Вивчення теми "Великобританiя: видатнi мiста та особистостi" на уроках англiйськоi мови


Пiдтема: Об'iднане Королiвство Великобританii та Пiвнiчноi РЖрландii.

Географiчне положення. Загальна характеристика. Новi ЛО.

Мета: Ознайомити учнiв з новою лексикою та активiзувати ii вживання в мовi.

Практикувати учнiв у читаннi тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розумiння всiii iнформацii, що мiститься в текстi (scanning).

Обладнання: пiдручник, географiчна карта Великобританii, вiкторина за картою свiту (Н03), "Key-facts" (Н02),



Aim 1. Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our today's lesson is "The geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". By the end of the lesson you should be able:

тАв to recognize and understand new words and word combinations in the text;

тАв to read and understand the gist and details despite the natural difficulties;

тАв to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в iншомовну атмосферу.

1) Sayings. Робота над висловлюваннями "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing", "As knowledge increases, wonder deepens".

а) T: Have you ever heard these sayings? Read and translate them.

Explain how you understand these sayings? What is the main sense of them?

б) T: Listening to a joke "Fathers and sons". Father: Why were you kept in at school yesterday? Son: I didn't know where the Azores were.

Father: Well in future just remember where you put things.

в) Discussion.

T: Do you find this joke funny?

Do you want to be like this son or father?

Do you like geography lessons?

Do you know much about different countries and places in the world?


Is it important for an educated person to know a lot of things in different branches? Do you try to find out more about the huge world around us?

2) Geography quiz. Вiкторина.

T: Would you like to check your knowledge of geography and answer the questions of the quiz. Use the World map if you want.

Geography Quiz

1. Which island is the largest in the world? (Greenland)

2. Which river is the longest in the world? (Nile in Africa)

3. Why is the largest ocean called Pacific? Who gave it this name?

(It was called so by Magellan. During his round-the-world voyage the Pacific Ocean was absolutely calm).

4. What is the resemblance between Kyiv, Ottawa and London? (They are the capitals of the countries).

5. Black, Red, White, Yellow тАФ what word (not "colour") can be added to each of these to put them all in the same group? (Sea)

6. What countries make up Great Britain? (England, Scotland and Wales).

7. Is there a capital of Europe?

(Europe is a continent, not a country, it has no capital).

8. What another name does the English Channel have? (La Manche)

9. Is the UK an European country?

(Yes, it is. It lies in the northwest of Europe).

10. The largest island in Europe. (Great Britain).

T: Oh, I see you know geography well.

But L. has got 6 points for his/her answers. It's the best result! My best congratulations!



1. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", впр 6 (стор. 28).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап пiдготовки до читання.

а) Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Look at the map of the UK and answer the question.

Is the geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland suitable for the development of its relations with foreign countries?

б) Do ex. 2, p. 26.

Listen to the following geographical names from teacher's voice (from tape-recorder). Read them together with the translation. Find them on the map.

в) T: Do you know what the following words mean? Do ex. 9a, 6, p. 28.

Read the words, word-combinations and sentences together with the translation. Cover the right side of the page and translate the words, word-combinations and sentences into Ukrainian.


2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ пiд час читання.

а) Skimming. Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його змiст.

Т: What do you want to know about the geographical position of the UK?

Write 5 questions and then look through the text and try to find out the answers for your questions.

б) Scanning. Читання тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розумiння всiii iнформацii, що мiститься в текстi та критичного ii осмислення.

Т: Read the text again and write down the Key-facts about the UK and its climate.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
тАФ Official name:
тАФ Countries making upтАФ Surface:
Great Britain:тАФ Highest mountain:
тАФ Great Britain is washed by:тАФ Longest river:
тАФ 4 parts making upтАФ Capital:
the United Kingdom:тАФ Climate:

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розумiння тексту та виконання пiслятекстових комунiкативних вправ.

а) Answer the questions.

What is the official name of Great Britain? Where is it situated?

What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? What parts does Great Britain consist of? What city is the capital of Great Britain? What is the surface of the country? Are there any big rivers?

What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?

What is Great Britain washed by?

How can you characterize the climate of Great Britain?

б) Translate the sentences into English in 50 seconds, ex. 10, p. 29.

в) All of you know and watch the most popular TV programme "What? Where? When?" Pretend to be a presenter of this TV programme.

Ask questions about the United Kingdom using the Key-facts and the map.


Homework 1. Домашнi завдання.

Впр. 9с (стор. 28).

Т: Write an essay on the United Kingdom covering all the main things concerning its geography and climate. Concentrate on these things:

тАв 4 parts making up the UK;

тАв Countries making up Great Britain;

тАв Geographical position-oceans, seas washed by, rives and mountains;

тАв The influence of the sea on climate;

тАв Is the geographical position of UK suitable for the development of its relations with foreign countries.

Summarizing 2. Пiдбиття пiдсумкiв уроку.

T: Which activities have we done today?

Was it difficult for you to read the text about the UK?

