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Приложение 1. Пример работы с текстами лингвострановедческой направленности
The text
The differences in the politics of Oliver Cromwell and King Charles II help explain the style of dress of the two men in these portraits.
The picture shows Oliver Cromwell who ruled England as Lord Protector. Cromwell believed in telling the truth and would not let painters flatter him. He wanted to be painted "warts and all". Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan. His policy was severe, he ruled as a dictator. Under his rule, English men and women had to obey the strict and solemn rule of the Puritans as "children of God." The Puritans outlawed horse racing, gambling, public dancing, newspapers, and wearing fancy clothes. The Puritans also closed the theatres, since to them plays were "spectacles of pleasure." During his reign, fashions were very somber and sober arrays. Tucks and dye-stuffs were considered sinful.
During Cromwell's Protectorship, Charles II lived in Paris. In 1660, he became the King of England. He preferred the pleasure of being King to the hard work of ruling the country. Charles II, who "never said a foolish thing, nor ever did a wise one" was a welcome change from Cromwellian rule. His reign was carefree and relaxed, as his portrait suggests. In sharp contrast to the drab Puritan leader, Charles II enjoyed elegant garments. His court copied the plush clothing, rich jewellery, and elaborate wigs of Paris. They also wore lace cuffs.
Чтение текста. Контроль прочитанного + дополнительные вопросы.
Read out the true facts that you've guessed. Are there any mistakes? Then, can you answer some more questions?
• What's the text about?
• How many parts are there in the text? What's the main idea of each part?
Индивидуальная работа с текстом. Why not come back to our text? Read it more carefully, and do your personal tasks. There are special cards on your tables. Your names are on these cards.
Take them and do them. You've got 3-4 minutes to do them.
Виды карточек.
Card 1
1. What does the expression "warts and all" mean? a) Sink or swim; b) Only the bad points of a character; c) Only the best parts of a person; d) To mention the good and bad parts of a character.
2. Whom does this expression belong to?
3. How does it characterize the person?
Card 2
1. Use the text to choose words to characterize Oliver Cromwell.
2. How do they describe that person?
Card 3
1. Use the text to find the words and combinations of words that mean;
a) not to tell a lie; b) to mention good and bad parts of a character; c) to describe somebody better than he is; d) to do what one is told to do; e) a person whose reign is based on strict rules and an army.
2. Which of the two leaders can be described with the words in ex. 1?
3. How does it characterize that person?
Card 4
1. What does the word "Puritan" mean?
a) A person who is supposed to wear clean clothes; b) A person who is said to be strict in morals and religion; c) A person who is reported to be rather superstitious; d) A person who rules the country as a dictator.
2. Whom does this word ("Puritan") describe?
3. Who can be called a Puritan? How does it characterize a person?
Card 5
1. What activities did a Puritan consider to be sinful?
2. How do these ideas characterize the Puritans?
3. What person (leader) is described with the help of these activities? Why do you think so?