Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence)
by separate mail = отдельной почтой
by air mail = авиапочтой
to our address = на наш адрес
in block letters = печатными буквами
in handwriting = от руки
to receive a letter = получить письмо
a letter of December 26 = письмо от 26 Декабря
to enclose (a booklet) = приложить (буклет)
to receive a reply from the letter datedтАж = получить ответ на письмо датированноетАж
to refer to (a letter) = ссылаться на (письмо)
to fill in a form = заполнить бланк (форму)
certified letter (registered letter) = заказное письмо
post paid envelope = конверт
cable = телеграмма
kind letter = любезное письмо
to be in communication withтАж = поддерживать связь стАж
There are several questions I would like to ask. = У меня есть несколько вопросов.
We received a fairly encouraging response. = Мы получили весьма обнадеживающий ответ.
I hope to hear from you in response of my letter = Надеюсь получить ответ на свое письмо.
Do not hesitate to contact me. = Не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне.
We look forward to your (early) reply. = Ждем вашего (скорого) ответа.
You prompt reply will be appreciated. = Буду благодарен за быстрый ответ.
Please, notify that a reply is required byтАж without fail. = Пожалуйста, учтите, что ответ непременно требуется не позднеетАж
Waiting for your kind reply we remainтАж = В ожидании вашего ответа, остаемсятАж
We would gratefully appreciate the answer. = Будем очень благодарны за ответ.
I am pleased toтАж = Мне очень приятнотАж
I am pleased to send you a copy ofтАж = Я с удовольствием высылаю вам экземпляртАж
As you know from our previous correspondenceтАж= Как вы знаете аз нашей перепискитАж
Our letter crossed yours. = Наше письмо разминулось с вашим.
a pleasant surprise = приятный сюрприз
Many thanks forтАж = Большое спасибо затАж
Many thanks in advance = Заранее большое спасибо.
I was pleased toтАж = Мне было приятнотАж
I am much obliged to you forтАж = Премного обязан затАж
We are grateful for your co-operation. = Мы благодарны за сотрудничество.
Please, accept my sincere (/deep) appreciation for your help. = Пожалуйста, примите мою искреннюю (глубокую) благодарность за Вашу помощь.
I deeply appreciateтАж (you kind words of sympathy). = Я высоко ценютАж (ваше сочувствие).
It is very kind of you toтАж = С вашей стороны очень любезнотАж
to let know (without delay) = поставить в известность, дать знать (без промедления)
to keep informedтАж = держать в курсе
to confirm thatтАж = подтвердить, чтотАж
to phone at тАж(567-98-76) = позвонить по номерутАж
I am attaching some information aboutтАж = Прилагаю некоторую информацию отАж
This is to inform you thatтАж = Настоящим сообщаю вам, чтотАж
I will be in touch as soon asтАж = Я свяжусь с вами как толькотАж
We will certainly contact you ifтАж = Мы обязательно свяжемся с вами еслитАж
Add some data aboutтАж = Сообщите дополнительную информацию отАж
Please, take a note ofтАж (our new address). = Пожалуйста, обратите внимание натАж (наш новый адрес).
Pay special attention toтАж (the fact thatтАж) = Обратите особое вниманиетАж (на тот факт, чтотАж)
In addition to my cable I would like you to inform usтАж = В дополнение к моей телеграмме я бы хотел, чтобы вы сообщили намтАж
We refer to our telephone conversation ofтАж = Мы ссылаемся на наш телефонный разговор оттАж
In reply to your telephone requiryтАж = В ответ на ваш запрос по телефонутАж
Let me inform youтАж = Позвольте мне сообщить вам, чтотАж
I will keep you informed. = Я буду держать вас в курсе.
The information will be handled in confidence. = Информация будет храниться в секрете.
We should be most happy to provide you with any further information you may require. = Мы с удовольствием обеспечим вас любой информацией, которая может вам потребоваться.
We would be very grateful if you wouldтАж = Мы были бы очень благодарны, если бы вытАж
I shall (/would) be glad тАж = Я буду (был бы) радтАж
Could you please тАж = Не могли бы вытАж
We would be very much obligedтАж = Будем очень обязанытАж
I wonder if you couldтАж= Не могли бы вытАж
I am writing to ask you for a favour. = Я пишу, чтобы попросить вас об одолжении.
In accordance with law I requestтАж = В соответствии с законом требуютАж
concrete requests
Let me know ifтАж = Дайте мне знать, еслитАж
I am anxious to knowтАж = Я срочно хочу знатьтАж
We should like you to send usтАж = Мы хотели бы, чтобы вы выслали намтАж
We ask to wire us. = Просим телеграфировать.
We request to payтАж = Требуем заплатить.
I wonder if you could help me. = Не могли бы вы помочь мне.
