lodged. Notification has to be made to the appropriate Government Minister.
  4. "The only alternative to letting the British Motor Corporation company close and a thousand people become redundant, was for the Government to take over responsibility," said the Minister of Aviation repudiating Tory charges that the Government was responsible for the failure of private enterprise in this field.
  5. Far from steering a middle course, or a modern course, or making changes, or bringing Socialist aims up to date, as in turn he claimed, he is operating a Tory-Right Wing Labour mixture of policies as old-fashioned as top hats on Palace coachmen, but not nearly as harmless or funny. The Prime Minister said that the July measures, "so far from threatening the nation with continuing unemployment, by creating the opportunity for a new break-through in exports and production, hold out the surest guarantee we have of full employment for a generation".
  6. Far from being a vote-winner, the Budget seems to have driven a bigger proportion of voters than ever to turn away from the Tories at the Derby North by-election.
  7. A struggle for conscience began in America in the days of Tom Paine and the American revolution. It started in England with the Puritans and other protestant sects fighting the persecution of the State and its State religion.
  8. Even with the pendulum of power swinging back to the Security Council, as it is doing at present, the Assembly will retain considerable political influence, provided its Afro-Asian majority continues to show a sense of responsibility.
  9. Having refused to recognize this in time, Washington was forced to retreat, under the pressure of rather embarrassing circumstances, from the juridically sound but politically unrealistic position it had enjoined on the United States delegation to the U.N.
  10. "Our Government is taking a huge gamble in going into the Common Market in the belief that a single integrated large industrial area represents the best outlet for our products. This strategy is obviously very risky. Instead of going after the maximum amount of international trade, we are tying ourselves to a tight restrictive group fiercely competing among each other for vital markets in North America."
  11. With no party having an over-all majority, and the political stalemate renewed, the three possible coalitions are: Christian Democrats with Free Democrats; Social Democrats with Free Democrats; and last, but by no means least likely, a continuation of the 'Grand Coalition' between the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats.
  II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод страдательного залога и сослагательного наклонения.
  1. While Trades Union Congress leaders were being pressed yesterday at Downing Street to agree to wage freezing,
  Stock Exchange speculators were pushing share prices to a new record level.
  2. This report - the first of which will appear next autumn,- would give the T.U.C. views on the general level of pay increases in the following years. Claims notified to the
  General Council by unions would be in accordance with it.
  Discussions with the Department of Economic Affairs and the Confederation of British Industry would take place before the drawing up of the report.
  3. Tomorrow night's meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party, when the Prime Minister will wind up the discussions on the Market, will conclude his formality of consulting back benchers about a decision he has already made in principle.
  His speech to MPs is to be published immediately after it is made, which is thought to be a further indication of his efforts to guide opinion the way he wants. Anti-Market MPs hope that the speech Mr E. S. will make will also get similar facilities and be published in full. Most MPs would be surprised if the Cabinet should fail to endorse the Prime Minister's known desire to ask for negotiations on the transitional arrangements needed during the period of Britain's adjustment to Common Market laws and practice.
  4. Behind this action lies an admission of, and a determination to solve, the real problem of every weatherman that meteorologists actually know frighteningly little about the weather. "If a scientist in any other field made predictions based on so little basic information," the head of the United States Weather Bureau's international unit remarked recently "he'd be flatly out of his mind." And if chemistry were now at the same stage as meteorology, a colleague add ed, the world would just be beginning to worry about the horrifying effect of gunpowder in warfare.
  5. The repercussions in Nigeria, should he carry out his threat to resign, might be even more serious. In September a conference is due to be held in London at which representatives from all parts of Nigeria will be present.
  6. If the British Government were to declare that the M.L.F.* should be abandoned and make a call for practical steps of disarmament it would find a big response here.
  7. Both countries have an interest in avoiding such anextention of the area of conflict because of the threatening consequences, were the localization to fail.
  8. A heavy expenditure on atomic development for peaceful purposes, if controlled by the people, would ultimately pay handsome dividends.
  9. The decision that there should be no broadcast on matters which were about to be debated in Parliament was originally neither negotiated nor bargained for.
  10. An undertaking by non-nuclear states not to acquire nor manufacture nuclear weapons would be an important step. The guarantee through the U.N. should safeguard against threats by countries embarking on a nuclear weapons capability, as well as those which already had that capability, the Indian delegate said.
  11. That the decision of the steering committee should have been overruled by the narrow margin of one vote only points to the necessity of continuing the debates.
  12. "Of the 550.000 people who die each year, at least 100.000 die of conditions that can now be prevented or whose destructive powers can be diminished or postponed." Dr W. illustrated his point with the case of the Rhondda, where the health facilities "are quite inadequate." Of the 1.380 people who died there in 1965, 388 would have survived if the death rate had been as low as in the rest of England and Wales.
  13. Mr H. suggested that the Lord Chancellor should help the Smith regime make sense of the proposals for setting up an interim Government which it had not been able to accept. He said it was "a mark of bankruptcy of statesman ship" to come to the point where mandatory sanctions had to be used - a remark which brought murmurs from the Labour benches. He asked the Prime Minister for a categorical undertaking that if oil sanctions were proposed particularly against South Africa, the British Government would use its veto. This brought cries of "no" from a number of Labour back-benchers.
  14. Women demanding equal pay should press home their campaign. For the P.I.B. s* proposal that nationalized industry chiefs should get the same as the heads of the firms with similar responsibilities is, after all, only another way of saying that pay should be equal for work of equal value.
  III. Переведите следующие предложения, постарайтесь точно передать значение модальных глаголов.
  1. But while workers, whatever they may think of film and pop stars salaries can't do much about it, they can use their strength to win higher wages for themselves, at the ex pense of the huge profits made by the employers. This is what the unions were created for, and what their members expect them to do.
