Нэйтивизм в общественно-политической жизни США на исходе XIX столетия
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[126] Ibid. P.53-55.
[127] Ibid. P.57.
[128] Strong J. The Twentieth Century City. N.Y., 1970. P.32.
[129] Strong J. Our Country. P.55.
[130] Mayo-Smith R. Emigration and Immigration. N.Y., 1890.
[131] Publications of Immigration Restriction League. Boston, 1894-1903. MD,. BPL. Publication #2.
[132] Mayo-Smith R. Emigration and Immigration. P.80.
[133] Ibid.; Croswell S.G. Should Immigration Be Restricted? // North American Review. V.164 (March 1897). P.534.
[134] Mayo-Smith R. Emigration and Immigration. P.86.
[135] Ibid. P.87.
[136] Ibid. P.88.
[137] Walker F. A. The Tide of Economic Thought // American Economic Association, Publications. V. 6 (1-2), 1891.
[138] Nation. V.53, Sept.17, 1891. P.210. // Immigration Restriction League. Newspapers Clippings, Collected by the Immigration Restriction League Related to Immigration. MD, HL, HU.
[139] Lodge H. C. The Political Issues of 1892 // Forum. V. 12 (September 1891). P. 104.
[140] Morgan A. What Shall We Do With the ‘Dago’? // Popular Science Monthly (December 1890); See also Makers of America—Natives and Aliens, 1891-1903. London, 1971. P.3-9.
[141] Lodge H. C. Lynch Law and Unrestricted Immigration // North American Review. V.152 (May 1891).
[142] Ibidem.
[143] Higham J. Strangers in the Land. P. 142.
[144] Munroe J. P. A Life of Francis Amasa Walker. N.Y., 1923. P. 300; о взглядах Уокера: Walker Francis A. Immigration and Degradation // Forum (August 1891), see also Makers of America—Natives and Aliens, 1891-1903. Immigration // Yale Review. V. 1 (August 1892); Restriction of Immigration // Atlantic Monthly. V. 78 (June 1896).
[145] Hansborough H. Why Immigration Should Not Be Suspended // North American Review. V.156 (January 1893). P.224.
[146] Hansborough H. The Harm of Immigration // Nation. V. 56 (January 19, 1893). P.43.
[147] Роберт Келли, однако, замечает, что “большинство амриканцев были враждебно настроены к высшему образованию как непрактичному занятию аристократов и не доверяли ученым”. См. Kelly R. Op. Cit. P. 234.
[148] Croswell S. Should Immigration Be Restricted? // North American Review. V.164 (March 1897). P. 535.
[149] North American Review. V.154 (April 1892). P. 437 // Immigration Restriction League. A Collection of Clippings and Pamphlets on Immigration Restriction Published in the United States in the 1890s. MD. LL, HU;
[150] Forum. V.8 (March 1892). P.113.
[151] Public Papers and Adresses of Benjamin Harrison. March 4, 1889—March 4, 1893. N.Y., 1969. P. 154.
[152] American Journal of Politics. V. 3 (October 1893). P.427 // Immigration Restriction League. A Collection of Clippings and Pamphlets on Immigration Restriction Published in the United States in the 1890s. MD, LL, HU.
[153] Charities Review. V.3 (December 1893). P. 77 // Immigration Restriction League. A Collection of Clippings and Pamphlets on Immigration Restriction Published in the United States in the 1890s. MD, LL, HU.
[154] Chandler W.E. Shall Immigration Be Suspended? // North American Review. V.156 (January 1893). P. 4.
[155] Benson L. Op.Cit. P. 75.
[156] Forum. Vol. 14 (January 1893). P.614.
[157] Этот термин был впервые употреблен историком Кеннетом Булдингом еще в 1950-х гг., а затем полнее раскрыт в книге Сэмюэля Хэйса. См.: Hays S. P. The Response to Industrialism: 1885-1914. Chicago, 1957. P. 7 ff.; Boulding K. The Organizational Revolution: A Study in the Ethics of of Economic Organization. N.Y., 1953.
[158] Об этом на примере первой такой организации (Anti-Saloon League) писал Остин Керр: Kerr A. K. Organizing for Reform: The Anti-Saloon League and Innovation in Politics // American Quarterly. V. 32 (1980). P. 37-53.
[159] Ibid. P. 38.
[160] Kerr A. K. Organized for Prohibition: A New History of Anti-Saloon League. New Haven, 1985. P. 4-5; Idem, Organizing for Reform: The Anti-Saloon League and Innovation in Politics P. 37, 39.
[161] The Constitution of the Immigration Restriction League // Immigration Restriction League. Scrap-Books. May 1894–March 1898. Boston. 1894–1898. MD, BPL.
[162] Ibidem.
[163] Solomon B. Ancestors and Immigrants: Changing the New England Tradition. P. 117.
[164] Who is Who in America, 1918-1918. Vol. 10. Chicago, 1919. P. 1888.
[165] Об этом подробнее см.: Story R. The Forging of Aristocracy: Harvard and the Boston Upper Class, 1800-1870. Middletown (Conn.), 1980.
[166] Hershfield R. A Study of the Impact of the Immigration Restriction League on American Immigration Policy. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ottawa, 1993. P. 29.
[167] Cordasco F. Dictionary of American Immigrational History. P. 399; Benson L. Turner and Beard: American Historical Writing Reconsidered. N.Y., 1966. P. 74.
[168] Immigration Restriction League. Reports of the Executive Committee for 1898, 1899 and 1900 // Immigration Restriction League. Scrap-Books. May 1894–March 1898. Boston. 1894–1898. MD, BPL; Higham J. Strangers in the Land. P. 156-157; Grant, Madison. Passing of the Great Race. N.Y., 1922.
[169] Цит. по: Hershfield R. Op.Cit. P.29.
[170] Immigration Restriction League. Reports of the Executive Committee for 1898, 1899 and 1900 // Immigration Restriction League. Scrap-Books. May 1894–March 1898. Boston. 1894–1898. MD, BPL.
[171] Hershfield R. Op.Cit. P.13.
[172] U.S. Industrial Commission. Reports of the Industrial Commission on Immigration and Education. Vol. XV. Wash., 1901. P. 115.
[173] Ibid. P.107.
[174] Solomon B. Ancestors and Immigrants: Changing the New England Tradition. P. 106.
[175] Hamm R. F. Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance, Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880‑1920. Chapel Hill, 1995. P. 133.
[176] Immigration Restriction League. Reports of the Executive Committee for 1898, 1899 and 1900 // Immigration Restriction League. Scrap-Books. May 1894–March 1898. Boston. 1894–1898. MD, BPL.
[177] Higham J. Strangers in the Land. P. 154.
[178] Hall P. F. Immigration and Its Effects Upon the United States. N.Y., 1906. P. 101–105.
[179] Ibid. P.100-104.
[180] Hall P. F. Selection of Immigration // Immigration and Other Interests of Prescott Farnsworth Hall. Comp. by Mrs. Hall P.F. New York. 1922. P. 19.
[181] Higham J. Strangers in the Land. P. 142-144.
[182] Hall P.F. Selection of Immigration. P. 107-109.
[183] Hall P.F. Immigration and Its Effects Upon the United States. P. 105.
[184] Ibidem.
[185] Hall P.F. Selection of Immigration. P. 13.