Please, confirm the full address at which the package is to be sent. = Подтвердите, пожалуйста, подробный адрес, на который должен быть выслан пакет.
outstanding invoice = просроченный счет
overdue account = просроченный счет
charge account, credit account = кредитный счет, кредит по открытому счету
credit standing = кредитоспособность
letter of credit = аккредитив
assets and liabilities = актив и пассив
foreign exchange = иностранная валюта
course of exchange = курс обмена, валютный курс
average price = средняя цена
running expenses = текущие расходы
incidental expenses = непредвиденные расходы
travelling expenses = дорожные расходы
cheque in one’s favour = чек на чье-либо имя
to draw a check in my favour = выписать чек на мое имя
fall in exchange (price) = падение курса (цены)
free of charge, free of expense = бесплатно
past due = просроченный, после срока
at half price = за полцены
below the cost = ниже себестоимости
at my expense = за мой счет
COD, cash-on-delivery = оплата по факту (при доставке)
to ask for a price of тАж запрашивать цену тАж
to pay in advance = платить заранее (авансом)
to buy on easy terms = купить на выгодных условиях
to raise the prise = поднять цену
to reduce the price = снизить цену
to cash a cheque = обналичить чек, получить по чеку, выдать деньги по чеку
to meet a bill = оплатить счет
to convert pounds into dollars = перевести фунты в доллары
to draw money from a bank = взять деньги из банка
to have an account with a bank = иметь счет в банке
to charge to an account = записать на счет
for our account = на наш счет
at our cost plus postage = наша оплата плюс почтовые расходы
to cover expenses = покрыть расходы
to pay damages = оплатить повреждения
to cover the actual cost price of producing = покрыть стоимость производства
to bear a loss (expenses) = нести убытки (расходы)
as per account renderedтАж = в соответствии с представленным счетомтАж
to pay somebody’s travel expenses to London = оплатить чьи-то путевые расходы до Лондона
Travel expenses will be paid. = Путевые расходы будут оплачены.
We would share with you the cost of paying for тАж = Мы разделим с вами оплату затАж
Send us a check to the value of тАж roubles at this address. = Пришлите нам чек натАж рублей по этому адресу.
We estimate the cost ofтАж to be. roubles. = По нашей оценке себестоимостьтАж-тАж рублей.
The payment is (/to be) in US dollars. = Оплата - (должна быть) в долларах США.
We agree to your payment of тАж roubles. = Мы согласны на вашу оплату в тАж рублей.
Your offer of тАж roubles is acceptable. = Ваше предложение втАж рублей приемлемо.
We request to payтАж = Требуем заплатить.
UnfortunatelyтАж = К сожалениютАж
I am afraid thatтАж = Боюсь чтотАж
I must apologize thatтАж = Должен извиниться за то чтотАж
Please, accept my apologies for:тАж = Пожалуйста, примите мои извинения за:тАж
тАжtaking so long to answer your letter = тАжто, что так задержал ответ на Ваше письмо.
тАжnot coming = тАжто, что не пришел.
тАжthe delay inтАж = тАжпромедление притАж
I regret to inform you thatтАж = С сожалением сообщаю вам, чтотАж
I must inform you with regret thatтАж = С сожалением сообщаю вам, чтотАж
To my great regret I must inform you thatтАж = С сожалением должен сообщить вам, чтотАж
I sincerely regret thatтАж = Искренне сожалею, чтотАж
Please, forgive me for troubling you. = Пожалуйста, извините за беспокойство.
I am very sorry to have caused you so much trouble. = Извините, что причинил вам столько неудобства.
We are sorry about any inconvenience that I may have caused you. = Просим нас извинить за любое неудобство, которое, возможно, мы вам причинили.
I am sorry that I missed the opportunity of meeting you. = Мне жаль, что я упустил возможность встретиться с вами.
The reason for the present delay isтАж = Причина настоящего промедления в том, чтотАж
(with) best wishes = С наилучшими пожеланиями
(with) best regards = С искренним приветом
Our best wishes (best regards) toтАж = Наши наилучшие пожелания (искренний привет) тАж
to congratulate onтАж = поздравить стАж
to wish good health = пожелать доброго здоровья
My warmest greetings onтАж toтАж = Мои горячие поздравления стАж тАж
It gives me a great pleasure to congratulate you onтАж = Я с большим удовольствием поздравляю вас стАж
With birthday greetings. = С поздравлениями по поводу дня рождения.
My warmest congratulations on your promotion. = Горячие поздравления с повышением.
Best wishes from all of us on your new appointment. = Наилучшие пожелания от нас всех с вашим новым назначением.
Best wishes of further success in your work and of personal happiness. = Наилучшие пожелания дальнейших успехов в работе и личного счастья.
With Christmas greetings and all good wishes for the coming New Year. = С рождественскими поздравлениями и наилучшими пожеланиями в новом году.
May we express our great sympathy on the death ofтАж = Позвольте выразить глубочайшее соболезнование в связи со смертьютАж
It was with great sorrow that we learned of the death ofтАж = С глубокой скорбью узнали мы о смертитАж
Please, also convey my sympathy to his family. = Пожалуйста, передайте мои соболезнования его семье.