  2. Trade unionists who might have been tempted into the Tory camp by Mr H.'s claim to be their best friend should have a look at what another Tory leader said yesterday. The Tory Shadow Minister of Labour made it quite clear that he would use the law against the unions with quite as much relish as the present Government. By letting it be known that they will vote against the compulsory powers in Part IV of the Price and Incomes Act, the Tories are trying to pose as the defenders of trade union freedom.
  3. The chairman of a firm of timber importers, gently chided his fellow-industrialists. He reminded them that some of the presidents of the larger Soviet trade corporations had told him that orders which might have been placed in Britain had not been because either British exporters were unable to quote or were uncompetitive.
  4. The Prime Minister's famous victory last week against the rebels within his own party was surely cheaply won. His own performance may have been - indeed, must have been - more effective to listen to than to read later, for de spite the fact that it was a speech for all seasons, containing something for everybody involved in the east-of-Suez dispute, it left unanswered or inadequately answered so many questions about Britain's future role in the world and how it is to be fulfilled, that the great debate is very far from conclusion. For all his political skill, the Prime Minister has only written another chapter, he has not closed the book.
  5. Some excuse for the behaviour of Tory chieftains might be provided if it could be shown that the leadership battle revolved round central issues of public importance. But throughout the dispute has been concerned with personalities and patronage-gang warfare in all its sterility.
  6. Many past air crashes, as subsequent investigation has shown, could have been avoided. There are many points about the Innsbruck flight which need an answer. Perhaps the answers to these questions will be satisfactory. In this case every possible step may have been taken that could have been taken, and it may be shown that only a human error that could not have been foreseen caused the crash.
  7. The Administration, which has been on its best behavior throughout the summer in not pressing Britain to reach an early decision on the multilateral nuclear force, is now making it plain that it would welcome an immediate answer.
  Serious discussions are to begin next month with West Germany, Italy and others, and if Britain is not to miss the boat she must be ready to take part.
  8. A threat to underdeveloped countries that they must pursue policies pleasing to the U. S. if they want financial aid was made in Washington yesterday by the U. S. Under secretary of State. "If a country is to be able to achieve self-sustaining growth within a reasonable future," he told the annual meeting of the World Bank, "it will have to pursue realistic policies to acquire the capital it needs."
  9. Our view is that if Britain and the Europeans are to achieve a constructive influence in African affairs, it can be done only through the medium of the United Nations. That is the only forum in which the old colonial powers, the newly liberated nations, the Soviet Union and the United States can meet and deal with one another in the context of the law of the Charter.
  10. Prospects of more election broadcasts for the Communist party could be improved as a result of recommendations in a report from the Speaker's Conference on Electoral Law, issued yesterday. But these are recommendations and pres sure will have to be maintained if they are to be transformed into decisions. Claiming that existing arrangements for allocating time at General Elections "are broadly satisfactory," the report suggests: "The broadcasting authorities should review the arrangements made for broadcasts at election times by minor parties."
  IV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод многозначных слов.
  1. Whether it would be possible to negotiate arrangements to cover each case no one can say. But the chances are likely to be better with Britain a member of this organization.
  2. Everywhere one travels in Africa, whether in the remaining colonial territories or in the newly independent states one cannot help being .struck by the disastrous effects of the сolonial system.
  3. That resolution is similar to one defeted by a 47-vote a year ago and is expected to be defeated by a wider margin this year.
  4. In the case of the Union of Post Office workers а member could be excluded from membership for up to twelve months since there was no provision for any stay pending appeal to annual conference.
  5. The company is reluctant to consider the workers' demand for wage increase. What seems to be the case is that it wants to prevent any drastic steps being taken to interfere with their profit making activity.
  6. The fact is that local industrialists were invited to be come members of the board when it was set up, and it must have been obvious that they would not only be concerned with local development, but in some cases be personally involved.
  7. Complicated legal issues which have arisen are being studied by the Attorney General's department which believes there is a case for damages against the tanker's owners.
  8. Yet for large and small nations, their record in the General Assembly does provide a yardstick with which to measure the application of their publicly announced foreign policy.
  9. Mr H. is the only serious rival at present, and if politics was a science, he would be a formidable rival. He has a splendid record as a reform mayor and a courageous Senator.
  10. Mr N. had been under fire from many sections of the student community for allegedly being out of touch with the problems of ordinary students, and his speech tonight was being regarded as a make or break bid to win back popular support for executive policy.
  11. The biggest problem, however, is likely to be on the wage front. Mow cooperative will the unions be this summer as their demands culminate? A strong point is that the Chancellor of the Echequer can now have as fullscale and thorough a Budget as he thinks necessary.
  12. The tourist potential is as yet largely untapped. But every effort is being made to develop the industry into a major foreign exchange earner. Apart from the existing facilities, the National Development Corporation is embarking upon a major programme for tourist accommodation facilities.
  13. Mr P. says that only the pro-Market case has been put by the "giant combines that now control the British Press," and that as a result many Six opponents have been brainwashed into a false sense of loneliness.
  V. Переведите следующие предложения.
  1. But far from unemployment being temporary, the Minister himself has told us emphatically that the Government's policy of restraining wages, which is causing unemployment, is to go on - not for 12 months, but indefinitely.
  2. Trade unionists do not find this logic difficult to accept. But they are not so equally convinced that a fair answer will be found in a largely privately owned economy; and that under these conditions the burden of restraint will, in fact, fall fairly on wage-earners and the recipients of dividends.
  3. In order to get the Trades Union Congress to accept the latest proposals on wage restraint made by the General Council the delegates are being told that unless they agree to them the alternative is legislation. This is like telling a man that unless he cuts his throat you will shoot him. Either way he hasn't much to look forward to.
  4. The Chancellor of the Exchequer impressed on the House that all that was needed was that everyone should behave sensibly and realize that if the country threw away this opportunity it might be long before it got another anything like so favourable. Stable prices could be assured only by price reductions in the field where progress was fastest and If the benefits of progress for which the whole community was responsible were shared by the whole community.
