
Страница 11

Список вопросов для группового обсуждения.

List № 1

1. Look through all the answers you've got in your group.

2. Discuss the following question. "What kind of person was Oliver Cromwell?"

3. Be ready to answer it.

List № 2

1. Look through all the answers you've got in your group

2. Discuss the following question: "What kind of religion was Puritanism? How did it influence

3. Be ready to answer it.

List № 3

1. Look through all the answers you've got m your group.

2. Discuss the following question: "What kind of person was King Charles II?"

3. Be ready to answer it.

List № 4

1. Look through all the answers you've got in your group.

2. Do the following task together: "Compare the garments of two leaders (their differences and preferences)."

3. Be ready to answer it.

Работа в «домашней» группе

Go back to your home group. Exchange your ideas with your pari net s. Be ready to answer the questions:

• What kind of person was Oliver Cromwell?

• What kind of person was King Charles II?

• How did they influence the way people dressed?

Приложение 2. Пример текста на аудирование с лингвострановедческим компонентом

Interviewer: Tell me, what do you notice about the restaurants here in Britain?

Diana: Well, for one thing I notice that…er…the portions are generally smaller than they are in New York. In New York you get a plate of food that’s usually enough to feed about three people. And they usually serve a lot more vegetables in England than they do back in the States. You know with one meal you might have like a piece of meat and three different kinds of vegetables, where in the States you’d probably be served one vegetable with a potato.

Interviewer: Uh huh. I see. And how about service charges? Is there any difference?

Diana: Yeah. There’s a big difference. In London you don’t always get a service charge. When you do sometimes it’s like maybe 10% or 12%. In New York it starts at 15% and really 20% is much more accepted. And if you go out of a restaurant in New York and you haven’t tipped the waiter, you can forget about ever going back again.

Interviewer: Really? (Yes) And generally which city is more expensive, I mean particularly with regard to food and eating out?

Diana: Well, I actually think London is much more expensive. I’ve noticed in the markets and shops that food is very, you know, more expensive here than in New York. And that one thing about New York is that you can eat great food cheaply. I mean, you know, there’s a hot dog stand on every corner where you get a really great hot dog. So I think actually it’s a little bit more expensive in London.

Interviewer: Great. Thank you very much indeed.

Key: Restaurant portions: larger in New York.

Service charges: Higher in New York (15-20%)

Food prices: Cheaper in New York.

Примечание: текст на чтение взят из учебника Blueprint Two, авторы Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn издательство Addison Wesley Longman Limited, стр. 89–90. Текст на аудирование взят из книги для учителя к этому учебнику.

Приложение 3.

Пример заданий для неподготовденного монологического высказывания

Представленную ниже анкету вначале следует заполнить, а затем учащиеся совместно с учителем проверяют правильность заполнения Imaginе that the following events take place in the UK or the USA. Decide wether you should arrive early, on time/at exactly the time the event is scheduled/, or late. Put/+/ in the appropriate column. EVENT early on time late

1. A business meeting.

2. A school examination.

3. A concert.

4. A date.

5. A job interview.

6. A meeting with a friend.

7. A film.

8. A graduation ceremony.

9. A dinner party.

10. A class.

11. A wedding.

12. A play.


раньше: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12

во время: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Ученикам предлагается обобщить полученные знания в монологе.

Приложение 5.

Пример ролевой игры с лингвострановедческим компонентом

Приложение 6

Пример план-проспекта урока с использованием лингвострановедческого компонента на всех этапах

Содержательно-смысловые блоки  

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Организационный момент.

Обоснование темы и целей урока.

Фронтальный опрос (обмен мнениями

" Моё представление о Британии").

Совершенство-вание навыков аудирования в режиме"слуша-ние –слежение"

( работа с опо-

рой на мульти

медийную пре-

зентацию )

Развитие навыков чтения с пониманием общей идеи (тексты "Британский характер").

Активизация речевой деятельности:

" Русские люди глазами иност-


1) устная речь по картинкам

" Русские стереотипы";


по теме " Русс-

кий характер глазами иност


а. установка цели на прослу-


б.ознакомление с незнакомыми словами;

в. слушание текста;

г. контроль понимания через письмен

ную работу по тексту.

Индивидуаль-ные выступле-

ния учащихся по теме: "Россия":

1) просмотр мультимедий-ной презен-тации "I love Russia";

2) дополнитель-ные сообщения учащихся о России .

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

Домашнее задание.

Учитель приветствует учеников, выясняет, кто отсутствует.

Hello! I'm glad to see you! Today is the 25th of October. Let's see who of you is here and who is absent.

Today we have the last lesson in this term. And the theme of the lesson is " Britain. Russia. The way I see it." It's the final lesson on this topic and our aim for today is to summarize your knowledge of Britain and Russia. Of course, we'll read and speak a lot, we shall listen and write a little, and we'll be working with the screen today.