Sincerely = Искренне
Sincerely Yours = Искренне Ваш
Yours Sincerely = Искренне Ваш
Yours = Ваш
Truly Yours = Искренне Ваш
Very Truly Yours = Искренне Ваш
Respectfully = С уважением ( только от низшего к высшему, используется редко, абсолютно не соответствует русскому "с уважением")
Cordially = Сердечно
Cordially Yours = Сердечно Ваш
Yours with love = Твой, с любовью
Kisses = Целую
I remain,. = Остаюсь,тАж
Looking forward to continue co-operation, I remain,. = С надеждой на продолжение сотрудничества, остаюсьтАж
to accept a position at another firm = принять должность в другой фирме
to hand over responsibility forтАж to MrтАж = передать полномочия затАж тАж
to have extensive international experience = иметь обширный международный опыт
the total salary would beтАж roubles = общая зарплата составиттАж рублей
close collaboration = близкое сотрудничество
closer collaboration = более близкое сотрудничество
copyright = авторское право, копирайт
to sign a licence contract = подписать лицензионное соглашение
the licence rights = лицензионные права
supply and demand = спрос и предложение
by mutual agreement = взаимным соглашением
for an order = на заказ
without further delay = без дальнейшего промедления
on regular basis = на регулярной основе
on the following conditions = на следующих условиях
as per contract = в соответствии с контрактом
to do business = заниматься бизнесом
to do business withтАж = заниматься бизнесом совместно стАж
to put up to auction = выставить на аукцион
to place an order = разместить заказ
to alter an order = изменить заказ
to cancel an order = отменить заказ
to withdraw a proposal = снять предложение
to find a proposal acceptable = найти предложение приемлемым
to assume liability (obligation) = принять обязанность
to be in force = быть в силе
to remain in force = оставаться в силе
to confirm thatтАж = подтвердить чтотАж
to carry on negotiations withтАж = проводить переговоры стАж
to decline propositions = отклонить предложения
to meet informally = встретиться неофициально
to exchange ideas = обменяться мыслями
to come to an agreement = прийти к соглашению
to conclude a contract = заключить контракт
to break a contract = нарушить контракт
to give permission = дать разрешение
to impose a restriction onтАж = наложить ограничение натАж
to insert an advertisement = разместить рекламу
to provide with financial support = обеспечить финансовой поддержкой
to take further steps = предпринять дальнейшие шаги
to obey the law = подчиняться закону
to have on hand = иметь в распоряжении
to further understanding and co-operation betweenтАж = к дальнейшему пониманию и сотрудничеству междутАж
The Company was established in 1967. = Компания была основана в 1967 году.
Our firm will provide MrтАж with financial support. = Наша фирма обеспечит м-рутАж финансовую поддержку.
Our firm has already signed a similar contract with another company. = Наша фирма уже подписала подобный контракт с другой компанией.
We are pleased (willing) to accept your terms (offer). = Нам приятно (мы желаем) принять ваши условия (ваше предложение).
I feel that we should be able to come to a compromise. = Я уверен, что мы сможем прийти к соглашению.
A signed contract would be sent directly to you for co-signing. = Подписанный контракт будет прислан прямо вам для консигнации.
The conditions may be discussed after your positive decision. = Мы можем обсудить условия после того, как вы примете позитивное решение.
Our terms are the followingтАж = Наши условия следующиетАж
If you find our terms acceptableтАж = Если вы найдете наши условия приемлемымитАж
Please, confirm the booking and tell me the terms. = Пожалуйста, подтвердите бронь и сообщите мне условия.
Your order will have our best attention. = Мы отнесемся к вашему заказу с особым вниманием.
Awaiting for your further commands. = Ждем ваших дальнейших указаний.
I have made a draft of the protest. = Я подготовил проект протеста.
We thoroughly examined the project. = Мы всесторонне изучили проект.
We would welcome the opportunity to co-operate with you. = Мы приветствуем возможность сотрудничества с вами.
The reason for the present delay isтАж = Причина настоящего промедления заключается в том чтотАж
by mistake = по ошибке
I have the legal rightтАж = У меня законное правотАж
In accordance with law I requestтАж = В соответствии с законом я требуютАж
Under articleтАж of Geneva convention (1948). = В соответствии со статьейтАж Женевской Конвенции (1948).
In accordance with international practiceтАж = В соответствии с международной практикойтАж
The cargo is in bad condition. = Груз в плохом состоянии.
The extent of the damages is now under investigation. = Размеры повреждений в настоящий момент выясняются.
I have to ask you to accept the responsibility for these damages (this accident). = Я вынужден просить вас принять на себя ответственность за эти повреждения (этот несчастный случай).
I am very disappointed about this fact. = Я очень разочарован по поводу этого факта.
We are not happy about the terms you are suggesting. = Нам не нравятся условия, которые вы предлагаете.
I have to decline all your claims. = Я должен отклонить все ваши претензии.
The contents of your letter have surprised us. = Содержание письма удивило нас.
I duly accept liability forтАж = Я должным образом принимаю ответственность затАж
a kind invitation = любезное приглашение
to be present (at/inтАж) = присутствовать втАж
to accept an invitation = принять приглашение
to decline an invitation = отклонить приглашение
to ask for an appointment = просить о встрече
to fix the exact dates of arrival and departure = утвердить точные даты прибытия и отъезда
to reserve a single (double) room fromтАж toтАж forтАж = забронировать одноместный (двухместный) номер стАж потАж длятАж
I look forward to seeing you. = Надеюсь увидеть вас.
I am sorry that I missed the opportunity of meeting you. = Мне очень жаль, что я упустил возможность встретиться с вами.
May I have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our firm? Могу ли я пригласить вас посетить нашу фирму?
I should be pleased to know what dates would be convenient to you. = Я бы хотел узнать, какие даты будут для вас удобны.
The travel arrangements for this visit will be made by our office. = Дорожные приготовления для этого визита будут сделаны нашим офисом.