  5. The Prime Minister's speech in New York is widely accepted in Continental European financial quarters as a convincing political assurance that he does not plan any devaluation, but there are doubts whether he can successfully de end the pound while also insisting on maintaining economic growth and full employment in Britain. It is conceded that the Labour Government is likely to succeed in balancing Britain's capital account by the end of next year by restricting capital outflow, but it is stressed that it is not the capital account but the trade account which matters.
  6. This system makes a mockery of democracy. The more the "freedom" of these people is interfered with, the more freedom is extended for the majority. The more their right to make profits is limited, the more the rest of the community will benefit.
  7. That view will gain ground because a new shock awaits Parliamentary Labour Party and the Labour move Mit. The Prime Minister appears to have won the case, and carefully calculated leaks are coming from Cabinet Ministers to prepare us all for yet one more reversal of policy.
  8. It is not the critics of the Minister of Economy who are cynical. That is a word which could be more accurately applied to a Minister who says he is for prices being kept down, and then supports a Budget which puts them up.
  9. If British economic commitments and promises are to be fulfilled and the presence of a new Minister for Overseas Development in the Cabinet means what the Prime Minister seemed to imply it meant on Monday evening, the aid programme is unlikely to be pruned much, if at all.
  10. If the staff at Labour Party headquarters get the 12 per cent pay rise which it is reported they are to be offered, or the bigger increase they may ask for, they will no doubt congratulate themselves not only on their own efforts, but on having employers prepared to stand up to the Government and defy the pay freeze.
  11. And even more important than an inquiry into the past is the fight to change future policy. What we should be concerned with is not to prevent "excessive profits" being made out of war preparations, but to prevent any profit being made at all, by ending the waste on arms.
  12. Before this was voted on the vice-chairman of the shop stewards committee suggested that, because of the attitude shown by the company they should demand that the original date be adhered to with the full time union officials being brought into consultations on the sacking issue. Had he been able to put this case through the microphone it is certain to have had wide support, but few heard him and thei-hairman put the original recommendation, which was carried. A shop steward said after the meeting: "I was amazed that a recommendation endorsed by over 100 leading shop stewards of our union last night was not put to the meeting.
  I feel that had this been explained and the vice-chairman able to speak on his suggestion, then there would have Iiri-ii a very different decision today. They would have rejected redundancy and insisted on further negotiations."
  13. The argument about whether the motor companies should release workers to the rest of the labour market rather than put them on short time reveals once again the great divide between economic ideas in the abstract and the way the British economy works at present.
  14. The big question in industry today is security of employment. As redundancy and short-time working spread throughout the car industry and the many industries wholly or largely dependent upon it, as the same process operates in the other sections producing consumer durable goods of all kinds, like furniture and refrigerators, and as the programme of pit closures gets under way, workers everywhere must be worried about their own jobs even if they are not in one of the immediately hard-hit industries.
  15. It is a thorough disgrace that a Labour council should be acting in this way. A Labour council should set an example as a model landlord, not as peacemaker for the avaricious, grasping private landlords. The reason for the increase in rents is the usual one - the council is in the red on its housing account. But that is not the fault of the tenants. It is the fault of the Government which has failed to keep its election manifesto promise to "introduce a policy of lower interest rates for housing." It is also the fault of the council for not insisting that the Government honours its pledge. Instead of an increase in rents, the council should insist that interest on housing loans should be cut. This is something the Government could do instead of slinging money down the drain keeping troops in West Germany, Aden or Singapore.
  Apart from the gross injustice of the extortionate demands, rent increases are a very bad electoral advertisement for labour. So let us wish the tenants every success in their struggle against boneheaded bureaucrats in the Town Hall.
  16. It was he who with the Prime Minister, turned the scales against having a snap election in November without making even the pretence of coping with the dollar crisis.
  It was he who threw his weight in favour of February as the best moment to send the Labour machine into action; and it is he who will profit most among the party's leaders if Labour wins.
  17. An early general election, which last week would have seemed bound to introduce a score of Irrelevant issues at this time of pressing national anxiety, is now the only way of ending the confusion caused by what Mr N. termed the Government's decision "to aggravate and inflame political and party strife, not by words only - we all use words in party politics - but by deeds." To this all-important side of the question Mr M. made only passing references.
  18. A call for continuous pressure on the Government to act before more newspapers are forced to close down was made by Mr M., Labour MP for Ashfield, at the end of the Press teach-in in London on Wednesday evening. Summing up the entire teach-in, Mr M. said a lot of different proposals had been put forward during the3V2-hour discussion. But he believed that most would agree that some form of Government intervention was necessary. "The only way we can get the Government to see the urgency of the problem is for the Labour and progressive movement generally to keep up a continuous pressure on the Government to act, and to act now before there are more closures." Nearly 1,000 people met for the Press teach-in sponsored jointly by the Sunday Citizen, Tribune and the Morning Star, and held at Camden Town Hall. Almost all were convinced of the need for Government intervention to save the Press from being at the mercy of the highest bidders, men whose concern was not for democracy but only for money-making.
  19. In his speech to newspaper editors yesterday the Paymaster General named monopoly and big commercial advertisers as a threat to Press freedom and democracy. But having revealed many of the things that were wrong, unfortunately he did not assist us by making proposals which would help to put things right. How amazing that he did not mention that the Government, of which he is a member, had given the death blow to the Sunday Citizen, by refusing to give that cooperatively owned newspaper the advertising aid it asked for. Yet by refusing to aid the Citizen and stop Lord T. swallowing The Times, the Government itself has helped the "process of concentration and monopoly" which, the Paymaster General said yesterday, he regarded as a danger not only to Press freedom, but to democracy itself. By giving the Press tycoons all this advertising, and depriving the independent Morning Star of a fair share, the Government is helping to increase the danger to democracy. Having lectured the newspaper editors, the Paymaster General ought now to lecture the Cabinet on its public duty to provide the Morning Star and Tribune, the last remaining papers of the Left, with more Government advertisements. In the long run, however, the future of the Morning Star depends on its readers. It is to them that we always appeal, as we do again, to champion the cause of Press independence by the readers of this newspaper, and new contributors to its Fund.
