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Amtrak (http://www.amtrak.com) isn't an airline, but they're competitive on
many routes in urban parts of the U.S., and have scenic long distance routes.
Schedule info and reservations available, although the reservation system can
be awfully slow.
Austrian Airlines (http://www.Austria.EU.net:81/aua/) offers schedule and
availability info.
British Airways (http://www.british-airways.com/) has so-so schedule info, no
connections. Ticketing available to UK residents. Also a mirror site in the
U.S. (http://www.us.british-airways.com/)
British Midland (http://www.iflybritishmidland.com/) has a Web-based booking
and ticketing system called CyberSeat, which lets you reserve and buy tickets.
Canadian Airlines (http://www.cdnair.ca) has schedule info, web special fares,
and downloadable dial-up schedule and reservations software, but still no
reservations via the Web site. Pas disponsible en francais, tsk, tsk.
Carnival Air (http://www.carnivalair.com/) has schedules and occasional
special offers.
Continental (http://www.flycontinental.com) has schedule info and on-line
booking. New CO.O.L. system offers a general purpose reservation system with
hotels and cars as well as flights. Somewhat resembles Expedia since they use
Microsoft's server software.
Delta (http://www.delta-air.com) has schedules and flight ops.
El Al (http://www.elal.co.il) has U.S. schedules and some US-oriented package
Finnair (http://www.us.finnair.com/) has limited schedule info.
Firstair (http://www.firstair.ca/), a Canadian regional airline, has schedule
info. (Finally, you can get from North America to Greenland without flying
through Iceland.)
Lufthansa Info Flyway (http://www.lufthansa.com)offers schedule info (for most
airlines, not just LH) and probably also booking.
Manx Airlines (http://www.manx-airlines.com) has schedule info.
Northwest Airlines (http://www.nwa.com) has schedule and fare info, flights
ops, and some vacation packages.
Philippine Airlines (http://www.sequel.net/PAL/Welcome.html) has a site that
looks like it's supposed to offer on-line reservations, but the link currently
leads to a ``Server Error''.
Qantas (http://www.qantas.com.au) has an attractive site with schedule info
and flight ops. Also a mirror site (http://www.qantas.com) in the U.S.
Reno Air (http://www.renoair.com/) has schedules and ticketless reservations
on their informative site. For flight ops they link to Flyte Trax, discussed
Sabena (http://www.sabena.com/) has minimal trans-Atlantic schedule info.
SAS (http://www.sas.se) has schedule info on-line and also in a very large
downloadable MS Word file.
Singapore Airlines (http://www.singaporeair.com) has schedule info, best
viewed via a proxy server that will filter out anything that's unwholesome.
South African Airways (http://www.saa.co.za/saa/base.htm) has an extremely
gaudy site with schedules and a little destination info. (Or if you like
frames and cookies, start at http://www.saa.co.za/saa instead.)
Southwest Airlines (http://www.iflyswa.com) has schedules and fares, and now
reservations and ticketless ticketing. The site has the usual problem that the
graphics, although beautiful, are huge and downloading is slow. (Doesn't
anyone ever try these things on a dial-up?)
Swissair (http://www.swissair.ch) has schedule info.
TWA (http://www.twa.com) has schedule info, reservations, and weekly web
United (http://www.ual.com) has schedule information attractively displayed in
type too small to read, with mysterious references to ASPEN CO at the bottom
of most pages in their web site, with longitude and latitude.
Varig (http://www.varig.com.br) has schedule info. The site's in Portugese;
click on Voos e Horarios to get to the schedule page.
Via Rail Canada (http://www.viarail.ca) isn't an airline but is competitive in
the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto corridor. Schedule and fare info, no reservations.
Aussi disponsible en francais. (Was developed in French and translated into
English, I know the guy who did it.)
Western Pacific (http://www.westpac.com) has bare-bones schedule info on their
web site.
* Any special deals for net users?
Airlines occasionally offer special fares or promotions to Internet users.
Air Canada (http://www.aircanada.ca:80/ac_world/schedule/) has weekly Websaver
special fares.
American Airlines has a mailing list for ``Net SAAver fares'', otherwise
unadvertised specials from Chicago or Dallas. Sign up on their web page
American Trans Air (http://www.ata.com) has ``net fares'', special fares
available only on their web site.
Canadian Airlines (http://www.cdnair.ca) has weekly web special weekend fares,
posted every Wednesday.
Carnival Air (http://www.carnivalair.com/) has occasional special offers.
Cathay Pacific Airlines (http://www.cathay-usa.com) has a contest (first prize
a fancy trip from the U.S. to Hong Kong), seat auctions, and other inducements
to buy. You have to register in their free ``Cybertraveller'' at the web site.
Continental (http://www.flycontinental.com/q3/cooltravel/cooltravel.html) has
a mailing list for net-only specials.
Finnair (http://www.us.finnair.com/) has occasional seat auctions.
Northwest (http://www.nwa.com/nwa/flight/promos/index.shtml) has promotions
including a few web-only fares which they put on their site on Wednesdays.
TWA (http://www.twa.com) has weekly web specials.
USAir (http://www.usair.com/travel/fares/esavers.htm) has an "e-savers"
mailing list with weekly special fares from Boston, Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia, other cities to be added.
* What travel agents and clubs are available?
Easy Sabre (http://www.easysabre.com) offers Traveller's Access, run by
Comp-U-Card which for $49/yr rebates 5% on air, hotel, and car rentals for you
and family members that they've ticketed for you and family members when you
send in receipts. In my experience, their agents are not very good.