We would welcome the opportunity to co-operate with you. = Мы с удовольствием будем сотрудничать с вами.
I could come at any time convenient to you. = Я могу приехать в любое удобное для вас время.
I am unable to accept your invitation. = Я не могу принять ваше приглашение.
a letter of recommendation = рекомендация
I am just writing a few lines to introduce MrтАж = Пишу эти несколько слов, чтобы представить м-ратАж
It gives me a great pleasure to introduceтАж = Я с большим удовольствием представляютАж
The bearer of this letter, MrтАж, is aтАж = Податель этого письма, м-ртАж , являетсятАж
This will introduce MrтАж who will be grateful for any help you may be able to give him. = Настоящим письмом я представляю вам м-ратАж, который будет очень благодарен за любую помощь, которую вы ему можете оказать.
I can sincerely recommend MrтАж as a highly responsible and reliable man. = Я со всей искренностью могу рекомендовать м-ратАж как очень ответственного человека, на которого можно положиться.
He is a diligent, loyal and trust-worthy in every way. = Он старательный, надежный и достойный доверия во всех отношениях.
It is my opinion that he would be a credit to your firm. = По моему мнению он будет тАж для вашей фирмы.
a positive response onтАж = положительный ответ натАж
with only two changes = только с двумя изменениями
to withdraw a proposal = снять предложение
on the following conditions = на следующих условиях
As promisedтАж = Как было обещанотАж
We look forward toтАж = Мы надеемсятАж
As we requestedтАж = Как мы уже спрашивалитАж
I should be very happy toтАж = Мне было бы очень приятнотАж
It is more possible for us toтАж= Для нас более возможнотАж
If you find our terms acceptableтАж = Если вы найдете наши условия приемлемымитАж
In case out proposal would be acceptableтАж = В случае, если на предложение будет приемлемымтАж
If the above idea is attractive to youтАж = Если изложенная идея вас привлекаеттАж
Does the idea appeal to you? = Вам нравится эта идея?
We would prefer toтАж = Мы бы предпочлитАж
We would like to make some changes inтАж = Нам бы хотелось внести несколько изменений втАж
We shall do our best toтАж = Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобытАж
I hope you will not mindтАж = Надеюсь, вы не будете возражатьтАж
all persons concerned = все имеющие к этому отношение лица
a pleasant surprise = приятный сюрприз
in addition toтАж = в дополнение ктАж
as far as = насколькотАж
in order toтАж = для того чтобытАж
to a certain degree = до определенной степени
to a certain extent = до определенной степени
to a great extent = в значительной степени
not above = не более
as follows = следующиетАж
according toтАж = в соответствие стАж
on the ground thatтАж = на том основании чтотАж
in view of the above saidтАж = ввиду вышесказанного
in connection withтАж = в связи стАж
in accordance withтАж = в соответствии стАж.
as a result ofтАж = как результаттАж
despite the fact thatтАж = несмотря на тот факт чтотАж
except forтАж = за исключениемтАж
in no case = ни в коем случае
etc. = и так далее (эт сетера)
for example = например
in general = в общем
hereinafter calledтАж = в дальнейшем именуемыйтАж
mentioned above = вышеупомянутый
by the law = по закону
at your convenience = как вам удобно
as soon as possible = как можно скорее
without fail = непременно
in case of necessity = в случае необходимости
at the present time = в настоящее время
pro and contra = за и против
supply and demand = предложение и спрос
matter of great importance = дело большой важности
to take into account = принимать во внимание
to take into consideration = принимать во внимание
to draw your attention toтАж = привлечь ваше внимание к тому чтотАж
to take the liberty ofтАж = взять на себя смелостьтАж
We are taking the liberty ofтАж = Мы берем на себя смелостьтАж
As you may knowтАж = Как вы, наверно, знаететАж
We have no doubt ofтАж (thatтАж) = У нас нет сомнений в тАж (том чтотАж)
It is to be notedтАж = Необходимо заметитьтАж (Необходимо иметь в видутАж)
I hopeтАж = НадеюсьтАж
Let meтАж = Разрешите мнетАж
A. Ashley A handbook of commercial correspondence; Oxford University Press, 1992
B. J. Naterop, E. Weis, E. Naberfellner Business letters for all; Oxford University Press, 1994
A. Fowles, M. Miller, J. Stocker Executive decisions; Nelson English Language Teaching, 1995
R. Wincor Contracts in plain English; Princeton review, 1993
E. Gowers The complete plain words; Nelson ELT, 1995
L. Jones, R. Alexander New International English Teacher’s book; Cambridge University Press, 1996
M. Doherty, L. Knapp. S. Swift Write for business, Longman, 1995
А.М. Аизова Основы деловой переписки, Издательский дом "Дрофа", М., 1996
Э.М. Басс Научная и деловая корреспонденция; Издательство "Педагогика Пресс", М., 1989
V. Hollett, Business Objectives; Oxford University Press, 1991
D. Horner, P. Strutt Words at work. Vocabulary development for businessEnglish; Cambridge University Press, 1996
P. O'Connor, A. Pilbeam Negotiating, Longman Group UK, 1992
D. Davies, D. Pickett English for commerce, Longman Group UK, 1997
N. Brieger Advanced English Contacts; Oxford University Press, 1993
Р.И. Гуськов Деловая переписка на английском языке, МГП "Шарапат", Алма-Ата, 1991
В. В. Сафонова Written English X-XI Москва "Просвещение", 1995
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In recent years English has become a universal business language. As such, it is potentially an instrument of order and clarity. A neatly arranged letter will certainly make a better impression on the reader, thus good letters make good business partners. But words and phrases have unexpected ways of creating binding commitments.