  20. The National Coal Board chairman was criticized at the Aberfan Inquiry yesterday after he had said that safety precautions for looking after tips were inadequate before the disaster. The Coal Board chairman told the inquiry that he did not think there was any doubt that had new techniques on tip safety been taken advantage of, there was a high probability that they would not have been at the tribunal yesterday. The inquiry chairman said, "Had we realized that it was quite possible to know by the use of available measures that this disaster was impending and preventible, the Coal Board chairman would have been asked weeks ago to make a statement to the Treasury solicitor and weeks and months of this inquiry would have been rendered unnecessary."
  21. It is time it was understood that history does not develop according to the formulae of those who would like to conserve it, those who would like to arrest the movement of the people along the road of progress.
  22. The Foreign Secretary is reported to be annoyed be cause the Americans didn't consult him about their decision to go ahead with an anti-ballistic missile system. But this is typical of the U.S. Government's attitude to Britain, and he ought to be used to it by now. The Foreign Secretary would be in a stronger position to complain if his own nuclear policy were any more sensible or any less dangerous than America's.
  23. But the text of the communique which is likely to be agreed at another restricted session of the 22 delegations at Marlborough House this morning is expected to be mainly a record of disagreements -with Britain's view shown to be a minority one in the conference.
  24. The Prime Minister has done the right thing in ending speculation about a summer election. He had pretty well forced an announcement on himself. Irritating the Labour party with his cat-and-mouse tactics did not matter; the fact that he was teasing the public as well did. The announcement is also timed. To have made it earlier might have taken any zest there was out of the local government elections; to have made it later would have invited the charge that the Prime Minister had been influenced by their results. The new Cabinet shows significant changes, both personal and constructional, from the old one. Naturally it will be looked at most searchingly in the Ministries which touch the home front, and particularly its economics. It was the failure either to coordinate these Ministries successfully, or to present an intelligible picture of their activities to the electorate, which was the chief weakness of the previous Cabinet. The Prime Minister's own record is here at its most untried. He will have to show that his capacity for government is sufficiently unspecialized to make him as successful on the home front as he has been on the overseas.
  25. Geneva, Tuesday. The broadening of trade with the Socialist countries was advocated here today by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on trade and development. He told the Conference that there was a "great potential" in the Socialist lands because of their high rate f economic growth. For the time being, he said, trade with :he Socialist countries would have to be within a framework f bilateral accords, but he hoped that by degrees conditions could be created "growing from bilateralism to multilateralism."
  26. The approach to the Common Market will be accompanied by intensive efforts within E.F.T.A.* to improve and strengthen the association and, incidentally, to make it a more powerful bargaining platform. The British Premier who opened the discussion is understood to have told his visitors that British membership of the Common Market is "many years ahead" but that it was time for the E.F.T.A. countries to get together to consider a joint policy. With representatives present from five of the other E.F.T.A. Governments and three Common Market Governments, the occasion could hardly have been more suitable for launching the theme. In any event, everyone seems to have been pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the discussions and the wide range of agreement that was reached. The participants of the conference seemed to have stressed the dangers that could ensue from two European groups each with internal Customs freedom but separated by a high tariff barrier.
  An arrangement under which the Six could be treated as one economic unit which might enter into relations with E.F.T.A. to give a wider free trade group is also to be explored. The leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party put the Commonwealth viewpoint forcefully at the meeting and earned the British Premier's assurance that Bril; iin could not join a European trade block that was comniited to an agricultural policy like that of the Common
  27. The Foreign Minister of West Germany is understood to have emphasized that his proposals for political union were not intended to exclude Britain from the talks; but there were many difficulties, he pointed out, to be overcome by the Six before they could see clearly which way they were heading. There was no point in bringing in Britain before they had reached that stage.
  28. The real need is for the Western powers to maintain their basic objectives, but to be more supple in applying them in the search for unity, and the beginning should be in a recognition that unity is more likely to come in a relax ation of general European tension. Complete rigidity is in danger of defeating the ends it has in view.
  29. History will one day record that there has never been in the U. S. a group or organization which has been lied about, vilified, persecuted as has been the Communist Party.
  Some day when the truth gets a hearing, the historian will pick up his pen and record that no finer contribution has been made to the cause of freedom in general and Negro freedom in particular than that made by the American Communist Party.
  30. Today the Soviet Union has emerged as the main force, generating enough power to give to peoples of colour the world over the confidence that they could shake off the shackles of world imperialism. Were it not for Soviet power offering an alternative to capitalism and imperialism it is doubtful that over one and a half billion people would have been able to free themselves from colonialism and imperial ism.
  31. The Negro revolt has many causes, but its basic power is that of the force of economic wretchedness. It is this wretchedness that technological change is threatening to exacerbate beyond endurance by automating out of existence many of the unskilled and skilled jobs Negroes hold. That the Negro community is in the throes of profound economic crisis is evident from the unemployment figures.
  32. It used to be said of the American Negro that he was "poor before he was black", that he would vote the Democratic ticket, in spite of the Southern Democrat's support of racial segregation, because the Democratic party was the party of the New Deal.
  33. Next to the life-and-death issues of nuclear war, racial prejudice is perhaps the greatest single problem in the modern world; and although it is true that the solutions are not simple, the moral issue underlying it is simplicity itself. Such an appeal would seek to confront racial prejudice head-on: possibly by pointing to the rich and varied contributions which past waves of immigrants have made to national life, even more by laying bare the fundamental inhumanity on which racial prejudice is based. Conceivably, this might lose votes. Even so, it would itself help to change the moral climate.