Let's start. I want you to speak about Britain. Great Britain, Britain, the U.K… What do you think of it? What images are there in your mind when you hear the word " Britain"? Is there only English spoken in Britain?What is the difference between Great Britain and The United Kingdom ? What do you know about the flag of the U.K.?

(Учитель добавляет их информацию рассказом о трёх крестах на флаге:

"The flag is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of

St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of

St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

So you see that the flag is a mixture of

several flags.")

A flag is a symbol of any country.

What symbols of Britain do you know? Are the flowers on this picture connected with the country anyway?

I think the British weather is also symbolic for the British. What can you tell about it?

What are your associations with Britain?

Now I want you to have some more information of British sights and famous people. Please,look at the screen, listen to the text and summarize the informa-

tion in Russian.

Could you name the words describing British character, please?

Now, read the texts in front of you and match the texts and the words on the screen.You have 2 minutes for it.Then you'll read them aloud.

We see the British being foreigners towards them, but do you know the way foreigners see Russia? I'll show you the stereotypes they have towards Russian people in pictures. Try to guess what they mean.

Fortunately, these stereotypes go into the background. And nowadays, when the whole world knows the names of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, Mstislav Rostropovich, a great Russian musician, Nikita Mikhalkov, a famous Russian film – maker and ,of course,the word " Sochi'', the capital of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games,the foreigners have more positive impression of Russian people.

Now you are going to listen to some opinion of two foreigners: a man and a woman. Be very attentive, because later you will have a written task. But first look at the unknown words.

You will here the text twice.

Please, write down in your copy –books the date.

You see the sentences at the blackboard, in which one of two words in brackets does not correspond the idea of the text. You are to write down the sentence without this word.You have 1 minute for it.

Your time is up.Give me your copy-books.

Well, foreigners think differently about Russia. But who can tell better about Russia if not we ourselves? It was your individual hometask to describe good points of Russia which you could tell about to foreigners.We begin with Andrew who used computer techniques to describe Russia. And I ask the rest of you to listen to him and then to add your information.

As I see, all of you know and love Russia. But everybody tells about it in his own way. You all have different images of Britain and that is the way you see it. I'm sure it will be interesting for you to continue to study Britain. But today is the final lesson. And I liked your work very much. Those who were very active today will have a "five" for the lesson, some of you have made several mistakes and will have a "four".

But you all will have marks in your copy –books.

Your hometask will be creative: please,

make a booklet " Russia. Britain. The Way I See it". The lesson is over.

Good – bye.  

Приветству-ют учителя, называют отсутствую-щих.

Слушают преподавате-ля, демонст-рируют умение воспринимать речь учителя на слух.

Отвечают на вопросы учителя по одному, или добавляя друг друга.

Работа по карте с объяснением составляю-щих частей Великобрита-нии и Соеди-

нённого королевства.

Слушают с опорой на схему образо-

вания флага на экране и воспринима-ют информа-


По картинке объясняют

про цветы – эмблемы стран.

Описывают британскую погоду.

Перечисляют всё,что знают

о Британии

(люди,досто-примечатель-ности,писате-ли,герои книг и легенд)

Слушают тексты, глядя на экран, затем

по – русски обобщают полученную информацию, демонстрируя степень понимания aудирования.

Называют прилагатель-

ные, описыва

ющие черты характера британцев.

Читают тексты про себя, сопо

ставляя их с прилагатель-ными. Зачиты

вают вслух,

проверяя друг друга.

Дети объясняют, что по их мнению думают о России и её людях иност

ранцы, осно-

вываясь на картинках презентации,

слушают и воспринима-

ют речь учителя.

Слушают текст.

Работают письменно в тетради по предложеним

Ученик демонстриру-ет свою презентацию о России,

остальные добавляют ту информацию, которой не было в его рассказе.

Слайд № 1 презентации

"Britain. Russia.The way I see it."(см. приложение 1)

слайд № 2

презентации " Британия"

слайд № 3,4

(Собор Св. Павла, Вест – минстерс-

кое аббатство,


Гарри,адмирал Нельсон,

В. Шекспир)

слайд № 5 (черты

характера; незнакомые слова из раздаточного материала –текстов для чтения (см. приложение 2)

слайд № 6

(медведь на фоне Кремля,балалайка,

валенки,шапка- ушанка)

слайд № 6


Растропович, Михалков,

Сочи – 2014)

(незнакомые слова к тексту

" About Russians"

пишутся на доске,

текст представлен

в приложении 2),

магнитофон с аудиозаписью

предложения написаны на доске

1.Russians are not different from the other (Europeans/


2.They like to (associate/quarrel) with others.

3.Their souls are (ugly/beautiful).

4.Russians are sensitive and