Letter-writing, certainly, is not the same as casual conversation, it bears only the same power of thoughts, reflections, and observations as in conversational talk, but the form may be quite different. What makes the letter so attractive and pleasing is not always the massage of the letter, it is often the manner and style in which the massage is written.
In the case of "scientific correspondence" the majority of letters bear mostly a semi-official character and are concerned with different situations associated with scientific activities concentrated around the organisation of scientific meetings (congresses, symposia, workshops, etc.), the arrangement of visit, invitation, publication, the exchange of scientific literature, information, etc. Letters of this kind have a tone of friendliness, naturalism. Modern English letters should not be exaggerated, overburdened, outmoded with time-worn expressions. The key note is simplicity. Modern letters tend towards using the language of conversational style.
Writing is not only a means of communication and contact, but also a record of affairs, information, events, etc. So it is necessary to feel the spirit and trend of the style in order to write a perfect letter.
Business-letter or contract law is a complex and vastly documented subject, only a lawyer can deal with it on a serious level. A number of basic principles, however, can be outlined sufficiently to mark of encounters that require the use of specialised English.
Your knowledge of Business English lexics is crucially important;
Include just the right amount of information in your letter. (But better to include too much than too little.)
Plan your letter before you start writing, to make sure it says everything you want to say and says it in a logical sequence.
Use a simple but polite style of language. Beware of idioms.
Your letter should be clear and unambiguous. Take care with abbreviations and figures.
Accuracy is important. Pay special attention to titles, names and addresses, references, prices, and enclosures.
Writing of business letters is highly complicated science. It is not enough for a good business letter writing to know lexics and grammar, but you should comprehend the whole range of such things as: occasions on which the particular letter is written, the style of letter, useful expressions, and accepted idioms. There are certain rules which not everybody could learn since they have to be felt by correspondents. Letter writing requires long practice and experience.
In spite of the difficulties of business correspondence, we as teachers of the English language must be able to prepare our students to be proficient in any sphere of the language.
In order to do that we must primarily know how to teach the “golden rule” which must be followed by every business correspondent that the official letter should be formal, courteous, tactful, concise, expressive, and to the point.
Introduction тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж.тАжтАж 3
Part I.
The basic forms of communication тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 5
Non-verbal communicationтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 5
Verbal communication тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 6
Language barriers to business communicationтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 9
Part II.
Types of business communication тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж.. 11
The types descriptionтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж.. 11
Business writing (letters, memos and reports, other documents)тАж.. 12
Part III.
Types of business correspondence тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 15
Correspondence on social situations
(appointments; travel arrangements; invitations; job applications; goodwill letters; etc) тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 15
Correspondence on business situations
(inquires; quotations; sales letters; orders; complaints; acknowledging of payment; etc) тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 20
Part IV.
Structural and lexical peculiarities of business letters тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 30
Structure of a business letter тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 31
Content of a business letter тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 36
3. Rules and manners of writing a business letter тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 40
4. Style of a business letterтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 44
5. Lexics of business letters
(frequent phrases; cliches; abbreviations, etc.) тАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 48
Conclusion тАжтАжтАжтАжтАж.тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж 58
Mini-dictionary of business correspondence тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 60
Bibliography тАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАж. 64
Название - Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence (на англ. языке)
Раздел - Иностранные языки (Английский) или Лингвистика (Лексикология)
Назначение - Дипломная работа
Формат - WinWord 97
Автор - Гадюкова Екатерина,
Использование - год сдачи - 2001, преподаватель - Булатова С. М., Алматинский ИнЯз, кафедра лексикологии, оценка 5.
Примечание - 1 - для студентов языковых вузов, особенно для Анг. Педагогических факультетов
2- часть материала четвертой главы взята из реферата Lexico-Semantic Characteristics of Business Letter Correspondence
О получении - пожалуйста, известите меня о получении и размещении моей дипломной работы
In a man’s letters you know, Madam, his soul lies naked, his letters are only the mirror of his breast, whatever passes within him is shown undisguised in its natural process. Nothing is inverted, nothing distorted, you see systems in their elements, you discover actions in their motives. ----Samuel Johnson (1709тАУ84), English author, lexicographer
Letters are above all useful as a means of expressing the ideal self; and no other method of communication is quite so good for this purpose. тАж In letters we can reform without practice, beg without humiliation, snip and shape embarrassing experiences to the measure of our own desires. тАж -----Elizabeth Hardwick (b. 1916), U.S. author, critic.
Politeness is as much concerned in answering letters within a reasonable time, as it is in returning a bow, immediately. ----Lord Chesterfield (1694тАУ1773), English statesman,
Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls.
For, thus friends absent speak. -----John Donne (c. 1572тАУ1631), English poet.