  34. Every struggle for human rights takes on a different aspect, even though the fundamental facts remain the same, whether it be struggle for free speech in the streets or on the campuses, or fight for social justice everywhere. "The silent generation" now speaking again, as youth should, freely and independently, are facing all the slanders repeated by the baffled reactionaries unable to abide the fact that the young people have principles which they are willing to fight for.
  35. This polarization of forces is ominous. The dominant issue having been what it was, the tension in race relations, already severe, is now most unlikely to be relaxed.
  36. It will take 270 electoral votes to win the presidential race, with the heavily-populated States, with their big blocks of votes, the key ones.
  37. When the pound was devalued the British people were assured that unpleasant though this medicine might be, it would mark the turning of the tide. Now, two days after the first anniversary of devaluation the Chancellor of the Exchequer has to fly off to Bonn after midnight discussions in Whitehall because there is a new monetary crisis. Last March the dollar was almost devalued. Now it is the franc which is in the front line. If either of these two currencies were to fall, the pound would almost certainly have to be devalued again.
  38. The real reason for British capitalism's desperation to enter the Common Market is its desire to pave the way for the next stage in the development of the super trusts.
  39. What was this statement designed to achieve? There seems to have been nothing in it that would lead one to conclude that the General wished to frighten the British Government into abandoning its siege of the Common Market. Certainly, he must have realized by now that it is not the kind to be frightened off its chosen objective. The only convincing supposition is that the meeting was designed, however indirectly, as a warning.
  40. If the meeting of the Council of Ministers in Luxembourg should reveal a strong consensus of opinions. France's five Common Market partners in favour of negotia tions, then the French Government will have little alternative. What is most likely to happen is that it will attempt to gain time, and put forward every conceivable argument to cause delay.
  41. It is not the Ford strike which is at the root of the trouble for it had not started during the period covered by these figures. It is not the workers who last year produced a balance of payment deficit of. 458 million. It was not the workers who sent over. 220 million for investment abroad last year instead of investing it in industry in Britain.
  42. Although military aviation can be said to have start ed in 1870 when balloons were used during the siege of Paris, it was not until the first world war that it became of substantial importance.
  43. The real talks begin tomorrow. The seriousness of the two opening statements has rather lightened the atmosphere. Now there are some hopes that there could be a tacit understanding, rather than a formal freeze, on M. I. T. V.s weapons. Nevertheless the two statements did touch in dilute and tactful fashion on the basic differences in the U.S. and Soviet Union approaches which will have to be reconciled if there is to be progress.
  44. It may be unprecedented, but it is not illogical for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to have used his Budget speech for announcing the Government's intention of hustling through Parliament an Act designed to shackle the trades unions. The Budget, like the preceding ones of this Government, has as its main objective to devalue our wage packets. The decision to rush through the anti-T.U. legislation is aimed at disarming the working people, and hampering them in their struggle to retain the real value of their hard- earned wage packets. It is a policy aimed at ensuring that any increase in either productivity or output should lead not to more wages, but to more profit... There can be no other explanation for the Chancellor's moan that increased production and productivity rose only four times as much as wages.
  45. The Congressman was deprived of his scat last month by vote of the House pending investigations by the special committee on the grounds that he had put taxpayers' money to his own use, flouted the law by refusing to pay libel damages, and evaded jail sentences imposed for contempt of court.
  46. This political chicane exposed the U. S. administration fleeing at high speed from the showdown it inwardly shrinks from but for months has been outwardly "demanding".
  47. The Brazilian Foreign Minister made a far-reaching proposal: since a peace-keep ing operation was not foreseen in writing the Charter, a new chapter authorizing and regulating such operations should be introduced between Chapter VI, which deals with the pacific settlement of disputes, and Chapter VII, which authorizes the employ of force by member states.
  48. Most of the African states have only been in existence a couple of years. One cannot therefore expect to see as yet, any decisive change in the pattern of the economy in these countries. The change from an underdeveloped country to a developed one is a huge task.
  49. If one examines the various African territories, both those still under direct colonial rule and those which have recently won their political independence, one finds that despite local differences, there is a certain essential similarity in character of their economics.
  50. When we remember that when the United Nations was founded there were only three African states - one of them being the Union of South Africa, governed then as now not by the masses of the people but by an imperialistic minority; when we recall that in 1960 alone no less than 16 of those states gained their formal political independence, we gain some idea of the pace and extent of change in the African continent.
  51. If the capital needs of underdeveloped countries are particularly heavy, one must recognize that their absorptive capacity, on the other hand, remains more limited than was the case of Europe in the nineteenth century.
  52. There were 540 road accidents on Tuesday, and 22 people were killed, bringing the death toll for the five days of Christmas to 158. This is 82 more than for the four-day Christmas period of last year, and 50 more than the provision al figure at the end of the five-day Christmas of 1964. One of the worst features of this year's accident figures is that while the total number of road accidents is down on last year (2,856 compared with 2,963 for the four days from Friday midnight), the number of dead and injured is up. "The holiday figures show how urgently we need the Road Safety Bill," the Minister of Transport said yesterday.
  53. Even the restrained Mr В., not a man given to talkIng in headlines, proclaimed himself as "almost appalled" at the inadequacies of one important aspect of mental care - the in-patient accommodation for seriously maladjusted children. The regional hospital boards gave this such a low priority that some of the children have to go into adult wards. It looked as though such specialized services always stay at the bottom of the priority lists, and Mr B. wanted the boards to equip themselves on a group basis. "How these nurses and attendants conduct their duties and look after the patients is an unparalleled task, and one you would not conceive humanly possible for them to do as well as they do." "If we are to secure a greater public understanding of the problem we have to restore also the confidence which the public are entitled to feel that in these special hospitals, no matter how far medical science advances, security is, and is seen to be, the primary responsibility of those in charge."
