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Ключевые слова: гендер, языковая личность, когнитивный стиль, коммуникативный стиль, эмотивный стиль, идеологема, дескриптор, нарратема, эмотема, модификатор.
Kozachyshyna O.L. Linguistic Manifestations of Gender Properties in English Literary Texts (A Study of the 20-th Century American Fiction). – Manuscript.
Thesis for a candidate degree in philology by speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages. – Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, 2003.
The dissertation focuses on linguistic manifestation of the author’s gender in English literary texts. It was established that the main features of cognitive, communicative and emotive styles of the 20-th century American women-writers’ collective language personality on the whole correspond to gender speech stereotypes. The dominant trait of the authors’ cognitive style, exposed through the target and source domains of tropes (ideologemes and ideologemes’ descriptors) is its orientation towards the microworld as an immediate environment. The prevailing communicative strategy consistently traced in the peculiarities of the narrator’s image (narrateme of intentionality), character-focalizer’s image (narrateme of focalization) and reader’s image (narrateme of addressee-orientation) is speech intimisation. The study of the writers’ emotive style attests to the prevalence in the analyzed texts of typically “feminine” emotemes and a great number of emotemes’ modifiers which serve to reflect various shades and degrees of emotions.
A comparative study of individual writers representing different genders shows some discrepancy between gender speech stereotypes and actual features of female and male literary discourse. The split of gender traits is evident in all three styles of Z.Fitzgerald’s language personality. F.S.Fitzgerald’s language personality exhibits prevalence of masculine features in his cognitive and communicative styles with some gender split in his emotive style.
Key words: gender, language personality, cognitive style, communicative style, emotive style, ideologeme, descriptor, narrateme, emoteme, modifier.