Letter writing - is an essential part of communication, an intimate part of business and life experience. Each letter-writer has a characteristic way of writing, his style of writing, his way of expressing thoughts, facts, etc. But it must be emphasised that the routine of the official or semi-official business letters requires certain accepted idioms, phrases, patterns, and grammar which are found in general use today. Therefore certain skills must be acquired by practice, and details of writing must be carefully and thoroughly learnt.
The choice of this topic for my diploma paper was mostly conditioned by the fact that the students studying English at our University are almost unable to write proper business letters and that the problem of writing business letters is still not well-studied.
I think that it is very important to know a constituent part of modern business communication. As nowadays more and more agreements are made in English, for English is the nearest thing we have to a universal business language. Joint ventures, bank loans, and trademark licenses frequently are spelled out in this language even though it is not native to at least one of the contracting parties.
The subject matter of the diploma paper is the role of lexics and semantics in the case of business letter correspondence. The question of the history of official communication, the main stages of business transactions, the role of person’s feeling for the proper use of phrases as well as his knowledge of grammar are highlighted. Moreover, those phrases which are more often used in business letters are examined from the point of view of their appropriateness in different situations. The practical part contains many examples of business letters; the occasions on which they were written and some of their characteristics are observed.
The aim of my diploma paper is to study business letters from the lexicological point of view and make the matter of business letter writing less complicated.
The objectives and purposes of the paper may be formulated as follows:
Critical study of the material on the theme;
Exposure of the aims, place, importance, role and contents of the aspect of letter-writing in the course of Lexicology and Business English classes;
Defining the specificity of lexics in different spheres of business correspondence;
Searching the peculiarities of the structure, manners and styles of business letters;
Defining and stating the rules of writing a business letter;
Arranging and classifying the business letters according to the sphere of usage;
Giving useful tips and advice to anyone interested in business letter writing.
To achieve the set aims I have collected more then 100 letters on various issues of business correspondence. Then, I made a thematic classification and description of letters concerning different spheres of business (trade, finance, industry, international inquiries and reports, etc.). Having analysed each type separately, I came to the conclusion that there are certain common rules which need through studying. While searching the letters I mostly paid attention to the specific usage of lexics, semantics, manners and styles of business letter writing.
As resource for my paper I used a list of business books, various reference books, dictionaries, language textbooks, real pieces of business correspondence and different sites of the Internet.
Nowadays, we have a great need of Business English teachers and I do hope that my diploma paper could be really useful especially for them. It also contains good material for the students of language higher institutions, and could be as well appreciated by any person interested in the course of business letter writing.
My diploma paper consists of Introduction, four chapters, Conclusion and Appendix.
Kazakh State University of International Relations
and World Languages named after Abylay Khan
Chair of Lexicology
E. Gadyukova
Group 406
English Teaching Department
The Linguistic Background of
Business Correspondence
(Diploma Paper)
Scientific Supervisor
Associated Professor
Bulatova S. M.
Almaty, 2001
Part I
The Basic Forms Of Communication
As David Glass is well aware, effective communicators have many tools at their disposal when they want to get across a message. Whether writing or speaking, they know how to put together the words that will convey their meaning. They reinforce their words with gestures and actions. They look you in the eye, listen to what you have to say, and think about your feelings and needs. At the same time, they study your reactions, picking up the nuances of your response by watching your face and body, listening to your tone of voice, and evaluating your words. They absorb information just as efficiently as they transmit it, relying on both non-verbal and verbal cues.
- Non-Verbal Communication
The most basic form of communication is non-verbal. Anthropologists theorize that long before human beings used words to talk things over, our ancestors communicated with one another by using their bodies. They gritted their teeth to show anger; they smiled and touched one another to indicate affection. AlВнthough we have come a long way since those primitive times, we still use non-verbal cues to express superiority, dependence, dislike, respect, love, and other feelings.
Non-verbal communication differs from verbal communication in fundaВнmental ways. For one thing, it is less structured, which makes it more difficult to study. A person cannot pick up a book on non-verbal language and master the vocabulary of gestures, expressions, and inflections that are common in our culture. We don't really know how people learn non-verbal behaviour. No one teaches a baby to cry or smile, yet these forms of self-expression are almost universal. Other types of non-verbal communication, such as the meaning of colors and certain gestures, vary from culture to culture.
Non-verbal communication also differs from verbal communication in terms of intent and spontaneity. We generally plan our words. When we say "please open the door," we have a conscious purpose. We think about the message, if only for a moment. But when we communicate non-verbally, we sometimes do so unconsciously. We don't mean to raise an eyebrow or blush. Those actions come naturally. Without our consent, our emotions are written all over our faces.
The functions of non-verbal communication
Although non-verbal communication can stand alone, it frequently works with speech. Our words carry part of the message, and non-verbal signals carry the rest. Together, the two modes of expression make a powerful team, augmentВнing, reinforcing, and clarifying each other.
Experts in non-verbal communication suggest that it have six specific funcВнtions:
тАв To provide information, either consciously or unconsciously
тАв To regulate the flow of conversation
тАв To express emotion
тАв To qualify, complement, contradict, or expand verbal messages
тАв To control or influence others
тАв To facilitate specific tasks, such as teaching a person to swing a golf club.