  54. Although some smaller details can be glimpsed visually in exceptionally good conditions, pictures of Mars obtained by space probes from about 5,000 miles, and away from the atmosphere of the earth, are likely to be a revelation. A new era in planetary investigation has begun. There seems good reason to anticipate reproductions of the Martian surface which are likely to answer the controversial and important question of whether the straightish markings, the so-called canals, are natural or artificial formations. Even if these probes should fail, it cannot be very long before our knowledge of the Martian surface will be transformed as a result of space techniques.
  55. The United States is clearly committed to a policy of development of outer space for peaceful purposes with the widest possible dissemination of the fruits of that effort.
  But if development is to proceed under a rule of law rather than a rule of might, all nations must agree upon and accept international rules of behaviour governing space activities.
  1. Объясните, какими средствами русского языка переводятся следующие грамматические и лексические явления. Проиллюстрируйте своими примерами.
 1. Инфинитив
 * Инфинитив в различных функциях
 * Инфинитивные конструкции
  Субъектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот
  Объектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот
  Инфинитивный комплекс
  Независимая номинативная конструкция.
 2. Герундий
 * Герундий в различных функциях.
 * Герундиальный комплекс.
 3. Причастия
 * Причастие в различных функциях
 * Причастные конструкции
  Объектный причастный оборот
  Каузативный или побудительный оборот
  Абсолютная причастная конструкция
  Причастия в функции союзов и предлогов
  Форма на -Ing.
 4. Страдательный залог
 5. Сослагательное наклонение
 6. Модальные и вспомогательные глаголы
 * Should
 * Can, may, must
 * To be
 * To have
 * To do.
 7. Сложноподчиненные предложения. Четырехчленная каузативная конструкция. Различные функции слов it, one, that.
 * If
 * One
 * That.
  2. Переведите предложения, отмеченные преподавателем, и объясните, какие лексические и грамматические явления, представляющие сложность для перевода, содержаться в них.
 1. The peninsula had a sufficient population of its own to provide for.
 2. About 60 people were yesterday reported to have been arrested on subversion charges.
 3. They made their decision after being told of the terms contained in a joint union management statement.
 4. Refusal to do this work resulted in two men being suspended and strike action followed.
 5. Those taking part in the march will assemble on Saturday morning in Birkenhead Park Gates.
 6. Exports of bananas were negligible all shipments going to Bohama Islands.
 7. Objections to this plan, supposing there is any, should be reported to the committee at once.
 8. The delegation of British building workers was greatly impressed with the tremendous advances in Soviet advances in the industrialized building, accounting for many big housing schemes.
 9. Man's emergence into outer space ushers in a new era. Practical conditions are being created for the solution of the most complicated tasks, including flights to and landing on the moon and other planets.
 10. There is a growing welcome for every move backing those pressing the Prime Minister to honour his election pledges and to carry out Labour Party annual conference decisions.
 11. The decision added: "The conference calls on the Government to dissociate itself from the policy being pursued by the U. S. Government of me acting small countries for the purpose of setting up puppet military governments subservient to the U. S.
 12. The delegation of British building workers was greatly impressed with the tremendous advances in Soviet industrialized building, accounting for many big housing schemes.
 13. The United Nations Political Committee has urged the General disarmament conference to consider calling a conference for the signing of a world-wide convention banning the use of nuclear weapons.
 14. A spokesman said the financial experts left for Poland last night after signing an agreement postponing repayment obligations and interest due on the debt.
 15. A French cabinet minister recently asserted that maintaining the veto would greatly facilitate Britain's entry into Europe implying that London also wants it kept.
 16. The conference also again demanded the setting up of a National Building Corporation to take a large amount of major building workout of the hands of the private employers.
 17. Cost accounting, prices, credit and profit should be used to give a real stimulus to increasing production and speeding technological advance, says the Communist Party newspaper in a page-long leading article.
 18. Although Government salesmen are hard at work pushing the Common Market as our salvation, the miners in particular must beware of seeing this as an easy solution.
 19. The National Steel Corporation will be empowered to direct the disclaimer of any agreement or lease entered into by a company coming into public ownership.
 20. Proposals from some 20 authorities for the reorganization of secondary education along the comprehensive lines had been wholly or very substantially approved in 1966. A few authorities were invited to reconsider part of their proposals and others were asked to consider modifications of varying importance.
 21. The 24 men were originally suspended for leaving work early after they had been refused permission to have extra time to clean up after doing what they claimed was a particularly dirty job.
 22. Before the Minister left Rhodesia yesterday he told the Press that his request to meet the "restricted" leaders of the African people, had been refused.
 23. Just now the body's natural defence mechanism against bacteria and viruses works is being more closely examined at the National Institute for Medical Research at Mill Hill, London.
 24. At least five people were killed and scores injured as hurricane Inez swept across the French Caribbean Islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe on Tuesday night. Heavy damage was caused as the storm hit with winds up to 125 miles an hour. Communications were disrupted and many centres cut off.
 25. The Government was "very mild" as regards prices and rents, compared with the "uncompromising tone" when wages and salaries were dealt with.
 26. This is happening when the home market is being restricted by the new Budget.
 27. This figure of 30 has been treated as a military secret until a newspaper published it a few days ago.
 28. A few years ago when it was decided to expand accommodations in the General Assembly Hall, at considerable expense, enough seats were allotted for delegates from 120 countries. The magic number was arrived at after consulting unologist, within and without the organization.
 29. Police, who believe the four prisoners have separated, investigated reports that a farm and a factory - between Tavistock and Plymouth - were broken into overnight.
 30. It would be foolish to think that all this will be easy.
 31. It would give the General Council the right to sit in judgment on wage claims before they are submitted, and demand that the unions should delay their claims until this has been done.
