<< Пред. стр. 736 (из 787) След. >>
service agency with a special emphasis in Caribbean destinations and the UK,
and have expertise in Israel and the Middle East. Web page
Cyber Air Broker
, Sydney, Australia, offers discounted
airfares worldwide. Free internet access for travelers in Sydney. Web page
(http://www.airdiscounter.com), also separate web pages for offices in Manila
(http://www.airdiscounter.com/ph) and Auckland
Lucky Travel
Arabian Gulf to all over the world, also arranges tours to US and far east.
Newlywed Susan Mitchell Skinner
near Atlanta specializes in honeymoons and family vacations -- but also work
with consolidators and offer fast turnaround on quotes to international
Re'em Greiver
, Patra Travel Agency in Israel,
specializes in business travel, as well as groups & FIT to Israel on the upper
class standards.
Costa Rica Express
Costa Rica, offers tours and packages on their web page
(http://www.icr.co.cr/crexpress) with a 20% discount to Internet users.
Priority Travel
specializing in corporate travel for small companies and start-ups who need to
minimize their travel costs. Also have specialist in European business or
vacation travel.
World Travel
travel to Southeast Asia. A Traveler's Choice Associate.
Super Saver Travel
service in getting you the lowest available airfares out of Denver and
Colorado Springs area. Domestic & International.
Alex Poplavskiy at Transit Travel and Tours
South Africa, offers domestic and worldwide ticketing with response and
confirmation within 24 hours. Also tour operator in Southern Africa.
Adventure Travel Service (http://www.greencis.net/~ats) provides domestic and
international consolidator tickets. Book online for domestic tickets using
ITN, and Spring Break '97 packages now available. Email
QuinWell Travel Service (http://www.quinwell.com) is a full-service travel
agency offering SABRE online reservations & ticketing, discounted cruises &
tours, free newsletter, and an extensive web site.
Travel Agents International (http://www.traveltai.com) specialize in corporate
travel and cruises. Located in Florida, offering special insight into Florida
vacation destinations. Reservations via ITN, and a custom designed form for
cruise quotations.
First Class Travel
travel, welcome Internet customers, E-mail for info.
Classic Travel
cruises, caribbean dream vacations, european discoveries, mexican getaways,
las vegas sprees, etc. Travelfax newsletter loaded with specials, send your
fax number for our latest copy.
Metropolitan Travel (http://www.mettravel.com), specializes in corporate
travel, res/tickets through ITN, offers reports online, tracking for companies
and employees, tracks trips, FF miles, etc., including pre-trip reports. Also
vacation specials through "Club Met".
Heather Trofholz
specialist. Knowledgeable, personalized service, delivery, maps, vacation
planning to the traveling individual. Available for new So. Orange County
clients. Web site (http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/3005).
Certified Travel Services (http://www.certravel.com) is building a network of
independent travel agents who operate from their homes or places of business.
Complete training, software, reservations system, manuals and continuing
support is offered. Listings of travel specials and on-line air travel booking
is provided through their Internet site.
Bob Tierney (http://vader.nw.com.au/~harley), owner of Australian Harley
Holidays and Hawg Custom Harley Tours, in Western Australia, offer motorcycle
tour packages, a unique holiday experience and cater to individuals through to
corporate groups.
Barbara & Earl Seppala (http://www.selective-travel.com/) of Selective Travel,
Scottsdale AZ, outside agents, specializing in cruises and international
tours. Email
in Hailey, ID
specializes in researching international discounted airfares.
Marvelous Tickets (http://www.marveloustickets.com) specializes in worldwide
sports tours & tickets, offering tickets and travel for major events in
football, baseball, tennis, boxing, racing, etc. for individuals & groups.
Event information is available at web site.
Shelley at Goel Travel International
conferences, and limousines for discerning individuals who appreciate
hassle-free service and privacy. Web site
TravelUSA (http://www.travusa.com) offers reservations and ticketing via Sabre
and Prestige Travel.
* Not recommended
WorldWide Family Travel appears to offer cruises from Florida, but since they
advertise using junk e-mail, I would recommend not doing business with them.
NOTE: If you're a travel agent and would like to be listed, drop me a note and
I'll add you. Please make my life easier by e-mailing me a three-line or so
description in the style above. Thanks.
PLEASE NOTE: I am not a travel agent, just an interested traveller. Everything
I know about on-line travel info is in this FAQ. Don't write or call me asking
for fare quotes, packages, or any other travel agent info, because I don't
have it.
John R. Levine, IECC, POB 640 Trumansburg NY 14886 +1 607 387 6869
johnl@iecc.com, Village Trustee and Sewer Commissioner, http://iecc.com/johnl,
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FILE: withoutvisa.txt
Визы, наши консульства и консульства у нас
Список стран, для поездки в которые не нужно получать визу
Date: 25 Jul 97
From: Сергей Лыжин
Безвизовый въезд российским гражданам. Куда?
Нет ли у кого-нибудь списка стран, для поездки в которые не
нужно получать визу. Желательно полный список, не ограничиваясь
популярными курортами -- про них все известно. Спасибо.
Антильские о-ва влад.Нидерландов
Венгрия без визы по приглашению
Доминиканская республика
Египет без визы для туристов
Катар без визы для туристов
Кения без визы для туристов
Кипр без визы до 90 дней
Колумбия без визы до 180 дней
Коморские острова
Куба без визы для туристов
Ливан без визы для туристов
Маврикий без визы до 14 дней при наличии обратных билетов
Македония без визы по приглашению
Малайзия без визы до 7 дней
Мальдвийская республика без визы до 30 дней
Намибия без визы для туристов
Непал без визы для туристов
ОАЭ без визы для туристов
Пакистан без визы для туристов
Польша без визы по приглашению
Сирия без визы для туристов
Словения без визы по приглашению
Сейшельские острова
Турция без визы для туристов
Хорватия без визы по приглашению
Шри-Ланка без визы по приглашению
Эквадор без визы до 3-х месяцев
Югославия без визы по приглашению
Мнения разделились
Иран виза
Китай одна из самых дорогих виз (около 150$ консульский сбор)
Монголия виза
Пакистан виза
Телефоны российских посольств и консульств
Статья из журнала "Иностранец"
http://www.florin.ru/win/ino/ ¦ http://www.florin.ru/win/ino/
Телефоны российских посольств и генеральных консульств,
находящихся на территории Западной Европы.
В скобках указаны код страны и код города. При звонке из
России и стран СНГ первую цифру "0" в коде города набирать не
нужно. При звонке из других стран цифра "0" набирается.
Посольство в Вене
(43-01)721 229,
731 215, 723 233
Консульский отдел
(43-01)713 1215
Генеральное консульство в Зальцбурге
(43-0662)241 84, 217 434
Посольство в Брюсселе
(32-02)374 6886, 374 3406
Консульский отдел
(32-02)374 3569, 374 2613
Генеральное консульство в Антверпене
(32-03)829 0589, 829 1611
Представительство МИД РФ
(39-06)687 7078, 393 79133
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