Non-verbal communication plays a role in business too. For one thing, it helps establish credibility and leadership potential. If you can learn to manage the impression you create with your body language, facial characteristics, voice, and appearance, you can do a great deal to communicate that you are competent, trustworthy, and dynamic. For example, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton has developed a homespun style that puts people at ease, thereby helpВнing them to be more receptive, perhaps even more open.
Furthermore, if you can learn to read other people's non-verbal messages, you will be able to interpret their underlying attitudes and intentions more accurately. When dealing with co-workers, customers, and clients, watch careВнfully for small signs that reveal how the conversation is going. If you aren't having the effect you want, check your words; then, if your words are all right, try to be aware of the non-verbal meanings you are transmitting. At the same time, stay tuned to the non-verbal signals that the other person is sending.
2. Verbal Communication
Although you can express many things non-verbally, there are limits to what you can communicate without the help of language. If you want to discuss past events, ideas, or abstractions, you need wordsтАФsymbols that stand for thoughts тАФ arranged in meaningful patterns. In the English language, we have a 750,000, although most of us recogВнnize only about 20,000 of them. To create a thought with these words, we arrange them according to the rules of grammar, putting the various parts of speech in the proper sequence
We then transmit the message in spoken or written form, hoping that someone will hear or read what we have to say. Figure 1.1 shows how much time business people devote to the various types of verbal communication. They use speaking and writing to send messages; they use listening and readВнing to receive them.
Speaking and writing
When it comes to sending business messages, speaking is more common than writing. Giving instructions, conducting interviews, working in small groups, attending meetings, and making speeches are all important activities. Even though writing may be less common, it is important too. When you want to send a complex message of lasting significance, you will probably want to put it in writing.
Listening and reading
It's important to rememВнber that effective communication is a two-way street. People in business spend more time obtaining information than transmitting it, so to do their jobs effecВнtively, they need good listening and reading skills. Unfortunately, most of us are not very good listeners. Immediately after hearing a ten-minute speech, we typically remember only half of what was said. A few days later, we've forgotten three-quarters of the message. To some extent, our listening probВнlems stem from our education, or lack of it. We spend years learning to express our ideas, but few of us ever take a course in listening.
Similarly, our reading skills often leave a good deal to be desired. Recent studies indicate that approximately 38 percent of the adults in the United States have trouble reading the help-wanted ads in the newspaper, 14 percent cannot fill out a check properly, 26 percent can't figure out the deductions listed on their paycheques, and 20 percent are functionally illiterate. Even those who do read may not know how to read effectively. They have trouble extracting the important points from a document, so they cannot make the most of the information presented.
College student are probably better at listening and reading than are many other people, partly because they get so much practice. On the basis of our own experience, no doubt realise that our listening and reading efficiency varies tremendously, depending on how we approach the task. Obtaining and remembering information takes a special effort.
Although listening and reading obviously differ, both require a similar approach. The first step is to register the information, which means that you must tune out distractions and focus your attention. You must then interpret and evaluate the information, respond in some fashion, and file away the data for future reference.
The most important part of this process is interpretation and evaluation, which is no easy matter. While absorbing the material, we must decide what is important and what isn't. One approach is to look for the main ideas and the most important supporting details, rather than trying to remember everything we read or hear. If we can discern the structure of the material, we can also understand the relationships among the ideas.
3. Language Barriers
If we're doing business in London, we obviously won't have much of a lanВнguage problem. We may encounter a few unusual terms or accents in the 29 countries in which English is an official language, but our problems will be relatively minor. Language barriers will also be relatively minor when we are dealing with people who use English as a second language (and some 650 milВнlion people fall into this category). Some of these millions are extremely fluent; others have only an elementary command of English. Although you may miss a few subtleties in dealing with those who are less fluent in English, we’ll still be able to communicate. The pitfall to watch for is assuming that the other person understands everything we say, even slang, local idioms, and accents. One group of English-speaking Japanese who moved to the United States as employees of Toyota had to enroll in a special course to learn that "Jeat yet?" means "Did you eat yet?" and that "Cannahepya?" means "Can I help you?"
Barriers to written communication
One survey of 100 companies engaged in international business revealed that between 95 and 99 percent of their business letters to other countries are written in English. Moreover, 59 percent of the respondents reported that the foreign letters they receive are usually written in English, although they also receive letters written in Spanish and French. Other languages are rare in international business correspondence.
Because many international business letters are written in English, North American firms do not always have to worry about translating their corresponВнdence. However, even when both parties write in English, minor interpretaВнtion problems do exist because of different usage of technical terms. These problems do not usually pose a major barrier to communication, especially if correspondence between the two parties continues and each gradually learns the terminology of the other.
More significant problems arise in other forms of written communication that require translation. Advertisements, for example, are almost always translated into the language of the country in which the products are being sold. Documents such as warranties, repair and maintenance manuals, and product labels also require translation. In addition, some multinational compaВнnies must translate policy and procedure manuals and benefit plans for use in overseas offices. Reports from foreign subsidiaries to the home office may also be written in one language and then translated into another.
Sometimes the translations aren't very good. For example, the well-known slogan "Come alive with Pepsi" was translated literally for Asian markets as "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave," with unfortunate results. Part of the message is almost inevitably lost during any translation process, sometimes with major consequences.