 32. In preparation for their meeting tomorrow it would be a very good idea if Trades Union Congress leaders would make a point of meeting the rank-and-file workers who are lobbying Parliament today.
 33. Even if Nato Governments were not yet prepared to abolish both the Nato and Warsaw Pacts it would still be possible to reach an understanding on liquidating the military organizations of these groupings.
 34. A visit to the detained African leaders would therefore most likely have resulted in the rejection of the Prime Minister's proposals - which would have been awkward for him on the eve of the Labour Party conference.
 35. Even if this proposal were acted upon, and it is now evident that the President has disavowed it, the fundamental guns-instead-of-butter nature of the economy would in no way be altered.
 36. This veto provision reflects the conviction of those who drafted the Charter that the United Nations would be unable to take an important initiative for the maintenance of peace and security unless there was unanimity among the big powers and that to attempt so, would be a futile gesture, endangering the organization.
 37. If it had been reached on a national scale the whole political scene in India would have been transformed, and the Right Wing gains in other areas would have been impossible.
 38. No one is under any illusion that had (he men not shown (heir strike solidarity there would be no extra ? 2 a week in the 64 В. А. С* men's wage packets this week.
 39. Unemployment of those proportions, were it general, would be a national catastrophe.
 40. Had the election campaign been still in progress the wage squeeze might have become an issue.
 41. February's trade figures showed a .?62 million deti-cit There would have been an even worse result for 1968 had it not been for the ? 559 million that foreign businessmen invested in Britain.
 42. Не said that this was not a temporary problem. Lasting arrangements should be made.
 43. The successful motion calling for a reduction in the working week at sea was moved by Mr G. H. (South Shields) who said the conference should bear in mind that many industries had a 40-hour week.
 44. At the same time, trade unionists should not be aken in by the blood-curdling shrieks from the boardrooms.
 45. Members angrily describe Mr B.'s trick, literally sprung at the last minute of the steel debate, as unnecessary and the last thing which sfwuld have been done because it played into the hands of the Tories.
 46. The workers who have decided to fight against redundancies and short time in every possible way are absolutely right. They should be backed up by everyone, including those on whom the axe has not yet fallen.
 47. The Government should bring together in local discussions the important employers of labour and trade union officials in direct touch with workpeople, and set about creating a sensible pattern out of the present chaotic labour market.
 48. Yesterday's White Paper on going over to decimal currency should end doubts that the Prime Minister is seriously aiming to get Britain into the Common Market, and should serve as a signal of the need to step up the pressure to stay out of the embrace of the Six.
 49. The Government should now pursue a policy which will "bring about the abolition of all nuclear weapons and a speedy reduction of all weapons of war as soon as it is possible", said delegates.
 50. Speaking at one of his rare Press conferences, he declared that Washington should observe the principle by which people must settle their own affairs themselves.
 51. At his first Press conference since taking office on Monday, Japan's new Prime Minister said non-nuclear Powers like Japan, Canada and some European countries should raise their voices to contribute to peace in the world.
 52. Some excuse for the behaviour of Tory chieftains might be provided if it could be shown that the leadership battle revolved round central issues of public importance. But throughout, the dispute has been concerned with personalities and patronage - gang warfare in all its sterility.
 53. It is possible that in accordance with this plan, investments may have to be made which do not lead rapidly to a rise in the standard of living.
 54. Situations in which America may have to choose between rival policies advocated by her European partners are bound to arise.
 55. When the delegates are taken to see the outstanding work of the Road Research Laboratory, and the examples of brilliant design and construction of British technicians and workers, they will be able to compare in their minds' eye what might be, with what is.
 56. Finally, a new political balance in Europe, based on effective unity, might turn out to be the precondition of disengagement.
 57. Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken place that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.
 58. In reality the Pope may not have been anxious to see his suggestion, advanced from the marble rostrum of the General Assembly on October 4, enacted a bare six weeks later.
 59. The Prime Minister mentioned that a more radical stand on some issues might have enabled the party to have avoided defeat.
 60. There were signs that this tour might have marked; i turning point.
 61. The 800 boilermakers on strike for two weeks at the Babcock and Wilcox engineering works, over the dismissal of their shop stewards' convener, are to return to work on Tuesday.
 62. The unions are to meet on May 8 to formulate their reply to the company on the following day.
 63. Share prices soared on the London Stock Exchange yesterday in the hope that Bank rate is to be cut from the present 6Va per cent to 6 per cent.
 64. The plan is to allow whites and non-whites to compete in one team abroad, but to maintain segregation inside South Africa.
 65. The official understanding here is that the Cabinet was to have discussed the proposal today and take it up again next Tuesday if no decision on were reached.
 66. The draft treaty to ban the spread of nuclear weapons was to have been tabled at the Geneva disarmament conference soon after its resumption today.
 67. The External Affairs Minister who was to have addressed the General Assembly on the Canadian position yesterday, suddenly postponed his statement.
 68. But this success must be made the starting point of a new effort if the impetus is to be maintained and still bigger successes won.
 69. Now the question is: "Will more resignations follow?" Changes seem inevitable, but no one can say what. But changes there must be if confidence in the board is to be restored and it is to function properly.
 70. These are only a few of the questions which arise out of the vast subject "Planning and Economic Growth". A choice must be made, in view of the breadth and diversity of these questions, if certain aspects of the problem are to be examined at all deeply within the limits of this brief article.
 71. Ministerialists argue that if there is to be the normal summer recess it will be difficult to get the Steel Bill through the Commons in time.
 72. The bitterness of the conflict required that he should be removed from the scene if the Democrats were to have a chance at the election.
 73. The Foreign Secretary did not show any willingness to discuss this question, but he did refer to the responsibility of both governments as co-chairmen of the 1954 Geneva conference.
 74. What our politicians do not talk about - the abuses of the Federal Reserve Board, the practices of the lobbyists, the strange actions of many in the Executive Branch - frequently can be more significant to knowing persons than things the Representatives do say.