What have you to do to improve your skills in reading and understanding the text?


Пiдтема: Економiчний розвиток Великобританii.

Мета: Активiзувати ЛО теми в мовi учнiв.

Пiдготувати учнiв до самостiйного складання iнтервтАЩю на основi змiсту прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: пiдручник, карта Великобританii, "Jigsaw Sentences" (HO1), "Match the Pairs" (H02), "True or False" (H03).



Aim 1. Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are going to talk about the economical development of Great Britain. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

тАв to read and understand the gist and details of the text;

тАв to conduct a dialogue with another person taking an interview.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в iншомовну атмосферу.

(HO1): Game "Jigsaw sentences".

Give a set of jigsaw sentences to each pair or group of four students. Ask students to make up 3 sentences, read and translate them after that. Which group will be the first one to make up the sentences. Jigsaw sentences: (The cards are mixed)

Great Britainin the worldone of the leading countries
is famousGreat Britainfor its woolen industry
has gota highly developed industryGreat Britain


Vocabulary 1. Активiзацiя ЛО теми "The industry of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

Practice 1) Revising vocabulary. Повторення ЛО.

Read the words, word-combinations with the translation.

Виконання впр. 16a (стор. ЗО).

2) Matching. Знайти пару.


Match the pairs.
1. mineral resourcesа) ipar
2. islandb) hajóépítő ipar
3. agriculturalc) ismert (valamiről)
4. industryd) ásványi kincsek
5. famous forе) gyapjú
6. to be rich inf) sziget
7. wooleng) mezőgazdasági
8. a ship-building industryh) gazdag (valamiben)
9. leadingi) vezető

Key: Id; 2f; 3g; 4a; 5c; 6h; 7e; 8b; 9i.

3) Practising vocabulary. Finish the sentences. Закiнчити речення. T: Great Britain is famous for..

Great Britain is one of the leading countries in.. Some parts of Great Britain are..

4) Writing. Ask different kinds of questions to the following sentence. Поставити запитання до речення.

Т: Great Britain has got a highly developed industry.

Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland", впр. 15 (стор ЗО).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап пiдготовки до читання тексту.

Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

тАФ Is the UK one of the most developed countries in the world?

тАФ Which oppotunity has it got for it?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ пiд час читання. Read the text and find out if the facts are true or false.

(HO 3):

True or False.TrueFalse
1. What is Great Britain rich in?
2. What goods does the British industry produce?
3. Which cities are the centres of industries of Great Britain?
4. Is Northern Ireland an agricultural region?
5. What kind of industry has Northern Ireland got?
6. Where are industries centered in Northern Ireland?

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розумiння тексту та виконання пiслятекстових комунiкативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions on the blackboard. What is Great Britain rich in?

What goods does the British industry produce?

Which cities are the centers of industries of Great Britain?

Is Northern Ireland an agricultural region?

What kind of industry has Northern Ireland got?

Where are industries centered in Northern Ireland?

б) T: Pretend to be a reporter with the Ukrainian newspaper "News from Ukraine". Interview the Prime minister of the UK to know more about the economical development of the United Kingdom. Use the questions to the text on the blackboard to help you. Which interview will be more natural?


Homework 1. Домашнi завдання.

Впр. 16, (стор. ЗО), вивчити слова.

Впр. 17 (стор. 30-31), перекласти речення на украiнську мову. Т: Are there any different ways to interpret the verb "to enter"?


beszédbe elegyedni

to enter


bejutni (felső oktatási intézménybe)

Does the context help us to define the best variant of translation? Повторити текст про Украiну, впр. 5 (стор. 7-8).

Summarizing 2. Пiдбиття пiдсумкiв уроку.

Т: What are we talking about?

What makes our dialogues more natural?


Пiдтема: Украiна та Великобританiя. Контроль позакласного читання.

Мета: Пiдготувати учнiв до самостiйного усного повiдомлення про порiвняльну характеристику географiчного положення та клiмату Украiни й Великобританii на основi прослуханого тексту. Проконтролювати пiдготовку тексту для позакласного читання.

Обладнання: пiдручник, географiчнi карти Великобританii та Украiни, "Odd One Out" (на дошцi), "Read the questions about Ukraine" (HO,), "Fill in the missing information" (H02), "Pick up the sentences" (Ho3).



Aim 1. Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are going to talk about the geographical position and the climate of

Ukraine and Great Britain.

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

тАв to understand the gist and details of the text for listening;

тАв to give a comparative characteristics of the geographical position and climate of Ukraine and Great Britain;

тАв to discuss Task 4 of your Home Reading.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в iншомовну атмосферу.

Game: "Odd One Out". Find the odd one out and say why. Example: green, big, orange, brown. Big. All the other words denote colours.

1) June, January, March, spring, May

2) Paris, Kyiv, New York, London

3) Africa, Europe, Asia, Great Britain.

4) The Dnieper, the Dniester, the Severn, the Donets

5) warm, mild, damp, beautiful.

6) Atlantic Ocean, the Black sea, the North Sea, the Sea of Azov.


