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Список литературы по разделу

 82. Japan 1994. An International Comparisan.
 83. Bairach P. Economics and World History: Myths and Paradoxes. Chicado, 1993.
 84. World Investment Report, UN., 1994; 1996.
 85. World Economic and Social Survey, UN., 1996.
 86. Schmidt Hebbel K. Servent. Savings accross the World. Puzzles and Policics. World Bank Duscussion Papers, №354. W., 1997.
 87. International Capital Markets. Development, prospects and policy issues. JMF., W., 1995/
 88. World development Report. 1997.
 89. Fergusson P.R. Indastrial Economics: issues and perspectives. L., 1991.
 90. Sing A. Savings. Investment and the Corporation in East Asian Miracle. UN., Geneve, 1996.
 91. Indastrial Development. Global Report. 1996. UNIDO.
 БАНДУРИН Владимир Васильевич
 РАЧИЧ Благота Гане
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