 75. Yet for large and small nations their record in the General Assembly does provide a yardstick with which to measure the application of their publicly announced foreign policy principles.
 76. All the same the state of the economy and the general trend of national politics do have some influence on the voters.
 77. Perhaps they may even engender a little shame among Cabinet Ministers at the hold-up in road building. If they do, the conference will be voted a great success.
 78. Mafia crime syndicates are gaining control of many legitimate businesses and now pose a greater threat to the United States than did the gangsters of the Al Capone era in the 1930s, an American sociologist warns today.
 79. F. A. O. pointed out that Governments of the underdeveloped countries are unable to assure adequate food supplies - and will be unable to do so in the foreseeable future.
 80. It is bound to be a delicate operation, trenching as it does upon sensitive areas of a nation's cultural heritage and on its spiritual inadequacies.
 81. What is important is whether a country's resources are fully and effectively utilized and developed by and for its people.
 82. But this does not mean we are overpopulated. What it means is that there is something basically wrong with the system, for which only a fundamental change to Socialism can provide a permanent cure.
 83. The overseas trade position has therefore remained much better than last year. What is not certain is whether the improvement is continuing sufficiently fast.
 84. The "freedom" the directors want is freedom to exploit the labour of the millions of working people, freedom to take over more and more firms, freedom to make huge profits and capital gains and freedom to spend them in luxury living.
 85. Since winning independence, they have forged fresh links born of the similarity of the problems they face in safeguarding their hard-won freedom, and of their peoples' efforts to throw off the blight of poverty and ignorance.
 86. The big debate the country was promised before a decision was taken has not materialized.
 87. Regretting that some works gave a one-sided and superficial picture of our history and modern life, the Central Committee message said the Soviet public required high artistic standards and a clear class stand from creative artists.
 88. A message from the Communist Party's Central Committee said Soviet literature was a true chronicle of heroic times, actively joining the struggle to win a new society.
 89. At the 964th meeting, when consideration of the draft resolution was resumed, the sponsors submitted a revised text of their draft resolution which differed from the preceding text mainly in that the paragraph proposed by Nepal was accepted.
 90. A glimpse behind the board room curtain into the ways by which the managerial men get their money made up is given in a survey published today.
 91. Everything shows that what the country needs is a Budget which drastically cuts military spending and the export of capital.
 92. An increase in the circulation of the Morning Star is needed to strengthen the movement in Britain for a new policy which will bring peace, prosperity and social advance. // is the platform for the Left and all who want progress. // is the only daily paper which can be relied on by trade unionists to defend them and help their struggles.
 93. One of the most dangerous products of unjust wars is intolerance, violence and repression in the country waging the war. // suits reaction to stir up hysteria and, in the name of "patriotism", set the jingo riff-raff against those who are campaigning for peace.
 94. In a joint statement Mr B. and his colleagues said that they felt it their duty to help the Government to build true unity in the country and kill tribalism and discrimination.
 95. From the Tory Front Bench, Mr P. Т., formerly of the Foreign Office, asked if they could take it that the Government supported the U. S. action.
 96. He is ready to support a measure of political unity in the Six but made it as clear as ever that such a union will be firmly grounded in national direction.
 97. Glasgow- born Macrea, who threw up teaching to become an actor at the age of 40, will be remembered as one of Scotland's outstanding theatre comics who used the vernacular with great effect.
 98. In the light of this, all those concerned with world peace must realize that the Common Market is one of the means by which the cold war is intensified and the nuclear war danger increased.
 99. When one hears such thoughtless declarations, one must realize that one has to face here a fundamental misconception.
 100. Discretion is another necessary quality on$ finds highly developed in interpreters. They often participate in the most confidential and far-reaching discussions, and delegates must feel that they can speak freely.
 101. Economic dependence upon a foreign country is also a major obstacle to growth although one that is not always obvious and easily definable.
 102. The only items remaining on the agenda were the ones listed in the Journal for 16 February.
 103. Historical experience shows that the survivals of capitalism in the minds of people persist over a long period after the establishment of a socialist system.
 104. Leninism teaches, and experience confirms, that the ruling classes never relinquish power voluntarily.
 105. The meeting considers that the implementation of the program for general and complete disarmament put forward by the Soviet Union would be of historical importance for the destinies of mankind.
 106. The unprecedented destructive power of modern means of warfare demands that the main actions of anti-war and peace-loving forces should be directed towards preventing war.
 107. The peoples of the countries that have won state independence are working to abolish the grim aftermaths of colonial rule.
 108. The urgent task of national rebirth facing the countries that have shaken off the colonial yoke cannot be effectively accomplished unless a determined struggle is waged against imperialism and the remnants of feudalism by all the patriotic forces of the nations.
 109. "We hope that this lobby will be as large as any that has ever taken place," said Mr B. The lobby, he said, would be followed by a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, with international leaders.
 110. Few, if any, aspects of the trade union movement have received as much attention as the strike. For of all trade union actions the strike is the most spectacular.
 111. For a period of about six months after the formation of the Union of Burma, very little news, if any, came out of the newly formed State.
 112. Only a steady adherence to the principle of the Charter, if anything, can prevent the outbreak of war.
 113. Аnything, it would be to the advantage of this country to pursue an independent policy.
 114. Whatever their efforts, the advocates of a new war against the Soviet Union can never be as successful as before in misleading public opinion.
 115. Whatever his reasons he has now brought the other members of Nato face to face with some very big and difficult questions about the military and political structure of Europe and its relations with the United States.
 116. But whatever his long term aims, the President's immediate intentions and motives were made relentlessly clear at his last Press conference less than three weeks ago.
 117. Though this thesis sounds admirably democratic in principle, most students of Indian affairs believe that as applied to the Indian situation it would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for India to attain unity and real democracy.

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