Mass., primary access via Delphi, but Internet e-mail is fine, too. Costs
$39/yr, sliding rebate on tickets depending on price and how delivered.
Rebates mailed automatically quarterly. Lots of useful coupons and discounts.
That's the agency I usually use. Although they have a national clientele,
they're 1/2 mile from where I used to live, which may bias me somewhat.
* Are there other on-line agents?
There's lots of them.
NOTE: All of the descriptions below are edited from info provided by the
agencies themselves. There are many resources other than travel agents
available on the net, as well, but they're not listed here.
Compass Point Travel
welcomes Internet customers. Specialties include custom planning of major
trips, Club Med, discount cruises, adventure travel, and US-originating
international travel. Web page (http://www.cptravel.com/).
Stephanie Alford
welcomes Internet customers.
Edward Hasbrouck
Francisco, around-the-world specialists; also other discounted international
tickets; NOT a general-purpose, corporate, or domestic travel agency.
Germantown Travel
airline ticket agency suppling information and discounted tickets for domestic
and international travel. Web site (http://airtravel.com) with special fares
and Caribbean tour info.
Mike Espinosa
specializing in SE Asia, and Nepal. We offer kayaking, diving, and treks.
CTM Travel
business from the Internet.
AESU Travel
since they use usenet spam to promote themselves, I can't recommend you do
business with them.
Manny Segall at Vacation Partners
finds compatible travel mates for single travelers, for companionship and to
avoid the dreaded single supplement. Web page (http://vacationpartners.com).
Torcaza Trails
forest option in western Venezuela. Web page of Venezuela info
Genie Travel Services Inc.
international and domestic airline tickets for Internet customers. For prices,
see their web page (http://www.genietravel.com).
Endeavour Travel
and Australian travel, staffed in large part by Aussies and Kiwis. Web pages
(http://www.anzac.com/endvr/endvr.htm). I got Circle Pacific tickets from
them, service was decent.
Marla Baer-Peckham
full-service travel agency. Web page (http://iquest.com/~marla).
Kenneth Rishty
midtown Manhattan in New York City. He welcomes clients for either corporate
or leisure travel, and is also knowledgeable about Gay and Lesbian travel.
Maryann Novajosky
newsletter of discounted cruise vacation specials and cruise-related news.
Uniglobe GEM Travel
(http://www.uniglobe-gem.com/) with leisure info and travel request forms. Our
goal is not to find the cheapest product, but the best value for money.
Travel Incorporated
listing midwest departures of discounted charter programs to the Caribbean &
Mexico. The free listing can be obtained by e-mail
High Adventure Travel
http://www.highadv.com) focused on Around-the-World airfares and adventures.
They have considerable personal experience in Africa and the Himalayas. Handy
RTW fare builder on web site.
European Traveler,Inc.
vacations to Europe. Full colour brochure "EURO CITY TRIPS" available on
request offers 2-3-5 and 7 days packages in up to 40 cities all over Europe.
Association of Business Travellers
traveller a hotel reservation service, specials at top class hotels,
restaurants, service office facilities, lost lugage tracing, etc. Web page
The Air Line
holidays for travel from the UK. Details and a quotation form can be found at
their web page (http://www.demon.co.uk/csl/air-line/).
Zak Travel
specialising in flights from the UK to Europe and worldwide. We offer the
cheapest scheduled and charter flights and offer a no-obligation flight
reservation service.
Jan Hutchings
tailor-made travel worldwide at sensible prices: tours, flights,
accommodation, car hire, cruises. For departures from Britain.
Stephen P. Aleksza
beautiful Bamber Lake in Whiting NJ specializes in cruises and vacation
packages. Web page (http://www.eclipse.net/~vacation/travlk.htm).
Marc-Andre Lalande
Montreal specializes in incoming and outgoing tourism, leisure and corporate
travel from all over the world. Affiliated with wholesaler Groupe Voyages
Global Adventures
for the active and adventurous traveler to Australia, the South Pacific, and
Southern Africa. Web page:http://www.globaladventures.com (.)
Web page (http://www.crocker.com/cruisin).
Island Dreams Tours & Travel
diving, snorkeling, and world-wide adventure travel. Web page
(http://www.islandream.com/island/index.htm) with a broad range of information
of interest to scuba divers and international travelers.
Meet the People provides small-group and private-charter day tours for
international visitors to Sydney, Australia. Their web page
(http://www.meetoz.com.au/g_day) has links and other visitor info.
Bill Welk
reservation service in Oshkosh, Wi. and serve many special events organizers
by providing free use of our toll free phone numbers for information and
lodging connections. Web page (http://www.atw.fullfeed.com/~dadvanc/).
Jerry Johnson
info on smaller carriers (http://www.cucruising.com/cu) and can offer 20% to
25% off almost all TWA tickets.
Jimmy Georgiadis
experience with travel to the land of the Gods - GREECE. "If it's Greece, we
have it". Can arrange, hotels, car rentals, yacht rentals, tours. Web page
Bagwis Travel & Tours Inc.
specializes in international travel & local tours of the beautiful white sand
beaches in Mindanao. especially Pearl farm, a must for all tourists
and the Chunnel channel tunnel, with planning maps, car rental and discount
air fares. Web page (http://www.eurorail.com). Park'N Ticket Travel
Business Travel. We have a 24 hour travel agency as well as a 1,250 car
parking facility with a 24 hour shuttle service.
Paul Foley
, at Passport Executive Travel of Alexandria, VA, a
full-service agency, CLIA, and IGTA, specializes in Corporate Travel, personal
preference is Gay and Lesbian travel. Web page
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