Barriers to oral communication
Oral communication usually presents more problems than written communicaВнtion. If you have ever studied a foreign language, you know from personal experience that it's easier to write in a foreign language than to conduct a conversation. Even if the other person is speaking English, you're likely to have a hard time understanding the pronunciation if the person is not profiВнcient in English.
Idiomatic expressions are another source of confusion. If you tell a forВнeigner that a certain product "doesn't cut the mustard," chances are that you will fail to communicate. Even when the words make sense, their meanings may differ according to the situation. For example, suppose that you are dining with a German woman who speaks English quite well. You inquire, "More bread?" She says, "Thank you," so you pass the bread. She looks confused, then takes the breadbasket and sets it down without taking any. In German, thank you (danke) can also be used as a polite refusal. If the woman had wanted more bread, she would have used the word please (bitte in German).
Part II
Types of Business Communications
- The types description
The primary tools for communicating information in business include e-mail messages, memos, letters, reports, phone calls, meetings, and conversations. To determine which is the best to use in a given situation, start by asking yourself the following questions:
В· How much information do I have to pass along?
В· How many people will receive the message?
В· How quickly does it need to reach them?
В· How much time do the recipients need to respond to it?
В· How formal should the presentation be?
В· Is the message confidential?
В· How are people likely to respond to it?
E-mail Messages
Because of its speed and informality, e-mail is ideal for routine communication between coworkers. For instance, an e-mail message is usually the best means of announcing a new policy, introducing a recent hire, informing colleagues of a meeting time, and reminding an employee of an approaching deadline.
E-mail messages are also useful for day-to-day or extremely timely exchanges with people outside the company. Because of their low cost, they often are preferred for communicating with overseas contacts.
Although e-mail messages are now used instead of memos for most intercompany communication, memos are still suitable for notes sent to people higher in the company hierarchy, especially in conservative companies.
The memo is also appropriate for lengthy, formal communications to coworkers that may eventually be circulated to your supervisors or to contacts in other companies.
The letter is now used primarily for formal correspondence with clients, customers, and others outside the company, particularly people you have not met.
Imagine, for instance, that you need to ask for advice or information from someone you do not know personally. The person will likely give a letter more attention than an e-mail message because a letter conveys an added element of formality and courtesy.
A complex document of more than ten pages, especially one that will be shown to outside contacts, is best presented as a report. A routine report can be easily produced using a word processor and a laser printer. Important reports for potential clients, stockholders, or others you might want to impress usually should be professionally designed and printed, often in full color on heavy or glossy paper.
Phone Calls, Conversations, and Meetings
The main advantage of a phone conversation is that it allows both parties to respond to each other immediately. If you and a coworker have several questions for each other, asking them in a single phone call is usually less time-consuming than exchanging a long series of e-mail messages.
Personal matters or topics that might elicit a highly emotional response are best discussed in person. As common sense will tell you, sending an e-mail or memo reading “You’re fired!” is not the most delicate or responsible way of dealing with a difficult situation.
Face-to-face meetings are usually the safest way of communicating confidential information. Meetings are also useful when a quick group decision is needed on a particular problem or issue. Important side benefits of meetings are that they allow employees in different departments or divisions to become acquainted and can often foster a sense of shared mission among coworkers.
2. Business writing
Intercultural business writing falls into the same general categories as other forms of business writing. How you handle these categories depends on the subject and purpose of your message, the relationship between you and the reader, and the customs of the person to whom the message is addressed.
Letters are the most common form of intercultural business correspondence. They serve the same purposes and follow the same basic organizational plans (direct and indirect) as letters you would send within your own country. Unless you are personally fluent in the language of the intended readers, you should ordinarily write your letters in English or have them translated by a profesВнsional translator. If you and the reader speak different languages, be especially concerned with achieving clarity:
тАв Use short, precise words that say exactly what you mean.
тАв Rely on specific terms to explain your points. Avoid abstractions alВнtogether, or illustrate them with concrete examples.
тАв Stay away from slang, jargon, and buzz words. Such words rarely transВнlate well. Nor do idioms and figurative expressions. Abbreviations, tscfo-nyms (such as NOKAI) and CAD/CAM), and North American product names may also lead to confusion.
тАв Construct sentences that are shorter and simpler than those you might use when writing to someone fluent in English.
тАв Use short paragraphs. Each paragraph should stick to one topic and be no more than eight to ten lines.
тАв Help readers follow your train of thought by using transitional devices. Precede related points with expressions like in addition and first, secВнond, third.
тАв Use numbers, visual aids, and pre-printed forms to clarify your message. These devices are generally understood in most cultures.
Your word choice should also reflect the relationship between you and the reader. In general, be somewhat more formal than you would be in writing to people in your own culture. In many other cultures, people use a more elaborate, old-fashioned style, and you should gear your letters to their expectations. However, do not carry formality to extremes, or you will sound unВнnatural.
In terms of format, the two most common approaches for intercultural business letters are the block style (with blocked paragraphs) and the modified block style (with indented paragraphs). You may use either the American forВнmat for dates (with the month, day, and year, in that order) or the European style (with the day before the month and year). For the salutation, use Dear (Title/Last Name). Close the letter with Sincerely or Sincerely yours, and sign it personally.
If you correspond frequently with people in foreign countries, your letterВнhead should include the name of your country and cable or telex information. Send your letters by air mail, and ask that responses be sent that way as well.
Check the postage too; r
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