Listening 1. Аудiювання тексту "Ukraine and Great Britain".

1) Pre-Listening Activities. Етап пiдготовки до аудiювання.

а) "Do you know that?"

Змагання двох команд. Одна команда ставить питання про Великобританiю, друга тАФ про Украiну.

б) Read the questions about Great Britain and answer them. Виконання впр. 22 (стор. 31).

Use the map of Great Britain.

в) Answer the questions.


Read the questions about Ukraine, and answer them. Use the map of Ukraine. Where is Ukraine situated? What seas is Ukraine washed by? What is the total territory of Ukraine? What is the main river of Ukraine? What are the highest mountains of Ukraine? What is the capital of Ukraine? What river does Kyiv stand on? What are the largest rivers in our country? What river is navigated by large ships? Is Ukraine situated on the European continent? Is the climate of our country temperately continental or moderated? In what part of Ukraine is the climate subtropical?

2) While-Listening Activities. Етап слухання тексту та виконання вправ пiд час слухання.

Ukraine and Great Britain

Both Ukraine and Great Britain lie in Europe, but Ukraine is situated on the European continent and Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English channel.

In fact Britain is a sea country. It lies on the crossways of the sea routes to the different parts of the world. Great Britain is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, by the North sea in the east, and by the Irish sea in the west.

Ukraine is a landlocked country. The major water bodies bordering it are the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the south. It lies on the crossways of the land routes from the east to the west and from the north to the south.

Ukraine is larger than Great Britain. The area of Great Britain is 24, 500 sq km, and the area of Ukraine is 603, 700 sq km.

In both countries there are a lot of mountains. In Great Britain there are the Pennines and the Cambrian mountains. In Ukraine we have got the Carpathians and the Crimean mountains.

There are a lot of rivers in both countries. In Great Britain they are not very long and deep. The Thames is wide and deep enough for large ships in this country.

The largest rivers in Ukraine are the Dnieper, the Dniester, and the Southern Bugh. The Dnieper is navigated by large ships.

The climate of Ukraine is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of Crimea. The climate of Great Britain is moderated because of ocean breezes.

T: Listen to the text and fill the missing information in the grid. (HO1 ): Full in the missing information.

Points to compareUkraineGreat Britain
Continentis separated from the continent by the English channel
The total area603. 700 sq km
Washed by:the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, by the North Sea in the East, by Irish Sea in the west
Mountains:the Pennines and the Cambrian mountains
Climate:Temperately continental, subtropical in Crimea

Compare your answers with your partner. Then we'll check the filling in the grid. 3) Post-Listening Activities. Контроль розумiння тексту та виконання комунiкативних вправ пiсля прослуховування тексту.

Т: Give a comparative characteristic of the geographical position and climate of both countries using the grid.

Check on 2. Контроль тексту для позакласного читання "River Water", завдання 4 (стор. 93-95).

Home Reading i) Conversation. Бесiда з учнями.

Т: Have you ever read sketches after Gerome K. Gerome?

Are there a lot of dialogues in his sketches?

It is difficult to read them or not?

Do you always find them funny?

2) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розумiння тексту та виконання пiслятексто-вих комунiкативних вправ.

a) Pick out and read the sentences that are not true. Correct them.

(H03): Pick up the sentences.

We decided to stop near Windson in order to have supper. The boiling will kill all the germs presented in the water. We looked and saw nothing in the river.

We will have known about the illness by the end of two weeks.

б) Answer the questions of ex. 2, p. 95.

в) Dramatize the dialogue between the three young men.


Homework 1. Домашнi завдання.

Завдання 5 для позакласного читання, стор. 95-96. Впр. 24 (стор. 32).

Написати порiвняльну характеристику Украiни та Великобританii, використовуючи заповнену на уроцi таблицю.

Summarizing 2. Пiдбиття пiдсумкiв уроку.

Т: What have we done today?

Was it difficult for you to give a comparative characteristic of the geographical position and climate of our country and Great Britain?

What have we to do to make this kind of work easier?


Пiдтема: Великобританiя. Осiнь в Англii. Минулий доконаний час.

Мета: Повторити та активiзувати у мовi учнiв минулий доконаний час.

Пiдготувати учнiв до самостiйного висловлювання про осiнь в Англii на основi прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: пiдручник, граматична таблиця "Past Perfect Tense", "Example Situation" (HO,), висловлювання P. Кiплiнга про красу Англii, "Noughts and crosses", grid (на дошцi), "Henry and his Guests" (H02).



Aim 1. Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: We are going to talk about the beauty of England at any time of the year, and especially in Autumn.

We have to revise the grammar material the Past Perfect Tense.

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

тАв to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson;

тАв to operate the grammar material about the Present Perfect tense, using it in oral speech.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в iншомовну атмосферу.

Game "Noughts and crosses". Гра ВлХрестики-ноликиВ».

Draw on the board a "Noughts and crosses" grid with nine categories like this: Past Perfect (I had done).

Вместе с этим смотрят:

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