<< Пред.           стр. 23 (из 29)           След. >>

Список литературы по разделу

ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 o set the tone - задавать тон
  i non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  i non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  i non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  i non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 i non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 non-interest bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 bearing - беспроцентный о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 earing - беспроцентный
  о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 о: target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
 : target - планируемая цифра, установленный курс
  л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать to change a rate - менять курс e 'eligible papers - ценные бумаги, отвечающие требованиям Basically, the Fed controls U.S. monetary policy. It is often described as independent and in a narrow sense this is true: the Fed is self-financed and does not require presidential approval to change interest rates. However, the Fed can be abolished or have its terms of reference changed by Congress. The chairman is appointed by the President for a four year term only and is conventionally a political appointee. In practical terms therefore, it is virtually impossible for the Fed to follow an interest rate policy significantly at odds with that desired by the U.S. Administration.
  л in conjunction - в связи с, связанный с... ai to be designed - предполагаться i minutes - протоколы i: perceived - предполагаемый л for adjustment purposes - для целей урегулирования ае to have ' access - иметь доступ к... i: to'penalise - наказывать

<< Пред.           стр. 23 (из 29)           След. >>

Список литературы по разделу