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According to Peter Kennedy, Director of Adventure Quest/Team Adventure in Vermont,
Kids from nine to twelve years are at the ideal age to gain the best results. Young people
in this age group have generally grown enough to fit smaller kayaks well and have
developed the attention span, physical attributes, and fine motor skills necessary to see
rapid progress in their skills development. Kids at this age are also mature enough to deal
with the solo aspects of the sport, though kayakers should never paddle alone. Take Mom
and/or Dad along, so you can teach them what you've learned. I hope this helps in your
quest to paddle.
What kinds of kayaks do you make for kids?
For whitewater, try the Dancer XS, the new Fox, and the Pirouette Super Sport. Touring
kayaking kids should check out the Umiak. For sport paddling, the Keowee is a good
choice. Kids also need PFDs specifically sized for kids, and a paddle with a smaller
diameter shaft, sized to fit smaller hands. These are all available at Perception/Aquaterra

Where can I go kayaking?
The best place to find guide books on local kayaking areas is at your local outdoor store,
including your Perception dealer.

How can I find a kayaking club?
Ask your local paddling or outdoor shop for information about clubs in the area. If your
area has a sports newspaper or weekend activities section in the newspaper, check the
listings for events and clubs near you.

What should you take with you when you go kayaking?
Always take your PFD, spray skirt and paddle with you. For whitewater or surfing, take
your helmet, too. Your kayak should be equipped with flotation (but that generally is
stored in the boat). Take a spare paddle, sunscreen, water bottle, snacks and first aid kit.
For sea kayaking you should also take your signal kit and bilge pump. Dress appropriately,
in synthetics or wool -- cotton is not recommended for watersports. Take along a
paddling jacket -- it's always a little colder than you expect! Pack your kayaking gear in
dry bags, Pelican Box or heavy zip lock bags. Clip it to your whitewater boat, or put it in the hatch of
your sea kayak. Be sure to preserve our natural areas by using minimum impact skills
when you're kayaking (and always pack out your garbage).

How do you get the kayak on top of your car rack? Can I load it by myself?
There are many different methods for carrying and loading kayaks. One way to carry your
kayak is by placing the upper cockpit edge on your shoulder. Another method is to lift it
canoe style, holding it by the thigh braces. To load the boat onto your car by yourself,
stand behind the car and rest the bow of the kayak on your rear car rack bar or roof. Move
to the back/stern of the kayak (hold onto it!), then lift the stern and slide the entire kayak
forward onto the rack. This same method can work from the side of your car. Rest one
end of the kayak on your car, then lift the other end. If you are concerned about
scratching your car or kayak, place a towel on the roof or rack for protection. (Minor
scratches do not harm the kayak.) Tie your boat securely to the roof rack. Run bow and
stern lines directly to your car, with only minimal tension. (These lines are just insurance,
in case the lines holding your boat to the rack loosen.) Too much tension on the bow and
stern lines can distort the shape of your boat.

How should you store a kayak?
The best way to store your boat is on end, upside down or on its side. Don't hang it by
the grab loops, and don't store it in direct sunlight. The color can fade and the plastic can
lose its suppleness because of prolonged exposure to sunlight. Use a cockpit cover to
keep dust and critters out. Perception has a Yak Rack made of webbing which is
designed to make storing your kayak easy!

Where can I find a Perception retailer?
See our
What is the weight capaciy of a touring kayak?
Many factors influence the amount of gear and the weight your sea kayak can hold. These include: weight distribution, weather factors, paddler weight and size, and skill level. That's why it is difficult to give a specific answer in number of pounds, because there are so many combinations of factors possible. (It's a bit like asking how much weight a backpack can hold.) The performance of your kayak, and your comfort in paddling it, will also be affected by the amount of weight and the way the kayak is packed.
As a generalization, sea kayaks which are trimmed, outfitted and packed properly can hold a combined paddler and gear weight of 200-250 lbs. Again, please keep in mind that this is a generalization. You should always practice packing your sea kayak and paddling a packed kayak prior to any trip. It is also very advisable to practice your self-rescue and rolling techniques with a loaded kayak prior to an expedition.
When packing a sea kayak, try to distribute the weight evenly and keep the weight low within the storage hatches. It is wise to strap down the load to prevent shifting in difficult waters, which may upset the balance. Again, practice, practice, practice!

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